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从造型语义看川酒酒瓶设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗彬菲  黄静  张玉萍 《包装工程》2016,37(16):133-137
目的针对古代酒具和川酒酒瓶造型案例进行设计分析,挖掘造型中所蕴涵的语义情境和情感态度等关系。方法对古代酒具及川酒酒瓶造型中的语义表现形式进行梳理分析,提出酒瓶造型设计新趋势,即以生态景观"竹"为对象,对川酒酒瓶进行探索性的创新设计。结论酒瓶造型语义是多种元素的综合体现,设计师应从理性思维出发,正确处理好造型语义与精神文化内涵的共生关系,达到建设川酒品牌的目的。  相似文献   

"寿桃纹"系包括了桃实、桃叶、桃枝的中国传统植物装饰纹样。在中华民族传统的工艺品陶瓷容器的装饰应用中常见之。表现寿桃纹的陶瓷容器追求装饰美,重视韵律美。本文系针对现阶段寿桃纹的研究相对有限的具体情况,以传统吉祥纹样的人文意义为切入点;以陶瓷容器造型上的寿桃纹装饰造型为线索,结合图像资料来进行分析。从寿桃纹的人文意义、装饰特征等方面进行研究与阐释。对中国古代传统纹样中内涵规律的再研究会对我们更好的发现和理解现代包装装潢设计中的图形与设计思维等相关问题提供启示。旨在从中国古代优秀的传统纹样中汲取灵感,为更好地设计出新时代的富有民族特色且符合民族审美情趣的包装设计作品提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中国传统器具的设计观   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对中国古代灯具主题性的研究,对中国古代的设计观进行梳理,寻找对当代设计有借鉴与启示意义的传统设计思想,从设计艺术学的角度对中国古代灯具造型设计特征、设计理念以及设计思想进行分析,得出了中国古代器物设计制器尚象的造型设计特征、以人为本的设计理念以及器以载道的设计思想。  相似文献   

周大鹏 《中国包装》2011,31(4):35-37
本文以中国深厚的酒文化为研究背景,从材质、造型、色彩、图形等几个方面分析中国酒包装的艺术特征,并提出从传统图形纹样、色彩继承与创新、汉字书法元素、传统器物造型等几个方面与现代酒包装设计融合的创作思路,来发展现代酒包装设计,弘扬酒文化。  相似文献   

沈自瑶  杨思凝 《包装工程》2022,43(18):87-94
目的 使陶瓷日用品更好地满足用户情感认知和现代室内设计要求,同时赋予陶瓷日用品现代元素,使其便于推广和使用。方法 以仿鹅卵石陶瓷调料罐为例,采用多指标正交试验结合仿拟设计及用户情感认知评价对调料罐外观造型进行设计研究。首先,依据鹅卵石外观及产品要素建立四因素三水平的等水平正交表;其次,利用感性工学方法筛选出两个最贴切的词汇,采用Likert7级量表对各个方案进行用户情感认知量化;最后,以用户情感认知的量化数据为基准,将极差分析结果与方差分析结果相结合,得到满足用户情感认知的最佳外观造型方案。结果 完成仿鹅卵石陶瓷调料罐外观造型设计,建立一种结合仿拟设计和用户情感认知的陶瓷日用品外观造型设计研究思路。结论 将仿拟设计与用户情感认知相结合,可以使产品、设计师和用户三者紧密相连,更精确地对陶瓷日用品进行优化处理,得到优化后的外观造型设计参数,同时为今后的陶瓷日用品造型设计提供可靠的参考。  相似文献   

唐代金银器造型仿生设计范式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王丽梅 《包装工程》2016,37(2):34-37,43
目的探讨唐代金银器造型仿生设计范式。方法唐代金银器造型中的动物仿生设计借鉴和传承了中国器物仿生设计方法,分析了唐代金银器造型中植物仿生设计范式的形成和应用,对唐代金银器造型仿生设计中范式在后世器物设计的影响进行了论证。结论唐代金银器造型中存在的仿生设计范式给唐代乃至后世的器物造型设计提供了借鉴和模仿的范本,成为了一种值得推广的、富有生命力的设计思路和方法。  相似文献   

王鑫  赵聪寐 《包装工程》2018,39(16):243-247
目的对辽代陶瓷造型的设计学分析做宏观性的阐述。方法从设计学的视角出发,以辽代陶瓷造型为研究对象,从辽代陶瓷造型与分类、辽代陶瓷造型设计研究的必要性、辽代陶瓷造型的设计解析3个方面展开研究,注重对辽代陶瓷中的典型器进行成器之道的解构,注重对其造型的功能与审美进行设计原理的解读。结论辽代陶瓷是中原制瓷技术与辽人生活方式结合的时代产物,辽代陶瓷的形态设计丰富多源、民族特征鲜明,结构设计简单质朴、合理实用。辽代陶瓷的造型设计既是按照功能需求为人造物,也是按照美的规律为人造物。辽代陶瓷造型的产生发展与演变是辽代游牧文化变迁的物化形式,对它的研究既有历史反思性又有现实启迪性。  相似文献   

