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Reviews the book, Supervising the reflective practitioner: An essential guide to theory and practice by Joyce Scaife (see record 2010-09732-000). This review begins with an elaboration on the two key terms in the title. First, the book is about supervising rather than being or becoming a reflective practitioner. As Scaife notes, much of supervision involves modeling, and therefore, a supervisor must be reflective in order to encourage the student to become more reflective. However, a psychodynamic practitioner would think of this as parallel process, so that the reflection in supervision might ultimately be translated into reflection in psychotherapy. The more important term in the title is reflective practitioner. This immediately draws to mind the concept of reflective practitioner introduced by Donald Sch?n (1983), and there are some very important parallels that the reviewer points out. In conclusion, the reader will be rewarded by multiple exercises that will be useful in supervising and in classroom teaching. Scaife very helpfully points out that assessment often is contrary to the spirit of reflection, because the student attempting to satisfy the instructor is not attending to his or her own needs, as is necessary for successful reflection. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reflective professional development results from thoughtful planning of goals and meeting learning objectives. With rapid changes in health care resulting in major reevaluation and even modification of the role and functions of an occupational therapy practitioner, producing a historical record of competencies in order to learn from one's own experience and to plan for change is essential. A new use of the portfolio is presented to show that a portfolio can be more than the typical repository of completed projects. The transitional portfolio is introduced as a tool for one to self-direct professional development through thoughtful engagement with artifacts created during one's career in relationship to professional goals and desired roles. The transitional portfolio process is holistic, flexible, and reflective. It can serve as a way to document accumulated knowledge and skill acquisition as well as facilitate thoughtful, planned reflection on one's career development in occupational therapy. This article describes the use of transitional portfolios to connect professional development learning experiences, accomplishments, and future opportunities for occupational therapy practitioners.  相似文献   

This article describes the career and scientific achievements of David Shakow, PhD. Shakow was a major figure of 20th-century American psychology, one of only two persons honored by the American Psychological Association with two of its most prestigious awards: the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award and the Distinguished Professional Contribution Award. These two honors embodied the essence of Shakow's career. The award for scientific activity was given for basic contributions that enlarged our understanding of the processes underlying the psychological deficit manifested by schizophrenic patients. These studies spanned half a century, beginning in 1932 and concluding 50 years later, when his final publication on this subject appeared a year after his death. The award for professional achievement recognized his role as the father of contemporary clinical psychology. Shakow, by precept and example, gave meaning to the Boulder model for training clinical psychologists. He provided leadership in espousing the view that the clinical psychologist's role is that of both scientist and practitioner in the mental health field. He deeply respected both activities but gave primacy to the clinical psychologist as research scientist. His credo was one that, on reflection, was as applicable to the practitioner as it was to the researcher. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

