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什么设计最时尚?什么产品最流行?什么体验最奇妙?什么应用最震撼?现在,就请跟随记者的笔,与我们一同倘佯“时尚之都”,感受流行魅力……  相似文献   

工业设计让机箱、电源排插也获得了无限的“流行”、“时尚”元素,肮嘉也给了自己产品登上T形台的机会。富于灵感和创意的工业设计,最终都要从设计图纸进入具体的生产线,“流行”和“时尚”才得以实现。而在这些未来的潮流产品量产之前,我们不妨先在T形台上新赏一下。  相似文献   

Joybee 110与明基以前的一系列产品使用全金属外壳,方方正正的外形完全不同,采用了全塑料的外壳和流线型的外壳设计,看上去倒颇有点类似当年曾流行一时的玩具宠物蛋。 时尚化的外观:与明基以前的产品相比,Joybee 110的外形设计要时尚化很多,采用了塑料的外壳。其中前脸部分为抛光处理而后背为磨砂处理,手感非常好。而且前面板采用了三种不同颜色的透明外壳,内置话筒则巧妙的隐藏在面  相似文献   

Joybee 110与明基以前的一系列产品使用全金属外壳,方方正正的外形完全不同,采用了全塑料的外壳和流线型的外壳设计,看上去倒颇有点类似当年曾流行一时的玩具宠物蛋。 时尚化的外观:与明基以前的产品相比,Joybee 110的外形设计要时尚化很多,采用了塑料的外壳。其中前脸部分为抛光处理而后背为磨砂处理,手感非常好。而且前面板采用了三种不同颜色的透明外壳,内置话筒则巧妙的隐藏在面  相似文献   

“关体瘦身”作为当下一个流行的时尚概念,其所涵盖的范畴已经远远超出了原来的定位,甚至在IT领域,因其特定的时尚内涵,也开始广泛地流行开来。受此影响,人们对IT产品美观、轻薄、便携的要求越来越高,在外形总体设计上力求美观时尚的同时,一次次刷新超小体积的世界纪录。即便是在商务应用色彩相对浓厚的OA产品领域也不例外,对产品体积和外形设计的关注度日益升高,日渐成为一种OA产品设计潮流。[编者按]  相似文献   

性能、时尚之首选刻录机——索尼DRX-830UL索尼DRX-830UL产品拥有18X刻录极速,具有现代、时尚和简洁的外观设计。采用银色的塑料材质,面板采用镜面式设计,整体上具有流行动感设计风格。独特而新颖的造型,质感  相似文献   

在新春辞旧迎新的喜庆气氛中,手机市场又迎来了销售的“黄金期”。面对如潮的降价促销和琳琅满目的产品,准备购买手机的人们自然会有“乱花渐欲迷人眼”的感觉。无论是追逐流行的白领一族,还是对时尚设计和“精打细算”同样看重的学生消费者,时尚、个性、高性价比等都是他们尤其关注的。而长久以来,松下手机始终致力于将引领时尚潮流与高性价比趋势的手机产品带给国内用户,2004 年推出的几款时尚与性价比兼而得之的千元手机更是获得了众多手机玩家的青睐。  相似文献   

随着消费族群的扩大和消费者消费观念的巨大转变,笔记本电脑的设计呈现出越来越多元化的趋势,其中一元即是在整体设计上参照时下流行的“时尚”、“潮流”等名词所代表的多种元素进行设计。着重设计的时尚化与潮流化,这已经为很多笔记本电脑制造商所接受,市场的认可度也较高,很多优秀的产品也已经涌现,IdeaPadY330正是在这样的环境中被设计出来。  相似文献   

现今随着办公自动化的愈加流行,商务笔记本的销售也愈加如火如荼。时值2010年岁末之际,知名电脑厂商DELL针对企业办公打造的Vostro成就系列再出新品——Vostro V130。本款产品凭借其轻薄、时尚、高性能等特点一经推出就取得了十分理想的市场反应,究竟有哪些独特之处,让我们来看个究竟。  相似文献   

时尚(http://www.fashion.com.cn) 网络用处很多,但对追求风格的淑女靓妹们而言,一个实际的功效就是可以上网研究时尚。那么,“时尚”可是个好去处。模特视点、设计大师、流行发布、时尚大道,为领潮流之先的女士们带来全方位的时尚情报;“时尚大道”传播的是网上购物的时尚;更有《时尚》杂志助兴,虽没有淡淡香氛相伴的华丽画页,但精彩的布局、别具一格的艺术背景和全方位的时尚信息,丝毫未丢纸介版《时尚》的精髓。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making method for evaluating a set of fashion oriented industrial products in order to design new products meeting specific market requirements. Human perceptions at two levels (basic product perception and complex fashion perception), evaluated by a group of evaluators, have been integrated into the related evaluation procedure. For a specific product, the three first fuzzy evaluation criteria are its conformity degrees related to the specific consumer’s requirement in fashion themes, basic product perception and functional properties. The degree of conformity between the basic product perception and the complex fashion perception, and the price of the product constitute the two remaining evaluation criteria. The previous conformity degrees are formalized according to the measures of dissimilarity between products as well as dissimilarity and inclusion between different fashion themes. The weights of the evaluation criteria are linguistic variables generated from the results of market classification obtained by a parametric identification method. These weights can effectively characterize the relationship between sales volumes of products and their components (price, fashion style, physical features, and basic perception). Finally, the set of all existing products can be evaluated and ranked by aggregating the previous fuzzy evaluation criteria with linguistic weights. The proposed fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation method has been applied to select the most relevant industrial products for different markets. Moreover, as the general aggregated evaluation criterion can be considered as a quality function of design parameters (functional properties, basic and fashion complex perceptions) for a specific market, we can estimate this function by evaluating all existing products in order to design new consumer oriented products.  相似文献   

