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Fatty acid profiles increasingly are being used to quantify foraging patterns of consumers, but the associated interpretation may vary with the tissue type and its lipid content. For salmonids, lipid deposits can be found in both dorsal and ventral (“belly flap”) areas of muscle tissues. However, it is uncertain whether belly flap and dorsal muscle fatty acid profiles are similar in natural populations of fish. We examined how fatty acid profiles of belly flap compared to those of dorsal muscle and the consequent impacts on dietary inferences. Fatty acid profiles were derived from lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) caught in five North American lakes: Champlain, Flathead, Michigan, Ontario, and Swan. Fatty acid profiles were most similar between tissues when lipid content of muscle was > ~10%, the threshold below which similarities decreased and thus increasingly affected dietary inference. Some fatty acids commonly used as trophic indicators preferentially accrued in one tissue over the other depending on lipid content of the tissues. Regardless of tissue type, fatty acid profiles were specific to each lake indicating that food web structures were distinctive over a broad geographic range. Fatty acid profiles of tissues from lakes Michigan and Ontario were highly similar, so were those from Flathead and Swan lakes, whereas those from Lake Champlain were distinct, having comparatively high proportions of 18:1n-9. We conclude that lipid storage areas like belly flaps likely provide a more accurate signal than muscle when using fatty acids to investigate dietary patterns, particularly when muscle lipid levels are low.  相似文献   

We examined factors that influence the energy base of Great Lakes coastal wetland food webs across a basin-wide gradient of landscape disturbance. Wetland nutrient concentrations were positively correlated with a principal components-based metric of agricultural practices. Hydraulic residence time influenced the energy base of wetland food webs, with high residence-time systems based mostly on plankton and low residence-time systems based mostly upon benthos. In systems with plankton, the importance of planktonic carbon to the resident fish community generally increased with residence time. A stronger relationship was apparent with an index of nutrient loading that combined residence time and nutrient concentration as the predictor (R2 = 0.289, p = 0.026). Shifts toward plankton-based food webs occurred at relatively low levels of loading. In riverine wetlands without plankton, contributions of detrital carbon to fish communities decreased significantly in response to watershed disturbance that reflected nutrient loading. In a third class of wetlands the wetland-resident fish communities were not entirely supported by within-wetland carbon sources and were significantly subsidized by nearshore habitats, which provided 35 (± 22) to 73 (± 9) % of fish community carbon. When lake-run migrant fish were included in the analyses, nearshore subsidies to all 30 wetland food webs ranged from 3 (± 2) to 79 (± 12) %. We obtained similar ranges when examining nearshore contributions to a single wetland species, northern pike. These results illustrate the spatial scale and the degree to which the energetics of coastal wetland food webs are influenced by interactions with their watersheds and Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Rivermouth ecosystems are areas where tributary waters mix with lentic near-shore waters and provide habitat for many Laurentian Great Lakes fish and wildlife species. Rivermouths are the interface between terrestrial activities that influence rivers and the ecologically important nearshore. Stable isotopes of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) in consumers were measured from a range of rivermouths systems to address two questions: 1) What is the effect of rivermouth ecosystems and land cover on the isotopic composition of N available to rivermouth consumers? 2) Are rivermouth consumers composed of lake-like or river-like C? For question 1, data suggest that strong relationships between watershed agriculture and consumer N are weakened or eliminated at the rivermouth, in favor of stronger relationships between consumer N and depositional areas that may favor denitrification. For question 2, despite apparently large riverine inputs, consumers only occasionally appear river-like. More often consumers seem to incorporate large amounts of C from either the nearshore or primary production within the rivermouth itself. Rivermouths appear to be active C and N processing environments, thus necessitating their explicit incorporation into models estimating nearshore loading and possibly contributing to their importance to Great Lakes biota.  相似文献   

Using monitoring data from the South Basin of Lake Lugano (Switzerland and Italy), we examined seasonal responses of phytoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton biomass to nearly three decades (1989–2017) of phosphorus (P) management to ask: [1] what is the trophic structure of the lake, [2] whether trophic structure and the effects of nutrient management varied seasonally, and [3] what are the implications of the existent trophic structure for the restoration of the lake. Trophic structure varied seasonally, including a structure consistent with strong consumer control (exploitation food chain) in spring and fall, and an unexpected structure in summer, characterized by a negative correlation between phytoplankton biomass and phosphorus. This structure was explained by accumulation of inedible phytoplankton (mainly cyanobacteria) at low P concentrations. Owing to a lack of apparent resource (P) control, P-management had no detectable effects on phytoplankton biomass. The trophic structures identified in the lake provides explanations for this lack of response to P-management and for the differences between the responses of the South Basin of Lake Lugano and other perialpine lakes. Based on the results, lake restoration practice would benefit from a greater understanding and an increased ability to predict trophic structure within and across lakes.  相似文献   

