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This paper presents experimental results and analysis of six model centrifuge experiments conducted on the 150?g-ton Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute centrifuge to investigate the effect of soil permeability on the response of end-bearing single piles and pile groups subjected to lateral spreading. The models were tested in a laminar box and simulate a mild infinite slope with a liquefiable sand layer on top of a nonliquefiable layer. Three fine sand models consisting of a single pile, a 3×1 pile group, and a 2×2 pile group were tested, first using water as pore fluid, and then repeated using a viscous pore fluid, hence simulating two sands of different permeability in the field. The results were dramatically different, with the three tests simulating a low permeability soil developing 3–6 times larger pile head displacements and bending moments at the end of shaking. Deformation observations of colored sand strips, as well as measurements of sustained negative excess pore pressures near the foundations in the “viscous fluid” experiments, indicated that an approximately inverted conical zone of nonliquefied soil had formed in these tests at shallow depths around the foundation, which forced the liquefied soil in the free field to apply its lateral pressure against a much larger effective foundation area. Additional p-y and limit equilibrium back-analyses support the hypothesis that the greatly increased foundation bending response observed when the soil is less pervious is due to the formation of such inverted conical volume of nonliquefied sand. This study provides evidence of the importance of soil permeability on pile foundations response during lateral spreading for cases when the liquefied deposit reaches the ground surface, and suggests that bending response may be greater in silty sands than in clean sands in the field. Moreover, the observations in this study may serve as basis for realistic practical engineering methods to evaluate pile foundations subjected to lateral spreading and pressure of liquefied soil. 相似文献
Verification of the Soil-Type Specific Correlation between Liquefaction Resistance and Shear-Wave Velocity of Sand by Dynamic Centrifuge Test 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Liquefaction of granular soil deposits is one of the major causes of loss resulting from earthquakes. The accuracy of the liquefaction potential assessment at a site affects the safety and economy of an engineering project. Although shear-wave velocity (Vs)-based methods have become prevailing, very few works have addressed the problem of the reliability of various relationships between liquefaction resistance (CRR) and Vs used in practices. In this paper, both cyclic triaxial and dynamic centrifuge model tests were performed on saturated Silica sand No. 8 with Vs measurements using bender elements to investigate the reliability of the CRR-Vs1 correlation previously proposed by the authors. The test results show that the semiempirical CRR-Vs1 curve derived from laboratory liquefaction test of Silica sand No. 8 can accurately classify the (CRR,Vs1) database produced by dynamic centrifuge test of the same sand, while other existing correlations based on various sandy soils will significantly under or overestimate the cyclic resistance of this sand. This study verifies that CRR-Vs1 curve for liquefaction assessment is strongly soil-type dependent, and it is necessary to develop site-specific liquefaction resistance curves from laboratory cyclic tests for engineering practices. 相似文献
U. El Shamy M. Zeghal R. Dobry S. Thevanayagam A. Elgamal T. Abdoun C. Medina R. Bethapudi V. Bennett 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,10(5):190-201
This paper reports the results of model-based simulations of 1-g shake table tests of level and sloping saturated granular soils subject to seismic excitations. The simulations utilize a transient fully coupled continuum-fluid discrete-particle model of water-saturated soils. The fluid (water) phase is idealized at a mesoscale using an averaged form of Navier-Stokes equations. The solid particles are modeled at the microscale as an assemblage of discrete spheres using the discrete element method (DEM). The interphase momentum transfer is accounted for using an established relationship. The employed model reproduced a number of response patterns observed in the 1-g experiments. In addition, the simulation results provided valuable information on the mechanics of liquefaction initiation and subsequent occurrence of lateral spreading in sloping ground. Specifically, the simulations captured sliding block failure instances at different depth locations. The DEM simulation also quantified the impact of void redistribution during shaking on the developed water pressure and lateral spreading. Near the surface, the particles dilated and produced an increase in volume, while the particles at deeper depth locations experienced a decrease in volume during shaking. 相似文献
Bruce L. Kutter Sivapalan Gajan Kiran K. Manda Ariyaputhirar Balakrishnan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2004,130(6):603-614
This paper presents the results of six large-scale centrifuge model tests that were performed to study the effect of relative density and thickness of sand layers on the amount of settlement and lateral spreading. The models included a “river” channel with clay flood banks underlain by layers of loose and dense sand of variable thickness, and a bridge abutment surcharge on one of the banks. The model container was tilted to provide an overall slope to the model. Each model was subjected to three or four significant ground motion events, which were obtained by scaling the amplitude of recordings of the Kobe (1995) and Loma Prieta (1989) earthquakes. Several measurements of acceleration, pore water pressure, settlement, and lateral movement are presented. The liquefaction potential index and a deformation index, which combine the influences of depth, density, and layer thickness, were found to correlate reasonably well with liquefaction induced settlements and lateral deformations for the range of models tested and indicate that centrifuge results are consistent with field observations. 相似文献
