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N.D. Dahale Meera Keskar N.K. Kulkarni K.D. Singh Mudher 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2007,440(1-2):145-149
In Na–U(IV)–Mo–O system, two quaternary compounds Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 were prepared by solid state reactions of Na2MoO4, UMoO5 and MoO3 in the required stoichiometric ratio at 500 °C in evacuated sealed quartz ampoules. The crystal structure of both the compounds were derived from X-ray powder diffraction data in the tetragonal system by Rietveld profile method. Na2U(MoO4)3 has scheelite structure, whereas Na4U(MoO4)4 has scheelite superlattice structure.
TG curves of Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 did not show any significant weight change up to 750 °C in an inert atmosphere. During the heating cycle in an inert atmosphere, DTA curves of Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 showed endothermic peaks due to the melting of the compounds at 740 °C and 730 °C, respectively. Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4, when heated in air atmosphere at 1200 °C, decomposed to form Na2U2O7 which was confirmed by weight loss calculation and XRD. 相似文献
S. Alleg S. Azzaza R. Bensalem J.J. Suol S. Khene G. Fillion 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2009,482(1-2):86-89
Amorphous (Fe50Co50)62Nb8B30 powder mixture was prepared by mechanical alloying from elemental Fe, Co, B and Nb powders in a planetary ball mill under argon atmosphere. Structural, thermal and magnetic properties were performed on the milled powders by means of X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and magnetic measurements. The amorphous state is reached after 125 h of milling. The excess enthalpy due to the high density of defects is released at temperature below 300 °C. Crystallisation and growth of crystal domains are the dominating processes at high temperatures. The saturation magnetisation decreases rapidly during the first 25 h of milling to about 15.24 A m2/kg and remains nearly constant on further milling. Coercivity, Hc, value of about 160 Oe is obtained after 125 h of milling. 相似文献
Xianghong He Mingyun GuanChunyong Zhang Tongming ShangNing Lian Yan Yao 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(38):L341
Eu3+-activated Li2Zn2(MoO4)3 multiwavelength excited red-emitting phosphors were synthesized via a solid state reaction. The structure and photoluminescence characteristics were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction and fluorescent spectrophotometry, respectively. The excitation spectrum included a strong broadband ranging from 250 to 350 nm and some sharp peaks at 363, 384, 395, 465, and 533 nm, which matchs the radiations of near-UV or blue light-emitting diodes chip well. Upon excitation either of near-UV or blue even green light, the intense red emission with 615 nm peak can be observed, which is ascribed to the 5D0-7F2 transition of Eu3+ ions. The chromaticity coordinates (x = 0.65, y = 0.34) of the as-obtained phosphor is very close to the National Television Standard Committee standard values (x = 0.67, y = 0.33). All these characteristics suggest that Eu3+-doped Li2Zn2(MoO4)3 wavelength-conversion material to be suitable candidate red component for phosphor-converted white light-emitting diodes. 相似文献
Thermal expansion behavior of Th(MoO4)2, Na2Th(MoO4)3 and Na4Th(MoO4)4 was studied under vacuum in the temperature range of 298–1123 K by high temperature X-ray diffractometer. Th(MoO4)2 was synthesized by reacting ThO2 with 2 mol of MoO3, at 1073 K in air and Na2Th(MoO4)3 and Na4Th(MoO4)4 were prepared by reacting Th(MoO4)2 with 1 and 2 mol of Na2MoO4, respectively at 873 K in air. The XRD data of Th(MoO4)2 was indexed on orthorhombic system where as XRD data of Na2Th(MoO4)3 and Na4Th(MoO4)4 were indexed on tetragonal system. The lattice parameters and cell volume of all the three compounds, fit into polynomial expression with respect to temperature, showed positive thermal expansion (PTE) up to 1123 K. The average value of thermal expansion coefficients for Th(MoO4)2, Na2Th(MoO4)3 and Na4Th(MoO4)4 were determined from the high temperature data. 相似文献
J.M. Heintz L. Rabardel M. Al Qaraoui M. Alami Talbi R. Brochu G. Le Flem 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》1997,250(1-2):515-519
