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Molecular dynamics simulations were used to study the structure and dynamics of the Escherichia coli OmpF porin, which is composed of three identical 16-stranded beta-barrels. Simulations of the full trimer in the absence of water and the membrane led to significant contraction of the channel in the interior of each beta-barrel. With very weak harmonic constraints (0.005 kcal/mol A2/atom) applied to the main-chain C alpha atoms of the beta-barrel, the structure was stabilized without alteration of the average fluctuations. The resulting distribution of the fluctuations (small for beta-strands, large for loops and turns) is in good agreement with the x-ray B factors. Dynamic cross-correlation functions showed the importance of coupling between the loop motions and barrel flexibility. This was confirmed by the application of constraints corresponding to the observed temperature factors to the barrel C alpha atoms. With these constraints, the beta-barrel fluctuations were much smaller than the experimental values because of the intrinsic restrictions on the atomic motions, and the loop motions were reduced significantly. This result indicates that considerable care is required in introducing constraints to keep proteins close to the experimental structure during simulations, as has been done in several recent studies. Loop 3, which is thought to be important in gating the pore, undergoes a displacement that shifts it away from the x-ray structure. Analysis shows that this arises from the breakdown of a hydrogen bond network, which appears to result more from the absence of solvent that from the use of standard ionization states for the side chains of certain beta-barrel residues.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the properties of pores formed by OmpF porin from Escherichia coli, based on a molecular dynamics simulation of the OmpF trimer, 318 palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine lipids, 27 Na+ ions, and 12,992 water molecules. After equilibration and a nanosecond production run, the OmpF trimer exhibits a C-alpha root mean square deviation from the crystal structure of 0.23 nm and a stable secondary structure. No evidence is found for large-scale motions of the L3 loop. We investigate the pore dimensions, conductance, and the properties of water inside the pore. This water forms a complicated pattern, even when averaged over 1 ns of simulation time. Around the pore constriction zone the water dipoles are highly structured in the plane of the membrane, oriented by the strong transversal electric field. In addition, there is a net orientation along the pore axis pointing from the extracellular to the intracellular side of the bilayer. The diffusion coefficients of water inside the pore are greatly reduced compared to bulk. We compare our results to results from model pores (Breed et al., 1996. Biophys. J. 70:1 643-1 661; Sansom et al. 1997. Biophys. J. 73:2404-241 5) and discuss implications for further theoretical work.  相似文献   

The organic solvent tolerance of Escherichia coli was measured under conditions in which OmpF levels were controlled by various means as follows: alteration of NaCl concentration in the medium, transformation with a stress-responsive gene (marA, robA, or soxS), or disruption of the ompF gene. It was shown that solvent tolerance of E. coli did not depend upon OmpF levels in the membrane.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria are protected by an outer membrane in which trimeric channels, the porins, facilitate the passage of small solutes. The pores are formed by membrane-spanning antiparallel beta-strands, which are connected by short turns on the periplasmic side and long loops on the extracellular side. Voltage and pH-dependent conformational changes of these extracellular loops have now been visualized by atomic force microscopy of two-dimensional crystals of Escherichia coli porin OmpF. The observed conformational changes accompany the closure of the channel entrance, and suggest that this is a mechanism that the cells have evolved to protect themselves from drastic changes of the environment.  相似文献   

The porins PhoE and OmpF form anion and cation-selective pores, respectively, in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Each monomer of these trimeric proteins consists of a 16-stranded beta-barrel, which contains a constriction at half the height of the channel. The functional significance of a transverse electrical field that is formed by charged amino acid residues within the constriction zone was investigated. For this purpose, the PhoE residues R37, R75, K18 and E110 were substituted by neutral amino acids. The mutant pores allowed an increased permeation of beta-lactam antibiotics across the outer membrane in vivo, although the single channel conductance, measured in planar lipid bilayers, was not increased or even slightly decreased. Replacement of the positively charged residues resulted in a decreased voltage sensitivity, whereas the substitution of a negatively charged residue resulted in an increased voltage sensitivity. Similar substitutions in OmpF caused the opposite effects, i.e. the substitution of positive and negative charges resulted in increased and decreased voltage sensitivity, respectively. Together, the results suggest that opposite charges, i.e. positive charges in anion-selective and negative charges in cation-selective porins, act as sensors for voltage gating.  相似文献   

