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A hybrid model consisting of a modified TAB (Taylor Analogy Breakup) model and DVM (Discrete Vortex Method) is proposed for numerical analysis of the evaporating spray phenomena in diesel engines. The simulation process of the hybrid model is divided into three steps. First, the droplet breakup of injected fuel is analyzed by using the modified TAB model. Second, spray evaporation is calculated based on the theory of Siebers’ liquid length. The liquid length analysis of injected fuel is used to integrate the modified TAB model and DVM. Lastly, both ambient gas flow and inner vortex flow of injected fuel are analyzed by using DVM. An experiment with an evaporative free spray at the early stage of its injection was conducted under in-cylinder like conditions to examine an accuracy of the present hybrid model. The calculated results of the gas jet flow by DVM agree well with the experimental results. The calculated and experimental results all confirm that the ambient gas flow dominates the downstream diesel spray flow.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effect of injection pressure on the atomization characteristics of high-pressure injector in a direct injection gasoline engine both experimentally and numerically. The atomization characteristics such as mean droplet size, mean velocity, and velocity distribution were measured by phase Doppler particle analyzer. The spray development, spray penetration, and global spray structure were visualized using a laser sheet method. In order to investigate the atomization process in more detail, the calculations with the LISA-DDB hybrid model were performed. The results provide the effect of injection pressure on the macroscopic and microscopic behaviors such as spray development, spray penetration, mean droplet size, and mean velocity distribution. It is revealed that the accuracy of prediction is promoted by using the LISA-DDB hybrid breakup model, comparing to the original LISA model or TAB model alone. And the characteristics of the primary and secondary breakups have been investigated by numerical approach.  相似文献   

The intermittent spray characteristics of a multi-hole diesel nozzle with a 2-spring nozzle holder were investigated experimentally. Without changing the total orifice exit area, the hole number of the multi-hole nozzle varied from 3 (dn=0.42 mm) to 5 (dn=0.32mm). The time-resolved droplet diameters of the spray including the SMD (Sauter mean diameter) and the AMD (arithmetic mean diameter), injected intermittently from the multi-hole nozzles into still ambient air, were measured by using a 2-D PDPA (phase Doppler particle analyzer). The 5-hole nozzle spray shows the smaller spray cone angle, the decreased SMD distributions and the small difference between the SMD and the AMD, compared with that of the 3-hole nozzle spray. From the SMD distributions with the radial distance, the spray structure can be classified into the three regions : (a) the inner region showing the high SMD distribution; (b) the mixing flow region where the shear flow structure would be constructed; and (c) the outer region formed through the disintegration processes of the spray inner region and composed of fine droplets. Through the SMD distributions along the spray centerline, it reveals that the SMD decreases rapidly after showing the maximum value in the vicinity of the nozzle tip. The SMD remains the constant value near the Z/dn=166 and 156.3 for the 3-hole and 5-hole nozzles, which illustrate that the disintegration processes of the 5-hole nozzle spray proceed more rapidly than that of the 3-hole nozzle spray.  相似文献   

The present article presents an extension to the computational model for spray/ wall interaction and liquid film processes that has been dealt with in the earlier studies (Lee and Ryou, 2000a). The extensions incorporate film spread due to impingement forces and dynamic motion induced by film inertia to predict the dynamic characteristics of wall films effectively. The film model includes the impingement pressure of droplets, tangential momentum transfer due to the impinging droplets on the film surface and the gas shear force at the film surface. Validation of the spray/ wall interaction model and the film model was carried out for non-evaporative diesel sprays against several sources of experimental data. The computational model for spray/wall interactions was in good agreement with experimental data for both spray radius and height. The film model in the present work was better than the previous static film model, indicating that the dynamic effects of film motion should be considered for wall films. On the overall the present film model was acceptable for prediction of the film radius and thickness.  相似文献   

