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CONTEXT: Previous studies have suggested that motor vehicle occupants seated on the near-side of a lateral impact have a higher proportion of thoracoabdominal injuries. However, due to limitations in previous studies, the true association between seat position, side of lateral impact, and thoracoabdominal injury is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between seat position (i.e., near-side, middle-seat, and far-side, regardless of row), side of lateral motor vehicle crash (MVC), and serious thoracoabdominal injury after adjusting for important crash factors. DESIGN: National population-based cohort of adult subjects involved in MVCs and included in the National Automotive Sampling System Crashworthiness Data System database (NASS CDS) from 1995 to 2003. PATIENTS: Occupants aged > or =16 years involved in MVCs where the highest external deformation of the vehicle was located on the right or left side (i.e., lateral). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Serious thoracic or abdominal injury, defined as an Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) > or =3 in the thoracic or abdominal body region. RESULTS: Fifteen thousand, one hundred and sixty persons involved in primary lateral MVCs were represented in the NASS CDS database during the 9-year period. There were 1867 (2%) persons with serious thoracic injuries and 507 persons (0.5%) with serious abdominal injuries. In multivariable logistic regression models that adjusted for important crash factors and the NASS CDS sampling design, seat position was a strong effect modifier of the association between side of lateral impact and serious thoracic (p<0.0001) and abdominal (p=0.0009) injury, with the risk of serious thoracic and abdominal injury highest for occupants seated on the near-side of the crash. The mean probability of injury was higher for near-side and middle-seat occupants compared to far-side occupants, and the probability of thoracic injury was approximately four times higher than that of abdominal injury for all seat positions. CONCLUSIONS: There is a strong, synergistic relationship between seat position and side of lateral MVC in assessing risk of serious thoracic and abdominal injury among adult occupants. The probability of serious thoracoabdominal injury increases with increasing proximity of seat position to side of the crash and the risk of thoracic injury is higher than abdominal injury for all seat positions.  相似文献   

The calcaneous is the largest tarsal bone in the foot and plays an important role in walking and running. Motor vehicle crashes and falls from elevation have been associated with calcaneal fractures. Although not life-threatening, these injuries may result in permanent disability. This study used the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) database to describe calcaneal fractures and concomitant lower extremity skeletal injury patterns for occupants involved in motor vehicle crashes. Sixty-three drivers and 7 front row passengers with calcaneal fractures were identified in the CIREN database during 1997-2005. Almost all these occupants were involved in severe (based on the delta V and vehicle crush) frontal or off-set frontal crashes with toe pan intrusion. Eighty-four percent of the calcaneal fractures were intra-articular or partially articular. Overall, 93% of occupants also had injury to other body regions with 84% having other lower extremity fractures. One year after the crash, most occupants had not returned to their prior level of physical functioning. Surgically managing patients with calcaneal fractures for an optimal outcome remains a challenge for orthopedic surgeons. Because lower extremity injuries, including calcaneal fractures, may cause permanent disability, it is important to prevent these injuries through structural improvements in motor vehicle design.  相似文献   

There is a need to improve the protection to the thorax of occupants in frontal car crashes. Finite element human body models are a more detailed representation of humans than anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs). On the other hand, there is no clear consensus on the injury criteria and the thresholds to use with finite element human body models to predict rib fractures. The objective of this study was to establish a set of injury risk curves to predict rib fractures using a modified Total HUman Model for Safety (THUMS). Injury criteria at the global, structural and material levels were computed with a modified THUMS in matched Post Mortem Human Subjects (PMHSs) tests. Finally, the quality of each injury risk curve was determined. For the included PMHS tests and the modified THUMS, DcTHOR and shear stress were the criteria at the global and material levels that reached an acceptable quality. The injury risk curves at the structural level did not reach an acceptable quality.  相似文献   

A new mathematical model was developed to estimate average injury and fatality rates in frontal car-to-car crashes for changes in vehicle fleet mass, impact speed distribution, and inherent vehicle protection. The estimates were calculated from injury/fatality risk data, delta-V distribution and collision probability of two vehicles, where delta-V depends on impact speed and mass of the colliding vehicles. The impact speed distribution was assumed to be unaffected by a change in fleet mass distribution.

