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Intracranial transection of the facial nerve has been shown to cause a massive neuronal cell death in the motor facial nucleus. Complement activation has been proposed to contribute to neuronal degeneration following axotomy. Using immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization we show in the present study that there is complement activation in the facial nucleus after intracranial facial nerve transection as well as increase of the complement regulators CD59 and clusterin. We propose a neuroprotective role for the complement regulators CD59 and clusterin against homologous attack of complement to facial motor neurons.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin (TSP) is a multifunctional extracellular matrix protein that plays a role in neuronal migration and axonal outgrowth in the developing central nervous system. In the current study we have examined the localization and regulation of TSP immunoreactivity (TSP-IR) during neuronal regeneration in the axotomized facial motor nucleus using Western blotting and light and electron microscopy. Transection of the facial nerve led to a gradual increase in TSP-IR in the regenerating motoneurons, peaking 4-7 days after injury (DAI). In addition to regenerating neurons, axotomy also caused a rapid upregulation of TSP-IR on activated microglia throughout the facial nucleus, with a maximum of 2-3 DAI, and a second increase at 14-21 DAI on microglial aggregates surrounding degenerating motoneurons and in neuronophagic microglia. In summary, injury leads to the induction of thrombospondin on axotomized neurons and activated microglia, peaking at the times of maximal posttraumatic microglial proliferation and during neuronal phagocytosis. Since thrombospondin is a multimodal extracellular matrix protein with a variety of cell attachment sites, thrombospondin might serve to link microglia and injured neurons, followed by microglial proliferation and removal of the neuronal debris.  相似文献   

The major input to neurons of the cochlear nucleus comes from the glutamatergic cells of the spiral ganglion. We have studied the effect of unilateral destruction of the inner ear, including the spiral ganglion, with two antibodies against different types of NMDA receptor subunits, NMDAR1 and NMDAR2A/B, in the cochlear nucleus of the rat. Following cochleotomy, a dramatic redistribution of the receptor subunits was observed from a mostly perikaryal to a predominantly dendritic localization. Moreover, distinct changes in the composition of NMDA receptor complexes occurred. These effects were interpreted as compensatory responses to the massive loss of presynaptic release of the transmitter glutamate.  相似文献   

The stress-induced changes in peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBR) can be observed in a number of different tissues, depending upon the nature and chronicity of the aversive experience. In addition, virtually all stress procedures that cause rapid changes in PBR simultaneously increase the physical activity or metabolic rate of the subjects. The present study analyzed the contributions of rapid alterations in activity or metabolic rate with and without aversive stimulation and their subsequent impact on PBR. Mechanically induced increases in activity by forced running stress results in a significant reduction in [3H]Ro 5-4864 binding to PBR in olfactory bulb, opposite to the PBR changes in this tissue following forced cold-water swim stress. Pharmacological induction of increased locomotor activity as well as metabolic rate by d-amphetamine causes a significant increase in cardiac PBR binding, again, opposite to the response typically observed following inescapable shock stress. Finally, administration of the anxiogenic beta-carboline, FG-7142, causes increases in both hippocampus and adrenal gland PBR binding reminiscent of acute noise stress exposure. These experiments demonstrate that increased locomotor activity or metabolic rate alone is not a necessary and sufficient condition for previous stress-induced changes in PBR. Conversely, increased metabolic rate coupled with an aversive stimulus appears to be an important factor for inducing stress-like changes in PBR. This data, coupled with previous reports, suggests that rapid alterations in these sites are stressor and tissue dependent. Finally, we propose that the PBR may be involved in many aspects of the stress response including: a) a blowarning system in adrenal gland, b) participation in stress-induced hypertension via renal PBR, and c) a modulator of stress-induced immunosuppression and subsequent recovery of function or recuperation by actions on immune cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare quantitative pathologic variables assessed in primary ovarian tumors and metastatic tumor deposits in the omentum and compare their prognostic value. STUDY DESIGN: In 29 cases of advanced ovarian cancer the mean nuclear area (MNA), volume-weighted mean nuclear volume (vv), volume percentage epithelium (VPE) and mitotic activity index (MAI) were assessed in both the primary ovarian tumor and its metastatic deposits in the omentum. Differences were evaluated using the Wilcoxon rank sum test for paired observations, and coefficients of variation were calculated in each case over the values obtained from the tumor in the ovary and omentum. RESULTS: Intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility of MNA, VPE and MAI were all good to very good except for the interobserver reproducibility for vv, which was moderate. MNA and vv, correlated well, both in the primary ovarian tumor (r = .88) and omental metastasis (r = .87). No significant differences were found between the assessments of MNA, vv, and MAI in the primary ovarian tumor and its omental metastasis, whereas significant differences were found for VPE. However, in some patients the nuclei tended to be larger and the VPE lower in the omental metastasis than in the primary ovarian tumor. No important impact of the origin of tumor tissue was reflected in the prognostic value of the nuclear features. Patients were grouped prognostically differently for the assessment of MAI and VPE in the primary ovarian tumor and its omental metastasis. CONCLUSION: Quantitative pathologic variables for prognostic purposes are best assessed in the primary ovarian tumor. Measurements in the metastatic deposits may be helpful in understanding processes of metastasis in advanced ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