We determined the relative binding affinity of the MetR protein for wild-type and mutant MetR binding sites 1 and 2 in the Escherichia coli glyA control region. The results show that MetR binding site 1 has a higher affinity for the MetR protein than binding site 2. In addition, the results suggest that binding of MetR to the glyA promoter is cooperative. Mutations that decrease the ability of MetR to bind to either site 1 or site 2 have no significant effect on MetR's ability to bend DNA.  相似文献   

The conjugative plasmid pRSD2 carries a raf operon that encodes a peripheral raffinose metabolic pathway in enterobacteria. In addition to the previously known raf genes, we identified another gene, rafY, which in Escherichia coli codes for an outer membrane protein (molecular mass, 53 kDa) similar in function to the known glycoporins LamB (maltoporin) and ScrY (sucrose porin). Sequence comparisons with LamB and ScrY revealed no significant similarities; however, both lamB and scrY mutants are functionally complemented by RafY. Expressed from the tac promoter, RafY significantly increases the uptake rates for maltose, sucrose, and raffinose at low substrate concentrations; in particular it shifts the apparent K(m) for raffinose transport from 2 mM to 130 microM. Moreover, RafY permits diffusion of the tetrasaccharide stachyose and of maltodextrins up to maltoheptaose through the outer membrane of E. coli. A comparison of all three glycoporins in regard to their substrate selectivity revealed that both ScrY and RafY have a broad substrate range which includes alpha-galactosides while LamB seems to be restricted to malto-oligosaccharides. It supports growth only on maltodextrins but not, like the others, on raffinose and stachyose.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose 4-epimerase catalyzes the interconversion of UDP-galactose and UDP-glucose during normal galactose metabolism. Within recent years the enzyme from Escherichia coli has been studied extensively by both biochemical and X-ray crystallographic techniques. One of several key features in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme involves the putative rotation of a 4'-ketopyranose intermediate within the active site region. The mode of binding of UDP-glucose to epimerase is well understood on the basis of previous high-resolution X-ray crystallographic investigations from this laboratory with an enzyme/NADH/UDP-glucose abortive complex. Attempts to prepare an enzyme/NADH/UDP-galactose abortive complex always failed, however, in that UDP-glucose rather than UDP-galactose was observed binding in the active site. In an effort to prepare an abortive complex with UDP-galactose, a site-directed mutant protein was constructed in which Ser 124 and Tyr 149, known to play critical roles in catalysis, were substituted with alanine and phenylalanine residues, respectively. With this double mutant it was possible to crystallize and solve the three-dimensional structures of reduced epimerase in the presence of UDP-glucose or UDP-galactose to high resolution. This study represents the first direct observation of UDP-galactose binding to epimerase and lends strong structural support for a catalytic mechanism in which there is free rotation of a 4'-ketopyranose intermediate within the active site cleft of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cardiolipin synthase catalyzes reversible phosphatidyl group transfer from one phosphatidylglycerol molecule to another to form cardiolipin (CL) and glycerol. The enzyme is specified by the cls gene, located at min 28.02 of the E. coli genetic map. Cells with mutations in cls have longer doubling times, tend to lose viability in the stationary phase, are more resistant to 3,4-dihydroxybutyl-1-phosphonate, and have an altered sensitivity to novobiocin. Although cls null mutants appear to lack CL synthase activity, they are still able to form trace quantities of CL. The enzyme appears to be regulated at both the genetic and enzymatic levels. CL synthase's molecular mass is 45-46 kDa, or about 8 kDa less than the polypeptide predicted by the gene sequence, suggesting that posttranslational processing occurs. CL synthase can use various polyols such as mannitol and arabitol to convert CL to the corresponding phosphatidylglycerol analog. When the amino acid sequences of four bacterial CL synthases are compared, three highly conserved regions are apparent. One of these regions contains a conserved pentapeptide sequence, RN(Q)HRK, and another has a conserved HXK sequence. These two sequences may be part of the active site. E. coli CL synthase has been studied by using a mixed micelle assay. The enzyme is inhibited by CL, the product of the reaction, and by phosphatidate. Phosphatidylethanolamine partially offsets inhibition caused by CL but not by phosphatidate. CDP-diacylglycerol does not appear to affect the activity of the purified enzyme but does stimulate the activity associated with crude membrane preparations.  相似文献   