Materials with the general formula MxZr2(PO4)3 are known to possess low coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE). The present work investigates the thermal properties of new composite materials issued from the decomposition at high temperature of Ln1/3Zr2(PO4)3 (Ln=La, Gd). The decomposition process was studied and showed that the resulting powder was a LnPO4, Zr2P2O9 and ZrO2 mixture. Composite materials made of that mixture were sintered and characterized. The effect of sintering aids such as ZnO was considered. Final densities of the composites were about 90% of theoretical density and these materials presented low CTE in the 10−6 °C−1 range. 相似文献
Powder X-ray diffraction results and macroscopic magnetic properties of new ternary RRh5Ge3 compounds (R=Sm, Gd, Tb) are reported. The compounds SmRh5Ge3 (a=2.2744(4) nm, c=0.3888(1) nm), GdRh5Ge3 (a=2.2711(5) nm, c=0.3872(1) nm) and TbRh5Ge3 (a=2.2628(7) nm, c=0.3851(1) nm) crystallize in the hexagonal SmRh5Ge3-type structure (space group P63/m; No. 176). The GdRh5Ge3 and TbRh5Ge3 compounds are Curie–Weiss paramagnets down to 5 K. 相似文献
D. Oleszak E. Jartych A. Antolak M. Pkaa M. Szymaska M. Budzyski 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2005,400(1-2):23-28
X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetization measurements were used to study the structure and some magnetic properties of Fe50Ge50 and Fe62Ge38 prepared by mechanical alloying from the elemental powders. In both cases in the early stages of milling the intermediate paramagnetic FeGe2 phase was formed. The mechanical alloying process of Fe50Ge50 resulted in the formation of the paramagnetic FeGe (B20) phase with an average crystallite size of about 15 nm. In the case of the Fe62Ge38, the ferromagnetic Fe5Ge3 (β) phase with a Curie temperature of about 430 K was obtained. The average crystallite size was about 9 nm. The average hyperfine magnetic field of about 16 T allowed it to determine that more than four germanium atoms exist in the nearest environment of the 57Fe isotopes in the Fe5Ge3 phase. 相似文献
Y. Filinchuk V.V. Lisnyak D.A. Stratiichuk N.V. Stus 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,463(1-2):124-128
The crystal structure of sodium pentamolybdyl tetradiphosphate Nax(MoO)5(P2O7)4 has been determined from synchrotron diffraction data collected at 293 K on two microcrystals. The compound crystallizes in a monoclinic space group I 1 1 2/a (no. 15, setting 11), with unit cell parameters a = 22.905(3), b = 23.069(2), c = 4.8537(2) Å, γ = 90.641(9)° and a = 22.898(3), b = 23.056(2), c = 4.8551(2) Å, γ = 90.82(1)°, for crystals I and II, respectively. The structure is pseudo-tetragonal, and the crystals are pseudo-merohedrally twinned by 90° rotation around the c-axis. The structure closely resembles the previously reported Li-deintercalated Mo1.3OP2O7 [V.V. Lisnyak, N.V. Stus, P. Popovich, D.A. Stratiychuk, Ya. Filinchuk, V.M. Davydov, J. Alloys Compd. 360 (2003) 81–84]. Comparison of the two structures led us to conclude that the Mo2 and Mo3 clusters were erroneously identified in Mo1.3OP2O7. A revised structure of Mo1.3OP2O7 contains a fully occupied oxygen site instead of the 16% occupied Mo(2) site, thus the revised formulae for the Li-deintercalated compound is (MoO)5(P2O7)4. In both structures, the (MoO)5(P2O7)4 framework strongly resembles the one in the earlier reported Ag(MoO)5(P2O7)4, while the location of Na and Ag atoms differ. 相似文献
Spherical Li3V2(PO4)3 was synthesized by using N2H4 as reducer. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that single-phase, spherical and well-dispersed Li3V2(PO4)3 has been successfully synthesized in our experimental process. Electrochemical behaviors have been characterized by charge/discharge measurements. The initial discharge capacities of Li3V2(PO4)3 were 123 mAh g−1 in the voltage range of 3.0–4.3 V and 132 mAh g−1 in the voltage range of 3.0–4.8 V. 相似文献
N. Sheloudko C. Safaridis M. Gjoka M. Mikhov O. Kalogirou 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,458(1-2):37-40
