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本文从产品语意学理论的发展着手,分析产品语意的产生、传达要素及其影响因素并结合已提出的产品语意传达方向得到产品语意传达的原则,最后从正反两方面认识产品语意学及其在我国工业设计中的作用。  相似文献   

"诗意地栖居"召唤着诗意的设计,本文从三个方面论述诗意设计:一、诗意设计产生的历史条件;二、设计中隐喻的运用,实现了诗化语意的传达,从而使产品形态更富意味及生动性;三、在进行产品形态设计时,需将它置于一定的使用环境中,这样产品形态设计就能做到有的放矢,其传达的意义才可以体现使用者所期望的情感语意,产品语意更清晰、生动。  相似文献   

随着旅游热度持续升高,旅游研究热度也在逐年递增,城市旅游也正在逐渐引起旅游人群的关注。文章以"为城市而设计"的角度切入,分析了城市文化旅游衍生品设计的重要意义。以天津文化旅游衍生品设计为例,深入分析了城市文化旅游衍生品以文化为出发点,以语意学设计方法传达城市精神,与游客进行语意沟通设计的意义。最后,以天津印象系列的语意学设计方法,及其与消费者和使用者的情感化沟通设计,研究得到了城市文化旅游衍生品语意学设计的思路及其意义。  相似文献   

正工业设计是科技与艺术的结合,是通过对产品、人、社会和环境的深入研究,结合相应的设计手段将抽象的意念转化为理想的产品和服务。随着时代的发展、技术的进步,工业设计的研究领域不断变化。如今经济全球化,信息化时代的来临赋予了工业设计新的内涵,工业设计已经不再局限于对"物"的设计,还包括对服务和系统等"非物"的创新,工业设计的领域已大大扩展。一、工业设计的研究领域工业设计指以工学、美学和经济学为基础对工业产品进行设计。根据设计对象和设计内容的不同,可将工业设计分为广义工业设计和狭义工业设计。1.广义工业设计  相似文献   

包装语意的准确传达,需要包装符号体系编码与解码过程的高度统一,要完成包装语意的释义和传达,在包装符号体系构建过程中,就必须对包装定位设计进行系统研究。本文依据包装语意理论,从包装产品的定位分析、目标消费者定位分析、包装产品的品牌分析及竞争对手同类产品包装分析等四个方面展开细化研究,并尝试总结了影响包装语意传达的系列因子。  相似文献   

在现代的产品造型形态设计中,产品设计不仅仅是对产品进行外观上的造型优化与彤态上的结构合理性,而应该把创造性的思维方式转移到重视产品文化语意上的研究。从而创造出更多对人性及传统文脉延续的具有文化性的产品。通过设计案例分析在茶具与餐具产品形态设计中的文化语意表现,这种文化性的语意设计表达手法目的在于赋予产品象征形态,以唤醒人们的记忆力和想象力。以达到内涵性语意的社会文化和意识形态情感化的作用。  相似文献   

从语意学的角度,分析了如何通过产品的形态,提高产品的情感价值。情感设计方法体现了人的情感与设计特征的微妙关系。本文旨在探讨产品设计与情感语言之间的关系,希望能为产品设计提供一些新的设计方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对产品设计中运用形态语意理论的分析,探讨了形态语意在产品设计中的重要性和启示作用,体现了形态语意理论务实而注重人性化设计的精神内涵,从而透视出形态语意是产品创新设计源泉的观点。  相似文献   

本文从企业导入工业设计的背景入手,通过分析部分企业对工业设计认识的片面性,引入工业设计在产品生命周期中的作用及实施过程。然后从营销角度入手,解析工业设计在机构市场的运作方式和影响。通过分析"人—产品—环境"模型,提出工业设计要以"以用户为中心"的原则,并结合技术能力对产品与用户之间的关系进行重构。最后总结了军工企业的特殊性以及对设计师的要求,探索工业设计在军工企业的发展之路。  相似文献   

符号是人类进行沟通与情感传达的载体,产品设计中语意传达的应用,是希望通过特定符号的价值来满足消费者心理的、社会的和文化的多种需求。卡通形象演进成特定的设计符号希望通过产品的演绎能够表达特定的语意、情感以及文化内涵,是对产品设计概念的扩展,对产品内涵的进一步丰富。  相似文献   

当今时代的工业设计具有重视表现内在精神因素的特征,其表现形式是更加重视对产品形态语义情感和象征性文化价值的追求。本文首先明确了符号学对产品语义的影响,再通过产品形态符号与设计、认知关系的阐述,说明了产品形态符号的情感象征性语义设计的内涵及其重要性,借助修辞方法阐明产品形态符号与使用者之间的情感交互。  相似文献   

