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1. Prion protein (PrPC) is a host-encoded glycoprotein constitutively expressed on the neuronal cell surface. Accumulation of its protease-resistant isoform is closely related to pathologic changes and prion propagation in the brain tissue of a series of prion diseases. However, the physiological role of PrPC remains to be elucidated. 2. After long-term observation, we noted impaired motor coordination and loss of cerebellar Purkinje cells in the aged mice homozygous for a disrupted PrP gene, a finding which strongly suggests that PrPC plays a role in the long-term survival of Purkinje cells. 3. We also describe the resistance of the PrP null mice to the prion, indicating the requirement of PrPC for both the development of prion diseases and the prion propagation.  相似文献   

A diverse family of protein 4.1R isoforms is encoded by a complex gene on human chromosome 1. Although the prototypical 80-kDa 4.1R in mature erythrocytes is a key component of the erythroid membrane skeleton that regulates erythrocyte morphology and mechanical stability, little is known about 4.1R function in nucleated cells. Using gene knockout technology, we have generated mice with complete deficiency of all 4.1R protein isoforms. These 4.1R-null mice were viable, with moderate hemolytic anemia but no gross abnormalities. Erythrocytes from these mice exhibited abnormal morphology, lowered membrane stability, and reduced expression of other skeletal proteins including spectrin and ankyrin, suggesting that loss of 4. 1R compromises membrane skeleton assembly in erythroid progenitors. Platelet morphology and function were essentially normal, indicating that 4.1R deficiency may have less impact on other hematopoietic lineages. Nonerythroid 4.1R expression patterns, viewed using histochemical staining for lacZ reporter activity incorporated into the targeted gene, revealed focal expression in specific neurons in the brain and in select cells of other major organs, challenging the view that 4.1R expression is widespread among nonerythroid cells. The 4.1R knockout mice represent a valuable animal model for exploring 4.1R function in nonerythroid cells and for determining pathophysiological sequelae to 4.1R deficiency.  相似文献   

Trophectoderm epithelium formation, the first visible differentiation process during mouse embryonic development, is affected in embryos lacking the cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin. Here we analyze the developmental potential of such E-cadherin-negative embryos, focusing on the organization of cell junctions and the cytoskeleton. To do this we used antibodies directed against alpha-, beta-, or gamma-(plakoglobin)-catenin and junctional and cytoskeletal proteins including ZO-1 and occludin (tight junctions), desmoglein1 (desmosomes), connexin43 (gap junctions), and EndoA (cytokeratin intermediate filaments). Membrane localization of alpha- and beta-catenin, and ZO-1, as well as cortical actin filament organization were abnormal in E-cadherin-negative embryos, and the expression levels of alpha- and beta-catenin were dramatically reduced, all suggesting a regulatory role for E-cadherin in forming the cadherin-catenin complex. In contrast, the membrane localization of plakoglobin, occludin, desmoglein1, connexin43, and cytokeratin filaments appeared unaltered. The unusual morphogenesis in E-cadherin-negative embryos apparently reflects defects in the molecular architecture of a supermolecular assembly involving zonulae adherens, tight junctions, and cortical actin filament organization, although the individual structures still appeared normal in electron microscopical analysis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells lacking the histone-like protein HU form filaments and have an abnormal number of anucleate cells. Furthermore, their phenotype resembles that of rfa mutants, the well-characterized deep-rough phenotype, as they show an enhanced permeability that renders them hypersensitive to chloramphenicol, novobiocin, and detergents. We show that, unlike rfa mutants, hupAB mutants do not have a truncated lipopolysaccharide but do have an abnormal abundance of OmpF porin in their outer membrane. While the complete absence of HU does not abolish the osmoregulation of OmpF protein synthesis, the steady-state level of micF RNA, the negative regulator of OmpF, decreases in bacteria lacking HU, increasing the basal level of this membrane protein. These findings demonstrate a novel link between a bacterial chromosomal protein and the outer membrane composition.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43), which is predominantly expressed in lens epithelial cells in the control of lens development and organization. METHODS: Newborn mice in which the Cx43 gene was disrupted by homologous recombination were used. Lenses from Cx43 (-/-) mice and wild-type littermates were processed by using 2% glutaraldehyde fixation for light and transmission electron microscopy and by freezing in liquid nitrogen for light and confocal microscopy of immunofluorescence in cryosections. RESULTS: In wild-type mice, Cx43 was immunolocalized to apical and lateral regions of lens epithelial cells and throughout the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and retina. In the bow, or equatorial, region of the lens, Cx43 disappeared gradually at the margins of the epithelial layer, whereas major intrinsic polypeptide, MP26, and alpha-crystallins were only detected in differentiated fiber cells. Ultrastructural studies revealed that epithelial cells and epithelial fiber cells were connected by large gap junctions. Lens fiber cells were closely apposed to apical boundaries of epithelial cells and apposed to one another along their entire lengths. In Cx43 (-/-) mice, epithelial cells were connected more loosely. The distribution of MP26 and alpha-crystallin in bow region fiber cells in Cx43 (-/-) lenses was not distinguishable from that in the lenses of wild-type mice. Cx46 and Cx50 were also expressed in superficial and cortical fiber cells, with similar distributions in Cx43 (-/-) and wild-type mice. However, organization of appositional membranes between lens fiber cells and between fiber and epithelial cells differed dramatically in the Cx43 (-/-) lens. In contrast to the close apposition of cells in lenses of normal mice, fiber cells in Cx43 (-/-) lenses were largely separated from apical surfaces of epithelial cells, and large vacuolar spaces were apparent between fiber cells, most prominently in deeper cortical regions. CONCLUSIONS: The normal differentiation of lens fiber cells in the bow region in lenses of Cx43 (-/-) mice, evidenced by similar distributions of Cx46, Cx50, MP26, and alpha-crystallin, suggests that the expression of Cx43 is not required for this process. However, these lenses exhibit grossly dilated extracellular spaces and intracellular vacuoles, indicative of early stages of cataract formation. These changes suggest that osmotic balance within the lens is markedly altered in Cx43 (-/-) animals, highlighting the importance of intercellular communication mediated by lens epithelial Cx43 gap junctions in the function of this tissue.  相似文献   

