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Plastics have now become indispensable materials in the modern world and application in the industrial field is continually increasing. The properties of the oil derived from waste plastics were analyzed and found that it has properties similar to that of diesel. Waste plastic oil (WPO) was tested as a fuel in a D.I. diesel engine and its performance characteristics were analysed and compared with diesel fuel (DF) operation. It is observed that the engine could operate with 100% waste plastic oil and can be used as fuel in diesel engines. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) was higher by about 25% and carbon monoxide (CO) increased by 5% for waste plastic oil operation compared to diesel fuel (DF) operation. Hydrocarbon was higher by about 15%. Smoke increased by 40% at full load with waste plastic oil compared to DF. Engine fueled with waste plastic oil exhibits higher thermal efficiency upto 80% of the full load and the exhaust gas temperature was higher at all loads compared to DF operation.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was carried out on a small direct injection (DI) diesel engine, fuelling the engine with 10% (B10), 20% (B20), 30% (B30) and 40% (B40) blending of Koroch seed oil methyl ester (KSOME) with diesel. The performance and combustion characteristics of the engine at various loads are compared and analyzed. The results showed higher brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and lower brake thermal efficiency (BTE) for the KSOME blends. The engine indicated power (IP) was more for the blends up to B30, but found to be reduced for the blend B40 when compared to that of diesel. The engine combustion parameters such as pressure crank angle diagram, peak pressure, time of occurrence of peak pressure, net heat-release rate, cumulative heat release, ignition delay and combustion duration were computed. The KSOME blends exhibited similar combustion trend with diesel. However, the blends showed an early start of combustion with shorter ignition delay period. The study reveals the suitability of KSOME blends up to B30 as fuel for a diesel engine mainly used in generating sets and the agricultural applications in India without any significant drop in engine performance.  相似文献   

In this study, usability of cotton oil soapstock biodiesel–diesel fuel blends as an alternative fuel for diesel engines were studied. Biodiesel was produced by reacting cotton oil soapstock with methyl alcohol at determined optimum condition. The cotton oil biodiesel–diesel fuel blends were tested in a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine. Engine performances and smoke value were measured at full load condition. Torque and power output of the engine with cotton oil soapstock biodiesel–diesel fuel blends decreased by 5.8% and 6.2%, respectively. Specific fuel consumption of engine with cotton oil soapstock–diesel fuel blends increased up to 10.5%. At maximum torque speeds, smoke level of engine with blend fuels decreased up to 46.6%, depending on the amount of biodiesel. These results were compared with diesel fuel values.  相似文献   

Among the alternative fuels, biodiesel and its blends are considered suitable and the most promising fuel for diesel engine. The properties of biodiesel are found similar to that of diesel. Many researchers have experimentally evaluated the performance characteristics of conventional diesel engines fuelled by biodiesel and its blends. However, experiments require enormous effort, money and time. Hence, a cycle simulation model incorporating a thermodynamic based single zone combustion model is developed to predict the performance of diesel engine. The effect of engine speed and compression ratio on brake power and brake thermal efficiency is analysed through the model. The fuel considered for the analysis are diesel, 20%, 40%, 60% blending of diesel and biodiesel derived from Karanja oil (Pongamia Glabra). The model predicts similar performance with diesel, 20% and 40% blending. However, with 60% blending, it reveals better performance in terms of brake power and brake thermal efficiency.  相似文献   

In this study, usage of methyl ester obtained from waste frying oil (WFO) is examined as an experimental material. A reactor was designed and installed for production of methyl ester from this kind of oil. Physical and chemical properties of methyl ester were determined in the laboratory. The methyl ester was tested in a diesel engine with turbocharged, four cylinders and direct injection. Gathered results were compared with No. 2 diesel fuel. Engine tests results obtained with the aim of comparison from the measures of torque, power; specific fuel consumptions are nearly the same. In addition, amount of emission such as CO, CO2, NOx, and smoke darkness of waste frying oils are less than No. 2 diesel fuel.  相似文献   