The results showed that safety in frontal crashes would improve 27–35% by a 10% increase in fatality risk parameters, which reflected substantial improvement in inherent vehicle protection. A 40% safety improvement was attained by a 10% impact speed reduction. Consequences of vehicle fleet mass were not as strong, but depended on the average mass ratio of the fleet. A reduction in mass range would be the most beneficial, while a uniform mass reduction of 20% would increase the fatality rate by 5.4%. The model estimates trends in traffic safety and may help to identify priorities in active and passive safety.  相似文献   



In the United States, major compression and burst type fractures (>20% height loss) of the lumbar spine occur as a result of motor vehicle crashes, despite the improvements in restraint technologies. Lumbar burst fractures typically require an axial compressive load and have been known to occur during a non-horizontal crash event that involve high vertical components of loading. Recently these fracture patterns have also been observed in pure horizontal frontal crashes. This study sought to examine the contributing factors that would induce an axial compressive force to the lumbar spine in frontal motor vehicle crashes.


We searched the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS, 1993–2011) and Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN, 1996–2012) databases to identify all patients with major compression lumbar spine (MCLS) fractures and then specifically examined those involved in frontal crashes. National trends were assessed based on weighted NASS estimates. Using a case–control study design, NASS and CIREN cases were utilized and a conditional logistic regression was performed to assess driver and vehicle characteristics. CIREN case studies and biomechanical data were used to illustrate the kinematics and define the mechanism of injury.


During the study period 132 NASS cases involved major compression lumbar spine fractures for all crash directions. Nationally weighted, this accounted for 800 cases annually with 44% of these in horizontal frontal crashes. The proportion of frontal crashes resulting in MCLS fractures was 2.5 times greater in late model vehicles (since 2000) as compared to 1990s models. Belted occupants in frontal crashes had a 5 times greater odds of a MCLS fracture than those not belted, and an increase in age also greatly increased the odds. In CIREN, 19 cases were isolated as horizontal frontal crashes and 12 of these involved a major compression lumbar burst fracture primarily at L1. All were belted and almost all occurred in late model vehicles with belt pretensioners and buckets seats.


Major compression burst fractures of the lumbar spine in frontal crashes were induced via a dynamic axial force transmitted to the pelvis/buttocks into the seat cushion/pan involving belted occupants in late model vehicles with increasing age as a significant factor.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel methodology based on disaggregate analysis of two-car crash data to estimate the partial effects of mass, through the velocity change, on absolute driver injury risk in each of the vehicles involved in the crash when absolute injury risk is defined as the probability of injury when the vehicle is involved in a two-car crash. The novel aspect of the introduced methodology is in providing a solution to the issue of lack of data on the speed of vehicles prior to the crash, which is required to calculate the velocity change, as well as a solution to the issue of lack of information on non-injury two-car crashes in national accident data. These issues have often led to focussing on relative measures of injury risk that are not independent of risk in the colliding cars. Furthermore, the introduced methodology is used to investigate whether there is any effect of vehicle size above and beyond that of mass ratio, and whether there are any effects associated with the gender and age of the drivers. The methodology was used to analyse two-car crashes to investigate the partial effects of vehicle mass and size on absolute driver injury risk. The results confirmed that in a two-car collision, vehicle mass has a protective effect on its own driver injury risk and an aggressive effect on the driver injury risk of the colliding vehicle. The results also confirmed that there is a protective effect of vehicle size above and beyond that of vehicle mass for frontal and front to side collisions.  相似文献   



Studies of school bus crashes have focused on the biomechanics of catastrophic collisions, with very few examining crash incidence.


Crashes in the state of Iowa were examined from January 2002 through December 2005. School bus crashes were identified through the Iowa Crash Data, a comprehensive database of all reported crashes in the State of Iowa. School bus mileage data were provided by the Iowa Department of Education. School bus crash, fatality, and injury rates were calculated and differences in crash and injury characteristics between school buses and other vehicles were examined.


The school bus crash, fatality and non-fatal injury rates were 320.7, 0.4 and 13.6 per 100 million bus miles travelled, respectively. School bus crash fatality and injury rates were 3.5 and 5.4 times lower than overall all vehicle crash fatality and injury rates, respectively. Drivers of other vehicles were more likely to have caused the crash than the bus driver (P < 0.001).


