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The lampricides 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and 2′, 5-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide (niclosamide) are used to control sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), an invasive species in the Great Lakes. Age-0 lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), a species of conservation concern, share similar stream habitats with larval sea lampreys and these streams can be targeted for lampricide applications on a 3- to 5-year cycle. Previous laboratory research found that lake sturgeon smaller than 100 mm could be susceptible to lampricide treatments. We conducted stream-side toxicity (bioassay) and in situ studies in conjunction with 10 lampricide applications in nine Great Lakes tributaries to determine whether sea lamprey treatments could result in in situ age-0 lake sturgeon mortality, and developed a logistic model to help predict lake sturgeon survival during future treatments. In the bioassays the observed concentrations where no lake sturgeon mortality occurred (no observable effect concentration, NOEC) were at or greater than the observed sea lamprey minimum lethal concentration (MLC or LC99) in 7 of 10 tests. We found that the mean in situ survival of age-0 lake sturgeon during 10 lampricide applications was 80%, with a range of 45–100% survival within streams. Modeling indicated that in age-0 lake sturgeon survival was negatively correlated with absolute TFM concentration and stream alkalinity, and positively correlated with stream pH and temperature. Overall survival was higher than expected based on previous research, and we expect that these data will help managers with decisions on the trade-offs between sea lamprey control and the effect on stream-specific populations of age-0 lake sturgeon.  相似文献   

We identified aspects of the trapping process that afforded opportunities for improving trap efficiency of invasive sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in a Great Lake's tributary. Capturing a sea lamprey requires it to encounter the trap, enter, and be retained until removed. Probabilities of these events depend on the interplay between sea lamprey behavior, environmental conditions, and trap design. We first tested how strongly seasonal patterns in daily trap catches (a measure of trapping success) were related to nightly rates of trap encounter, entry, and retention (outcomes of sea lamprey behavior). We then tested the degree to which variation in rates of trap encounter, entry, and retention were related to environmental features that control agents can manipulate (attractant pheromone addition, discharge) and features agents cannot manipulate (water temperature, season), but could be used as indicators for when to increase trapping effort. Daily trap catch was most strongly associated with rate of encounter. Relative and absolute measures of predictive strength for environmental factors that managers could potentially manipulate were low, suggesting that opportunities to improve trapping success by manipulating factors that affect rates of encounter, entry, and retention are limited. According to results at this trap, more sea lamprey would be captured by increasing trapping effort early in the season when sea lamprey encounter rates with traps are high. The approach used in this study could be applied to trapping of other invasive or valued species.  相似文献   

In the one hundred years since sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) were discovered in Lake Erie, the species completed its invasion throughout the Great Lakes basin, contributed to the downfall of the commercial fishing industry, and served as a catalyst for the development of the collaborative fishery management regime that exists today. The sea lamprey invasion simultaneously caused wide-spread devastation while giving rise to a collective realization that the health of the Great Lakes would require ongoing cooperation among governments, scientists, and users of the resource. Since its inception, the effort to control sea lampreys in the Great Lakes has been defined by a “shoot for the moon” mentality. The desperation of communities directly harmed by the sea lamprey invasion, coupled with the determination and unyielding commitment to science by those tasked with addressing the problem, led to the formation of the only reported successful aquatic vertebrate invasive species control program at an ecosystem scale.  相似文献   

Management of a widely distributed species can be a challenge when management priorities, resource status, and assessment methods vary across jurisdictions. For example, restoration and preservation of coregonine species diversity is a goal of management agencies across the Laurentian Great Lakes. However, management goals and the amount of information available varies across management units, making the focus for management efforts challenging to determine. Genetic data provide a spatially consistent means to assess diversity. Therefore, we examined the genetic stock structure of cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the Great Lakes where the species is still extant. Using genotype data from 17 microsatellite DNA loci, we observed low levels of population structure among collections with most contributions to overall diversity occurring among lakes. Cisco from lakes Superior, Michigan, Ontario, and the St. Marys River could be considered single genetic populations while distinct genetic populations were observed among samples from northern Lake Huron. Significant within-lake diversity in Lake Huron is supported by populations found in embayments in northern Lake Huron. The Grand Traverse Bay population in Lake Michigan represents a distinct population with reduced levels of genetic variation when compared to other lakes. The different levels of within lake population structure we observed will be important to consider as future lake-specific management plans are developed.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (NFix) is an important, yet understudied, microbial process in aquatic ecosystems, especially in the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGL). To date, a dearth of nitrogen fixation rate measurements exists in the LGL, are from temporally isolated studies, and were collected primarily from near-shore and surface water environments. Evidence of nitrogen accumulation across the Laurentian Great Lakes suggest that we do not have a firm grasp on nitrogen cycling in large lakes. Thus, we sought to quantify the spatial variability of NFix in the LGL. We found lakes are significantly different in NFix rates from one another and that rates are depth dependent. Overall mean surface NFix rates of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario were 0.024, 0.020, 0.069, 0.145, and 0.078 (nmol N2/L/hr), respectively. Likewise, we found the Western, Central and Eastern basins of Lake Erie are significantly different in NFix rates (0.1540, 0.1032, 0.0738 nmol N2/L/hr). However, we found no significant difference in NFix rates between near and offshore sites in Lake Erie, which may have been biased due to a cyanobacterial bloom containing a nitrogen-fixing Dolichospermum sp. Linear regression models indicate NFix is generally positively correlated with chlorophyll-a concentration and negatively correlated with oxidized nitrogen species concentrations. However, Lakes Erie and Huron exhibited a positive linear relationship with oxidized nitrogen, suggesting that NFix may persist to meet cellular and community nitrogen demands. Together, our data highlight NFix is important despite the presence of abundant nitrogen in all LGL.  相似文献   