Hydrologic linkages among coastal wetland and nearshore areas allow coastal fish to move among the habitats, which has led to a variety of habitat use patterns. We determined nutritional support of coastal fishes from 12 wetland-nearshore habitat pairs using stable isotope analyses, which revealed differences among species and systems in multi-habitat use. Substantial (proportions?>?0.30) nutrition often came from the habitat other than that in which fish were captured. Nearshore subsidies to coastal wetlands indicate wetlands are not exclusively exporters of energy and materials; rather, there is reciprocity in the mutual energetic support of nearshore and wetland food webs. Coastal wetland hydrogeomorphology influenced the amount of multi-habitat use by coastal fishes. Fishes from systems with relatively open interfaces between wetland and nearshore habitats exhibited less nutritional reliance on the habitat in which they were captured, and higher use of resources from the adjacent habitat. Comparisons of stable isotope analyses of nutrition with otolith analyses of occupancy indicated nutritional sources often corresponded with habitat occupancy; however, disparities among place of capture, otolith analyses, and nutritional analyses indicated differences in the types of support those analyses inform. Disparities between occupancy information and nutritional information can stem from movements for support functions other than foraging. Together, occupancy information from otolith microchemistry and nutritional information from stable isotope analyses provide complementary measures of the use of multiple habitats by mobile consumers. This work underscores the importance of protecting or restoring a diversity of coastal habitats and the hydrologic linkages among them.  相似文献   

Herring gulls (Larus argentatus) are generalist feeders; contaminant levels in their eggs reflect chemical exposure and uptake due to foraging in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Hence, contaminant levels in their eggs provide insights into sources and relative importance of aquatic versus terrestrial pathways of chemical transfer. Here, perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) known to be bioaccumulative were measured in individual herring gull eggs from one site on Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada. Thirteen perfluorinated carboxylates (PFCA, C4-C18) and four perfluorinated sulfonates (PFSA, C4-C10) were measured. Total PFCA and total PFSA concentrations varied 4- and 5-fold, respectively, among eggs. To understand these differences, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and fatty acid dietary tracers were measured in the same eggs. Stable isotopes were not useful in explaining inter-egg differences in PFAA concentrations. However, a variety of omega 3 (n-3) and omega 6 (n-6) fatty acid measures were correlated with C9-C13 PFCAs as well as the PFSAs: perfluoro-1-hexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) and perfluoro-1-octanesulfonic acid (PFOS). In general, n-3 fatty acids were positively correlated with egg PFAA concentrations while only the n-6 fatty acids exhibited negative relationships with egg PFAA levels. Proportions of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids in eggs would be expected to increase and decrease, respectively, with increased aquatic food in the gull diet. Results indicate that increased use of aquatic food led to heightened PFAA exposure in these generalist consumers sampled in a relatively remote area. They also highlight the utility of employing a variety of dietary markers for understanding contaminant exposure and accumulation.  相似文献   

Understanding stock structure and habitat use is important for sustainable fisheries management and conservation of genetic and phenotypic diversity. In eastern Lake Michigan, yellow perch Perca flavescens is found in both the nearshore region of Lake Michigan proper and drowned river mouth (DRM) lakes, small estuary-like systems directly connected to Lake Michigan. Recent genetic analyses suggest complex stock structure between these habitats and the potential migration of Lake Michigan yellow perch into the profundal zone of DRM lakes. We quantified carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotope ratios of yellow perch otolith cores to index natal origins, and measured muscle δ13C, nitrogen (δ15N), δ18O, and hydrogen (δ2H) isotope ratios to reflect recent diet and habitat use. Stable isotope ratios of otolith cores and muscle samples support the existence of resident populations in nearshore Lake Michigan and DRM lakes, as well as Lake Michigan migrants using DRM lakes. Most fish caught in DRM lakes that had natal and recent stable isotope values similar to Lake Michigan fish were collected during fall in DRM lake profundal zones. Comparison of otolith core and muscle stable isotope ratios of individual yellow perch suggest that individuals that recently migrated to DRM lakes also spent early life in Lake Michigan. Differential habitat use patterns of yellow perch in eastern Lake Michigan may have important implications for harvest estimates and fishing regulations. Migration by Lake Michigan fish into DRM lakes does not appear to be related to reproduction, and the underlying benefits of these migrations remain unclear.  相似文献   