School buses experience low crash rates, and the majority of crashes do not lead to injury. Buses are among the safest forms of road transportation, and efforts to educate drivers of other vehicles may help reduce crashes with buses.  相似文献   

Spatial analysis of fatal and injury crashes in Pennsylvania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using injury and fatal crash data for Pennsylvania for 1996-2000, full Bayes (FB) hierarchical models (with spatial and temporal effects and space-time interactions) are compared to traditional negative binomial (NB) estimates of annual county-level crash frequency. Covariates include socio-demographics, weather conditions, transportation infrastructure and amount of travel. FB hierarchical models are generally consistent with the NB estimates. Counties with a higher percentage of the population under poverty level, higher percentage of their population in age groups 0-14, 15-24, and over 64 and those with increased road mileage and road density have significantly increased crash risk. Total precipitation is significant and positive in the NB models, but not significant with FB. Spatial correlation, time trend, and space-time interactions are significant in the FB injury crash models. County-level FB models reveal the existence of spatial correlation in crash data and provide a mechanism to quantify, and reduce the effect of, this correlation. Addressing spatial correlation is likely to be even more important in road segment and intersection-level crash models, where spatial correlation is likely to be even more pronounced.  相似文献   

In light of the rapidly increasing development of the cell phone market, the use of such equipment while driving raises the question of whether it is associated with an increased accident risk; and if so, what is its magnitude. This research is an epidemiological study on two large cohorts, namely users and non-users of cell phones, with the objective of verifying whether an association exists between cell phone use and road crashes, separating those with injuries.The Société de l'Assurance Automobile du Québec (SAAQ) mailed a questionnaire and letter of consent to 175000 licence holders for passenger vehicles. The questionnaire asked about exposure to risk, driving habits, opinions about activities likely to be detrimental to driving and accidents within the last 24 months. For cell phone users, questions pertaining to the use of the telephone were added. We received 36078 completed questionnaires, with a signed letter of consent. Four wireless phone companies provided the files on cell phone activity, and the SAAQ the files for 4 years of drivers' records and police reports. The three data sources were merged using an anonymized identification number. The statistical methods include logistic-normal regression models to estimate the strength of the links between the explanatory variables and crashes.The relative risk of all accidents and of accidents with injuries is higher for users of cell phones than for non-users. The relative risks (RR) for injury collisions and also for all collisions is 38% higher for men and women cell phone users. These risks diminish to 1.1 for men and 1.2 for women if other variables, such as the kilometres driven and driving habits are incorporated into the models. Similar results hold for several sub-groups. The most significant finding is a dose-response relationship between the frequency of cell phone use, and crash risks. The adjusted relative risks for heavy users are at least two compared to those making minimal use of cell phones; the latter show similar collision rates as do the non-users.  相似文献   

Occupant injury in real world vehicle accidents can be significantly affected by a set of crash characteristics, of which impact direction and impact location (or damage location) in general scale interval (e.g., frontal impact is frequently defined as general damage to vehicle frontal end with impact angle range of 11–1 o’clock) have been identified to associate with injury outcome. The effects of crash configuration in more specific scale of interval on the injury characteristics have not been adequately investigated. This paper presents a statistical analysis to investigate the combined effects of specific impact directions and impact locations on the serious-to-fatal injuries of driver occupants involved in near-side collisions using crash data from National Automotive Sampling System-Crashworthiness Data System (NASS-CDS) for the calendar years of 1995–2005.  相似文献   

Around one in three contained and restrained seriously injured occupants in single-vehicle pure rollover crashes receive a serious injury to the thorax. With dynamic rollover test protocols currently under development, there is a need to understand the nature and cause of serious thoracic injuries incurred in rollover events. This will allow decisions to be made with regards to adoption of a suitable crash test dummy and appropriate thoracic injury criteria in such protocols. Valid rollover occupant protection test protocols will lead to vehicle improvements that will reduce the high trauma burden of vehicle rollover crashes. This paper presents an analysis of contained and restrained occupants involved in single-vehicle pure rollover crashes that occurred in the United States between 2000 and 2009 (inclusive). Serious thoracic injury typology and causality are determined. A logistic regression model is developed to determine associations between the incidence of serious thoracic injury and the human, vehicle and environmental characteristics of the crashes. Recommendations are made with regards to the appropriate assessment of potential thoracic injury in dynamic rollover occupant protection crash test protocols.  相似文献   