Fish are an excellent source of lean protein and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) but there is inadequate information on the levels of PUFAs in freshwater fish and specifically Great Lakes fish. Knowledge of PUFAs is necessary to make informed decisions regarding the balance between the benefits of fish consumption due to these factors versus risks of adverse health effects associated with elevated levels of contaminants known to be present in some Great Lakes fish and linked to increased risk of cancer and adverse neurological effects to both infants and adults. Our goal was to determine the lipid profiles in two species of Great Lakes fish, lake trout and whitefish. Total fat and the percentage of total and omega-3 PUFAs were with one exception significantly higher in lake trout than whitefish. Average concentrations of EPA + DHA were 11.2 and 9.7 g/100 g lipid in lake trout and whitefish, respectively. The concentrations of EPA + DHA in fatty marine fish (22.7, 23.9 and 30.2 g/100 g lipid, respectively) are about double those found in Great Lakes lake trout and whitefish. Nevertheless a 100 g serving of Great Lakes lake trout provides more than 500 mg of EPA + DHA, which is the daily intake level recommended by the American Dietetics Association for the prevention of coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Ongoing human perturbations to the global inorganic carbon cycle can cause various changes in the pH and alkalinity of aquatic systems. Here seasonal and inter-annual trends in these variables were investigated in the five Laurentian Great Lakes using data from the U.S. EPA GLENDA database. These observations, along with temperature, were also used to predict the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface water (pCO2). There are strong seasonal differences in pH in all five lakes, with higher pH levels in summer than in spring. All lakes show significantly higher pCO2 values in spring than in summer. Michigan and Ontario show higher alkalinity values in spring; Huron shows lower spring values. Inter-annually, open-lake pH shows the highest values in all lakes around 2010, the time frame of lowest lake water levels, though only lakes Superior and Erie show statistically significant inflection points at that time. Inter-annual alkalinity trends differ considerably from those of pH. Superior’s alkalinity increases until ~2008 and then begins dropping; Ontario’s alkalinity decreases until ~2004 and then begins increasing, with the decrease coinciding with the introduction and establishment of Dreissenid mussels. The other lakes show much less clear inter-annual alkalinity trends. For pCO2, inter-annual trends in each lake show either increases from 1992 to 2019 (for Superior, Michigan, and Huron) or shifts from slightly decreasing values to increasing values for the other lakes. The timing of this shift is from 2008 to 2010.  相似文献   

A database of nearly 500 analyses of perchlorate in water samples from the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGL) watershed is presented, including samples from streams, from the Great Lakes and their connecting waters, with a special emphasis on Lake Erie. These data were assessed to test an earlier hypothesis that loading of perchlorate to the LGL watershed is relatively uniform. Higher perchlorate concentrations in streams in more developed and urban areas appear to indicate higher rates of loading from anthropogenic sources in these areas. Variable perchlorate concentrations in samples from Lake Erie indicate transient (un-mixed) conditions, and suggest loss by microbial degradation, focused in the central basin of that lake. Interpretation of the data included estimation of annual loading by streams in various sub-watersheds, and simulations (steady state and transient state) of the mass balance of perchlorate in the Great Lakes. The results suggest uneven loading from atmospheric deposition and other sources.  相似文献   