Shideh Dashti Jonathan D. Bray Juan M. Pestana Michael Riemer Dan Wilson 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,136(7):918-929
The effective application of liquefaction mitigation techniques requires an improved understanding of the development and consequences of liquefaction. Centrifuge experiments were performed to study the dominant mechanisms of seismically induced settlement of buildings with rigid mat foundations on thin deposits of liquefiable sand. The relative importance of key settlement mechanisms was evaluated by using mitigation techniques to minimize some of their respective contributions. The relative importance of settlement mechanisms was shown to depend on the characteristics of the earthquake motion, liquefiable soil, and building. The initiation, rate, and amount of liquefaction-induced building settlement depended greatly on the rate of ground shaking. Engineering design procedures should incorporate this important feature of earthquake shaking, which may be represented by the time rate of Arias intensity (i.e., the shaking intensity rate). In these experiments, installation of an independent, in-ground, perimetrical, stiff structural wall minimized deviatoric soil deformations under the building and reduced total building settlements by approximately 50%. Use of a flexible impermeable barrier that inhibited horizontal water flow without preventing shear deformation also reduced permanent building settlements but less significantly. 相似文献
Static Pushover Analyses of Pile Groups in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground in Centrifuge Tests 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Scott J. Brandenberg Ross W. Boulanger Bruce L. Kutter Dongdong Chang 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,133(9):1055-1066
Monotonic, static beam on nonlinear Winkler foundation (BNWF) methods are used to analyze a suite of dynamic centrifuge model tests involving pile group foundations embedded in a mildly sloping soil profile that develops liquefaction-induced lateral spreading during earthquake shaking. A single set of recommended design guidelines was used for a baseline set of analyses. When lateral spreading demands were modeled by imposing free-field soil displacements to the free ends of the soil springs (BNWF_SD), bending moments were predicted within ?8% to +69 (16th to 84th percentile values) and pile cap displacements were predicted within ?6 to +38%, with the accuracy being similar for small, medium, and large motions. When lateral spreading demands were modeled by imposing limit pressures directly to the pile nodes (BNWF_LP), bending moments and cap displacements were greatly overpredicted for small and medium motions where the lateral spreading displacements were not large enough to mobilize limit pressures, and pile cap displacements were greatly underpredicted for large motions. The effects of various parameter relations and alternative design guidelines on the accuracy of the BNWF analyses were evaluated. Sources of bias and dispersion in the BNWF predictions and the issues of greatest importance to foundation performance are discussed. The results of these comparisons indicate that certain guidelines and assumptions that are common in engineering design can produce significantly conservative or unconservative BNWF predictions, whereas the guidelines recommended herein can produce reasonably accurate predictions. 相似文献
R. Dobry S. Thevanayagam C. Medina R. Bethapudi A. Elgamal V. Bennett T. Abdoun M. Zeghal U. El Shamy V. M. Mercado 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(2):115-129
This paper examines in detail the mechanics of lateral spreading observed in a full-scale test of a sloping saturated fine sand deposit, representative of liquefiable, young alluvial and hydraulic fill sands in the field. The test was conducted using a 6-m tall inclined laminar box shaken at the base. At the end of shaking, nearly the whole deposit was liquefied, and the ground surface displacement had reached 32 cm. The presented analysis of lateral spreading mechanics utilizes a unique set of lateral displacement results, DH, from three independent techniques. One of these techniques—motion tracking analysis of the experiment video recording—is especially useful as it produced DH time histories for all laminar box rings and a complete picture of the lateral spreading initiation with an unprecedented degree of resolution in time and space. A systematic study of the data identifies the progressive stages of initiation and accumulation of lateral spreading, lateral spread contribution of various depth ranges and sliding zones, their relation to the simultaneous pore pressure buildup, and the soil shear strength response during sliding. 相似文献
Michael K. Sharp Ricardo Dobry Tarek Abdoun 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,129(12):1083-1091