While belt usage among rear-seat passengers is disproportionately lower than their front-seat counterpart, this may have serious consequences in the event of a crash not only for the unbelted rear-seat passenger but also for the front-seat passengers as well. To quantify that effect, the objective of the study is to evaluate the increased likelihood of driver fatality in the presence of unrestrained rear-seat passengers in a severe frontal collision. U.S.-based census data from 2001 to 2009 fatal motor vehicle crashes was used to enroll frontal crashes which involved 1998 or later year vehicle models with belted drivers and at least one adult passenger in the rear left seat behind the driver. Results using multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the odds of a belt restrained driver sustaining a fatal injury was 137% (95% CI = 95%, 189%) higher when the passenger behind the driver was unbelted in comparison to a belted case while the effects of driver age, sex, speed limit, vehicle body type, airbag deployment and driver ejection were controlled in the model. The likelihood of driver fatality due to an unrestrained rear left passenger increased further (119–197%) in the presence of additional unrestrained rear seat passengers in the rear middle or right seats. The results from the study highlight the fact that future advances to front row passive safety systems (e.g. multi-stage airbag deployment) must be adapted to take into account the effect of unrestrained rear-seat passengers.  相似文献   

The effect of reduction of visibility on crash occurrence has recently been a major concern. Although visibility detection systems can help to mitigate the increased hazard of limited-visibility, such systems are not widely implemented and many locations with no systems are experiencing considerable number of fatal crashes due to reduction in visibility caused by fog and inclement weather. On the other hand, airports’ weather stations continuously monitor all climate parameters in real-time, and the gathered data may be utilized to mitigate the increased risk for the adjacent roadways. This study aims to examine the viability of using airport weather information in real-time road crash risk assessment in locations with recurrent fog problems. Bayesian logistic regression was utilized to link six years (2005–2010) of historical crash data to real-time weather information collected from eight airports in the State of Florida, roadway characteristics and aggregate traffic parameters. The results from this research indicate that real-time weather data collected from adjacent airports are good predictors to assess increased risk on highways.  相似文献   

In many countries increased on-road motorcycling participation has contributed to increased motorcyclist morbidity and mortality over recent decades. Improved helmet technologies and increased helmet wearing rates have contributed to reductions in serious head injuries, to the point where in many regions thoracic injury is now the most frequently occurring serious injury. However, few advances have been made in reducing the severity of motorcyclist thoracic injury. The aim of the present study is to provide needed information regarding serious motorcyclist thoracic trauma, to assist motorcycling groups, road safety advocates and road authorities develop and prioritise counter-measures and ultimately reduce the rising trauma burden. For this purpose, a data collection of linked police-reported and hospital data was established, and considerable attention was given to establishing a weighting procedure to estimate hospital cases not reported to police and fatal cases not admitted to hospital. The resulting data collection of an estimated 19,979 hospitalised motorcyclists is used to provide detailed information on the nature, incidence and risk factors for thoracic trauma. Over the last decade the incidence of motorcyclist serious thoracic injury has more than doubled in the population considered, and by 2011 while motorcycles comprised 3.2% of the registered vehicle fleet, one quarter of road traffic-related serious thoracic trauma cases treated in hospitals were motorcyclists. Motor-vehicle collisions, fixed object collisions and non-collision crashes were fairly evenly represented amongst these cases, while older motorcyclists were over-represented. Several prevention strategies are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the distribution of rollover accidents occurring in the field and to compare the vehicle kinematics in the predominant field crash modes with available laboratory tests. For this purpose, US accident data were analyzed to identify types and circumstances for vehicle rollovers. Rollovers were most commonly induced when the lateral motion of the vehicle was suddenly slowed or stopped. This type of rollover mechanism is referred to as "trip-over". Trip-overs accounted for 57% of passenger car and 51% of light truck vehicle (LTV) rollovers. More than 90% of trip-overs were initiated by ground contact. Fall-overs were the second most common rollover type, accounting for 13% of passenger car and 15% of LTV rollovers. Bounce-overs only accounted for 8% of both passenger car and LTV rollovers.The FMVSS 208 dolly and the ADAC corkscrew rollover tests are well-known laboratory tests, but do not simulate many of the real-world rollovers. Three additional tests have been devised to more fully address the field relevant conditions identified in this study. To do so, assumptions were made and adding the new laboratory tests (soil-trip, curb-trip and ditch fall-over) increases representativeness to 83% of passenger car and 75% of LTV rollovers reported in the field. Accident data were also used to identify injuries in belted drivers so the information could later be used to better understand occupant kinematics in various roll conditions. The injury distribution for belted/non-ejected drivers was assessed for trip-over, fall-over and bounce-over accidents. Serious injuries (AIS 3+) were most common to the head and thorax, in particular for bounce-overs. Head injuries occurred from contact with the roof, pillar and the interior, while thoracic injuries resulted from contact with the interior and steering wheel assembly. Field data are useful in the development of laboratory test conditions for rollovers as it provides insights on the significance of various rollover types, understanding of injury biomechanics, guidance for future testing and inputs for mathematical modeling.  相似文献   