c-Fos expression was examined in rat brains at increasing times after a single noxious stimulus to one hindpaw. In some nuclei the expression peaked at 1 h and was gone by 6 h; in others it was biphasic with a larger peak appearing 6 h after the first. In other rats a second, contralateral stimulus was given at increasing times after the first, and c-Fos examined after a further 1.5 h. In some nuclei the first stimulus potentiated c-Fos expression caused by the second stimulus; in others the second stimulus erased any c-Fos still present from the first. Thus two similar stimuli can interact in very different ways in effecting c-Fos expression in different central nervous system nuclei, and rapid down-regulation might represent a novel type of interaction.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of calf pericardium employed in the manufacture of cardiac bioprostheses was assessed according to the region from which it was selected. For this purpose, selected samples of the tissue were sewn with different types of commercially available sutures and subjected to tensile testing, the results of which were compared with the findings in selected, but not sutured, tissue used as a control. The results confirm a loss of resistance--that is, a reduction of the capacity of sutured samples of the biomaterial to withstand breakage stress compared with control samples. Taking into account the marked resistance to breakage of the suture thread, this phenomenon can only be explained as a consequence of the deleterious mechanical interaction between the suture and chemically treated pericardium. This interaction is illustrated by the shearing force which is responsible for the loss of resistance in the tested samples. These trials demonstrate that the results can be improved and the deleterious interaction diminished, although not eliminated, when the pericardium is selected from a given region.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in the establishment of precise synaptic connectivity throughout the neuroaxis in several species. To determine the contribution of NO to NMDA receptor-dependent dendritic growth in motor neurons, we administered the NMDA antagonist MK-801 to wild-type mice and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) knock-out mice between postnatal days 7 and 14. Compared to saline-treated wild-type animals the number of dendritic bifurcations was significantly reduced in nNOS knock-out animals and MK-801-treated wild-type animals. There was no significant difference in dendritic bifurcation between MK-801-treated wild-type, MK-801-treated nNOS knock-out, and saline-treated nNOS knock-out animals, suggesting that nNOS knock-out and NMDA receptor block had similar effects. The path of the longest dendrite and the number of primary dendrites was the same in all treatment groups, indicating an effect specific to bifurcation. Sholl analysis revealed that differences in bifurcation numbers occurred between 160 and 320 micrometers from the cell body, the distance at which second, third, and fourth order dendrites are most prevalent. Dendrite order analyses confirmed a significant reduction in numbers, but not lengths, of third and fourth order dendrites in nNOS knock-out and drug-treatment groups. Finally, immunohistochemical examination of the developing spinal cord indicated that NMDA receptors and nNOS are colocalized within interneurons surrounding the motor neuron pool. These results support the view that at least part of NMDA receptor-dependent arborization of motor neuron dendrites is mediated by the local production of NO within the developing spinal cord.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible role of peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors (PBR) in hepatic encephalopathy, we examined expression of PBR in mouse brain following thioacetamide (TAA)-induced acute liver failure. Treatment of mice with TAA resulted in an increase in the number of binding sites of the PBR ligand [3H] Ro5-4864 to brain homogenates, with no significant change in affinity of the ligand. The order of potency of different ligands to compete against [3H] Ro5-4864 binding in the brain of TAA-treated mice was Ro5-4864 > PK11195 > diazepam > protoporphyrin IX, findings similar to those in the control. Northern blot analysis revealed an increase in PBR/isoquinoline binding protein (PBR/IBP) mRNA in mouse brain following TAA treatment, in a time- and dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that the increased number of PBR in the brains of TAA-treated mice relates to the induction of PBR/IBP expression and suggest that the induction of PBR in brain may contribute to pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