First, I would like to commend C. Hosticka, M. Hibbard, and N. Sundberg ("Improving psychologists' contributions to the policymaking process," in Professional Psychology: Research & Practice. Vol 14(3), June, 1983, pp. 374-385) on their presentation of the role of the psychologist as scientist to the policy-making process. They treated the subject in a thorough and professional manner. I do, however, have a minor clarification that I believe is important to consider when psychologists attempt to contribute to the formation of public policy. This clarification has to do with the tertiary nature of the professional psychologist--that is, the psychologist as scientist, as practitioner, and as human being. Hosticka et al. do an admirable job of delineating the many problems that confront the psychologist who attempts to influence public policy as a scientist/researcher. However, they neglect to mention the role of the psychologist as a practitioner/clinician or as a human being/citizen. Granted, these roles are probably less complex and perhaps require less attention. Nonetheless, they do warrant at least a cursory review. As scientists, psychologists conduct research in order to accumulate scientific evidence that can be given to policymakers in an effort to influence policy decisions. As practitioners, psychologists have taken a clinical pledge to help others through their potential emotional reactions to public policy. Finally, as human beings, psychologists are free to express opinions and spew out personal beliefs with respect to public policy. However, one note of caution is recommended, that is, we ought not confuse the three roles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The three articles presented in this issue reflect different problems encountered by psychologists as each attempted to pursue a career. All three psychologists were trail blazers, developing new applications of psychological knowledge, and each faced different challenges. Stanley Moldawsky, a pioneer in the development of professional psychology, reflects on the establishment of a private practice in the 1950s. He shares how politics had to become an important concern in order to survive, gives us a glimpse of some of the hurdles that had to be crossed to establish a professional school in New Jersey, and impresses on us that professional psychology will grow only if we advocate for it. In contrast to Moldawsky, Jonathan Cummings' career was devoted to the application of clinical and counseling psychology to the medical-surgical areas of the health field. His career was focused on working in the Veterans Administration Hospital system, where he was the first psychologist who was assigned to work outside of the mental health area. Cummings' work was instrumental in the development of the field of health psychology and of the need to focus on the whole person when treating people in these settings. John Jackson, in his poignant essay, reflects on the upward climb of minorities into professional psychology. An African American, Jackson did not have the benefit of more recent civil rights legislation to assist his career. He reflects on his involvements with the American Psychological Association and how he perceives the role of minority psychologists within organized psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Jeffrey E. Barnett, recipient of the Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Independent Practice, is cited for outstanding, distinguished, and meritorious service in several areas of professional practice, especially professional ethics and psychotherapy treatment. Barnett has produced hundreds of high-quality publications, workshops, and symposia that have had widespread impact. He is well-known for his quality mentoring of students, early career professionals, and members of diverse groups. Along with the citation, a biography and selected bibliography of Barnett's works are provided. Also included is his paper, entitled "The complete practitioner: Still a work in progress," a version of which was presented at the American Psychological Association's annual convention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Society of Consulting Psychology has identified the need for a scientist-practitioner model in the training of new consulting psychologists. However, it has been a challenge to find practitioners able to devote the time to training, coaching, or mentoring students. The author, a consulting psychologist for 22 years, describes his experience in returning to an academic setting. The advantages and disadvantages to practitioner and student are discussed. It is seen as beneficial to all parties, and practitioners are encouraged to assume a more active role in the training of new consulting psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reflecting on the events that culminated in her receiving the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Applied Psychology as a Professional Practice, Canter, an independent practitioner, discusses the road she traveled to become a clinical psychologist and to become involved in professional organizational activities. She believes that this award was given to her because of her contributions to psychology over her lifetime as an effective and hardworking leader, mentor, and role model in her home state of Arizona and nationally. She addresses some of her ideas about effective leadership and mentoring in the American Psychological Association (APA), providing many examples from which she has learned. Canter also shares some thoughts about APA's position as a leader in the development and enforcement of professional ethics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses existing similarities and differences in the situations of practitioners and academicians. Professional associations have increasingly offered the practitioner the career and status supports that academic settings have offered their faculties. Whereas tenure supports academic freedom, guarantees of third-party reimbursement support professional freedom. Both obviously establish financial security. Despite the seemingly self-serving quest of the practitioner for professional autonomy, he or she has functioned no more according to the principle of self-interest than has the academician who has accepted and supported the precept to "publish or perish." If the major constraints on the functioning of both groups were significantly altered, mental health problems might be addressed more coherently and collaboratively. This would require renunciation of the unequivocal commitment to publishing, on the one hand, and realization of genuine professional autonomy, on the other. Substantive issues might then more often replace concerns with status. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recognizes the receipt of the American Psychological Association's 1976 Distinguished Professional Contribution Award by David Shakow. The award citation reads: "In a career that spans almost five decades, his activities reflect his abiding concern with psychology's historical antecedents, his leadership in creating a training model for clinical psychology that would retain the unique quality that characterizes a psychologist, and his research contributions in the psychological study of schizophrenia. David Shakow by his imagination, by his influence on his many students--graduate and postdoctoral--as teacher and mentor, by his dedication to important scientific studies, by his advocacy of the coordinate role of researcher and practitioner for the clinical psychologist, and by his broad knowledge and commitment to humanistic values has indeed made a distinguished contribution to professional psychology." A biography and a listing of the recipient's scientific writings are also included. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Management roles for psychologists now offer promising career opportunities for using psychological techniques for enhancing the health as well as the productivity of organizations and their employees. Although many psychologists recognize this, they lack more specific information about bridging the gap between the desire to become a manager and the taking of concrete steps to actually become one. Emerging practice arenas, support systems, and training opportunities for psychologists who want to become managers are discussed. Psychologists can learn to be better managers and can benefit by tying into managerially oriented, educational, and professional networks. At the same time, old guilts about being a managerial or entrepreneurial psychologist may linger and need to be overcome. Specific opportunities for psychologists in innovative areas of practice, research, and consultation that require managerial knowledge and skills are identified. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents an overview of the career and contributions to the field of psychology of Patrick H. DeLeon. Patrick DeLeon has a distinguished career pushing psychology to its 'outer limits.' His passionate belief that behavioral science can contribute significantly to society has led him to work unrelentingly to ensure that all legislative and administrative policies provide complete parity for our profession. He enjoys 'getting things done' rather than being in the limelight. His vision is such that many do not appreciate the significance of his latest 'forays.' He has been instrumental in psychology being appropriately recognized under all federal health initiatives, by the military, and by the federal judiciary. He is the first to have received two professional awards from APA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents the author's views on the tenor of the negotiations between the American Psychological Association's (APA's)Committee on Relations with Psychiatry and its opposite number from the American Psychiatric Association. His concern stems primarily from what is considered to be ambivalence on the part of the group as it is expressed in their negotiations with the psychiatrists, as well as the official position of the American Psychological Association. To be more specific: While we consider ourselves competent to handle our affairs as scientists and teachers, and would resent any intrusion in these areas, we appear to be less sure of ourselves in the area of practice, and much more explicitly, private practice. He points to the Ethical Standards of Psychologists (1953) that state, under Principle 2.51-4: The psychologist who engages in psychotherapy is obligated to assist his client, in obtaining professional help for all important aspects of his problem which fall outside the boundaries of the psychologist's competence. Most frequently this principle will require that adequate provision be made for the diagnosis and treatment of medical problems. As a commentary on this principle it is stated: To this end, psychologists doing psychotherapy may be expected to establish and maintain effective inter-communication with a psychologically-oriented physician. The usual and most desirable interpretation of this principle is that the clinical psychologist will establish an effective working relationship with a psychiatrist. He feels that while one can enthusiastically endorse the principle, it becomes changed in the commentary, so that the competence of the psychology practitioner is questioned. In effect the commentary acknowledges the psychiatrist's greater competence in the psychological, as well as the medical sphere. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the impact of personal therapy on the professional and personal development of psychotherapists through in-depth interviews with 5 psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapists (aged 40–50 yrs). An adaptation of the method of consensual qualitative coding was used to study the narrative accounts of therapy experiences leading to the identification 6 domains: (1) importance of personal therapy for therapists; (2) impacts on the professional self: identity; (3) impacts or one's being in the session: process; (4) experiences in previous and current therapy; (5) self in relation to the personal therapists; and (6) mutual and unique influences of didactic learning, supervision, and personal therapy. The authors found that personal therapy is perceived not only as an essential part of the training phase, but as playing an important role in the therapist's ongoing process of individuation and in the development of the ability to use the self, to achieve moment-to-moment authentic relatedness with one's clients. The domains and categories are appended. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper looks at the work of the first nursing development unit (NDU) to be developed in the independent sector. The author describes a number of initiatives being developed by nursing staff, including audit, professional development and expanding the role of the nurse practitioner.  相似文献   