The experiments were undertaken to obtain the knowledge necessary for raising the thermal efficiency of mixed oil composed of cottonseed oil and conventional diesel oil and for improving the performance of engine fuelled by the mixture. The experimental results obtained showed that a mixing ratio of 30% cottonseed oil and 70% diesel oil was practically optimal in ensuring relatively high thermal efficiency of engine, as well as homogeneity and stability of the oil mixture. A quadratic regressive orthogonal design test method was adopted in the experiment designed to examine the relationship between specific fuel consumption and four adjustable working parameters (intake-valve-closing angle (α), exhaust-valve-opening angle (β), fuel-delivery angle (θ) and injection pressure (P, in 104 Pa)) when the above-mentioned oil mixture was used. The mathematical equations characterizing the relationship were formulated. The equation of specific fuel consumption derived from the regressive test under each operating condition was set as the objective function and the ranges for the four adjustable working parameters were the given constraint condition. Models of non-linear programming were then constructed. Computer-aided optimization of the working parameters for 30:70 cottonseed oil/diesel oil mixed fuel was achieved. It was concluded that the predominant factor affecting the specific fuel consumption was fuel-delivery angle θ, the approximate optimal value of which, in this specific case, was 3–5° in advance of that for engine fuelled by pure diesel oil. The experimental results also provided useful reference material for selection of the most preferable combination of working parameters.  相似文献   

The major obstacle to biodiesel commercialization is the high cost of raw materials. Biodiesel from waste cooking oil is an economical source and thus an effective strategy for reducing the raw material cost. Using waste cooking oil also solves the problem of waste oil disposal. This study investigated the emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carcinogenic potencies and regulated matters, and brake specific fuel consumption from a heavy-duty diesel engine under the US-HDD transient cycle for five test fuels: ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), WCOB5 (5 vol% biodiesel made from waste cooking oil + 95 vol% ULSD), WCOB10, WCOB20, and WCOB30. Experimental results indicate using ULSD/WCOB blends decreased PAHs by 7.53%-37.5%, particulate matter by 5.29%-8.32%, total hydrocarbons by 10.5%-36.0%, and carbon monoxide by 3.33%-13.1% as compared to using ULSD. The wide usage of WCOB blends as alternative fuels could protect the environment.  相似文献   

A direct injection diesel engine fueled by a diesel/biodiesel blend from waste cooking oil up to B100 (a blend of 100% biodiesel content) indicated a combustion efficiency rise by 1.8% at full load. The soot peak volume fraction was reduced by 15.2%, while CO and HC concentrations respectively decreased by 20 and 28.5%. The physical and chemical delay periods respectively diminished by 1.2 and 15.8% for engine noise to pronounce 6.5% reduction. Injection retarding by 5° reduced NOx to those original levels of B0 (a blend of zero biodiesel content) and combined respective reduction magnitudes of 10 and 7% in CO and HC at 75% load. Increasing the speed reduced CO and HC respectively by 26 and 42% at 2.36 times the droplet average strain rate. By coupling the turbulence model to the spray break-up and chemical kinetics models, increasing the injection pressure simultaneously reduced CO, HC and NOx at 17% exhaust gas recirculation ratio.  相似文献   

Y.D. Bao  Y. He   《Renewable Energy》2006,31(11):1789-1798
This study was undertaken to obtain the knowledge necessary for reducing noise of mixed oil composed of rapeseed oil and conventional diesel oil and for improving the performance of engine fuelled by the mixture. A S195 (8.8 kW) type single-cylinder diesel engine was used to determine the effect of four adjustable working parameters, i.e. intake-valve-closing angle (α), exhaust-valve-opening angle (β), fuel delivery angle (θ) and injection pressure (P, in 104 Pa) on noise when an oil mixture of 30% rapeseed oil and 70% diesel oil was used. Single-factor and multi-factor quadratic regressive orthogonal design test method were adopted in the experiments to find the relationship between noise and four adjustable working parameters. Relationship between these parameters and noise was analysed under two typical operating conditions and mathematical equations characterizing the relationship were formulated. The equation of noise from the regressive test under each operating condition was set as the objective function and the ranges for the four adjustable working parameters were the given constraint condition. Models of nonlinear programming were then constructed. Computer-aided optimization of the working parameters for 30:70 rapeseed oil/diesel oil mixed fuel was achieved. Field test verified that the engine (in use) working condition was found to be bad at maladjustment. The optimum working parameters for two working conditions of the engine were used to adjust the four working parameters. Test results showed that optimum adjustment could achieve noise reduction between 2 and 4 dB and that the power could be increased by 0.6–1.8 kW. The experimental results also provided useful reference material for selection of the most preferable combination of working parameters.  相似文献   

