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InvestigationofInteractionofLanthanideswithHemoglobinandEfectonOxygenCarierFunctionZuoZhiying(左智颖),FengJunting(冯俊婷),BoYunho...  相似文献   

Review of book: Donnel B. Stern. Unformulated Experience: From Dissociation to Imagination in Psychoanalysis. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press, 1997, 312 pp. Reviewed by Michael L. Miller. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, the study of dissociation has flourished partly because of the research on the links between traumatic events and dissociation. Epidemiological studies have shown that dissociative symptoms and disorders are not uncommon. The nonspecialist in this area needs a guide to the extensive literature on the evaluation of dissociation across the lifespan to choose the most appropriate form of evaluation. The authors provide summaries of various types of assessment for dissociation in infants, children, teens, and adults. The techniques they review include structured interviews, specialized questionnaires, and scales on more general instruments, along with their psychometric properties. A good evaluation of dissociation can guide diagnosis, help focus treatment, and provide a measure of treatment efficacy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

以水钢100t转炉氧枪为研究对象,利用氧枪设计经典理论,结合水钢生产工艺,通过设计计算研究得,水钢氧枪在提高转炉冶炼节奏,缩短供氧时间,提高供氧强度方面已不能满足生产的需要。为此,研究以氧枪设计经典理论为基础,紧密结合水钢生产实际,以氧枪设备参数设计为研究切入点,进行新氧枪的设计。并利用Fluent软件对氧枪射流流场及射流与熔池的作用情况进行了模拟验证。研究表明,氧枪参数即当喉口直径为36.8mm,出口直径为46.7mm时,满足生产的要求。  相似文献   

Review of book: Philip Bromberg. Standing in the Spaces: Essays on Clinical Process, Trauma, and Dissociation. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press, 1998, 365 pp. Reviewed by Peter Kaufmann. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research has identified a significant increase in both the incidence and prevalence of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). The present study sought to test both linear and non-linear cusp catastrophe models by using aversive self-awareness, which was operationalized as a composite of aversive self-relevant affect and cognitions, and dissociation as predictors of NSSI. The cusp catastrophe model evidenced a better fit to the data, accounting for 6 times the variance (66%) of a linear model (9%-10%). These results support models of NSSI implicating emotion regulation deficits and experiential avoidance in the occurrence of NSSI and provide preliminary support for the use of cusp catastrophe models to study certain types of low base rate psychopathology such as NSSI. These findings suggest novel approaches to prevention and treatment of NSSI as well. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

李晶  危尚好  余健  周剑 《特殊钢》2007,28(4):56-57
南钢100 t超高功率电弧炉的氧枪主要有炉门水冷碳氧枪及炉壁小氧枪,炉料为生铁+铁水40 t,废钢70 t,优化前总氧耗为43~45 m3/t。优化试验表明,生铁+铁水总量不变的情况下,针对不同铁水加入量,采用不同供氧制度,能够有效地提高氧气利用率,平均总氧耗降低至38 m3/t。  相似文献   

The authors' theoretical analysis of the dissociation in amnesia between categorization and recognition suggests these conclusions: (a) Comparing to-be-categorized items to a category center or prototype produces strong prototype advantages and steep typicality gradients, whereas comparing to-be, categorized items to the training exemplars that surround the prototype produces weak prototype advantages and flat typicality gradients; (b) participants often show the former pattern, suggesting their use of prototypes; (c) exemplar models account poorly for these categorization data, but prototype models account well for them; and (d) the recognition data suggest that controls use a single-comparison exemplar-memorization process more powerfully than amnesics. By pairing categorization based in prototypes with recognition based in exemplar memorization, the authors support and extend other recent accounts of cognitive performance that intermix prototypes and exemplars, and the authors reinforce traditional interpretations of the categorization-recognition dissociation in amnesia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