The word “fashion” is synonymous with the word “change”. Fashion begins with fabrics and fabrics begin with colour’. This famous remark/definition of ‘fashion’ must now be revised in the era of digital technology. In this paper, we propose a novel print design concept, from 3D garments to 2D textiles. By taking advantage of the cutting-edge developments in surface parameterisation, cloth simulation and texture assignment, we develop a computer system that allows designers to create figure-flattering prints directly onto 3D garments, and will output 2D pattern pieces with matched texture that are ready for digital printing and garment production. It reverses the traditional design process from 2D fabrics to 3D garments. The results produced by the proposed method guarantee textural continuity in both garment and pattern pieces. It not only releases apparel makers from the tedious work of matching texture along seams, but also provides users with a new tool to create one-of-a-kind fashion products by designing personalised prints.  相似文献   

本文阐述了室内软装饰产品中色彩表现的重要性,着重研究了室内软装饰设计中色彩的运用手法。揭示出一个完美的室内软装饰产品的色彩设计必须具有针对性,方可使产品更好地与使用者身、心匹配,唤起消费者的购买欲望,提高产品的文化价值和市场竞争力。  相似文献   

所谓艺术性时装是指那些带有一定主题性和文化气息的时装。艺术性时装是服装设计领域中的一颗王冠上的宝石,它是对设计者的设计思维要求最高的一种服装。艺术性时装的设计要求设计师的知识必须是丰富的、系统的,眼界必须是开阔的,理念必须是科学和新颖的。  相似文献   

夏奈尔的名言:时尚瞬息万变,风格永存。风格是时装中呈现出的具有代表性的特点,表现为形式美感和设计独特。风格是时装品牌的精髓所在,是时装设计的灵魂,是设计师独到的设计思想的体现。本文选取现代服装风格中最具独特的解构主义时装风格,对其各方面进行细致深入的剖析,理清其来龙去脉和发展状况。风格产生的相关历史背景,在服装上的具体表现,产生后的流行演变,设计师对此风格的不同诠释。  相似文献   

在产品设计过程中,人、产品、环境这三者对产品语意的影响不是孤立存在的,他们是相互关联、相互制约的,这就要求设计师必须系统地考虑他们之间的关系。对于无障碍产品设计,设计师更应综合考虑生理障碍者、产品、环境三者之间的关联因素,这样才能准确地向使用者传递无障碍产品的造型语意,使设计更容易让使用者理解和接受。  相似文献   

Smartwatches, among many wearable form factors, have become an important starting point for the wide dissemination of wearable devices. Not only are smartwatches a new IT product, they are also a fashion product. Recognizing the smartwatch as the converging point of IT innovation and fashion, the current study examines whether factors germane to the characteristics of fashion products affect the intention to use smartwatches. Utilizing the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the base framework, the current study extended the model by incorporating perceived enjoyment and perceived self-expressiveness, which are influenced by an individual’s vanity and need for uniqueness. The findings from 562 Korean respondents indicated that the characteristics of smartwatches as fashion products significantly explain the intention to use a smartwatch, particularly the individual’s desire for uniqueness. A limited effect of vanity on self-expressiveness implies that the smartwatch is not yet deemed a luxury commodity. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as the limitations of the study are further discussed.  相似文献   

Object-oriented design for manufacture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Economically effective and timely product manufacture requires that appropriate decisions are taken during the design of the product. Recent years have seen very considerable growth in the study and communication of knowledge in the area of design for manufacture (DFM). At the same time there have appeared many additional pressures on the design process: rapid changes in market requirements, evolution and revolution in product and process technologies, legislated strictures and liabilities, and quality and cost issues which must increasingly be addressed earlier in the course of product design. As a consequence there is a strongly perceived need to enhance design methods in order to address the many disparate aspects of design in an efficient manner. In this paper the DFM problem is addressed within this larger context. The approach described in the paper begins with the hypothesis that the concept of manufacturability can be established as one of a number of required attributes of a part which is to be designed and manufactured. An information model is then proposed which provides the potential to allow determination of manufactur-ability to be made in an ongoing fashion in parallel with other design activities. The nature of the information model is shown to be in harmony with object-oriented programming environments. Finally, the information model is used to illustrate the potential to embody the large body of DFM knowledge which is already in existence but which has yet to be systematically encoded.  相似文献   

Platform-based design and software design methodology for embeddedsystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embedded products have become so complex and must be developed so quickly that current design methodologies are no longer adequate. The authors' vision for the future of embedded-system design involves two essential components: a rigorous methodology for embedded software development and platform-based design  相似文献   

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