This article discusses competence from the viewpoint of the practitioner role. Concepts from two documents published by the American Occupational Therapy Association--Occupational Therapy Roles and Developing, Maintaining, and Updating Competency in Occupational Therapy: A Guide to Self-Appraisal--are integrated within the discussion. Discussed in this article are factors that affect competence, the interrelationship of competence and practice, and personal responsibility for competence; ways in which competence may be challenged during the practitioner's career; common misconceptions about competence; and attitudes and actions in which the competent practitioner engages. Competence is described as a complex and evolving set of abilities that develops throughout the practitioner's career.  相似文献   

P Boyce  M Tobin 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,32(5):603-11; discussion 616
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to clarify elements of the role of a psychiatrist working in the public sector. METHOD: The relevant literature was examined to help clarify some of the reasons psychiatrists have been leaving the public sector and to help define the key roles of a psychiatrist working in the public sector. RESULTS: Two principal roles for the consultant psychiatrist in the public sector are identified: the psychiatrist as a clinician and the psychiatrist as a manager. The management role is contrasted with the role as an administrator and important differences between these roles are identified. The management role includes planning, advocacy and managing human resources. The importance of professional development in the career path for the newly qualified psychiatrist is discussed. CONCLUSIONS: The role of the psychiatrist in public sector psychiatry is a challenging and exciting one. Psychiatrists will start to return to the public sector when they recognise this new role for the consultant psychiatrist. This will be to the advantage of public sector psychiatry in general and to the job satisfaction of psychiatrists. The key features of the clinical role are the demonstration of sophisticated clinical skills, providing clinical leadership via supervision, being accountable for patient care and providing consultant opinion on complex clinical problems.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of my development as an integrative scientist-practitioner. Starting with the early life experiences that shaped my motivation to become a counselor, I trace my progress through graduate school to my current position at the University of Toronto. I have identified the important influences on my thinking and development that prompted me to integrate client-centered, gestalt, interpersonal, and cognitive interventions as part of my repertoire as a predominantly emotionally-focused psychotherapist working with individuals and couples. The integrative focus that characterizes my practice is also evident in my development as a researcher. In my work as a predominantly process-oriented researcher, I have struggled to combine both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the study of psychotherapy. Most recently I have shifted my research focus from studying clinical process to implementing clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of experiential and client-centered psychotherapy in the treatment of depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recognizes Rollo May for being a stimulating teacher and pioneering theoretician. May is still active in what has been a long and distinguished career. His books and articles have been used extensively among his peers, and his contributions have been widely hailed as being at the forefront of professional research. In addition to the citation, a biography is presented for May, which includes a synopsis of his most important publications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The introduction of market forces into health care delivery systems has had a number of important influences on the roles nurses perform. There have been increasing efforts to find alternative and more cost-effective ways of delivering care. One facet of this situation has been the examination of the roles and responsibilities of registered nurses (RNs) with the view of exploring different ways of using professional skills and determining if RN services are always required. One result of this has been the increased use of unlicensed personnel. The substitution of professional nursing staff by unlicensed personnel has become a major concern for practitioner, manager and client alike. This paper reviews some of the concepts of economic substitution as well as the assumptions advanced for the use of unlicensed personnel in clinical areas as a substitute for nursing services. While there has been increased use of unlicensed staff, the evaluation of clinical outcomes has been poor. This paper reviews primarily the hospital-based evidence about the impact of using unlicensed personnel in practice, and suggests there are methodological problems with the research published to date. Findings suggest that substitute service providers generally 'do no harm'. By contrast, evidence is presented indicating the major contributions nurses make to client care when adopting advanced practice roles (acting as a substitute for other professionals).  相似文献   

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