Calcification of the extracellular matrix (ECM) can be physiological or pathological. Physiological calcification occurs in bone when the soft ECM is converted into a rigid material capable of sustaining mechanical force; pathological calcification can occur in arteries and cartilage and other soft tissues. No molecular determinant regulating ECM calcification has yet been identified. A candidate molecule is matrix GLA protein (Mgp), a mineral-binding ECM protein synthesized by vascular smooth-muscle cells and chondrocytes, two cell types that produce an uncalcified ECM. Mice that lack Mgp develop to term but die within two months as a result of arterial calcification which leads to blood-vessel rupture. Chondrocytes that elaborate a typical cartilage matrix can be seen in the affected arteries. Mgp-deficient mice additionally exhibit inappropriate calcification of various cartilages, including the growth plate, which eventually leads to short stature, osteopenia and fractures. These results indicate that ECM calcification must be actively inhibited in soft tissues. To our knowledge, Mgp is the first inhibitor of calcification of arteries and cartilage to be characterized in vivo.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic (EM) studies were performed to clarify the interactions of membrane proteins in the red blood cell membrane structure in situ of a homozygous patient with total deficiency of protein 4.1 who carried a point mutation of the downstream translation initiation codon (AUG --> AGG) of the protein 4.1 gene [the 4.1 (-) Madrid; Dalla Venezia et al, J Clin Invest 90:1713, 1992]. Immunologically, as expected, protein 4.1 was completely missing in the red blood cell membrane structure in situ. A markedly disrupted skeletal network was observed by EM using the quick-freeze deep-etching method and the surface replica method, although the number of spectrin molecules was only minimally reduced (395 +/- 63/microm2; normal, 504 +/- 36/microm2). The number of basic units in the skeletal network was strikingly reduced (131 +/- 21/microm2; normal, 548 +/- 39/microm2), with decreased small-sized units (17 +/- 4/microm2; normal, 384 +/- 52/microm2) and increased large-sized units (64% +/- 14%; normal, 5% +/- 1%). Concomitantly, immuno-EM disclosed striking clustering of spectrin molecules with aggregated ankyrin molecules in the red blood cell membrane structure in situ. Although no quantitative abnormalities in the number and size distribution of the intramembrane particles were observed, there was a disappearance of regular distribution, with many clusters of various sizes, probably reflecting the distorted skeletal network. Therefore, protein 4.1 suggests by EM to play a crucial role in maintenance of the normal integrity of the membrane structure in situ not only of the skeletal network but also of the integral proteins.  相似文献   