金属添加方式对NiFe基/NiFe2O4金属陶瓷微观组织的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用粉末冶金法制备了2种金属陶瓷,通过X射线衍射和扫描电镜(SEM)分析发现金属相添加方式(尤其是Al的添加方式)对陶瓷的结构和组成有较大的影响,当Al以单质形式加入时,它会改变原有尖晶石的成分,形成新的尖晶石,同时,还会导致各金属元素的局部分布不均匀现象;合金化后Al的扩散得到了较好的控制,并没有改变原有陶瓷成分.2种金属陶瓷中的陶瓷相在高温烧结中都存在不稳定性,出现了离解现象.金属含量不同,金属陶瓷中陶瓷相和金属相的烧结机理也不同.  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The dissociative mind by Elizabeth F. Howell (see record 2005-14945-000). In her book, The Dissociative Mind, Elizabeth Howell presents a complex and thorough overview of what she describes as a "sea change" in psychoanalytic theory. From her vantage point as both psychoanalyst and traumatologist, she demonstrates how, in the last 15-20 years, relational trauma and the resulting impact on the individual mind-namely the splits and fissures that comprise dissociation- have made their way back into psychoanalytic thinking. Howell's elaboration of the overwhelmed, traumatized mind is very useful in clients who present with problems in thinking or who have limited capacity to symbolize. However, detailed clinical material of how an analyst thinking of dissociated self states would work with such a client, what Bromberg termed the "relational bridge," would support her fundamental assertions more effectively. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The absorption behavior of lattice oxygen for Ce_(0.8)Y_(0.2)O_(2-δ)(YDC) crystal was investigated. Combined with TG-DSC, XRD, Raman and XPS characterization, lattice oxygen absorption occurs at intermediate temperature(from 500 to 800 ℃),which is related to the oxygen vacancies consumption,and no phase change is observed in this process. In electric conductivity relaxation(ECR) experiment, prolonged oxygen diffusion process is observed above 600 ℃, which may be caused by oxygen absorption process. And through ECR experiments,the bulk diffusion coefficient D_(chem) and surface exchange coefficient K_(ex) for YDC dense sample are measured as 6,5×10~(-5)-2×10~(-4)cm~2/s and K_(ex)=2×10~(-4)-9×10~(-4)cm/s at intermediate temperature range.  相似文献   

IrOx-based catalysts are considered the most promising candidates for oxygen evolution reaction(OER)due to their high efficiency.However,improving their intrinsic catalytic activity is essential for practical application.In this work,CeO2with three different morphologies(rod,cube,octahedron)and supported IrOx nanoparticles were fabricated,and they display morphology-dependent OER activity.The IrOx/CeO2-rod shows the highest activity;the catalysts have a catalytic activity sequence of rod>cube>octahedron.A plausible mechanism was proposed:the CeO2support with different morphologies modulates the electronic structure of IrOx by the synergistic interaction promoted by oxygen vacancies between the active component and the support,thereby altering the catalytic activity of the IrOx/CeO2catalyst.  相似文献   

电弧炉炼钢集束射流氧枪的射流特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
对电弧炉炼钢用集束射流氧枪的射流特性进行了冷态和热态试验。50tUHP EAF的工业试验表明,使用集束射流氧枪可降低电耗20kWh/t,降低氧耗15%,提高生产作业率5%,降低吨钢成本10元。  相似文献   

热离解后氨溶与直接氨溶研究表明,APT固体在280±5℃热离解50 min,加1∶3的氨水溶液200 mL在95℃溶解6 h,浸出率为85.1%,离解时间对S(Fe)/WO3影响不大,热离解后氨溶比直接氨溶溶出率要高,但是S(Fe)/WO3基本相同。  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Partners in thought: Working with unformulated experience, dissociation, and enactment by Donnel Stern (see record 2009-17014-000). Following Stephen Mitchell’s untimely death, Donnel Stern is rightly seen as the doyen of Relational Psychoanalysis (RP). In a series of publications he has eloquently and passionately expounded its theoretical-clinical principles in an accessible yet never oversimplified way. This latest volume, mainly a compilation of papers published over the past 10 years or so, further explicates and consolidates his earlier views (Stern, 1997). Relational Psychoanalysis (RP) is perhaps best seen as part of a dialectic, an antiphone to establishment psychoanalysis—if such a thing there still is in an increasingly pluralized world. From a relatively uncommitted perspective, it remains unclear whether RP is a genuinely new set of ideas and practices or a primarily political turn in which traditional ideas are restated in contemporary, and sometimes deliberately contrary, terminology. It is probably both. Reading Stern provides an opportunity to come to a balanced view about this. Whatever conclusions are drawn from his bold assertion of the relational paradigm, listening to Stern’s authentic and enjoyable voice is an experience from which all but the most theoretically blinkered therapists can learn and benefit. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