The world today is faced with serious global warming and environmental pollution. Besides, fossil fuel will become rare and faces serious shortage in the near future. This has triggered the awareness to find alternative energy as their sustainable energy sources. Biodiesel as a cleaner renewable fuel has been considered as the best substitution for diesel fuel due to it being used in any compression ignition engine without any modification. The main advantages of using biodiesel are its renewability and better quality of exhaust gas emissions. This paper reviews the production, performance and emission of palm oil, Jatropha curcas and Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel. Palm oil is one of the most efficient oil bearing crops in terms of oil yield, land utilization, efficiency and productivity. However, competition between edible oil sources as food with fuel makes edible oil not an ideal feedstock for biodiesel production. Therefore, attention is shifted to non-edible oil like Jatropha curcas and Calophyllum inophyllum. Calophyllum inophyllum oil can be transesterified and being considered as a potential biodiesel fuel. Compared to Palm oil and Jatropha biodiesel industry, biodiesel from Calophyllum inophyllum is still in a nascent state. Therefore, long term endurance research and tribological studies need to be carried out before Calophyllum inophyllum oil base biodiesel can become an alternative fuel in future.  相似文献   

采用柴油、柴油-小桐子掺混油、小桐子油、高温小桐子油,在单缸水冷四冲程柴油机上进行了怠速工况试验,测录了多循环的瞬时气缸压力与高压油管燃油压力,对比分析了喷油与燃烧过程中各参数的循环波动。结果发现,怠速工况喷油过程中,喷油持续期的循环波动最明显,小桐子油的喷油始点滞后,喷油持续期长,喷油压力大,喷油过程的循环波动略大;怠速工况燃烧过程中,最大燃烧压力升高率和滞燃期的循环波动率最为明显,小桐子油滞燃期略短,燃烧压力升高率小,最高燃烧压力低,滞燃期和最大燃烧压力升高率的循环波动明显大于柴油;燃用小桐子油增大了原机的循环波动,怠速运转不如柴油稳定。  相似文献   

Results are presented on tests on a single-cylinder direct-injection engine operating on diesel fuel, jatropha oil, and blends of diesel and jatropha oil in proportions of 97.4%/2.6%; 80%/20%; and 50%/50% by volume. The results covered a range of operating loads on the engine. Values are given for the chemical and physical properties of the fuels, brake specific fuel consumption, brake power, brake thermal efficiency, engine torque, and the concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen in the exhaust gases. Carbon dioxide emissions were similar for all fuels, the 97.4% diesel/2.6% jatropha fuel blend was observed to be the lower net contributor to the atmospheric level. The trend of carbon monoxide emissions was similar for the fuels but diesel fuel showed slightly lower emissions to the atmosphere. The test showed that jatropha oil could be conveniently used as a diesel substitute in a diesel engine. The test further showed increases in brake thermal efficiency, brake power and reduction of specific fuel consumption for jatropha oil and its blends with diesel generally, but the most significant conclusion from the study is that the 97.4% diesel/2.6% jatropha fuel blend produced maximum values of the brake power and brake thermal efficiency as well as minimum values of the specific fuel consumption. The 97.4%/2.6% fuel blend yielded the highest cetane number and even better engine performance than the diesel fuel suggesting that jatropha oil can be used as an ignition-accelerator additive for diesel fuel.  相似文献   