In the present study, the gene encoding rat 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (rHSD17B1 gene) was cloned and characterized. Like the analogous human gene (hHSD17B1), rHSD17B1 contains six exons and five introns spanning approximately 2.2 kb. The identity between the exons and introns of the two genes ranges from 58% to 82% and 42% to 57%, respectively. In contrast to hHSD17B1, rHSD17B1 is not duplicated. The cap site for rHSD17B1 was localized to position -41 upstream of the ATG translation initiation codon. Sequence comparison of the first 200 bp upstream of the cap site showed 72% identity between the human and rat HSD17B1 genes, including a conserved GC-rich area. Further upstream, no significant identity between the two genes was observed and several, cis-acting elements known to modulate the expression of hHSD17B1 are not conserved in the rat gene. Rat HSD17B1 unlike hHSD17B1 with two cap sites, possesses two polyadenylation signals, thus resulting in two mRNAs.  相似文献   

The signals regulating ovarian follicle development and the mechanisms by which they are communicated are largely undefined. At birth, the ovary contains primordial follicles consisting of meiotically arrested oocytes surrounded by a single layer of supporting (granulosa) cells. Periodically, subsets of primordial follicles undergo further development during which the oocyte increases in size and the granulosa cells proliferate, stratify and develop a fluid-filled antrum. After ovulation, oocytes resume meiosis and granulosa cells retained in the follicle differentiate into steroidogenic cells, forming the corpus luteum. It has been proposed that intercellular signalling through gap junction channels may influence aspects of follicular development. Gap junctions are aggregations of intercellular channels composed of connexins, a family of at least 13 related proteins that directly connect adjacent cells allowing the diffusional movement of ions, metabolites, and other potential signalling molecules. Here we show that connexin 37 is present in gap junctions between oocyte and granulosa cells and that connexin 37-deficient mice lack mature (Graafian) follicles, fail to ovulate and develop numerous inappropriate corpora lutea. In addition, oocyte development arrests before meiotic competence is achieved. Thus, cell-cell signalling through intercellular channels critically regulates the highly coordinated set of cellular interactions required for successful oogenesis and ovulation.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is one of two collectins found in the pulmonary alveolus. On the basis of homology with other collectins, potential functions for SP-D include roles in innate immunity and surfactant metabolism. The SP-D gene was disrupted in embryonic stem cells by homologous recombination to generate mice deficient in SP-D. Mice heterozygous for the mutant SP-D allele had SP-D concentrations that were approximately 50% wild type but no other obvious phenotypic abnormality. Mice totally deficient in SP-D were healthy to 7 months but had a progressive accumulation of surfactant lipids, SP-A, and SP-B in the alveolar space. By 8 weeks the alveolar phospholipid pool was 8-fold higher than wild-type littermates. There was also a 10-fold accumulation of alveolar macrophages in the null mice, and many macrophages were both multinucleated and foamy in appearance. Type II cells in the null mice were hyperplastic and contained giant lamellar bodies. These alterations in surfactant homeostasis were not associated with detectable changes in surfactant surface activity, postnatal respiratory function, or survival. The findings in the SP-D-deficient mice suggest a role for SP-D in surfactant homeostasis.  相似文献   

N-formylpeptides derive from bacterial and mitochondrial proteins, and bind to specific receptors on mammalian phagocytes. Since binding induces chemotaxis and activation of phagocytes in vitro, it has been postulated that N-formylpeptide receptor signaling in vivo may be important in antimicrobial host defense, although direct proof has been lacking. Here we test this hypothesis in mice lacking the high affinity N-formylpeptide receptor (FPR), created by targeted gene disruption. FPR-/- mice developed normally, but had increased susceptibility to challenge with Listeria monocytogenes, as measured by increased mortality compared with wild-type littermates. FPR-/- mice also had increased bacterial load in spleen and liver 2 d after infection, which is before development of a specific cellular immune response, suggesting a defect in innate immunity. Consistent with this, neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro and neutrophil mobilization into peripheral blood in vivo in response to the prototype N-formylpeptide fMLF (formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine) were both absent in FPR-/- mice. These results indicate that FPR functions in antibacterial host defense in vivo.  相似文献   