In modern small compact combustion chambers of diesel engines with high speed injection spray, the wall impaction of spray is encountered. A number of combustion systems have been developed which deliberately employ wall impaction as a means of breaking up the fuel spray and/or directing it in a desired direction. As a link of this, in a further type of geometry, which has been presented by Park et al. cut-off pips were provided for a number of sprays directed not only straight down into combustion chamber centre but also across and down into the bowl in the normal radial direction. The sizes of the pips and their positions were tested for axisymmetrical shape, and their results were analyzed. The further type was simulated in here by using 3D non-orthogonal spray engine code. The simulation results show that the further type is much better than general conventional shapes, i.e. well mixing of fuel vapour and spray high qualified droplet atomization, etc. Thus the improvement of the engine performance is expected by the shaped engine.  相似文献   

To understand the transient behavior of droplets after impingement in a diesel engine, a numerical model for diesel sprays impinging on a flat wall is newly developed by the proposition of several mathematical formulae to determine the post-impingement characteristics of droplets. The new model consists of three representative regimes such as rebound, deposition and splash. The gas phase is modeled in terms of the Eulerian conservation equations, and the dispersed phase is calculated using a discrete droplet model. To validate the new model, the calculated results are compared with several experimental data. The results show that the new model is generally in good agreement with the experimental data. Therefore, it is thought that the new model is acceptable for the prediction of transient behavior of wall sprays.  相似文献   

The optical depth is responsible of limiting the optical diagnostic using visible wavelength in the sprays. This paper proposes to measure the optical depth directly in a real Diesel spray through line-of-sight laser extinction measurements. This easily reproducible method which does not require expensive or complex optical techniques is detailed and the measurement procedure is presented in this paper. As diesel sprays are mostly optically thick, the measurements in the denser region are not reliable and a fuel concentration model has been used to derive the results to the entire spray. This work provides values of SMD at different distance from the nozzle tip depending on the specific parameters like injection pressure or discharge density. The values extracted from a combined experimental/computational approach have been compared to PDPA measurements under the same testing conditions. The results have shown that the maximum optical depth was higher than 10 and that an increase of the injection pressure led to higher τ values. The SMD values appeared to be below the results measured by the PDPA and the droplet diameter showed to be the main responsible of the optical depth of the jet under the tested conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents vibration control of a flexible beam structure using a hybrid mount which consists of elastic rubber and piezoelectric stack actuator. After identifying stiffness and damping properties of the rubber and piezoelectric elements, a mechanical model of the hybrid mount is established. The mount model is then incorporated with the beam structure, and the governing equation of motion is obtained in a state space. A sliding mode controller is designed in order to actively attenuate the vibration of the beam structure subjected to high-frequency and small magnitude excitations. The controller is experimentally realized and measured control responses such as acceleration of the beam structure and force transmission through the hybrid mount are evaluated and presented in both frequency and time domains.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of change in injection pressure on spray structure have been investigated on the high temperature and pressure field. To analyze the structure of evaporative diesel spray is important in speculation of mixture formation process. Also emissions of diesel engines can be controlled by the analyzed results. Therefore, this study examines the evaporating spray structure in a constant volume chamber. The injection pressure is selected as the experimental parameter, is changed from 72 MPa to 112 MPa with a high pressure injection system (ECD-U2). The PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) technique was used to capture behavior variation of the evaporative diesel spray. Analysis of the mixture formation process of diesel spray was executed by the results of flow analysis in this study. Consequentially the large-scale vortex flow could be found in downstream spray and the formed vortex governs the mixture formation process in diesel spray.  相似文献   