In the present study, hydrogen enrichment for biodiesel-diesel blends was evaluated to investigate the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine. Biodiesel was obtained from waste oil and blended to pure diesel fuel by volume fraction of 0%, 10% and 20%. After that, pure hydrogen was introduced through the intake air at different flow rates. Effects of pure hydrogen on performance and emission characteristics were investigated by evaluating power, torque, specific fuel consumption, CO, CO2 and NOx emissions. Experimental study revealed that waste oil biodiesel usage deteriorated performance and emission parameters except CO emissions. However, the enrichment test fuels with hydrogen fuel can improve performance characteristics and emission parameters, whereas it increased NOx emissions. Brake thermal efficiency and specific fuel consumption were improved when the test fuels enriched with hydrogen gas. Because of absence of carbon atoms in the chemical structure of the hydrogen fuel, hydrogen addition dropped CO and CO2 emissions but increment in cylinder temperature caused rising in NOx emissions.  相似文献   

The investigation presented in this paper concerns both pure hydrogen combustion under HCCI (homogeneous charge compression ignition) conditions and hydrogen–diesel co-combustion in a compression ignition (CI) engine.  相似文献   

Y. He  Y. D. Bao 《Renewable Energy》2003,28(9):1447-1453
This study was undertaken to provide knowledge necessary for raising the thermal efficiency of mixed oil composed of rapeseed oil and conventional diesel oil and for improving the performance of an engine fuelled by the mixture. The experimental results obtained showed that a mixing ratio of 30% rapeseed oil and 70% diesel oil was practically optimal in ensuring relatively high thermal efficiency of engine as well as homogeneity and stability of the oil mixture. Method of quadratic regressive orthogonal design test method was adopted in experiment designed to examine the dependence of specific fuel consumption on four adjustable working parameters when the above –mentioned oil mixture was used. These parameters were: intake-valve-closing angle (α), exhaust-valve-opening angle (β), fuel-delivering angle (θ) and injection pressure (P, in 104 Pa). Relationship between these parameters and specific fuel consumption was analyzed under two typical operating conditions and mathematical equations characterizing the relationship were formulated. The equation of specific fuel consumption derived from the regressive test under each operating condition was set as the objective function and the ranges for the four adjustable working parameters were the given constraint condition. Models of non-linear programming were then constructed. Computer aided optimization of the working parameters for 30:70 rapeseed oil/diesel oil mixed fuel was achieved. It was concluded that the predominant factor affecting the specific fuel consumption was fuel-delivering angle θ, the approximate optimal value of which, in this specific case, was 2–3 degrees in advance of that for engine fuelled by pure diesel oil. The experimental results also provided useful reference material for selection of the most preferable combination of working parameters.  相似文献   

Fuel crisis because of dramatic increase in vehicular population and environmental concerns have renewed interest of scientific community to look for alternative fuels of bio-origin such as vegetable oils. Vegetable oils can be produced from forests, vegetable oil crops, and oil bearing biomass materials. Non-edible vegetable oils such as linseed oil, mahua oil, rice bran oil, etc. are potentially effective diesel substitute. Vegetable oils have high-energy content. This study was carried out to investigate the performance and emission characteristics of linseed oil, mahua oil, rice bran oil and linseed oil methyl ester (LOME), in a stationary single cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine and compare it with mineral diesel. The linseed oil, mahua oil, rice bran oil and LOME were blended with diesel in different proportions. Baseline data for diesel fuel was collected. Engine tests were performed using all these blends of linseed, mahua, rice bran, and LOME. Straight vegetable oils posed operational and durability problems when subjected to long-term usage in CI engine. These problems are attributed to high viscosity, low volatility and polyunsaturated character of vegetable oils. However, these problems were not observed for LOME blends. Hence, process of transesterification is found to be an effective method of reducing vegetable oil viscosity and eliminating operational and durability problems. Economic analysis was also done in this study and it is found that use of vegetable oil and its derivative as diesel fuel substitutes has almost similar cost as that of mineral diesel.  相似文献   