There is a large difference between the rates of observed seat belt use by the general public and belt use by motor vehicle occupants who are fatally injured in crashes. Seat belt use rates of fatally injured occupants, as reported in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), are much lower than the use rates found in observation surveys conducted by the states. A series of mathematical models describing the empirical relationship between FARS and observed rates were explored. The initial model was a 'straw man' and used two simplifying assumptions: (a) belt users and nonusers are equally likely to be involved in 'potentially fatal collisions', and (b) belts are 45% effective in preventing deaths. The model was examined by comparing each state's FARS use rate with the predicted rate. The model did not fit the state data points even when possible biases in the data were controlled. We next examined the assumptions in the model. Changing the seat belt effectiveness parameter provided a reasonable fit, but required an assumption that seat belts are 67% effective in preventing fatalities. The inclusion of a risk coefficient for non-belted occupants also provided a reasonable fit between the model and data. A variable risk model produced the best fit with the data. The major finding was that a model consistent with the data can be obtained by incorporating the assumption that nonusers of seat belts have a higher risk of involvement in potentially fatal collisions than do seat belt users. It was concluded that unbelted occupants are over-represented in fatal collisions for two reasons: (a) because of a greater chance of involvement in potentially fatal collisions in the first place, and (b) because they are not afforded the protection of seat belts when a collision does occur.  相似文献   

In spite of improvements in motor vehicle safety systems and crashworthiness, motor vehicle crashes remain one of the leading causes of brain injury. The purpose of this study was to determine if the damage distribution across the frontal plane affected brain injury severity of occupants in frontal impacts. Occupants in "head on" frontal impacts with a Principal Direction of Force (PDOF) equal to 11, 12, or 1o'clock who sustained serious brain injury were identified using the Crash Injury Research Engineering Network (CIREN) database. Impacts were further classified based on the damage distribution across the frontal plane as distributed, offset, and extreme offset (corner). Overall, there was no significant difference for brain injury severity (based on Glasgow Coma Scale<9, or brain injury AIS>2) comparing occupants in the different impact categories. For occupants in distributed frontal impacts, safety belt use was protective (odds ratio (OR)=0.61) and intrusion at the occupant's seat position was four times more likely to result in severe (Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)<9) brain injury (OR=4.35). For occupants in offset frontal impacts, again safety belt use was protective against severe brain injury (OR=0.25). Possibly due to the small number of brain-injured occupants in corner impacts, safety belts did not significantly protect against increased brain injury severity during corner impacts. This study supports the importance of safety belt use to decrease brain injury severity for occupants in distributed and offset frontal crashes. It also illustrates how studying "real world" crashes may provide useful information on occupant injuries under impact circumstances not currently covered by crash testing.  相似文献   

Fatal crash rates of passenger cars and vans were compared for the last model year before four-wheel antilock brakes were introduced and the first model year for which antilock brakes were standard equipment. Vehicles selected for analysis had no other significant design changes between the model years being compared, and the model years with and without antilocks were no more than two years apart. The overall fatal crash rates were similar for the two model years. However, the vehicles with antilocks were significantly more likely to be involved in crashes fatal to their own occupants, particularly single-vehicle crashes. Conversely, antilock vehicles were less likely to be involved in crashes fatal to occupants of other vehicles or nonoccupants (pedestrians, bicyclists). Overall, antilock brakes appear to have had little effect on fatal crash involvement. Further study is needed to better understand why fatality risk has increased for occupants of antilock vehicles.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom Cooperative Crash Injury Study (CCIS) database has been used to produce a sample of restrained, front-seat car occupants who survived a frontal impact. The lower limb was found to be the most frequently injured body region in car crashes of all impact types and the second most injured region in frontal impacts. 67% of all lower limb fractures in this sample were found to occur below the knee. 31% of these fractures occurred at the ankle. A review of literature reveals that injury of the lower limb above the knee produces worse disabilities and longer recovery times than injury to below the knee. The costs incurred as a result of above knee injuries are estimated as being greater than those below the knee. A review of European type approval legislation reveals that car design is not regulated sufficiently to prevent lower limb injury. Further work is suggested using the CCIS database in order to get a better understanding of the mechanisms involved with a view to suggesting areas where changes could be made to improve this situation.  相似文献   

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