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正说到砖建筑,目前以砖瓦元素为主的城市构造建筑群主要集中在欧洲,欧洲的建筑经历了较长时间的历史进程,尤其是在文艺复兴时期巴洛克时期左右开始形成了特有的风格,且更注重于建筑元素的体系化,非常注重建筑文化的传承。欧洲建筑从古代开始就是以建筑永久性为目的,所以大多都选择烧结砖或者石材作为主要建筑材料,历史上无论是著名还是普通的建筑都保留了下来,现在欧洲普通居民区还有相当普遍的老房子,并有很大比例的非居住用老房子还  相似文献   

研究针对当前我国工业遗产保护与更新过程中老工业区被大面积拆除、工业遗产整体性价值被忽视等问题,探讨了文化规划在城市建设中的价值及其对老工业区保护与更新的现实意义,提出以文化规划为指导进行工业遗产保护与更新的主张,并以重庆钢铁厂老工业区城市设计为例,从文化资源评估、文化规划内容纲要和文化规划空间实践三个方面提供老工业区文化规划的实施方向,希望为解决我国城市老工业区改造问题提供思路。  相似文献   

张松 《城市建筑》2006,(12):8-12
保护文化遗产的国际宪章、公约和建议是世界范围内遗产保护的纲领性和法规性文件,本文通过梳理国际宪章中有关建筑遗产的保护理念和保护原则,结合中国的实际情况,探讨建筑遗产保护的历史性、原真性、完整性等学术理论问题,并针对我国建筑遗产保护的特殊性进行了一定程度的分析和比较。  相似文献   

郭璇 《室内设计》2013,28(4):24-31
针对当前我国抗战遗产的保存现状及面临的困境,文章在吸收国际保护经验的基础上,对这一特殊遗产类型的特征及其文化意义进行界定;并以战时陪都重庆为例,从遗产资源的调查与评估、保护的空间体系建构、保护的适宜性技术以及遗产资源的展示性利用等方面剖析了抗战遗产保护与利用的内容与方法。研究对遗产的范畴和价值体系进行了拓展,并在大尺度区域遗产的保护、保护技术地域性与现代性的结合以及物质与非物质遗产要素保护的整合等方面进行了探索,以期为历史遗产保护与地区的可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

工业遗产建筑是城市文化和社会记忆的重要组成部分,作为我国近现代工业发祥地之一的武汉市拥有丰富的工业遗产。从宏观和微观两个角度分析了武汉市工业遗产建筑保护的现状及问题,并从社会记忆视角出发从4个方面提出了对策。  相似文献   

以UNESCO亚太遗产保护奖的原则和标准为参照,基于对我国获奖项目的调查研究,探讨世界遗产保护发展趋势下我国建筑遗产保护策略;并基于中国当前建筑遗产保护中存在的问题,从健全体制保障、适应区域条件、提升工程完成度、改善建筑性能、提升人文环境、鼓励公众参与、利用信息平台、发展应急防灾几个方面研究我国遗产保护策略的优势和不足。  相似文献   

近年来,随着遗产保护研究的深入,遗产分类日益完善,遗产保护组合化和综合化成为发展新趋势.以青岛地区港口工业遗产的实地调研成果为依据,从"系列遗产"的角度出发,结合国家"21世纪海上丝绸之路"战略指导,展开"港口系列遗产保护"的思考,并针对青岛港口工业遗产现状及面临的问题提出应对策略,希望能在未来实践中不断得到检验和完善.  相似文献   

文章从城市历史景观理论视角,探讨了西安南门广场的保护与更新问题。文章首先阐述了西安南门广场的历史形态演变过程,并从城市历史景观理论角度总结出南门广场的若干重要遗产信息;然后通过分析重要遗产信息在新近完成的南门广场改扩建方案中的功能定位与形态变化,文章针对改扩建方案提出了改进建议,并希冀文中借助城市历史景观理论来审视历史地段保护与更新方案的研究方法,可以为我国其他城市的更新实践提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   

乡土建筑遗产是人类历史的宝贵财富,对于农村发展具有重要意义。相较于文物保护而言,对于乡土建筑遗产的保护要因地制宜、多措并举。文章首先从国际和国内两个层面对乡土建筑遗产保护的相关理论进行了简单论述;随后介绍了乡土建筑遗产价值的评估方法,从可行性层面对乡土建筑遗产保护进行了探究;并针对当前传统村落保护中存在的诸多问题提出了具体的解决措施,希望更多富有特色的乡土建筑能够得以留存和延续。  相似文献   