目的为了应对陶瓷茶具市场产品的快速迭代,以及陶瓷茶具设计同质化严重、品牌风格缺乏延续性差等问题,提出一种快速、具有差异化的陶瓷茶具造型创新设计方法。方法基于形状文法理论基础,结合文创产品的设计方法,在茶具造型设计中加入参照物的造型元素,以科学、快速的造型推演方式,得出既有陶瓷茶具原型特征,又融合其他文化特征的陶瓷茶具设计方案群;同时以层次分析法构建陶瓷茶具造型的评价体系,得出各项设计因素的权重,对推演得出的方案群进行最优方案的筛选,并对筛选出的二维线性稿进行进一步的润色和完善,得出最终方案。结论基于形状文法的陶瓷茶具造型创新设计方法帮助陶瓷茶具企业在产品开发前期具有差异化、快速、科学、准确的设计方法,使得茶具产品设计更具有创新性和风格延续性,评价体系让陶瓷茶具方案的筛选有据可依,增加产品成功的几率。  相似文献   

提出基于结构方程模型的产品意象造型优化设计方法.选择目前市场流行而又缺少感性设计研究的滑盖手机为研究对象,运用语意差异法、因子分析法提取内隐的用户意象语意信息,运用形态分析法分析产品造型特征,确定产品造型要素,再运用结构方程模型求取顾客偏好模型以及造型要素与意象词对之间的量化关系模型,并进行了模型拟合.模型清晰地反映了顾客偏好、造型要素和意象词对之间的量化关系,为产品造型优化设计提供了思路和方法.  相似文献   

于广琛 《包装工程》2016,37(18):92-96
目的研究应用光线对产品造型的价值和意义,从而设计出具有更高层次的产品。方法分析光线在造型中的运用形式和特点,了解产品设计的发展现状。结论提出光线在产品造型中的设计原则,探讨光线在产品设计中的思路与方法,旨在为产品造型设计开拓另一发展领域,提升产品造型的内涵和质量。  相似文献   

彩陶抽象构形法在包装设计中的运用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨莉 《包装工程》2004,25(2):89-90
原始彩陶造型古朴生动,产生一种既是物质的又是精神的艺术魅力;原始彩陶中的装饰纹样,是原始氏族的图腾和其它崇拜标志.彩陶文化中的意象表现,已充分展示了一个强烈而独特的民族风貌,其文化体系内部自发的抽象性和表现性的延伸,是每个包装设计者必需学习借鉴的.  相似文献   

商超余 《包装工程》2018,39(10):17-21
目的探究荣昌陶作为非物质文化遗产,在国家精准扶贫政策DE导向下,如何聚合陶产业的利益相关者,驱动荣昌陶艺术和经济的双重引擎价值功能,实现陶产业的复兴和繁荣。方法通过分析荣昌陶的人文艺术价值,参照国内陶瓷产业发展高地放弃高耗能、高污染的工业路线,借鉴三重螺旋理论基础衍生出的四重螺旋模式,从产学研的角度分析各利益相关者的功能。结论单向度的产业主导及工业陶的定位,为荣昌陶的复兴之路蒙上阴影,行政主导的唯经济论不利于非遗项目的恢复和发展,只有聚焦艺术陶和营造陶文化艺术的生态环境,才有利于荣昌陶的发展。  相似文献   

以陶瓷釉复相显微结构为研究对象,针对其显微结构各组元灰度值的差异,利用分离图像的方法来将图中各组元分离开来,采用体视学方法对陶瓷釉的各相参数进行分析,并对釉中各相体积分数、空间尺度分布进行定量表征,为古陶瓷的研究与应用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The present study is a multi-analytical approach on the characterization of several potsherd samples, dated from prehistoric to hellenistic times, from Aiani, ancient Upper Macedonia, northern Greece. In particular, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy, coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray system (ESEM-EDX) were used for the determination of the morphological, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the potsherds. The preliminary results indicated a rather local provenance of the analyzed ancient pottery samples and a finer texture and thus better ceramic manufacture as getting to hellenistic era. The use of a silicious or calcerous raw material is probably related to the specific utilization of each ceramic vessel in ancient times. The presence of gehlenite or pyroxene minerals in the ceramic matrix indicated higher firing temperatures, while lower temperatures were deduced when finding phylosilicate minerals. The preliminary results of this study do not necessarily imply that all the pottery of this area, belonging to the same chronological type, have similar physicochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The potential of chemical information obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) based methods is examined for archaeometric studies on polychrome decorations of ceramics. Achieved on polished block sections, the feasibility and benefits are demonstrated as case studies using pre‐Columbian pottery (Wari, Moche, and Cajamarca). Elemental mapping and profiling by X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS) allow separate consideration of the paste in the body, slip, binder and pigments in the polychrome decoration. Compositional profiles across decorative layers substantiate the use of manganese ores for the formation of jacobsite as black pigment. To enlighten trade relations, technological transfer and shared heritage of pre‐Columbian cultures in Peru, the results provide information about local or non‐local pottery production.  相似文献   