1. Recent studies have shown antagonists at the NK1 subtype of receptor for tachykinins are antiemetics and suggested that this may result from blockade of tachykinin-mediated synaptic transmission at a central site in the emetic reflex. 2. We have used intracellular recording in vitro to study the pharmacology of tachykinins in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMNV). 3. Neurones in the NST were depolarized by substance P (SP), the presumed endogenous ligand for the NK1 receptor and these effects were mimicked by the NK1 agonists, SP-O-methylester (SPOMe), GR73632 and septide; however, SP was nearly an order of magnitude less potent than the latter two agonists. 4. In the DMNV, SP and NK1 receptor agonists evoked similar depolarising responses but SP appeared to be more potent than in the NST and was closer in potency to the other agonists. 5. NK1-receptor antagonists blocked responses to septide and GR73632 in the NST but had little effect on responses to SP and SPOMe. In contrast, in the DMNV the NK1-receptor antagonists blocked responses to septide and GR73632 but also reduced responses to SP and SPOMe. 6. Neurokinin A (NKA) was almost equipotent with septide and GR73632 in depolarizing both NST and DMNV neurones but these effects were not mimicked by a specific NK2-receptor agonist. Responses to NKA were unaffected by an NK2-receptor antagonist; however, the depolarizing effects of NKA were blocked by NK1-receptor antagonists. 7. Neurones in both DMNV and NST were unaffected by the endogenous NK3-receptor ligand, neurokinin B and by a specific agonist for this site, senktide. 8. The results with NK1 receptor agonists and antagonists suggest that the septide-sensitive NK1 site is involved in the excitation of both NST and DMNV neurones. The 'classical' NK1 receptor may play more of a role in the DMNV and a third unknown site may be responsible for the depolarizing response to SP in the NST. The effects of NKA are best interpreted as an action at the septide-sensitive NK1 site. This raises the possibility that anti-emetic action of the NK1 antagonists may be due to blockade of NKA transmission at the septide-sensitive site.  相似文献   

To understand the role of opioids and their receptors in chronic pain following peripheral nerve injury, we have studied the mu-opioid receptor in rat and monkey lumbar 4 and 5 dorsal root ganglion neurons and the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord under normal circumstances and after peripheral axotomy. Our results show that many small neurons in rat and monkey dorsal root ganglia, and some medium-sized and large neurons in rat dorsal root ganglia, express mu-opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity. Most of these neurons contain calcitonin gene-related peptide. The mu-opioid receptor was closely associated with the somatic plasmalemma of the dorsal root ganglion neurons. Both mu-opioid receptor-immunoreactive nerve fibers and cell bodies were observed in lamina II of the dorsal horn. The highest intensity of mu-opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity was observed in the deep part of lamina II. Most mu-opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn originated from spinal neurons. A few mu-opioid receptor-positive peripheral afferent terminals in the rat and monkey dorsal horn were calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive. In addition to pre- and post-junctional receptors in rat and monkey dorsal horn neurons, mu-opioid receptors were localized on the presynaptic membrane of some synapses of primary afferent terminals in the monkey dorsal horn. Peripheral axotomy caused a reduction in the number and intensity of mu-opioid receptor-positive neurons in the rat and monkey dorsal root ganglia, and of mu-opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The decrease in mu-opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity was more pronounced in the monkey than in the rat dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord. It is probable that there was a parallel trans-synaptic down-regulation of mu-opioid-like immunoreactivity in local dorsal horn neurons of the monkey. These data suggest that one factor underlying the well known insensitivity of neuropathic pain to opioid analgesics could be due to a marked reduction in the number of mu-opioid receptors in the axotomized sensory neurons and in interneurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

This study describes an ultrastructural examination focused on motor neurons in Onuf's nucleus in the spinal cord of four control patients without neurological disease (45-70 years) and six motor neuron disease (MND) patients (38-79 years; duration 8 months-19 years) who showed no somato-vesical dysfunction. Prompted by recent studies suggesting some sphincteric motor neurons may succumb to MND, this study sought to determine whether the wider population of neurons in Onuf's nucleus display ultrastructural cytopathology which is normally undetectable in histological preparations. Spinal cords were removed 3-20 h after death, and 1 mm slices of cord rapidly fixed in modified Karnovsky medium were processed for both light- and electronmicroscopy. 'Control motor neurons' had intact neuronal and nuclear membranes. Nissl bodies chiefly comprised ordered structures of alternate lamellae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and arrays of polyribosomes. The Golgi complexes consisted of multilamellated curvilinear stacks of ER. No intraneuronal filamentous or Bunina body inclusions were observed, but occasional axonal spheroids were seen in the neuropil. In MND, histological evidence of sparing in Onuf's nucleus was associated with abnormal ultrastructure of the motor neurons. Some sphincteric neurons were atrophic, whereas in the others, Nissl bodies were reduced in number, showed loss of structural organization or comprised polyribosomal aggregates. Golgi complexes had disrupted lamellated organization or consisted solely of distended ER. Intraneuronal filamentous Lewy-body or skein-like inclusions and Bunina bodies were identified in Onuf's nucleus of three subjects (duration of MND 8 months-2 years). The results of the present study indicate that Onuf's nucleus is vulnerable in MND, and preservation of sphincter function with qualitative histological evidence of 'sparing' does not necessarily imply a corresponding lack of ultrastructural cytopathology in this nucleus.  相似文献   