工业遗产是记录我国现代化发展进程的理性记忆与珍贵财富,西安地区的工业遗产在全国范围内具有典型性与重要性。该文从工业遗产价值认定的问题出发,分析我国工业遗产认定中的区域特点,以西安工业遗产为研究范畴,建立价值评价标准体系,从历史、科技、社会、艺术四个方面建构西安工业遗产的评价标准,并对十二条标准进行阐释与示例说明。在明确西安工业遗产登录范畴的基础上,以历史年代与遗产稀缺性的相关性为考量,拟定西安工业遗产"自动登录"与"评估登录"两个标准。  相似文献   

Historic preservation and heritage conservation are two mainstream concepts related to the sustainability and renewal of historic houses. With the aim of enhancing the sustainability of historic houses, this article criticizes the view of historic preservation that insists on preserving historic houses with their old appearances, which does not fully develop their sustainability. In contrast, the article provides support for the view of heritage conservation that aims to promote the sustainability of historic houses and related legislation. In the second and third parts, this article examines the theoretical origin of historic preservation, which emphasizes and summarizes the one-way protection of cultural memory via historic houses. In the fourth part, the article turns to heritage conservation, highlights the sustainable cycle between historic houses and cultural memory, and underlines the advantages of this sustainable cycle. In the fifth part, this article presents a sustainable approach to heritage conservation and related legal safeguards by taking the renewal of historic houses in China's Bagua Village (or “Eight Diagrams Village”) as an example. In the last part, this paper summarizes the theoretical value, practical value and limitations of this article. The findings can facilitate the UN's sustainable development of social inclusion, economic growth, and environmental protection to promote the heritage legislation and policy of present and future generations.  相似文献   

This study deals with the architectural properties of traditional Siverek houses, which are important in the larger corpus of Southeastern Anatolian houses. The historical city center of Siverek has partly preserved its authentic character with its monumental buildings and traditional houses. Despite the considerable number of traditional courtyard houses in Siverek, no detailed survey has been conducted on them. In this work, these traditional houses in the historical Siverek City center are identified and documented for the first time. Their plans, façades, and structural systems are examined in detail, and the structural elements are comprehensively analyzed. We document the architectural features of these traditional Siverek houses and introduce the cultural heritage of the city. These details provide information for proper decision-making regarding the preparation of restitution and restoration projects and selecting materials and techniques that suit the structures to be restored.  相似文献   

王芳  刘加平 《华中建筑》2012,(2):142-146
怒江流域是国家级自然生态保护区、三江并流的世界自然遗产区;也是多民族混居区,国家级贫困区。怒江流域的新民居建设对于改善少数民族的生活质量意义重大。该文通过对怒江中游地区怒族、傈僳族传统民居的调研和实测,分析其建造特点及空间构成。同时,对比研究怒江流域大量新建的砖混民居,得出传统民居为低碳模式兼低的居住环境质量,而新建砖混房屋则为高碳模式兼"高"的居住环境质量,并指出新建民居存在的问题。在此基础上,提出新地域民居建设的指导原则以及具体实施策略。这些策略旨在形成一套新地域民居的建筑模式,积极推动新民居的建设。  相似文献   

黄禹康 《住宅科技》2010,30(7):21-24
传统民居建筑保护是人类历史文化的延续与传承。通过对凤凰古城沱江镇的传统民居建筑应顺于自然环境、共存于自然生态的建筑理念,是对当代住宅建筑的发展与传统民居建筑的保存中能否寻找共存的建筑文化环境的可能作了探索。  相似文献   