载银抗菌陶瓷制品开发现状   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
叙述了国内外载银抗菌陶瓷制品 ,诸如卫生陶瓷、日用陶瓷制品的研究开发现状。  相似文献   

Mexican pottery, used during the Prehispanic period, showed different improvements in its manufacturing for some centuries before the arrival of Spaniards in Mexico. After this, new fired techniques were used to make ceramics during the Colonial period. Their composition, manufacturing, and fired process have not been fully understood. Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), X-ray, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Mossbaüer spectroscopy studies of authentic archeological potteries of Aztec III (1450–1525), Aztec IV (1525–1550), and colonial Poblana (1780–1800) provide an understanding of different advances in their fired manufacturing. For the case of colonial Poblana pottery, some colors associated with metallic oxides, which were introduced in the Mexican colonial period, were found. The composition of the analyzed samples was mainly SiO2, with Al, Ca, Na, Fe, S, Mg, Pb, K, Ti, and Cu impurities. Through the use of the techniques mentioned above, it was possible to determine the different processes of fired techniques associated with each type of pottery. These results were compared with archeological registers about the composition and technology in the pottery manufacturing processes.Paper presented at the Seventeenth European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, September 5–8, 2005, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.  相似文献   

A methodology is described demonstrating the utility of the compound-specific 14C technique as a direct means of dating archaeological pottery. The method uses automated preparative capillary gas chromatography employing wide-bore capillary columns to isolate individual compounds from lipid extracts of archaeological potsherds in high purity (>95%) and amounts (>200 microg) sufficient for radiocarbon dating using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). A protocol was developed and tested on n-alkanes and n-carboxylic acids possessing a broad range of 14C ages. Analytical blanks and controls allowed background 14C measurements to be assessed and potential sources of errors to be detected, i.e., contamination with modern or dead 14C, isotopic fraction effects, etc. A "Russian doll" method was developed to transfer isolated target compounds onto tin powder/capsules prior to combustion and AMS analyses. The major advantage of the compound-specific technique is that 14C dates obtained for individual compounds can be directly linked to the commodities processed in the vessels during their use, e.g., animal fats. The compound-specific 14C dating protocol was validated on a suite of ancient pottery whose predicted ages spanned a 5000-year date range. Initial results indicate that meaningful correlations can be obtained between the predicted date of pottery and that of the preserved lipids. These findings constitute an important step forward to the direct dating of archaeological pottery.  相似文献   

基于传统器物认知重构的产品造型设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
景楠  苏建宁  张书涛 《包装工程》2016,37(14):90-94
目的通过对传统器物现代化设计中因忽略用户情感需求形成的认知惯性的分析,提出基于传统器物认知重构的产品造型创新设计模式。方法从现代认知环境展开,以满足用户的情感需求为原则,利用感性工学方法,对马家窑等彩陶展开认知重构研究。结果提取了与现代小型家电产品代表性目标意象相匹配的彩陶设计元素,并在设计元素的多样化整合中实现了以空气净化器为例的多方案设计的目的。结论为传统器物的现代化设计拓展了一条理论研究和实践应用的新途径。  相似文献   

Presented in this paper is a new method for the identification of tartaric acid as a wine marker in archaeological residues from Egyptian vessels using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry in tandem mode (LC/MS/MS). Owing to the special characteristics of these samples, such as the dryness and the small quantity available for analysis, it was necessary to have a very sensitive and highly specific analytical method to detect tartaric acid at trace levels in the residues. Furthermore, an alkaline fusion was carried out to identify syringic acid derived from malvidin as a red wine marker, in a deposit residue from a wine jar found at the tomb of king Tutankhamun. Malvidin-3-glucoside, the main anthocyanin that gives young wines their red color, polymerizes with aging into more stable pigments. However, the presence of malvidin in ancient residues can be proved by alkaline fusion of the residue to release syringic acid from the pigment, which has been identified, here for the first time, by using the LC/MS/MS method revealing the red grape origin of an ancient Egyptian wine residue.  相似文献   

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