A primary fishery concern in the Laurentian Great Lakes is mitigating the persistent negative impact of parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) on native lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Wounds observed on surviving lake trout are commonly used by managers to assess damages associated with sea lamprey predation. We estimated the relationship between wounding rates and lake trout size, and how this varied spatially and temporally. We built upon previously published work by fitting wound rates as a logistic function of lake trout size. By using longer time series and data from three Great Lakes, our analysis harnessed substantially more contrast in host populations than previous work, and we also employed software advances for nonlinear mixed-effect models. Candidate models allowed logistic function parameters to be constant or to vary spatially, temporally, or both. Temporal effects were modeled as random walk processes. We also considered models that assumed either Poisson or negative binomial distributions for the number of wounds per fish at a given length. Models that allowed for both spatial and temporal effects in the shaping parameters and assumed a negative binomial wound distribution resulted in the best fit as indicated by Akaike's Information Criterion. Wounding rate estimates from models selected for each lake in this analysis are contrasted with those of wounding rate models currently used as components of lake trout population assessments. Although model fit was improved substantially, differences in wounding rates estimates are modest and estimates follow very similar temporal trends. However, as time series of wound data continue to grow, models that incorporate temporal variability in parameter estimation are expected to be increasingly favored. This research provides managers with an updated tool to obtain more reliable estimates of sea lamprey wounding.  相似文献   

A mass balance modelling approach was used to help understand the movement and impacts of tritium discharged from Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reactor facilities into Lake Ontario. A concentration-time model, previously developed, is updated in this study. Historical and projected tritium concentrations for Lake Ontario waters are presented. A model calculated accident scenario (10 times highest accidental release) indicates the importance of dilution to the dispersion of tritium; a “modelled” release in 2016 has tritium levels declining by the year 2030 to “previous 2016 levels”. As part of the mass balance approach, lake-bottom sediments were considered as potential radionuclide “sinks”. Tritium porewater results were noted as perturbations at depth in both short (30–50 cm cores) and long sediment core profiles (to 300 cm). These change in tritium concentrations with depth may have been due to CANDU emissions (as the most likely source) over time, based on records of accidental releases of tritiated coolant water. However, the exact process (advection and/or diffusion) responsible for the penetration of tritium into the lake bottom requires additional physical and hydrogeological characterization of the lake bottom sediments.  相似文献   

The Laurentian Great Lakes of North America have been a focus of environmental and ecosystem research since the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement in 1972. This study provides a review of scientific literature directed at the assessment of Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems. Our aim was to understand the methods employed to quantify disturbance and ecosystem quality within Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems within the last 20 years. We focused specifically on evidence of multidisciplinary articles, in authorship or types of assessment parameters used. We sought to uncover: 1) where Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems are investigated, 2) how patterns in the disciplines of researchers have shifted over time, 3) how measured parameters differed among disciplines, and 4) which parameters were used most often. Results indicate research was conducted almost evenly across the five Laurentian Great Lakes and that publication of coastal ecosystems studies increased dramatically ten years after the first State of the Great Lakes Ecosystem Conference in 1994. Research authored by environmental scientists and by multiple disciplines (multidisciplinary) have become more prevalent since 2003. This study supports the likelihood that communication and knowledge-sharing is happening between disciplines on some level. Multidisciplinary or environmental science articles were the most inclusive of parameters from different disciplines, but every discipline seemed to include chemical parameters less often than biota, physical, and spatial parameters. There is a need for an increased understanding of minor nutrient, toxin, and heavy metal impacts and use of spatial metrics in Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

The coordinated use of ecological data is critical to the proper management of invasive species in the coastal wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Researchers and government programs have been increasingly calling for the use of data in management activities to increase the likelihood of success and add transparency in decision making. Web-enabled databases have the potential to provide managers working in Great Lakes coastal wetlands with relevant data to support management decisions. To assess the potential value of these databases to managers in Laurentian Great Lakes states, we surveyed wetland managers to determine their current data usage as well as their future data interests and catalogued the online databases currently available. Surveys were disseminated via email to managers in 56 different organizations overseeing invasive species management efforts in Great Lakes coastal wetlands; 46 responses were included in this analysis. Of the survey respondents, all reported using raw biotic data for decision making, (i.e. presence of target species) but many indicated that they would prefer to incorporate a greater variety of data, as well as more complex information. Our survey found that managers used web-enabled databases, but most databases that we catalogued only provided presence data for wetland biota. We concluded that databases can provide the types of data sought by invasive species managers but have unmet potential to be integrated into responsive management processes.  相似文献   