The effect of Co substitution for Fe in Nd3(Fe1−xCox)27.7Ti1.3Ny (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) compounds on the magnetocrystalline anisotropy has been investigated. The anisotropy constants K's and the anisotropy field HA have been deduced from the magnetization curves measured on magnetically aligned powder (4–7 μm) samples. The obtained results show that at RT the anisotropy is uniaxial and HA (about 10 T) does not change substantially upon the substitution. At 5 K the results for K's give evidence for the presence of easy-cone-type anisotropy. The cone angle as well as the anisotropy field decrease upon the substitution from 21.6° to 11.8° and from 22.8 to 18.6 T, respectively. 相似文献
SI Tingzhi YANG Weiming ZHANG Qing'an 《稀有金属(英文版)》2008,27(2):134-137
The crystal structures and hydrogenation behavior of the (Ca0.9Sr0.1)8(Al1-xZnx)3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) alloys were investigated. The new phase (Ca,Sr)E(Al,Zn) was found whenx 〉 0.1. (Ca, Sr)E(Al,Zn) crystallizes in space group 14/mmm (A-139). The lattice parameters were calculated to be a = b = 1.1616(2) nm, c = 1.6422(4) nm. Zn atoms occupy the 8h and 16n sites together with Al atoms. The (Ca0.9Sr0.1)8Al3 alloy only contains a single Ca8Al3 phase. The (Ca0.9Sr0.1)8(Al1-xZnx)3 alloys consist of Ca8Al3, CasZn3, Ca and (Ca,Sr)2(Al,Zn) phases when x is from 0.1 to 0.3. As x increasing to 0.4, the alloy consists of (Ca,Sr)E(Al,Zn), Ca8Zn3 and Ca. The hydrogenated (Ca0.9Sr0.1)8Al3 and (Ca0.9Sr0.1)8(Al0.9Zn0.1)3 samples consist of CartE and Al. The (Ca0.9Sr0.1)8(Al1-xZnx)3 (x = 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) samples can be hydrogenated into CaH2, Al and CaZnl3 under a hydrogen pressure of 5 MPa at 473 K. 相似文献
We present structural and magnetic data on ZnV2O4 single crystals. Single crystal X-ray diffraction shows the measured crystals to be of very high quality, especially with respect to atomic order. The measured magnetic susceptibility resembles to that of a spin glass system, surprising for a translational invariant structure. The results are discussed in the framework of disorder in a magnetically frustrated lattice. 相似文献
Structural studies were performed for the ternary RIr3B2 compounds (R=Ce and Pr) from as cast samples. The crystal structure of the ternary boride CeIr3B2 (CeCo3B2 structure type, space group P6/mmm, a=5.520(3) Å, c=3.066(2) Å, Z=1, V=80.91 Å3, ρx=15.154 g cm−3) was refined to R1=0.0470, wR2=0.1240 from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The new ternary boride PrIr3B2 was found to be isostructural with the CeIr3B2 compound. Its lattice parameters a=5.5105(2) Å, c=3.1031(1) Å were obtained from a Rietveld refinement of X-ray powder diffraction data. 相似文献
In this work, we report on the Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 (PMN-PZN-PZT) ceramics with Ba(W0.5Cu0.5)O3 as the sintering aid that was manufactured in order to develop the low-temperature sintering materials for piezoelectric device applications. The phase transition, microstructure, dielectric, piezoelectric properties, and the temperature stability of the ceramics were investigated. The results showed that the addition of Ba(W0.5Cu0.5)O3 significantly improved the sintering temperature of PMN-PZN-PZT ceramics and could lower the sintering temperature from 1005 to 920 °C. Besides, the obtained Ba(W0.5Cu0.5)O3-doped ceramics sintered at 920 °C have optimized electrical properties, which are listed as follows: (Kp = 0.63, Qm = 1415 and d33 = 351 pC/N), and high depolarization temperature above 320 °C. These results indicated that this material was a promising candidate for high-power multilayer piezoelectric device applications. 相似文献
The crystal structure of the U–Ni binary compound previously designated U5Ni7 was studied by X-ray single crystal diffraction showing that the exact formula is U11Ni16. Uranium and nickel atoms are distributed respectively on 5 and 6 Wyckoff positions of the trigonal space group R
(n° 148), and the unit-cell dimensions in the hexagonal setting are: a=11.7786(4) Å, c=20.7485(8) Å. Magnetisation measurements indicate itinerant ferromagnetism below Tc=33 K for U11Ni16. 相似文献
Feng Xu Zhiming Wang Guang Chen Jianzhong Jiang Youwei Du 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,463(1-2):226-229
