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在分析我国建筑市场整体集中度较低、局部行业高度集中现状的基础上,将当前建筑业细分为竞争格局不同的两种类型,分别从经济性进入壁垒和行政性进入壁垒两个方面阐释其形成原因,并得出房屋建筑等第一类行业的进入壁垒较低,而铁路等第二类行业的进入壁垒较高的结论。最后,就我国建筑行业的健康发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

艾丽萱 《门窗》2022,(4):190-192
随着社会的发展与现代化水平的不断提高,建筑工程造价在建筑行业中也越来越重要,并对工程项目建设起到了重要作用.在建筑技术、建筑生产力日渐优化的当下,行业壁垒较低导致了市场竞争更加激烈,尤其是针对工程建筑市场来说,越来越多的建筑企业打破壁垒融入市场,因此如何把控工程建设成本、促进工程建设事业更快更好地发展,成为当前建筑工程...  相似文献   

从规模经济、必要资本、技术和政策四方面对我国建筑业的市场进入壁垒作了分析,结论表明我国建筑业基本不存在规模经济壁垒,必要资本壁垒较低;建筑业普通领域的技术进入壁垒较低,进入特殊领域尚有一定技术性壁垒;资质管理制度已成为建筑企业最重要的的市场准入制度,对建筑业的竞争格局影响甚大。  相似文献   

在现阶段,有形建筑市场是加强建筑市场管理,防止建设工程腐败的一种有效模式。自建立有形建筑市场以来,建设系统的工程建设方面的经济犯罪明显减少,而建设领域未进入有形建筑市场的某些建设行业,经济犯罪却前“腐”后继,居高不下。由于行业垄断、市场分割问题没有得到根本解决,目前虽然一些地方的专业工程已进入有形建筑市场招投标,但绝大部分专业工程如交通、水利等游离于有形建筑市场之外,有的甚至将房屋和市政基础设施的建设工程作为重点工程,不进入有形建筑市场招投标,部门、行业互相争招投标的管理权,有形市场无法成为一个统一市场,从…  相似文献   

本文根据当前我国电信行业的发展情况,对我国电信行业的市场结构作出分析,主要从市场集中度、产品差异化、进入和退出壁垒三个方面进行阐述,并对促进电信行业健康发展提出一定建议。  相似文献   

围绕建筑业行业竞争结构,就行业集中度、企业结构、员工规模等三方面定量计算并与发达国家或地区相比较,指出现阶段我国建筑业行业竞争结构不尽合理,存在行业集中度较低、建筑企业规模整体偏大等问题.“十二五”期间是我国建筑业行业竞争结构进一步调整的关键时期,建议从培育金字塔形的企业结构、促进各类企业健康发展、增强企业竞争力、适度提高行业进入壁垒、加强市场有效监管等方面优化行业竞争结构.  相似文献   

郑传海 《建筑》2014,(2):19-19
<正>"处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。"是党的十八届三中全会指出的全面深化改革的重点,这也是党的十一届三中全会以来第一次提出的重大理论观点。作为中央建筑企业施工一线的员工,笔者见证了从1984年开始在建筑市场率先引入竞争机制,以邀请投标和议标,替代指定施工企业施工的传统模式;从《建筑法》和《招标投标法》诞生之后,建筑市场的行业和地区壁垒逐渐清除,大型建筑企业可以公开参与招标投标,统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系  相似文献   

建筑市场进入壁垒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场进入壁垒指市场内已有企业对企图或刚刚进入该市场的新企业所具有的优势。换言之,准备和刚刚进入该产业的新企业在同原有企业的竞争过程中,可能遇到的不利因素,即障碍,就叫做进入壁垒。按照施蒂格勒(G.j.Stigler)的看法,进入壁垒是打算进入某产业的...  相似文献   

加入WTO调整和完善建筑业产业组织形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、建筑业产业组织现状的分析  长期以来 ,由于受计划经济体制的影响 ,我国建筑业结构性问题一直存在。建筑业企业组织结构不合理 ,市场集中度、产业进入壁垒过低 ,企业大的不强 ,小的不专 ,不同层次、不同类型建筑业企业的市场特征不明显 ,企业在市场上采取的各种决策行为雷同 ,造成当前建筑市场的供需严重失衡 ,行业的生产能力大量过剩 ,导致过度竞争状况的不断加剧 ,市场混乱 ,产业效率低下。1 建筑业市场集中度市场结构是指构成产业市场的企业之间的交易关系的地位和特征 ,决定市场结构的主要要素是市场集中度、产品差别和进入障碍 ,…  相似文献   

当进入一个选定的我国本土新区域市场时,建筑企业面临着建立区域分(子)公司进入和基于项目形式进入两种模式。通过对文献的回顾和对新区域市场进入模式的研究,分别从企业自身和目标区域市场两个方面分析了对这两种进入模式选择的影响因子。企业自身方面的因子主要包括企业自身的能力、企业规模、企业的跨区域工作经验和企业的社会资本。目标区域市场方面的因子主要包括人才和资源的获取、目标市场的竞争激烈程度和目标市场的进入壁垒。研究结果可以为建筑企业选择进入新区域市场的模式提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Building contractors are generally small private firms. Bank loans are their major, if not only, source of external finance. However, building and construction loans represent a mere minuscule portion of all bank loans in Hong Kong, suggesting that contractors may have been neglected by banks. With the case of Hong Kong, this study examines the lack of supply and demand of construction finance, and the implications for industry competition and innovation. Contractors’ perceptions were solicited through a questionnaire survey. Key issues identified were further explored in subsequent interviews. The results were then triangulated with secondary data. It is found that although contractors do not usually have enough assets to pledge as collateral, they generally do not need to borrow that much. The provision of interim payments has enabled them to work with small capital outlay. However, the interim payment mechanism has induced a low barrier to entry, which has helped perpetuate the vicious circle of labour intensiveness of building construction, exploitation of labour‐only subcontracting, proliferation of small subcontractors and intense rivalry between firms. The findings conclude that contractors’ limited access to finance generally and bank loans in particular has posed a major barrier to innovation and hence industry development.  相似文献   