This paper presents the results of six centrifuge model tests of liquefaction and earthquake-induced lateral spreading of fine Nevada sand using an inclined laminar box. The centrifuge experiments simulate a gently sloping, 10 m thick stratum of saturated homogeneous sand of infinite lateral extent and relative densities ranging from 45 to 75%. Such idealized models approach some field situations and they provide significant general insight into the basic mechanisms and parameters influencing the lateral spreading phenomenon. The layer was subjected to lateral base shaking with prototype peak acceleration ranging from 0.20 to 0.41 g, a frequency of 2 Hz, and duration of approximately 22 cycles. The simulated field slope angle was 5°. The model deposits were all saturated with a viscous fluid 50 times more viscous than water, so that testing under the increased gravitational field (50 g) produced a deposit with the prototype permeability of the same fine-grained sand saturated with water in the field. Detailed discussions and comparisons of the six centrifuge tests are included. The observed effects of relative density Dr and input peak acceleration amax on the following measured parameters are summarized: thickness of liquefied soil H1, permanent lateral displacement DH, and ground surface settlement S. Comparisons and discussions are also presented on the effect of permeability for a Dr = 45% deposit. This is done by comparing the results reported herein using a viscous pore fluid, with other published centrifuge tests where a similar deposit using the same model soil, also tested at 50 g and shaken with the same input motion, was saturated with water, thus simulating a prototype sand having 50 times the permeability of the fine sand reported in this paper. 相似文献
DSC Model for Soil and Interface Including Liquefaction and Prediction of Centrifuge Test 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Realistic predictions of dynamic soil–structure interaction problems require appropriate constitutive models for the characterization of soils and interfaces. This paper presents a unified model based on the disturbed state concept (DSC). The parameters for the models for the Nevada sand, and sand–metal interface are obtained based on available triaxial test data on the sand and interfaces. The predicted stress–strain–pore water pressure behavior for the sand using the DSC model is compared with the test data. In addition, a finite element procedure with the DSC model, based on the generalized Biot’s theory, is used to predict the measured responses for a pile (aluminum) sand foundation problem obtained by using the centrifuge test. The predictions compared very well with measured pore water pressures. The DSC model is used to identify microstructural instability leading to liquefaction. A procedure is proposed to apply the proposed method for analysis and design for dynamic response and liquefaction. 相似文献
A series of centrifuge model tests of the lateral response of a fixed-head single pile in soft clay is reported. Both monotonic and cyclic episodes of loading are described, with varying amplitude and with intervening periods of reconsolidation. The soil conditions are characterized by cyclic T-bar penetrometer tests. The ultimate capacity under monotonic load for virgin and for postcyclic conditions was found to be comparable with calculations based on existing design methods, including theoretical plasticity solutions and empirical methods. The lateral stiffness was observed to degrade with cycles, with the rate of degradation being greater for larger cycles. The degradation pattern has been tentatively linked to the cyclic T-bar response, by considering the ‘damage’ associated with the cumulative displacement and remolding, in each case. This approach provides a consistent interpretation of the tests. Although episodes of pile movement and soil remolding led to a reduction in lateral resistance, intervening periods of reconsolidation led to a similar magnitude of recovery and a reduction in the level of softening in subsequent cyclic episodes. During an initial episode of cyclic lateral movement, the stiffness degraded by a factor of 2.3, which is comparable with the strength sensitivity derived from a cyclic T-bar test. In contrast, after five episodes of reconsolidation, the stiffness had recovered back to within 25% of the stiffness observed in the first cycle of the first episode, and it showed negligible degradation during subsequent cycling. This observation implies that, over a long period of cyclic loading, the lateral stiffness of a pile may tend towards a value that is independent of cycle number, and that represents a balance between the damaging effects of remolding and pore pressure generation and the healing effects of time and reconsolidation. 相似文献
Shaking Table Model Tests on Pile Groups behind Quay Walls Subjected to Lateral Spreading 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper presents experimental results of 1-g shaking table model tests on a 3×3 pile group behind a sheet-pile quay wall. The main purpose was to understand the mechanisms of liquefaction-induced large ground deformation and the behavior of the pile group subjected to the lateral soil displacement. The sheet-pile quay wall was employed to trigger the liquefaction-induced large deformation in the backfill, and a study was made of the effect of several parameters such as soil density, amplitude and frequency of input motion, pile head fixity, and superstructure on the magnitude of soil lateral displacement and the maximum lateral force of liquefied soil. Furthermore, distribution of the maximum lateral force within the group pile was thoroughly studied. It was found that the force varies depending on the position of individual piles in the group. To evaluate the contribution of each pile in the total lateral force, a new two-dimensional parameter that is called contribution index was introduced and recommended values for each pile were suggested. Finally, it is concluded that displacement and velocity of soil are the most important parameters that affect the distribution of the lateral forces in the group pile, and these two parameters are highly dependent on the configuration of the ground (geometry). 相似文献