Thermal conditions and indoor concentrations of aldehydes, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and NO2 were investigated in 19 occupied temporary houses in 15 temporary housing estates constructed in Minamisoma City, Fukushima, Japan. The data were collected in winter, spring, and summer in January to July 2012. Thermal conditions in temporary log houses in the summer were more comfortable than those in pre‐fabricated houses. In the winter, the indoor temperature was uncomfortably low in all of the houses, particularly the temporary log houses. Indoor air concentrations for most aldehydes and VOCs were much lower than the indoor guidelines, except for those of p‐dichlorobenzene, acetaldehyde, and total VOCs. The indoor p‐dichlorobenzene concentrations exceeded the guideline (240 μg/m3) in 18% of the temporary houses, and the 10?3 cancer risk level (91 μg/m3) was exceeded in winter in 21% due to use of moth repellents by the occupants. Indoor acetaldehyde concentrations exceeded the guideline (48 μg/m3) in about half of the temporary houses, likely originating from the wooden building materials. Indoor NO2 concentrations in the temporary houses were significantly higher in houses where combustion heating appliances were used (0.17 ± 0.11 ppm) than in those where they were not used (0.0094 ± 0.0065 ppm).  相似文献   

赣南围屋的历史回顾与现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对赣南围屋的重要历史地位进行了阐述,论述了其当代发展与其他地区围楼相比不平衡的几点原因,提出了加强学术研究和全面规划旅游等方法,以便提高人们对文化遗产的保存和保护意识,突出当地特色。  相似文献   

中国已经有越来越多的项目列入了世界遗产名录,申遗热的背后还缺乏对遗产地旅游发展的理性思考。以宏观的视角,借助GIS空间分析的手段,从遗产资源到旅游产品转化的能力、可进入条件、基础客源市场条件和遗产城市依托条件4个角度来衡量和评价中国世界遗产地的存在问题和开发潜力。4个指标得分都高的遗产地还需在保持现状的基础上不断提升优化;存在一个短板的景区中,资源转化能力弱的遗产地需要加强保护;覆盖人口少的遗产地应创新营销;可进入条件差和设施依托弱的景区应做好设施配套。当有多个指标存在局限时,遗产地要根据自身的情况,从资源保护、市场营销、区域合作、设施建设、产品创新多个角度选择旅游开发方向。  相似文献   

以我国西南地区的几个传统乡土聚落的实例追踪调研为基础,深入剖析了近十年来西南传统乡土聚落中的民居景观的总体布局、居住单元、附属空间和建筑材料的变迁历史与趋势,并将其与同时期发生的保护行为等进行相关分析。结果表明:西南传统乡土聚落的民居景观变迁在不同村寨中均表现出较为相似的变化方向,由于受关注程度和保护级别的差异,村寨之间存在时差先后的分布特点;便利的交通条件和较强的保护关注程度会推进民居建筑的现代性变迁,而旅游介入因子的强弱会影响民居景观变迁的方向;民居建筑的各种变化趋势与村寨的传统性延续之间存在一定矛盾;保护级别较低的村寨的民居景观的变迁容易发生突变,而保护级别较高的村寨民居景观变迁会呈现出村寨内部范围的区域差异性。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化水平的提高,住宅建筑的建造成为我国首要解决的问题,然而在中国的住宅建造中存在着各种各样的弊病:住宅的生命周期短、能耗大、住宅建设和拆迁过程中产生了很多难以处理和再利用的建筑垃圾,不仅造成了大量的能源浪费而且对环境也产生了严重的污染。由于环境破坏,生态系统失调引起的一系列环境反应,使“可持续发展”成为全球的大趋势,因此绿色生态住宅的建设正是在顺应当前大趋势的条件下对建筑方面绿色生态环保问题做出的积极地回应。下面笔者将从我国发展绿色住宅的必要性、绿色住宅概念的产生、中国传统民居形式和值得借鉴的绿色技术、关于对绿色住宅的一些认识进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

In order to meet new tighter building energy requirements introduced in Denmark in 2006 and prepare the way for future buildings with even lower energy consumption, single-family houses were built with the purpose to demonstrate that it is possible to build typical single-family houses with an energy consumption that meets the demands without problems concerning building technology or economy. The paper gives a brief presentation of the houses and the applied energy-saving measures. The paper also presents results from measurements of the overall energy use, indoor climate and air tightness. Furthermore, results from detailed calculations of the utilization of electricity-related heat gains are presented. Looking at the energy consumption in relation to the new energy requirements, the paper concludes that the single houses can relatively easily keep the future energy demands. The energy consumption of the houses is on a level corresponding to a classification as “low-energy house class 2” or an energy consumption of 75% of the required maximum energy consumption. With minor modifications, some houses could be classified as “low-energy building class 1” corresponding to an energy consumption of only 50% of the required and almost the level of typical passive houses.  相似文献   

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