PRINTS is a diagnostic collection of protein fingerprints. Fingerprints exploit groups of motifs to build characteristic family signatures, offering improved diagnostic reliability over single-motif approaches by virtue of the mutual context provided by motif neighbours. Around 1000 fingerprints have now been created and stored in PRINTS. The September 1998 release (version 20.0), encodes approximately 5700 motifs, covering a range of globular and membrane proteins, modular polypeptides and so on. The database is accessible via the DbBrowser Web Server at http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/dbbrowser /. In addition to supporting its continued growth, recent enhancements to the resource include a BLAST server, and more efficient fingerprint search software, with improved statistics for estimating the reliability of retrieved matches. Current efforts are focused on the design of more automated methods for database maintenance; implementation of an object-relational schema for efficient data management; and integration with PROSITE, profiles, Pfam and ProDom, as part of the international InterPro project, which aims to unify protein pattern databases and offer improved tools for genome analysis.  相似文献   

We have examined the regeneration of corticospinal tract fibers and expression of various extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and intermediate filaments [vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)] after dorsal hemisection of the spinal cord of adult GFAP-null and wild-type littermate control mice. The expression of these molecules was also examined in the uninjured spinal cord. There was no increase in axon sprouting or long distance regeneration in GFAP-/- mice compared to the wild type. In the uninjured spinal cord (i) GFAP was expressed in the wild type but not the mutant mice, while vimentin was expressed in astrocytes in the white matter of both types of mice; (ii) laminin and fibronectin immunoreactivity was localized to blood vessels and meninges; (iii) tenascin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) labeling was detected in astrocytes and the nodes of Ranvier in the white matter; and (iv) in addition, CSPG labeling which was generally less intense in the gray matter of mutant mice. Ten days after hemisection there was a large increase in vimentin+ cells at the lesion site in both groups of mice. These include astrocytes as well as meningeal cells that migrate into the wound. The center of these lesions was filled by laminin+/fibronectin+ cells. Discrete strands of tenascin-like immunoreactivity were seen in the core of the lesion and lining its walls. Marked increases in CSPG labeling was observed in the CNS parenchyma on either side of the lesion. These results indicate that the absence of GFAP in reactive astrocytes does not alter axonal sprouting or regeneration. In addition, except for CSPG, the expression of various ECM molecules appears unaltered in GFAP-/- mice.  相似文献   

Mice with a null mutation in the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) gene harbor immunoglobulin and T cell receptor repertoires essentially devoid of N-region diversity. Consequently, the CDR3 loops important for antigen recognition are shorter and considerably less diverse than those of wild-type controls. We find surprisingly normal immune responses in TdT0 mice, as regards both efficiency and specificity. This provokes a reconsideration of the assumption that N-region diversity is required for an effective T and B cell repertoire.  相似文献   

Multiple low-dose streptozotocin (MD-STZ) is widely used for the experimental induction of diabetes, but, as non-obese diabetic (NOD)-scid/scid mice have been found to display enhanced susceptibility to MD-STZ, whether or not the model is genuinely autoimmune and T cell-mediated has been unclear. Mice bearing a targeted mutation of the T cell receptor (TCR) alpha-chain were therefore used to assess whether TCR alphabeta+ cells are involved in the diabetogenic effects of MD-STZ injections. Young NOD mice lacking TCR alphabeta cells, when given five daily injections of 40 mg/kg STZ, developed diabetes at low frequency (2/12), despite the widespread destruction of pancreatic islet cells. By comparison, most normal control mice became hyperglycaemic (12/23). We conclude that whilst much of the tissue destruction observed in this model is due to the direct toxic effect of STZ, a significant amount is also due to the action of TCR alphabeta cells tipping the balance between tolerable and clinically damaging action on islet cells.  相似文献   

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