The effects of change in injection pressure on spray structure in high temperature and pressure field have been investigated. The analysis of liquid and vapor phases of injected fuel is important for emissions control of diesel engines. Therefore, this work examines the evaporating spray structure using a constant volume vessel. The injection pressure is selected as the experimental parameter, is changed from 400 bar to 800 bar by using a common rail injection system. Also, we conducted simulation study by modified KIVA-II code. The results of simulation study are compared with experimental results. The images of liquid and vapor phase for free spray were simultaneously taken by exciplex fluorescence method. As experimental results, the vapor concentration of injected fuel is leaner due to the increase of atomization in the case of the high injection pressure than in that of the low injection pressure. The calculated results obtained by modified KIVA-II code show good agreements with experimental results.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the diesel spray have affected certain aspects of engine performance, such as the power, fuel consumption, and emissions. Therefore, this study was performed to investigate the effects of various injection parameters. In order to obtain the effect of injection parameters on diesel spray characteristics, the experiment is performed by using a high temperature and pressure chamber. The behaviors of the spray are visualized by using a high speed video camera, spray angle, penetration, and various other things.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient technique for designing a fixed order compensator for compensating current mode control architecture of DC−DC converters. The compensator design is formulated as an optimization problem, which seeks to attain a set of frequency domain specifications. The highly nonlinear nature of the optimization problem demands the use of an initial parameterization independent global search technique. In this regard, the optimization problem is solved using a hybrid evolutionary optimization approach, because of its simple structure, faster execution time and greater probability in achieving the global solution. The proposed algorithm involves the combination of a population search based optimization approach i.e. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and local search based method. The op-amp dynamics have been incorporated during the design process. Considering the limitations of fixed structure compensator in achieving loop bandwidth higher than a certain threshold, the proposed approach also determines the op-amp bandwidth, which would be able to achieve the same. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in meeting the desired frequency domain specifications is experimentally tested on a peak current mode control dc−dc buck converter.  相似文献   

The intermittent spray characteristics of the single-hole diesel nozzle (dn=0.32 mm) used in the fuel injection system of heavy-duty diesel engines were experimentally investigated. The mean velocity and turbulent characteristics of the diesel spray injected intermittently into the still ambient were measured by using a 2-D PDPA (phase Doppler particle analyzer). The gradient of spray half-width linearly increased with time from the start of injection, and it approximated to 0.04 at the end of the injection. The axial mean velocity of the fuel spray measured along the radial direction was similar to that of the free air jet within R/b=1.0-1.5 regardless of elapsing time, and its non-dimensional distribution corresponds to the theoretical velocity distributions suggested by Hinze in the downstream of the spray flow fields. The turbulent intensity of the axial velocity components measured along the radial direction represented the 20-30% of the Ūcl and tended to decrease in the outer region. The turbulent intensity in the trailing edge was higher than that in the leading edge.  相似文献   

The effects of change in injection pressure on spray structure in high temperature and pressure field have been investigated. The analysis of liquid and vapor phases of injected fuel is important for emissions control of diesel engines. Therefore, this work examines the evaporating spray structure using a constant volume vessel. The injection pressure is selected as the experimental parameter, is changed from 22 MPa to 112 MPa using a high pressure injection system (ECD-U2). Also, we conducted simulation study by modified KIVA-II code. The results of simulation study are compared with experimental results. The images of liquid and vapor phase for free spray were simultaneously taken by exciplex fluorescence method. As experimental results, the vapor concentration of injected fuel is leaner due to the increase of atomization in the case of the high injection pressure than in that of the low injection pressure. The calculated results obtained by modified KIVA-II code show good agreements with experimental results.  相似文献   