Long- and short-term levels and trends of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and walleye (Sander vitreus) from the Canadian waters of the Great Lakes are examined using the bootstrap resampling method in light of the Great Lakes Strategy 2002 (GLS-2002) objective of decrease in concentrations by 25% during 2000–2007. This objective has been set as an indicator of progress toward the long-term goal of all Great Lakes fish being safe to eat without restriction. Lake Superior lake trout and walleye PCB concentrations were almost unchanged between 1990-2006, and the bootstrap analysis suggests that the probability of achieving the GLS-2002 objective is negligible (< 2%). The PCB levels in Lake Huron lake trout and walleye are decreasing; the declines between 2000–2007 are estimated to be 25–35% and 5–30%, respectively. In contrast, Lake Erie walleye concentrations will likely increase by 25–50% between 2000–2007. For Lake Ontario lake trout, achieving the 25% reduction target seems highly probable with a likely decrease of 45–55%; for Lake Ontario walleye, the probability of achieving such a reduction is only 8% with an expected change of −13 to +15%. Although the targeted reduction may not be achieved for walleye from Lakes Superior, Huron, and Ontario, their best projected 2007 PCB levels are below the unlimited fish consumption guideline of 105 ng/g wet weight used by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. In contrast, although there are high probabilities of achieving the goal for lake trout from Lakes Huron and Ontario, their best projected 2007 PCB levels (160 and 370 ng/g ww, respectively) will continue to result in consumption restrictions. Lake Superior lake trout concentrations may remain unchanged at the current elevated level of 160 ng/g ww. For Lake Erie fish, the projected 2007 concentrations and the increasing trends are both worrisome. Additional measurements beyond 2007 are necessary to confirm these estimates because of the observed periodic oscillations in the concentrations.  相似文献   

In 2013 the Laurentian Great Lakes are at historically low levels; but they will undoubtedly rise again as they always have in an ongoing pattern of seasonal, annual and decadal fluctuations. Those fluctuations, coupled with other physical dynamics unique to the Great Lakes system, will continue to shift shorelines lake-ward and land-ward dramatically over time, perhaps more so because of increased storminess from climate change. These shifting shores implicate legal doctrines that attempt to balance public interests and private property rights at the shore, and they complicate the Great Lakes states' efforts to effectively and fairly manage their Great Lakes shorelands. One challenge comes from using an elevation-based standard to mark ordinary high water, a method that is difficult conceptually to administer and that yields multiple marks over time. We describe briefly Great Lakes shoreline dynamics and the application of state Public Trust Doctrines to those shorelines, and we discuss in detail recent litigation in Michigan regarding use of an elevation-based standard to mark ordinary high water, illustrating the inherent problems with that standard. We conclude that the elevation-based standard should be abandoned, or if not abandoned applied in a manner to adequately safeguard public trust shorelands.  相似文献   

Ballast water regulations implemented in the early 1990s appear not to have slowed the rate of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) establishment in the Great Lakes. With more invasive species on the horizon, we examine the question of whether eradication of AIS is a viable management strategy for the Laurentian Great Lakes, and what a coordinated AIS early detection and eradication program would entail. In-lake monitoring would be conducted to assess the effectiveness of regulations aimed at stopping new AIS, and to maximize the likelihood of early detection of new invaders. Monitoring would be focused on detecting the most probable invaders, the most invasion-prone habitats, and the species most conducive to eradication. When a new non-native species is discovered, an eradication assessment would be conducted and used to guide the management response. In light of high uncertainty, management decisions must be robust to a range of impact and control scenarios. Though prevention should continue to be the cornerstone of management efforts, we believe that a coordinated early detection and eradication program is warranted if the Great Lakes management community and stakeholders are serious about reducing undesired impacts stemming from new AIS in the Great Lakes. Development of such a program is an opportunity for the Laurentian Great Lakes resource management community to demonstrate global leadership in invasive species management.  相似文献   

Effects of lake level fluctuations on coastal bluff erosion in the Great Lakes are pervasive and of significant concern to policy-makers and property owners. Previous studies of bluff erosion have primarily estimated two-dimensional bluff recession rates over years to decades. However, bluff erosion is an irregular process in time and space so averaging coarse resolution observations over long time periods may neglect important processes driving erosion. To address this we use photogrammetric surveys of a Lake Michigan bluff to create four high resolution (10 cm) digital elevation models (DEMs) that span one year with images collected from small unoccupied aerial systems (sUAS). The elevation models were differenced to compare variations in sediment loss to modelled time-series of wave data, atmospheric temperature and lake level. The sub-annual erosion rates calculated from sUAS surveys were compared to long-term recession rates obtained by digitizing historic aerial imagery. The rate of erosion of the bluffs is a time dependent function of two factors: (1) the supply of sediment to lower regions on the bluffs from mass wasting and (2) increased wave erosion resulting from above-average lake levels and intensified onshore wave energy. These factors combine in the early spring when wave energy is elevated and atmospheric temperatures increase, causing reduction in bluff sediment strength by thawing, as well as an increase in porewater pressure from snow melt. Most importantly, above-average lake levels sustained in the longer term (multiple years) are required for the combination of (1) and (2) to result in substantial bluff erosion.  相似文献   