After a review of the selection process of (Nd0.625Ni0.375)85Al15 as a metallic glass with a relatively high glass-forming ability, we investigate the influences of its phase transitions by duplicating the heating process of the isochronal thermal analysis with low-temperature annealings. The structure, thermal stability and magnetic properties are characterized. And the influences on magnetic properties are particularly discussed with emphasis. Both the annealing processes, to the glass-transition temperature and to the onset temperature of crystallization, bring about a higher coercivity of the sample and a higher freezing temperature of the spin-glass-state. For the sample annealed to the onset temperature of crystallization, the influence is quite obvious and is ascribed to the formation of ferrimagnetic Nd7Ni3 phase, as detected by XRD. For the sample annealed to the glass-transition temperature, the indistinct influence is further identified with the analysis of the frequency dependence of the spin-glass-state, and it is mainly attributed to the change of the short-range order in the amorphous matrix. 相似文献
Yaxin Wang Yongjun Zhang Yuming Cao Mu Lu Jinghai Yang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,450(1-2):128-130
Co/Co3O4 bilayer films were fabricated by RF sputtering with Co and Co3O4 targets. Exchange bias effect in the bilayer films was observed at 80 K by vibrating sample magnetometer. The bias effect disappeared about 240 K slightly lower than the Néel point of CoO and much higher than the Néel temperature of Co3O4 about 40 K. To clarify the origin of the exchange bias effect, Auger and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were employed and CoO was found at a transition region from Co3O4 layer to Co layer due to oxygen diffusion during sputtering. The angular dependence of exchange bias field HE was obtained to obey function of HE(θ)=18.06 (kA/m)[−cos θ+0.22 cos 3θ+0.03 cos 5θ−0.01 cos 7θ+]. 相似文献
D. Wisniewski A. J. Wojtowicz W. Drozdowski J. M. Farmer L. A. Boatner 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2004,380(1-2):191-195
K3Lu(PO4)2:Ce single crystals have been studied under gamma, X-ray, VUV, and UV excitation. For all of the excitation forms, the luminescence of these materials is dominated by the d–f emission bands of Ce3+. The shape and position of these bands, however, depends on the form of the excitation and on temperature due to crystallographic structural phase changes and multiple types of Lu3+ ions sites in the which the Ce3+ ion can substitute for Lu. The highly efficient and fast scintillation of these materials is based on radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs via Ce ions, and the scintillation characteristics identify K3Lu(PO4)2:Ce as a promising fast and efficient scintillator. 相似文献
Investigations of phase relations in the Ba-rich part of the In2O3–BaO(CO2)–CuO pseudo-ternary system at 900 °C have revealed the existence of new indium–copper oxycarbonate – Ba4In0.8Cu1.6(CO3)0.6O6.2. Rietveld refinement of the X-ray powder diffraction data combined with infrared studies gives evidence that this phase is a oxycarbonate crystallising in the tetragonal structure (space group I4/mmm) with unit cell parameters: a=4.0349(1) Å and c=29.8408(15) Å. In the binary part of the In2O3–BaO(CO2) system we have identified the occurrence of Ba4In2−x(CO3)1+xO6−2.5x oxycarbonate solid solution showing a crystal structure also described by I4/mmm space group, but with the unit cell parameters: a=4.1669(1) Å and c=29.3841(11) Å for x=1. The existence range of this phase, −0.153<x<0.4, includes chemical compositions of earlier found phases: Ba5In2+xO8+0.5x with 0≤x≤0.45 (known as the -solid solution), as well as the binary Ba4In2O7 phase. The crystal structures of both new oxycarbonates are isomorphic and related to n=3 member of the Ruddlesden–Popper family. 相似文献
The HfFe6Ge6-type YbMn6Ge6−xGax solid solution (0.07≤x≤0.72) has been studied by X-ray diffraction, microprobe analysis and powder magnetization measurements. All the compounds order antiferromagnetically between TN=481 K for x=0.07 and TN=349 K for x=0.72 and display more or less pronounced spontaneous magnetization at lower temperature. The corresponding Curie points increase from 40 K for x=0.07 to 319 K for x=0.72. The maximum magnetization values of the Ga-rich compounds (M≈5 μB/f.u. at 6 K) is compatible with a ferrimagnetic order of the Mn and Yb sublattices whereas the smaller values measured in the Ga-poor compounds suggest the stabilization of non-colinear magnetic structures. All the studied compounds are characterized by rather large coercive fields at low temperature (4.0≤Hc≤8.2 kOe). 相似文献