Recent criteria have been developed to describe the onset of static liquefaction in constitutive models. This paper expands the theory to a finite-element framework in order to predict potentially unstable regions in granular soils at the engineering scale. Example simulations are presented for two plane strain tests and a submarine slope to demonstrate the applicability of a proposed liquefaction criterion to boundary value problems. In addition, loading rate and mesh size effects on the liquefaction prediction are examined. The methodology presented herein shows promise as a means of predicting soil liquefaction based on solid mechanical theory rather than empiricism. 相似文献
As a part of an earthquake hazard mapping program being undertaken by the U.S. Geological Survey in the St. Louis metropolitan area, surficial geologic mapping and subsurface geotechnical data have been compiled into a three-dimensional geographic information system (GIS). The potential for soil liquefaction was then spatially evaluated by using subsurface information from 562 boreholes for an assumed M7.5 earthquake emanating from the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Geotechnical data (standard penetration test N-values, overburden pressure, and depth-to-groundwater) and the scenario peak ground accelerations (PGA = 0.1, 0.20, and 0.30??g) were applied to evaluate the factor of safety (FS) against earthquake-induced liquefaction. The liquefaction potential index (LPI) method was used in these evaluations because it allows for calculations of FS with depth for 10–25 discrete stratigraphic horizons overlying the bedrock across the St. Louis metropolitan area. LPI values were derived from the correlation between calculated LPI values and the depths-to-groundwater within late Quaternary stratigraphic units. The St. Louis metropolitan area was then classed according to four levels of severity of risk from liquefaction: (1)?no liquefaction potential, (2)?little-to-no likelihood, (3)?moderate, and (4)?severe. 相似文献
Performance-based procedures for evaluation of liquefaction potential have been shown to provide more consistent and accurate indications of the actual likelihood of liquefaction in areas of different seismicity than conventional procedures. The process of performing a complete site-specific performance-based evaluation of liquefaction potential, however, requires numerous calculations involving quantities that many geotechnical engineers are not familiar with. This paper shows how the results of complete performance-based analyses can be expressed in terms of a scalar parameter corresponding to a particular element of soil in a reference soil profile, and presents procedures for adjustment of that parameter to account for site-specific conditions that differ from those of the reference profile. The procedures are shown to closely approximate the results of complete site-specific performance-based evaluations. Engineers can then use mapped values of the scalar parameter, along with the recommended adjustment procedure, to realize the benefits of a performance-based evaluation without having to actually perform the performance-based calculations. 相似文献
Sung-Ryul Kim Jae-Ik Hwang Hon-Yim Ko Myoung-Mo Kim 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,135(4):544-554
Recently, several studies on the dissipation of excess pore pressure in liquefied sandy grounds have been reported on evaluation of postliquefaction behavior of structures. To further contribute to the understanding of this complicated dynamic phenomenon, centrifuge tests were performed in this research to analyze the liquefaction behavior of level saturated sandy grounds. The test results showed that the excess pore pressure in the liquefied sand was dissipated by the combined process of the solidification of the sand grains and the consolidation of the solidified layer. Based on the test results, a nonlinear model for the solidified layer thickness versus time, i.e., the solidification velocity, was developed. A new dissipation model was also developed by combining the nonlinear solidification model with Scott’s theory to improve the prediction for the time history of excess pore pressure. In addition, a method for evaluating the input parameters in the dissipation model was proposed by relating the parameters to the particle size and the relative density of soils. The proposed dissipation model properly estimated the dissipation of excess pore pressure with time observed in the centrifuge experiments. 相似文献
J. C. Chou B. L. Kutter T. Travasarou J. M. Chacko 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(8):754-765
The BART Transbay Tube (TBT) is an immersed cut-and-cover subway tunnel that runs from Oakland to San Francisco, California. The loose sand and gravel backfills placed around the tunnel are considered to be liquefiable, and the clays under the backfill are soft in some zones along the alignment. These conditions could potentially result in uplift of the tunnel during strong earthquake shaking. This paper describes centrifuge model tests performed to verify numerical methods used to assess the stability and to evaluate the potential uplift mechanisms of the TBT. The observed mechanisms of uplift were a ratcheting mechanism (sand migrating under the tunnel with each cycle of relative movement), a pore water migration mechanism (water flowing under the tunnel), and a bottom heave mechanism, involving soft soils below the base of the trench. A fourth potential mechanism, viscous flow of liquefied soil, was not observed. The volume of the tunnel relative to the volume of the trench and the densities and permeabilities of the nonhomogeneous backfill were important parameters affecting the uplift of the tunnel. From the experiments reported here and analyses reported by the designers, it was concluded that the magnitude of uplift is limited and, hence, that an expensive ground improvement project to densify the backfill was unwarranted. 相似文献