Two residues of Escherichia coli elongation factor Tu involved in binding of aminoacyl-tRNA were identified and subjected to mutational analysis. Lys-89 and Asn-90 were each replaced by either Ala or Glu. The four single mutants were denoted K89A, K89E, N90A, and N90E, respectively. The mutants were characterized with respect to thermal and chemical stability, GTPase activity, tRNA affinity, and activity in an in vitro translation assay. Most conspicuously tRNA affinities were reduced for all mutants. The results verify our structural analysis of elongation factor Tu in complex with aminoacyl-tRNA, which suggested an important role of Lys-89 and Asn-90 in tRNA binding. Furthermore, our results indicate helix B to be an important target site for nucleotide exchange factor EF-Ts. Also the mutants His-66 to Ala and His-118 to either Ala or Glu were characterized in an in vitro translation assay. Their functional roles are discussed in relation to the structure of elongation factor Tu in complex with aminoacyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to assess the effects of aging on the endothelial physiology of a group of Chinese adults. BACKGROUND: Several studies have documented an association between aging and progressive arterial endothelial dysfunction in white subjects. We hypothesized that age-related endothelial dysfunction, an important event in atherosclerosis, might be less marked in southern Chinese subjects, in whom the prevalence of coronary heart disease is only approximately 20% of that in industrialized countries. METHODS: We studied endothelial function in 76 healthy adults aged 16 to 70 years: 38 Chinese from a village of 3,000 people in southern China and 38 white subjects from Sydney, Australia. In each ethnic group, there were 19 younger persons (16 to 40 years) and 19 older adults (55 to 70 years). None had evidence of diabetes, hypertension or clinical vascular disease or had ever been regular cigarette smokers. With the use of high resolution external vascular ultrasound, brachial artery diameter was measured at rest, after flow increase (causing endothelium-dependent dilation) and after sublingual nitroglycerin (an endothelium-independent dilator). RESULTS: Endothelium-dependent dilation was similar in young Chinese (mean +/- SD 8.3 +/- 2.5%), young whites (7.9 +/- 2.0%) and older Chinese (6.8 +/- 2.9%), but it was significantly impaired in older whites (1.8 +/- 2.5%, p < 0.001 by analysis of variance). On multivariate analysis, older age was associated with impaired endothelium-dependent dilation (p < 0.001) (independent of the effects of serum cholesterol, gender and vessel size) in the white but not in the Chinese subjects (p = 0.83). Nitroglycerin-induced dilation was not significantly different with aging in either ethnic group. CONCLUSIONS: Endothelium-dependent dilation is similar in the arteries of healthy young Chinese and white adults. With older age, however, Chinese subjects are less susceptible to impaired endothelial function.  相似文献   