In recent decades, three important events have likely played a role in changing the water temperature and clarity of the Laurentian Great Lakes: 1) warmer climate, 2) reduced phosphorus loading, and 3) invasion by European Dreissenid mussels. This paper compiled environmental data from government agencies monitoring the middle and lower portions of the Great Lakes basin (lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario) to document changes in aquatic environments between 1968 and 2002. Over this 34-year period, mean annual air temperature increased at an average rate of 0.037 °C/y, resulting in a 1.3 °C increase. Surface water temperature during August has been rising at annual rates of 0.084 °C (Lake Huron) and 0.048 °C (Lake Ontario) resulting in increases of 2.9 °C and 1.6 °C, respectively. In Lake Erie, the trend was also positive, but it was smaller and not significant. Water clarity, measured here by August Secchi depth, increased in all lakes. Secchi depth increased 1.7 m in Lake Huron, 3.1 m in Lake Ontario and 2.4 m in Lake Erie. Prior to the invasion of Dreissenid mussels, increases in Secchi depth were significant (p < 0.05) in lakes Erie and Ontario, suggesting that phosphorus abatement aided water clarity. After Dreissenid mussel invasion, significant increases in Secchi depth were detected in lakes Ontario and Huron.  相似文献   

Sediment contamination resulting from the direct discharge of industrial and municipal wastes contributed to the designation of Muskegon Lake (Michigan) as a Great Lakes Area of Concern. To assess the changes occurring in the sedient-dwelling invertebrate communities since wastewater diversion began in 1973, benthic samples were collected three times per year (spring, summer, fall) between 2004 and 2010 from six sites and compared to historic samples. The density and diversity of invertebrate populations were analyzed to: 1) identify spatial and temporal patterns in the community structure; 2) determine if community structure patterns were related to environmental variables; and 3) assess the recovery of Muskegon Lake's benthic community following wastewater diversion. Our results revealed that invertebrate community structure changed on both annual and spatial scales, while seasonal differences were shown to be modest between 2004 and 2010. The environmental variables with the greatest explanatory power included dissolved oxygen, pH, and depth. Overall, recovery of benthic invertebrate community structure was evident based on multiple lines of evidence, including increased densities of all major taxonomic groups and species diversity since wastewater diversion, decreases in both the oligochaete–chironomid ratio (0.92 in 1972; 0.69 in 2010) and the proportion of oligochaetes, and declining sediment metal concentration over time. However, comparisons of present-day and historic sampling sites must be viewed with caution because sampling locations and protocols varied among years. Significant changes in benthic invertebrate composition and water quality metrics since 1972 suggest improved environmental conditions and the continued recovery of Muskegon Lake from historic pollution.  相似文献   

As part of the U.S. Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program (GLFMSP), more than 300 lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) collected from the Laurentian Great Lakes each year from 2004 to 2009, have been analyzed for total toxaphene and eight selected congeners. The analytical results show fish toxaphene concentrations are quite different among lakes. Between 2004 and 2009, Lake Superior lake trout had the highest concentration (119 to 482 ng/g) and Lake Erie walleye had the lowest concentration (18 to 47 ng/g). Combining these results with the historical total toxaphene data (1977–2003), temporal changes were examined for each lake. Because of different analytical methods used in the previous studies, the historical data were adjusted using a factor of 0.56 based on a previous inter-method comparison in our laboratory. Trend analysis using an exponential decay regression showed that toxaphene in Great Lakes fish exhibited a significant decrease in all of the lakes with t1/2 (confidence interval) of 0.9 (0.8–1.1) years for Lake Erie walleye, 3.8 (3.5–4.1) years for Lake Huron lake trout, 5.6 (5.1–6.1) years for Lake Michigan lake trout, 7.5 (6.7–8.4) years for Lake Ontario lake trout and 10.1 (8.2–13.2) years for Lake Superior lake trout. Parlars 26, 50 and 62 were the dominant toxaphene congeners accounting for 0.53% to 41.7% of the total toxaphene concentration. Concentrations of these congeners generally also decreased over time.  相似文献   

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