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国务院印发的《"十二五"控制温室气体排放工作方案》提出,造纸等行业要制定行动方案,按照先进企业的排放标准,对重点企业提出温室气体排放控制要求,研究确定重点行业单位产品(服务量)温室气体排放标准,选择重点企业试行"碳披露"和"碳盘查";国家发改委已同意7省市开展碳排放权交易试点,或向碳排放大户和高碳行业征收"区域性碳税"。  相似文献   

国务院印发的《“十二五”控制温室气体排放工作方案》提出,到2015年,全国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2010年下降17%,碳排放权交易市场初步形成。《方案》提出,根据形势发展并结合合理控制能源消费总量的要求,建立碳排放总量控制制度,开展碳排放权交易试点,制定相应法规和管理办法,研究提出温室气体排放权分配方案,逐步形成区城碳排放权交易体系。  相似文献   

造纸企业温室气体排放核算及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
全国碳排放权交易市场启动在即,为帮助相关造纸企业科学核算和规范报告其温室气体排放数据,本课题对造纸企业温室气体排放源与核算边界进行了识别,详述了造纸企业温室气体排放核算方法,并结合实际案例进行了应用说明,提出了进一步完善的建议。  相似文献   

本文从中国造纸和纸制品生产企业温室气体排放核算方法角度出发,研究了行业温室气体排放的主要特征,分析了行业减少碳潜力技术路径。结果表明,行业碳排放来源主要为化石燃料燃烧排放,以及净购入的电力或热力产生的排放;有序替代燃料使用与能源结构优化,是降低行业碳排放的关键手段。  相似文献   

<正>根据收集和计算的数据,编制食品生产企业温室气体盘查报告书,并将首次参加碳盘查工作的年份定义为基准年,用来与不同时期的GHG排放或其他GHG相关信息进行参照比较,为后续的能源管理和低碳改造提供基准。碳核查碳核查是指有资质的第三方服务机构对参与碳排放权交易的碳排放管控单位提交的温室气体排放报告(碳盘查报告)进行核查。碳核查工作的规范依据的是标准ISO14064-3《温室气体第三部分温室气体声明审定与核  相似文献   

正2021年3月29日,中华人民共和国生态环境部办公厅印发《关于加强企业温室气体排放报告管理相关工作的通知》,以下为通知全文。关于加强企业温室气体排放报告管理相关工作的通知各省、自治区、直辖市生态环境厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团生态环境局:根据《碳排放权交易管理办法(试行)》规定和《2019~2020年全国碳排放权交易配额总量设定与分配实施方案(发电行业)》要求,为准确掌握发电行业配额分配和清缴履约的相关数据,夯实全国碳排放权交易市场扩大行业覆盖范围和完善配额分配方法的数据基础,扎实做好全国碳排放权交易市场建设运行相关工作,现将加强企业温室气体排放报告管理有关工作要求通知如下。  相似文献   

节约能源,降低碳排放是当今时代及未来的发展趋势,而造纸行业是我国碳排放几大重点行业之一。本文研究了我国碳交易市场现状,分析了造纸行业碳排放情况,总结了行业节能降碳的主要技术和其他减排路径。主要得出以下结论:造纸行业碳排放量大,燃煤燃烧排放是其温室气体排放主要来源。试点地区造纸企业参与碳交易积极性高,但是存在碳管理水平不高、人才缺失,节能降碳技术水平有待提高和开发的碳减排项目数量较少等问题,需要行业共同努力进行改善。  相似文献   

碳排放权交易市场是指以温室气体排放配额或温室气体减排信用为标的物进行交易的市场。我国碳排放权交易市场交易金额自建立起呈现增长态势,并且各个试点呈现了不同的市场样貌,未来在“十四五”期间,市场将会继续壮大和完善,为实现碳中和的减排目标助力。随着国内外碳排放权交易市场的兴起,不久的将来,碳排放权交易将成为全球化的最大商品交易市场。当前,越来越多的企业启动碳中和发展规划,并为进入即将开放的碳排放权交易市场做最后的准备。为此,本刊特别刊登“碳排放权交易市场动态”内容,邀请天津碳排放权交易所就国内外碳市场交易行情进行分析整理,以飨读者。  相似文献   

张丽  郑颖  孟早明 《中国造纸》2016,35(4):54-61
阐述了造纸和纸制品行业开展温室气体盘查的背景和必要性,着重对国家发改委发布的《中国造纸和纸制品生产企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南(试行)》进行了解读,并将其与上海市发改委发布的《上海市纺织、造纸行业温室气体排放核算与报告方法 (试行)》和广东省发改委发布的《广东省造纸企业二氧化碳排放信息报告指南》进行了对比分析。在此基础上提出如何确保温室气体碳盘查结果准确性的措施,以确保造纸和纸制品生产企业未来能获得合理的配额量。  相似文献   