Centrifuge tests were used to study the dynamic behavior of soil slopes reinforced with geosynthetics and metal grids. The main objectives were to determine the failure mechanism and amount of deformations under seismic loading and to identify the main parameters controlling seismically induced deformations. Geosynthetically reinforced soil slopes (2V:1H) and vertical walls reinforced with metallic mesh strips were subjected to earthquake motions with maximum foundation accelerations of up to 1.08g. The experimental results show that slope movement can occur under relatively small base accelerations, and significant lateral and vertical deformations can occur within the reinforced soil mass under strong shaking. However, no distinct failure surfaces were observed, and the magnitude of deformations is related to the backfill density, reinforcement stiffness and spacing, and slope inclination. 相似文献
Validation and Application of Empirical Liquefaction Models 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Thomas Oommen Laurie G. Baise Richard Vogel 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,136(12):1618-1633
Empirical liquefaction models (ELMs) are the standard approach for predicting the occurrence of soil liquefaction. These models are typically based on in situ index tests, such as the standard penetration test (SPT) and cone penetration test (CPT), and are broadly classified as deterministic and probabilistic models. No objective and quantitative comparison of these models have been published. Similarly, no rigorous procedure has been published for choosing the threshold required for probabilistic models. This paper provides (1) a quantitative comparison of the predictive performance of ELMs; (2) a reproducible method for choosing the threshold that is needed to apply the probabilistic ELMs; and (3) an alternative deterministic and probabilistic ELM based on the machine learning algorithm, known as support vector machine (SVM). Deterministic and probabilistic ELMs have been developed for SPT and CPT data. For deterministic ELMs, we compare the “simplified procedure,” the Bayesian updating method, and the SVM models for both SPT and CPT data. For probabilistic ELMs, we compare the Bayesian updating method with the SVM models. We compare these different approaches within a quantitative validation framework. This framework includes validation metrics developed within the statistics and artificial intelligence fields that are not common in the geotechnical literature. We incorporate estimated costs associated with risk as well as with risk mitigation. We conclude that (1) the best performing ELM depends on the associated costs; (2) the unique costs associated with an individual project directly determine the optimal threshold for the probabilistic ELMs; and (3) the more recent ELMs only marginally improve prediction accuracy; thus, efforts should focus on improving data collection. 相似文献
Da Ha Tarek H. Abdoun Michael J. O’Rourke Michael D. Symans Thomas D. O’Rourke Michael C. Palmer Harry E. Stewart 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,134(10):1501-1515
Permanent ground deformation is a severe hazard for continuous buried pipelines. This technical paper presents results from four centrifuge tests designed to investigate the influence of pipe-fault orientation on pipe behavior under earthquake faulting. The experimental setup and procedures are described, and the test results are presented. The test results show that, as expected, pipe axial strain is strongly influenced by the pipe-fault orientation angle, whereas the influence of pipe-fault orientation angle on pipe bending strain is minor. The measured pipe strains were shown to follow the trend predicted by the Kennedy model. Also, through a parametric study using the Kennedy model, the experimental data were extrapolated for cases of pipeline with longer unanchored length. By combing the data from strain gauges and tactile pressure sensors, transverse force–deformation relations or p–y relations for the pipe were determined. The data indicates that the underlying p–y relationship varies along the length of the pipe with a stiffer p–y relationship at points closer to the fault and a softer p–y relationship at points farther away. The stiffer p–y relationship, appropriate for locations moderately close to the fault, was compared with the ASCE Guidelines in 1984 and Turner’s recommendation in 2004 for moist sand. It was found that the force level for the plastic p–y behavior in the centrifuge tests compared favorably with that in the ASCE Guidelines (1984). 相似文献
A?ssa Rezzoug Diethard K?nig Theodoros Triantafyllidis 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2004,130(6):615-620
The application of geotechnical centrifuge modeling to environmental problems seems promising. In this paper, one aspect of similitude laws concerning the flow of water through soils is investigated. Within the Network of European Centrifuges for Environmental Geotechnic Research, several tests have been carried out to study similitude laws describing the capillary ascension in porous media at different levels of acceleration. The aim of this paper is to present the results obtained at Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum. A fine sand is used in the experiment. For the visualization of capillary height in the soil sample, image processing is used. Different boundary conditions (constant or variable water level) have been investigated and discussed. All these experiments confirm that capillary rise appears scaled by the factor N and time seems to be scaled with N2. Thus, these results support the possibility of extending the use of accelerated small-scale models to the capillary phenomenon in centrifuge and open the way to more complex investigations of flow and pollutant transport in unsaturated soils. 相似文献