This study examines the market structure of four different sectors within the construction industry in Hong Kong. Market concentrations, expressed in terms of Herfindahl-Hershamann indices (HHIs) and number equivalents (HNEs), are calibrated for the top five contractors and compared with those of the local property industry. The study reveals the following ascending order of market concentrations: private building, public building, property development, and civil engineering. Our explanation is that technological and capital requirements have imposed a strong barrier to entry into the civil engineering sector, resulting in a concentrated market. Conversely, the lack of technological demand and supply in the private building sector has led to easy market entry and exit. Building contractors thus compete intensely on cost reduction rather than technology improvement, leading to poor construction safety and product quality. The paper concludes that the Government, being a major client of construction works and regulator of the industry, can assume a more active role in promoting the overall competitiveness of indigenous local contractors in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the philosophy, structure and key objectives of R&D activity in the Japanese construction industry. It argues that this unique model of a close partnership between industry, government and society is based on shared values, and delivers significant benefits not only for firms but for society at large. Additionally, the Japanese system acts as an efficient market entry barrier that protects the Japanese domestic market from foreign competition while concurrently providing the basis of Japan's competitive advantage in international markets. To illustrate how significantly different the Japanese model is from those of other advanced economies, an empirical comparison of the belief structures concerning responsibility for R&D of key players in the construction industries in Japan and Australia is presented. The results illustrate the point that, unlike Australia, Japanese contractors play a much more extensive role in society than do their Australian counterparts. This role incongruence may be the true barrier to penetration of the Japanese construction market.  相似文献   

建筑工业化是建筑业转型升级和业态重塑的重要方向,然而由于相关障碍并未完全消除,尽管建筑业迎来了全新的变革时期,但建筑工业化的发展受到多种因素制约。通过文献梳理和专家访谈,整理和识别出 31 个建筑工业化的阻碍因素,并设计和整理收集了 148 份调查问卷,使用因子分析法对相关阻碍因素进行分析,提炼和形成建筑工业化发展的结构性进入障碍、技术体系不完善、政策扶持机制不健全、示范效应不健全、行业组织管理失效、监管机制缺位以及缺乏顶层设计等 8大潜在阻碍因子,并进行详细阐述,以求为推进建筑工业化发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

建筑业产业形态与进入壁垒的高低有着直接的关系,为了充分阐释这一命题背后的因果关系,采用市场驱动力和累计进入率测算了我国建筑业的进入壁垒指数,结果发现我国建筑业进入较低,存在过度进入的问题。而造成这一问题的原因在于规模经济、必要资本量、绝对成本优势等影响因素未能对新进企业的进入造成障碍。同时从"结构—行为"的互动效应来看,进入壁垒低也导致了我国建筑业市场集中度低、盈利水平差、市场秩序恶化等现象。最后结合我国建筑业市场进入壁垒低的问题,对建筑行业、企业发展提出了相关管理启示。  相似文献   

外向型经济已成为广大发展中国家或地区的一种经济发展战略,外向型经济理论研究取得了较为丰硕的成果。对经济全球化趋势日益加深、中国加入世贸组织、中国-东盟自由贸易区建立的背景下,昆明市发展外向型特色优势产业的现状进行深入研究,认为昆明市需要建立九大外向型特色优势产业基地,发挥比较优势,调整产业结构,实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

Air intrusion through roof assembly is a concern for wind uplift resistance and life-cycle performance of roofs. Airflow control is usually achieved by the installation of an air barrier/retarder in the roofing assembly. Even though the concept of air barrier/retarder and air barrier systems has been around for decades, it is still considered a new notion to the roofing industry. Currently, there are no widely accepted standard specifications or test methods to determine air intrusion through roofs or roof assemblies. An experimental procedure has been under development at the National Research Council of Canada to quantify the air intrusion of roof assemblies. As part of this investigation, five roofing assembly configurations were quantified for air intrusion. Relative performance of the air retarding effect of the five assemblies indicated that assemblies with air barrier/retarder had lower air intrusion rates than without. Measured air intrusion rates are compared with the existing codes of practice and standards. This comparison clearly demonstrates the significance of air intrusion into the roofing assembly and the necessity of a standardized air intrusion test method for the roofing industry. With the measured data, attempts were made to perform thermal load calculations using a simplified procedure, and through two case studies the impact of air intrusion through roofing assemblies on energy performance was estimated.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后建筑防水行业的形势和任务   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
分析了国内外建筑防水技术与市场的现状,指出了差距;论述了加入WTO对我国建筑防水行业的影响;提出了现阶段防水行业的主要任务;最后认为,加入WTO对我国建筑防水行业既是挑战,又是带来发展机遇。  相似文献   

The North American housebuilding industry has been neglected in urban and housing studies. Its firm size structure and instability have long been cause for concern, but have rarely been given more than anecdotal treatment. This paper examines the transience of housebuilders in Ontario from 1978 to 1998. Using a census of builders provided by the Ontario New Home Warranty Program, the industry's firm membership is found to be extremely transient. Most transience comes by way of new firm formation and permanent firm exits from the market, while a small cohort of builders withdraw from and re-enter the market on a regular basis. The business cycle speeds and slows these processes but flux is due primarily to the annual turnover of small builders. To reduce transience, policy makers must decide between slowing entry and perhaps raising industry concentration or allowing continued firm entry and probably transience.  相似文献   

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