While greatly facilitating ease of interaction across time and geographic boundaries, the virtual world presents an unreal universe comprised of instant connection and gratification. Our culture has embraced this alternate reality in the form of online journals, chat rooms, and excessive involvement with video games, as well as Internet pornography and sexual solicitation. Psychoanalytic principles can greatly illuminate our understanding of individuals' involvement with virtual reality as it becomes disruptive to work and meaningful relationships. Two cases will be used to illustrate overinvolvement with the virtual world as a form of dissociation in which the individuals retreat from the painful memories, deficits, and helplessness they experience in the real world to a subjective state in which they can attempt to exercise control and aggressively capture the supplies they lack. In the course of treatment, the dissociated material must be invited into the therapeutic dyad so that it may become a conscious and accepted part of the self. The process involves both verbal interpretation and relational grounding in the person of the therapist. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

介绍了RH顶吹氧工艺的设备装置、操作工艺及在武钢二炼钢厂的应用情况。RH顶吹氧技术具有吹氧脱碳、吹氧加铝升温、吹氧清洗RH真空槽内残钢残渣等多项功能。炼钢生产中,RH顶吹氧技术在降低生产成本、提高金属收得率、扩大转炉炼钢厂生产品种、优化全连铸生产组织等方面都能发挥较大作用。  相似文献   

铜陵第二冶炼厂炼铜密闭鼓风炉富氧熔炼试产成功,开创了国内大型有色冶金炉富氧熔炼的先例,本文详细介绍了为富氧炼铜配套的3200标m3/h氧气站的设计、特点、施工、试车调试情况,存在问题和处理方法,并提出了供借鉴的几点建议。  相似文献   

There is a popular hypothesis that performance on implicit and explicit memory tasks reflects 2 distinct memory systems. Explicit memory is said to store those experiences that can be consciously recollected, and implicit memory is said to store experiences and affect subsequent behavior but to be unavailable to conscious awareness. Although this division based on awareness is a useful taxonomy for memory tasks, the authors review the evidence that the unconscious character of implicit memory does not necessitate that it be treated as a separate system of human memory. They also argue that some implicit and explicit memory tasks share the same memory representations and that the important distinction is whether the task (implicit or explicit) requires the formation of a new association. The authors review and critique dissociations from the behavioral, amnesia, and neuroimaging literatures that have been advanced in support of separate explicit and implicit memory systems by highlighting contradictory evidence and by illustrating how the data can be accounted for using a simple computational memory model that assumes the same memory representation for those disparate tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

通过利用Fluent流体软件及标准κ-ε方程模型,研究氧气压力(11.46×105Pa和6.88×105 Pa)及氧枪位置(1.2~1.5 m)对钢厂100 t顶吹转炉氧枪射流特性及钢液表面冲击的影响。结果表明,随氧气压力的增大,氧气在转炉内高速区范围变大,射流核心段长度变长,且气流的压能增加;氧气压力为11.46×105Pa时,当枪位由1.2 m提到1.5 m时,钢液表面氧气流最大冲击速度由240 m/s降低至194 m/s,高速区面积减少,钢液凹坑深度由0.37~0.43 m降至0.30~0.36 m,同时凹坑最大直径由0.70~0.80 m增至0.80~0.95 m。  相似文献   

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