为量化酱酒企业碳排放和分析其主要排放源,指导酱酒企业低碳生产,本文基于《食品、烟草及酒、饮料和精制茶企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南(试行)》的方法,核算酱酒企业温室气体排放量,并分析各排放源和排放单元贡献率。结果表明,酱酒企业单位产品的温室气体排放量为2.929 kg/L,其中化石燃料燃烧二氧化碳排放贡献率88%为最高,废水厌氧处理过程二氧化碳排放贡献率10.76%次之,净购入使用的电力二氧化碳排放贡献率1.24%为最小;各生产单元温室气体排放中,锅炉房贡献率88.29%为最高,主要以化石燃料燃烧二氧化碳排放为主,制酒车间次之,贡献率为11.62%,主要以废水厌氧处理过程二氧化碳排放为主,制曲车间最低,贡献率为0.09%。在此基础上,本文提出了改变锅炉燃料类型及燃烧条件、余热回收利用、资源回收利用、发展太阳能光伏发电和节能建筑等建议措施来实现酱酒企业的低碳生产。  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer plays an important role in corn cultivation in terms of both economic and environmental aspects. Nitrogen fertilizer positively affects corn yield and the soil organic carbon level, but it also has negative environmental effects through nitrogen-related emissions from soil (e.g., N20, NOx, NO3(-) leaching, etc.). Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on greenhouse gas emissions associated with corn grain are investigated via life cycle assessment. Ecoefficiency analysis is also used to determine an economically and environmentally optimal nitrogen application rate (NAR). The ecoefficiency index in this study is defined as the ratio of economic return due to nitrogen fertilizer to the greenhouse gas emissions of corn cultivation. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with corn grain decrease as NAR increases at a lower NAR until a minimum greenhouse gas emission level is reached because corn yield and soil organic carbon level increase with NAR. Further increasing NAR after a minimum greenhouse gas emission level raises greenhouse gas emissions associated with corn grain. Increased greenhouse gas emissions of corn grain due to nitrous oxide emissions from soil are much higher than reductions of greenhouse gas emissions of corn grain due to corn yield and changes in soil organic carbon levels at a higher NAR. Thus, there exists an environmentally optimal NAR in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The trends of the ecoefficiency index are similar to those of economic return to nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions associated with corn grain. Therefore, an appropriate NAR could enhance profitability as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with corn grain.  相似文献   

随着全球气候环境的日趋恶化,人们已经认识到传统的高耗能、高污染、高排放、低附加值的经济发展模式已经不可持续了,必须通过新的技术革命,培育新兴产业,淘汰落后产能,使经济发展向低碳或零碳模式方向转变,实现经济、社会、人文的和谐发展。然而,在发展低碳经济、研发低碳产品、倡导低碳生活的同时,产品低碳标准如何衡量界定,产品(服务)生产消费过程的碳排放计量及其对气候变化的影响如何,世界各国尚未形成统一规范。文章对世界上第一个衡量产品碳足迹的标准PAS2050进行了分析,并就其在产品碳足迹测量中的实践应用作了详细阐述。  相似文献   

针对全球正面临着化石能源趋紧、温室气体排放过剩的问题,减污降碳要求已经迫在眉睫,作为支柱产业之一,纺织工业的低碳绿色发展对工业领域实现双碳目标有重要意义.首先,从全产业链分析了中国纺织工业产生能耗和排污的环节,剖析了纺织品从原料加工、染整加工以及成品加工过程中碳排放的主要环节和降碳潜力,然后对推动降碳的污染治理和资源回...  相似文献   

食物系统的温室气体排放及其减排策略研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯适  张奕  陈新平  王孝忠 《食品科学》2022,43(11):273-283
食物系统是一个由食物生产、加工、分配、制备和消费相关的所有要素和活动组成的复杂巨系统,其贡献了全球34%的温室气体排放,成为全球气候变化最大的驱动力之一。本文采用文献分析法,从评价方法、系统评价、减排策略和不确定性分析4 个层面综述食物系统温室气体排放研究进展,提出在未来研究中亟需从准确评价各国居民膳食消费量、完善碳足迹核算系统边界、使用区域本地化碳足迹参数3 个方面提高评价结果的准确性,以期为实现食物系统低碳可持续转型提供理论依据。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):8558-8568
The US dairy industry has made substantial gains in reducing the greenhouse gas emission intensity of a gallon of milk. At the same time, consumer and investor interest for improved environmental benefits or reduced environmental impact of food production continues to grow. Following a trend of increasing greenhouse gas emission commitments for businesses across sectors of the economy, the US dairy industry has committed to a goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Paris Climate Accord's goal is to reduce warming of the atmosphere to less than 1.5 to 2°C based on preindustrial levels, which is different from emission goals of historic climate agreements that focus on emission reduction targets. Most of the emissions that account for the greenhouse gas footprint of a gallon of milk are from the short-lived climate pollutant CH4, which has a half-life of approximately 10 yr. The relatively new accounting system Global Warming Potential Star and the unit CO2 warming equivalents gives the industry the appropriate metrics to quantify their current and projected warming impact on future emissions. Incorporating this metric into potential future emissions pathways can allow the industry to understand the magnitude of emissions reductions needed to no longer contribute additional warming. Deterministic modeling was performed across the dairy industry's emission areas of enteric fermentation, manure management, feed production, and other upstream emissions necessary for dairy production. By reducing farm-level absolute emissions by 23% based on current levels, there is the opportunity for the US dairy industry to realize climate neutrality within the next few decades.  相似文献   