Neurocalcins are brain-specific proteins that belong to a new subclass of the EF-hand superfamily of calcium binding proteins, defined by the photoreceptor cell-specific protein, recoverin. Recoverin, which regulates the desensitization of photo-excited rhodopsin, is myristoylated and exhibits a calcium-myristoyl switch. Like recoverin, neurocalcins have a signal for N-myristoylation and possess four EF-hands, although the first one lacks some residues critical for calcium binding. In this work, I have examined the calcium and membrane binding properties of recombinant myristoylated and unmyristoylated neurocalcin delta. I show that neurocalcin, like recoverin, binds to biological membranes in a calcium- and myristoyl-dependent manner. Both myristoylated and unmyristoylated proteins bind three calcium ions. However, the unmyristoylated form exhibits a higher affinity for calcium than the myristoylated protein but shows a lower cooperativity in binding calcium. These data support the model for the calcium-myristoyl switch mechanism proposed for recoverin (Zozulya, S., and Stryer, L. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 11569-11573; Dizhoor, A. M., Chen, C. K., Olshevskaya, E., Sinelnikova, V. V., and Hurley, J. B. (1993) Science 259, 829-832). Using point mutations, I have investigated the relative importance of each of the three functional EF hands (EF2, EF3, and EF4) in the calcium and membrane binding properties of neurocalcin. Calcium and membrane binding properties of the mutant-myristoylated proteins suggest that binding of calcium to EF2 is critical in triggering the binding of the protein to membranes.  相似文献   

After the demonstration that neither N-glycans nor neuraminic acid are involved in the binding of K88 lectins to the B beta and gamma chains of porcine fibrinogen and that their recognition was due to O-glycans (L'H?te C, Berger S, Bourgerie S, Duval-Ifiah Y, Julien R, Karamanos Y. Infect Immun 1995; 63: 1927-1932) it clearly appeared that these lectins could be used as probes to detect O-glycans on fibrinogens of other species. The conclusion of the present study is that many mammalian fibrinogens contain complex O-glycans on B beta and gamma chains. In addition, the combined use of the biotinylated K99 lectin and the Peanut agglutinin demonstrated the presence of sialylated T-antigens on the A alpha chains of all the fibrinogens examined. These lectins can now be used to determine differences on the glycosylation status of fibrinogens within one species and also to detect O-glycans on other glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecG protein is a unique junction-specific helicase involved in DNA repair and recombination. The C-terminus of RecG contains motifs conserved throughout a wide range of DNA and RNA helicases and it is thought that this C-terminal half of RecG contains the helicase active site. However, the regions of RecG which confer junction DNA specificity are unknown. To begin to assign structure-function relationships within RecG, a series of N- and C-terminal deletions have been engineered into the protein, together with an N-terminal histidine tag fusion peptide for purification purposes. Junction DNA binding, unwinding and ATP hydrolysis were disrupted by mutagenesis of the N-terminus. In contrast, C-terminal deletions moderately reduced junction DNA binding but almost abolished unwinding. These data suggest that the C-terminus does contain the helicase active site whereas the N-terminus confers junction DNA specificity.  相似文献   

Aspartic acids 65, 67, 70, 97 and 102 in the inorganic pyrophosphatase of Escherichia coli, identified as evolutionarily conserved residues of the active site, have been replaced by asparagine. Each mutation was found to decrease the k(app) value by approx. 2-3 orders of magnitude. At the same time, the Km values changed only slightly. Only minor changes take place in the pK values of the residues essential for both substrate binding and catalysis. All mutant variants have practically the same affinity to Mg2+ as the wild-type pyrophosphatase.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy of the E-domain fragment of Escherichia coli 5S rRNA indicates that this molecule exists in solution as either a stem-loop or as a duplex with two U-U base pairs in the bulge region. At temperatures below 27 degrees C, interconversion between the monomeric and dimeric forms in solution occurs on a time scale of weeks and allows the preparation of samples on which NMR structure determinations can be carried out on predominantly monomeric or dimeric species. The NMR results obtained provide comparison data for the distinction between A- and B-form E.coli 5S rRNA and for the possible kinetics of conversion between these forms. NMR evidence is presented that the duplex form also exists in crystals and suggestions are made for means to obtain stem-loop conformations of E-domain and other small RNA stem-loop sequences in crystals.  相似文献   

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