The present work describes an experimental investigation concerning the electric energy generation using blends of diesel and soybean biodiesel. The soybean biodiesel was produced by a transesterification process of the soybean oil using methanol in the presence of a catalyst (KOH). The properties (density, flash point, viscosity, pour point, cetane index, copper strip corrosion, conradson carbon residue and ash content) of the diesel and soybean biodiesel were determined. The exhaust emissions of gases (CO, CO2,CxHy,O2, NO, NOx and SO2) were also measured. The results show that for all the mixtures tested, the electric energy generation was assured without problems. It has also been observed that the emissions of CO, CxHy and SO2 decrease in the case of diesel–soybean biodiesel blends. The temperatures of the exhaust gases and the emissions of NO and NOx are similar to or less than those of diesel.  相似文献   

Using biodiesel as a blending component in diesel engine has demonstrated to reduce hydrocarbon and particulate matter emissions. Literature showed that biodiesel type, engine architecture and test conditions deeply affect performance and emission characteristics. Among suitable biodiesel fuels, waste cooking oil (WCO) is considered very attractive due to the reduced environmental impact without sacrificing engine performance.This paper aims at investigating how mixing ratio of biodiesel from WCO and mineral diesel affects the particle size distributions of a current state of art small displacement diesel engine.Experimental tests have been performed on an up-to date light common rail diesel engine. Its complete operative field has been investigated. The results obtained show that the use of biodiesel blends from WCO reduces the total number of particles emitted from the engine with respect to the diesel fuel; the reduction is more evident as the percentage of biodiesel in the blend increases. The number of particles in WCO biodiesel soot with diameter smaller than 10 nm is reduced as compared to diesel fuel; the same trend is observed for diameters larger than 200 nm; comparable particle numbers were obtained in the ultrafine range (Dp < 100 nm).  相似文献   

The use of vegetable oils as a fuel in diesel engines causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuel. Various techniques and methods are used to solve the problems resulting from high viscosity. One of these techniques is fuel blending. In this study, a blend of 50% sesame oil and 50% diesel fuel was used as an alternative fuel in a direct injection diesel engine. Engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated and compared with the ordinary diesel fuel in a diesel engine. The experimental results show that the engine power and torque of the mixture of sesame oil–diesel fuel are close to the values obtained from diesel fuel and the amounts of exhaust emissions are lower than those of diesel fuel. Hence, it is seen that blend of sesame oil and diesel fuel can be used as an alternative fuel successfully in a diesel engine without any modification and also it is an environmental friendly fuel in terms of emission parameters.  相似文献   

In this study, a substitute fuel for diesel engines was produced from inedible animal tallow and its usability was investigated as pure biodiesel and its blends with petroleum diesel fuel in a diesel engine. Tallow methyl ester as biodiesel fuel was prepared by base-catalyzed transesterification of the fat with methanol in the presence of NaOH as catalyst. Fuel properties of methyl ester, diesel fuel and blends of them (5%, 20% and 50% by volume) were determined. Viscosity and density of fatty acid methyl ester have been found to meet ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 specifications. Viscosity and density of tallow methyl esters are found to be very close to that of diesel. The calorific value of biodiesel is found to be slightly lower than that of diesel. An experimental study was carried out in order to investigate of its usability as alternative fuel of tallow methyl ester in a direct injection diesel engine. It was observed that the addition of biodiesel to the diesel fuel decreases the effective efficiency of engine and increases the specific fuel consumption. This is due to the lower heating value of biodiesel compared to diesel fuel. However, the effective engine power was comparable by biodiesel compared with diesel fuel. Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and smoke opacity were reduced around 15%, 38.5%, 72.7% and 56.8%, respectively, in case of tallow methyl esters (B100) compared to diesel fuel. Besides, the lowest CO, NOx emissions and the highest exhaust temperature were obtained for B20 among all other fuels. The reductions in exhaust emissions made tallow methyl esters and its blends, especially B20 a suitable alternative fuel for diesel and thus could help in controlling air pollution. Based on this study, animal tallow methyl esters and its blends with petroleum diesel fuel can be used a substitute for diesel in direct injection diesel engines without any engine modification.  相似文献   

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