Dreissenid mussels have become important components of the Great Lakes biological community since their introduction in the 1980s, but much remains to be understood regarding their effect on energy and nutrient flows in pelagic systems. Here, we report a new method that tracks incorporation of resources of molluskan origin into food webs used by aquatic birds. Biochemical tracers (fatty acids and stable carbon isotopes) are used to characterize species associated with pelagic and benthic food webs in Lake Ontario. Our focus is on the polymethylene-interrupted fatty acids (PMI-FAs) because previous research identified mollusks as their primary source. We found that PMI-FA mass fractions were greater in organisms associated with benthic (e.g. round goby) versus pelagic (e.g. alewife) food webs. Double-crested cormorants that had recently consumed benthic prey fish, i.e. goby, had greater proportions of PMI-FAs in their blood plasma than birds which showed no signs of recent goby ingestion. We did not detect an increase in mass fractions of PMI-FAs in cryogenically archived cormorant eggs following expansion of dreissenid mussels in Lake Ontario. However, following the introduction and expansion of round goby in the lake, PMI-FAs were detected at greater levels in cormorant eggs. These results illustrate how only after dreissenid mussel-facilitated establishment of round goby was the full extent of exotic species disruption of food webs manifested in fish-eating birds. These food web changes may be contributing to negative impacts on aquatic birds exemplified by the emergence of Botulism Type E as a significant mortality factor in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Lakes are versatile ecosystems, with eutrophication being a serious problem affecting their condition and trophic status. Eutrophication can lead to an over‐abundance of macrophytes in lakes, producing favourable conditions for mosquito larvae. Increased eutrophication is attributed in most to excessive phosphorus concentrations in lake water. Satellite imagery analysis now plays a prominent role for quickly assessing water quality over a large area. The present study is an attempt to illustrate the variation of phosphate and total phosphorus concentrations in Akkulam–Veli Lake, Kerala, India, using Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS P6‐ LISS III) imagery. A multiple regression equation derived using radiance in the red and MIR bands in the imagery was found to yield superior results for predicting the phosphate concentration, whereas a simple regression equation using radiance in red band was found to yield good results for the total phosphorus concentration in lake water. Accordingly, the trophic status of the lake system can be determined easily from satellite imagery in this manner.  相似文献   

The present research focused on the functional role of the phytoplankton of an economically important endorheic tropical lake from the perspective of algal growth bioassays. The algal growth potential of the lake water was compared for littoral and pelagic sites during the wet and dry seasons. Algal growth potentials at open waters reached minimum and maximum values following the seasonal alternation of dilution (by rain) and concentration (by evaporation) respectively. Conversely, at southern littoral stations high algal growth responses related to the availability of nutrients from point contamination sites. There was no such effect at nearby offshore sites or elsewhere in the lake which suggests filtration and competitive interactions for these nutrients between phytoplankton and littoral macrophytes. Nitrogen and phosphorus both acted consistently as limiting nutrients at open waters by colimitation. Nitrogen to phosphorus ratios seemed to approach equilibrium where limitation easily shifted to one element or the other temporally and spatially.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial use of reintroduced fish is useful for fisheries management and evaluating restoration success. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were reintroduced into Lake Ontario in the 1990s; however, the movement ecology of these land-locked fish is unknown. Using acoustic telemetry and Floy tag mark-recaptures, we examined seasonal home range and space use of Atlantic salmon in Lake Ontario. Hatchery-raised adult Atlantic salmon were tagged with acoustic transmitters (n = 14; 8 with depth sensors) or Floy tags (n = 1915) and released. Both acoustic telemetry and Floy tag recaptures (n = 90) indicated cross lake movements, and home ranges encompassed nearly the entire lake in summer but was smaller in winter. Movements were nearshore (<2 km from shore) from spring to summer at ~20 m bathymetric depths, with movements closer to shore in the fall, and further offshore (~5.5 km from shore and 45 m bathymetric depths) in winter. Depth use was relatively shallow (<4 m) with occasional deeper dives (max = 28.5 m), and small diel vertical movements (1–5 m), moving deeper during daytime, consistent with ocean movements of Atlantic salmon. There appears to be spatial segregation among Atlantic salmon and other Lake Ontario salmonids, however, overlap likely occurs in nearshore waters during the spring. Wide-ranging movements of Atlantic salmon in binational (Canada/USA) waters reflects the importance of government agencies collaborating to ensure sustainable fisheries and the coordination of species restoration activities. This is the first study to provide detailed spatial use of Lake Ontario Atlantic salmon to assist in the management of this reintroduced species.  相似文献   

We numerically explored the effects of long-term water level changes on biotic biomass and spatial distribution of fish in a large shallow lake. We calibrated Ecospace model (Ecopath with Ecosim modelling suite) with data from various functional groups (ranging from phytoplankton to piscivorous fish), and considered 14 different habitats. Two scenarios representing, respectively, a long-term water-level increase and decrease by 1 m were constructed and run for a period of thirty eight years (1979–2016). The results showed a very uneven spatial distribution of fish biomass in the lake, with the highest concentration in the southern basin. The 1 m decrease scenario caused a diminution in the biomass of all groups but piscivorous fish. The 1 m increase scenario saw a weak decrease in most species biomass. Consequently, in both scenarios, long-term water level changes would be generally detrimental to the lake biota. In the context of more frequent climate-induced hydrological fluctuations, we encourage the use of these simulations as effective tools for future prediction and assessment of ecosystem-based fisheries management and ecological status maintenance of shallow lakes.  相似文献   

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