We studied 78 patients with motor neuron disease (MND) using concentric needle electromyography. Analysis on weak and maximal effort was performed using our own, fully automated, computer method, EMG-LAB. In addition to the conventional parameters of single motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) and interference pattern, new criteria were applied: the range of the acting motor units and the functional recruitment order. A total of 375 muscles of MND patients and 120 control muscles were investigated. The electromyographic data were analyzed separately in five groups of muscles, classified A, B, C, D, and E according to their clinical condition. Those results allowed us to discern six neurophysiological stages (N(0,1,2,3,4,5)) from the early to the most advanced phase. It has been confirmed that reinnervation in MND is adequate to compensate for the loss of over 50% of motor neurons but it is only a transitory phase in the morbid course. At stages N(O-5), the electrophysiological data reflect structural and functional integrity of the functioning motor units. Evaluation of not only single MUAPs but also of the full range of acting motor units and their recruitment order allowed a deeper look into the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

The authors present materials of the elaboration of a method of obtaining stable erythrocytic diagnostic agents from semipurified preparations of type-specific antigens of the hemolytic streptococcus of the 1st, 4th, 12th and 18th serotypes. Adequate specificity and high sensitivity of the passive hemagglutination test was shown in examination of the sera of experimental animals. In the sera of healthy children the type-specific antibodies were revealed with a different frequency at various seasons of the year; this was in inverse correlation with the level of scarlet fever morbidity.  相似文献   

This study addresses (1) the relationship between headache presence/intensity at time of testing and neurocognitive performance, and (2) the probability that testing triggers or intensifies pain. Subjects were 125 patients with chronic posttraumatic headache (mean = 2.67 years post injury) who completed a 4-hour test battery emphasizing memory. Comparisons of 34 individual tests/subtests and the five Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) indices of relative memory impairment for 73 patients with no headache or mild headache versus 52 patients with moderate to severe pain revealed no significant differences. Testing intensified existing headaches for 55% but triggered headache for only 1 of 20 (5%; P =.00003). Results support the validity of neuropsychological test performance regardless of pain level, although testing can be painful.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical labeling of Fos protein was used to visualize neurons activated by rewarding stimulation of the lateral hypothalamic level of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Following training and stabilization of performance, seven rats were allowed to self-stimulate for 1 h prior to anesthesia and perfusion. Brains were then processed for immunohistochemistry. Two control subjects were trained and tested in an identical manner except that the stimulator was disconnected during the final 1 h test. Among the structures showing a greater density of labeled neurons on the stimulated side of the brains of the experimental subjects were the septum, lateral preoptic area (LPO), medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, substantia innominata (SI), and the lateral hypothalamus (LH). Several of these structures, the LPO, SI, and LH, have been implicated in MFB self-stimulation by the results of psychophysical, electrophysiological, and lesion studies.  相似文献   