A simplified, two parameter creep curve model is developed, which represents primary-secondary-tertiary creep behaviour. The two parameters are related via the secondary strain respectively to: the sum of secondary and primary strains; and, the sum of secondary and tertiary strains. Techniques are described for fitting the model to laboratory data; and, for the determination of the parameters which characterize primary-secondary and secondary-tertiary creep. The single state variable theory used to describe tertiary creep is compared with mechanisms based models and shown to closely predict the effect of stress-state on rupture strain. A two bar plane strain model component subjected to steady load is studied and used to determine the effect on the component lifetime of primary creep; and, of the multi-axial creep rupture criterion. The representative rupture stress is found to be weakly dependent on primary creep and strongly dependent on the multi-axial rupture criterion of the material.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure and to clarify the mixture formation process within evaporative diesel spray. Liquid fuel was injected from a single-hole nozzle (l/d=1.0mm/0.2mm) into a constant-volume vessel under high pressure and temperature in order to visualize the spray phenomena. An exciplex fluorescence method was applied to the evaporative fuel spray to measure and investigate both the liquid and the vapor phase of the injected spray. The region of interest in this experiment was downstream towards the end of the spray. For accurate investigation, images of the liquid and vapor phase regions were recorded with a 35mm still camera and CCD camera, respectively. For the case of the evaporative fuel spray, the images showed that within the region of liquid phase very small droplets could be found outside of the spray and larger droplets at the spray’s tip. This can be explained through the droplet classification defined byStokes number (stk) (Chung et al., 1990). From the 2-dimensional analysis results of the heterogeneous distribution of the inner spray, a 3-dimensional analysis was attempted by using the offset incidence of the laser beam from the spray’s center axis. Finally, in order to quantify the mixture’s state change within the vapor phase region of the injected spray, images analysis were carried out based on the entropy of statistical thermodynamics.  相似文献   

Tighter emission regulations are driving the development of advanced engine control strategies relying on feedback information from the combustion chamber. In this context, it is especially seeked for alternatives to expensive in-cylinder pressure sensors. The present study addresses these issues by pursuing a simulation-based approach. It focuses on the extension of an empirical, zero-dimensional cylinder pressure model using the engine speed signal in order to detect cylinder-wise variations in combustion. As a special feature, only information available from the standard sensor configuration are utilized. Within the study, different methods for the model-based reconstruction of the combustion pressure including nonlinear Kalman filtering are compared. As a result, the accuracy of the cylinder pressure model can be enhanced. At the same time, the inevitable limitations of the proposed methods are outlined.  相似文献   

It is important to have a precise model for the clutch damper in order to simulate the entire powertrain of a vehicle and predict the responses of the system. In this research, we developed a new model in which the spring used in the clutch damper is divided into a finite number of elements. The model takes many unique properties of arc-shaped springs into consideration and is anticipated to be more precise than conventional simple models. With the model, two meaningful results were presented which can be utilized afterwards. One is a simulation concerning the peak torque transmitted via the clutch damper. The other is a simulation that shows the hysteretic characteristics of the clutch damper.  相似文献   

Friction model of a marine diesel engine piston assembly   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In modern marine diesel engines, power output and in-cylinder firing pressures are constantly increasing, leading to higher friction in engine components and especially in the piston assembly. A good understanding of the friction contributions of the various engine components is needed, if mechanical efficiency is to be improved. A friction model for the engine piston assembly has been developed and is presented in this paper. The model, based on lubrication theory, considers the detailed engine geometry and the complete lubricant action, and thus can be applied to a wide range of engines. In detail, the analysis takes into account the friction components of compression rings, oil control rings, piston skirt and gudgeon pin of the engine piston assembly. The model was applied to a four-stroke (medium speed) marine diesel engine and the effect of engine speed and load on friction was examined and compared with results from other semi-empirical models. The engine friction was predicted at constant rotational speed (generator operation) and variable rotational speed (propulsion operation).  相似文献   

Because an injected spray development process consists of impinging and free spray in the diesel engine, it is needed to analyze the impinging spray and free spray, simultaneously, in order to study the diesel spray behavior. To dominate combustion characteristics in diesel engine is interaction between injected fuel and ambient gas, that is, process of mixture formation. Also it is very important to analyze liquid and vapor phases of injected fuel on the investigation of mixing process, respectively and simultaneously. Therefore, in this study, the behavior characteristics of the liquid phase and the vapor phase of diesel spray was studied by using exciplex fluorescence method in high temperature and injection pressure field. Finally, it can be confirmed that the distribution of vapor concentration is more uniform in the case of the high injection than in that of the low injection pressure.  相似文献   

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