聂曦  王振阳  张丽欣 《印染》2013,39(8):33-36
通过对纺织印染企业生产过程中主要温室气体排放源进行识别,制定出相应的温室气体排放量化方法,为建立纺织印染企业温室气体排放统计核算体系,以及自愿交易市场机制的建立和运行提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

In order to manage strategies to curb climate change, systemic benchmarking at a variety of production scales and methods is needed. This study is the first life cycle assessment (LCA) of a large-scale, vertically integrated organic dairy in the United States. Data collected at Aurora Organic Dairy farms and processing facilities were used to build a LCA model for benchmarking the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption across the entire milk production system, from organic feed production to post-consumer waste disposal. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for the entire system (averaged over two years of analysis) were 18.3 MJ per liter of packaged fluid milk and 2.3 kg CO(2 )equiv per liter of packaged fluid milk, respectively. Methane emissions from enteric fermentation and manure management account for 27% of total system GHG emissions. Transportation represents 29% of the total system energy use and 15% of the total GHG emissions. Utilization of renewable energy at the farms, processing plant, and major transport legs could lead to a 16% reduction in system energy use and 6.4% less GHG emissions. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis reveal that alternative meat coproduct allocation methods can lead to a 2.2% and 7.5% increase in overall system energy and GHG, respectively. Feed inventory data source can influence system energy use by -1% to +10% and GHG emission by -4.6% to +9.2%, and uncertainties in diffuse emission factors contribute -13% to +25% to GHG emission.  相似文献   

Can reducing black carbon emissions counteract global warming?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field measurements and model results have recently shown that aerosols may have important climatic impacts. One line of inquiry has investigated whether reducing climate-warming soot or black carbon aerosol emissions can form a viable component of mitigating global warming. We review and acknowledge scientific arguments against considering aerosols and greenhouse gases in a common framework, including the differences in the physical mechanisms of climate change and relevant time scales. We argue that such a joint consideration is consistent with the language of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. We synthesize results from published climate-modeling studies to obtain a global warming potential for black carbon relative to that of CO2 (680 on a 100 year basis). This calculation enables a discussion of cost-effectiveness for mitigating the largest sources of black carbon. We find that many emission reductions are either expensive or difficult to enact when compared with greenhouse gases, particularly in Annex I countries. Finally, we propose a role for black carbon in climate mitigation strategies that is consistent with the apparently conflicting arguments raised during our discussion. Addressing these emissions is a promising way to reduce climatic interference primarily for nations that have not yet agreed to address greenhouse gas emissions and provides the potential for a parallel climate agreement.  相似文献   

Human-induced changes in water consumption and global warming are likely to reduce the species richness of freshwater ecosystems. So far, these impacts have not been addressed in the context of life cycle assessment (LCA). Here, we derived characterization factors for water consumption and global warming based on freshwater fish species loss. Calculation of characterization factors for potential freshwater fish losses from water consumption were estimated using a generic species-river discharge curve for 214 global river basins. We also derived characterization factors for potential freshwater fish species losses per unit of greenhouse gas emission. Based on five global climate scenarios, characterization factors for 63 greenhouse gas emissions were calculated. Depending on the river considered, characterization factors for water consumption can differ up to 3 orders of magnitude. Characterization factors for greenhouse gas emissions can vary up to 5 orders of magnitude, depending on the atmospheric residence time and radiative forcing efficiency of greenhouse gas emissions. An emission of 1 ton of CO? is expected to cause the same impact on potential fish species disappearance as the water consumption of 10-1000 m3, depending on the river basin considered. Our results make it possible to compare the impact of water consumption with greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

Capture and sequestration of CO2 from fossil fuel power plants is gaining widespread interest as a potential method of controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Performance and cost models of an amine (MEA)-based CO2 absorption system for postcombustion flue gas applications have been developed and integrated with an existing power plant modeling framework that includes multipollutant control technologies for other regulated emissions. The integrated model has been applied to study the feasibility and cost of carbon capture and sequestration at both new and existing coal-burning power plants. The cost of carbon avoidance was shown to depend strongly on assumptions about the reference plant design, details of the CO2 capture system design, interactions with other pollution control systems, and method of CO2 storage. The CO2 avoidance cost for retrofit systems was found to be generally higher than for new plants, mainly because of the higher energy penalty resulting from less efficient heat integration as well as site-specific difficulties typically encountered in retrofit applications. For all cases, a small reduction in CO2 capture cost was afforded by the SO2 emission trading credits generated by amine-based capture systems. Efforts are underway to model a broader suite of carbon capture and sequestration technologies for more comprehensive assessments in the context of multipollutant environmental management.  相似文献   

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