The response of the mature central nervous system (CNS) to injury differs significantly from the response of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Axotomized PNS neurons generally regenerate following injury, while CNS neurons do not. The mechanisms that are responsible for these differences are not completely known, but both intrinsic neuronal and extrinsic environmental influences are likely to contribute to regenerative success or failure. One intrinsic factor that may contribute to successful axonal regeneration is the induction of specific genes in the injured neurons. In the present study, we have evaluated the hypothesis that expression of the immediate early gene c-jun is involved in a successful regenerative response. We have compared c-Jun expression in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons following central or peripheral axotomy. We prepared animals that received either a sciatic nerve (peripheral) lesion or a dorsal rhizotomy in combination with spinal cord hemisection (central lesion). In a third group of animals, several dorsal roots were placed into the hemisection site along with a fetal spinal cord transplant. This intervention has been demonstrated to promote regrowth of severed axons and provides a model to examine DRG neurons during regenerative growth after central lesion. Our results indicated that c-Jun was upregulated substantially in DRG neurons following a peripheral axotomy, but following a central axotomy, only 18% of the neurons expressed c-Jun. Following dorsal rhizotomy and transplantation, however, c-Jun expression was upregulated dramatically; under those experimental conditions, 63% of the DRG neurons were c-Jun-positive. These data indicate that c-Jun expression may be related to successful regenerative growth following both PNS and CNS lesions.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonist (bicuculline methiodide, BIC; picrotoxin, PIC) or agonist (muscimol, MUS) microinjections were made into the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (DMV), and effects on lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP), gastric motility, and gastric acid secretion were determined in chloralose-anesthetized cats. Right or left DMV sites were microinjected with BIC, PIC, MUS, or isotonic tonic saline (140 nl) through a glass micropipette having a tip diameter of 15-21 microns. Esophageal body, LESP, and gastric fundic pressures were measured manometrically. Circular smooth muscle contractions of the antrum and pylorus were recorded with strain-gauge force transducers. Gastric acid secretion was measured every 15 min through a gastric cannula and titrated to pH 7.0. DMV microinjection sites were verified histologically. Direct BIC microinjections (0.275 or 0.550 nmol) into the DMV primarily produced a decrease in LESP (71% of all sites tested), with mean LESP changing from 23.2 +/- 1.7 mmHg to 3.7 +/- 0.7 mmHg (p < 0.01). Tonic LESP increases and phasic LESP contractile activity occurred less frequently. BIC-induced LESP responses were abolished by vagotomy or by microinjections of MUS (0.5 to 10 nmol) into the DMV. Direct PIC microinjection (0.232 nmol) into the DMV produced a pattern of responses similar to those observed with BIC (which were also abolished by vagotomy or by MUS microinjections into the DMV). The antrum and pylorus were also responsive to DMV microinjections of both GABA antagonists. Microinjections of BIC or PIC into the DMV produced increases in gastric circular muscle activity that occurred less frequently than LESP effects, but also were eliminated by vagotomy. The high (0.550 nmol) dose of BIC increased gastric motility significantly more often than the low dose of BIC (p < 0.05). In addition, BIC (0.550 nmol) microinjections into the DMV increased gastric secretory volume (from 0.6 +/- 0.2 to 6.0 +/- 2.5 ml/15 min; p < 0.01) and total titratible acid (from 34.4 +/- 8.9 to 86.0 +/- 19.1 mEq/15 min; p < 0.01), and decreased gastric pH (from 4.63 +/- 0.44 to 3.50 +/- 0.49; p < 0.05). Vagotomy also eliminated the gastric secretory effects of DMV BIC. Direct microinjections of MUS into the DMV also blocked BIC- or PIC-induced changes in gastric motility and/or gastric acid secretion. Isotonic saline microinjected into the DMV did not increase basal or decrease stimulated gastric esophageal motility or gastric secretion. These data indicate that LESP, gastric motility, and gastric secretion are influenced by a tonic DMV inhibition mediated by GABAA receptor stimulation of the DMV. Because disinhibition of these receptors clearly activates the upper gut, future work should focus on identifying the nuclei providing this synaptic input to the DMV that might be involved in the functional regulation of upper gut motor and secretory function.  相似文献   

Increases in the expression of immediate early genes have been shown to occur in the lumbar spinal cord dorsal horn after peripheral inflammation. Given that the pontine parabrachial nucleus has been implicated in nociceptive as well as antinociceptive processes and is reciprocally connected with the spinal cord dorsal horn, it seems likely that peripheral inflammation will cause alterations in immediate early gene expression in this nucleus. To test this hypothesis we examined cFos-like immunoreactivity in a rodent complete Freund's adjuvant-induced peripheral inflammatory model of persistent nociception. Unilateral hind paw injections of complete Freund's adjuvant produced inflammation, hyperalgesia of the affected limb, and alterations in open field behaviors. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated a bilateral increase in cFos-like immunoreactivity in the lateral and Kolliker-Fuse subdivisions of the parabrachial nucleus at 6 and 24 hours postinjection and an ipsilateral decrease below basal levels in the Kolliker-Fuse subdivision at 96 hours postinjection when compared to saline controls. Taken together, these results suggest that select parabrachial neurons are activated by noxious somatic inflammation. These active parabrachial neurons are likely to participate in ascending nociceptive and/or descending antinociceptive pathways.  相似文献   

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