《产品结构设计》是工业设计专业的一门专业课。它是以机械基础知识为前提的。基于此,目前我国大多数高校的工业设计专业中都以《机械结构设计》或者《机械设计原理》等纯机械类课程来代替这门课,这样是不合理的。因此,本文指出开设《产品结构设计》这门课的重要性及其与相关机械类课程的不同之处,并结合教学体会进行探讨,从而总结出比较切实可行的适合本专业的教学内容和教学方法。  相似文献   

Product semantics, the “study of the symbolic qualities of man-made forms in the context of their use, and application of this knowledge to industrial design” is an important challenge in product design. Because of subjectivity, this particular dimension of the user's need is difficult to express, to quantify and to assess. This paper presents a general approach to assess product semantics in a sound way. It is based on usability tests, and involves several classical methods in marketing and decision-making theory, as multidimensional scaling, semantic differential method, factor analysis, pairwise comparison and analytical hierarchy process. As a result, our integrated approach provides designers with a tool which helps understand and specify the semantic part of the need; it rates and ranks the new product prototypes according to their closeness to the specified “ideal product”, and it underlines the particular semantic dimensions that should be improved. To illustrate our approach, we have performed usability tests and applied our methodology to the design of table glasses. For the sake of clarity, each stage of the methodology is presented in detail on this particular example.

Relevance to industry

The integrated framework proposed in this paper can be readily deployed in companies and used at different stages of the design of products. Firstly, our methodology provides a frame for describing how a given products family is perceived by users, and for storing and up-dating these data. Secondly, the data can be used to specify target requirements for a new product by qualitative comparisons to existing products. Finally, emerging product concepts may be directly assessed with regards to the requirements in a simple qualitative and comparative way.  相似文献   

ContextA Software Product Line is a set of software systems that are built from a common set of features. These systems are developed in a prescribed way and they can be adapted to fit the needs of customers. Feature models specify the properties of the systems that are meaningful to customers. A semantics that models the feature level has the potential to support the automatic analysis of entire software product lines.ObjectiveThe objective of this paper is to define a formal framework for Software Product Lines. This framework needs to be general enough to provide a formal semantics for existing frameworks like FODA (Feature Oriented Domain Analysis), but also to be easily adaptable to new problems.MethodWe define an algebraic language, called SPLA, to describe Software Product Lines. We provide the semantics for the algebra in three different ways. The approach followed to give the semantics is inspired by the semantics of process algebras. First we define an operational semantics, next a denotational semantics, and finally an axiomatic semantics. We also have defined a representation of the algebra into propositional logic.ResultsWe prove that the three semantics are equivalent. We also show how FODA diagrams can be automatically translated into SPLA. Furthermore, we have developed our tool, called AT, that implements the formal framework presented in this paper. This tool uses a SAT-solver to check the satisfiability of an SPL.ConclusionThis paper defines a general formal framework for software product lines. We have defined three different semantics that are equivalent; this means that depending on the context we can choose the most convenient approach: operational, denotational or axiomatic. The framework is flexible enough because it is closely related to process algebras. Process algebras are a well-known paradigm for which many extensions have been defined.  相似文献   

产品语义学是研究产品语言的表达意义。产品造型除表达其功能性目的以外,还要透过其语义特征来传达产品的整体视觉感受,传递出企业产品特性,同时还包括使用方式、文化内涵,并体现特定社会的时代感和价值取向。正如法国著名符号学家皮埃尔·杰罗所说的,在很多情况下,人们并不是购买具体的物品,而是在寻求潮流、青春和成功的象征。本文从企业产品设计角度研究产品设计的差异化竞争,主要探讨产品语义学是如何帮助企业进行完成独特产品语言的塑造;如何向消费者传达整体的产品视觉感受,以达到独特的企业产品视觉识别的目的。  相似文献   

Esterel is a design language for the specification of real time embedded systems. Based on the synchronous concurrency paradigm, its semantics describes execution as a succession of instants of computation. In this work, we consider the introduction of a new gotopause instruction in the language, which acts as a non-instantaneous jump instruction compatible with concurrency. It allows the programmer to activate state control points anywhere in the program, from where the execution is resumed in the next instant. In order to provide the formal semantics of the extended language, we first define a state semantics of Esterel, which we prove observationally equivalent to the original logical behavioral semantics. Including gotopause in the state semantics is then straightforward. We sketch two key applications of our new primitive: a direct encoding of automata and a quasi-linear rewriting of programs eliminating schizophrenic behaviors.  相似文献   

随着安全关键性系统的日益复杂,如何提高安全关键系统的安全性成为急需解决的问题.基于形式化模型的复杂系统设计与分析是一种重要的安全性分析方法.本文工作对AIR6110标准中的机轮刹车实例系统进行了基于形式化方法的安全性分析研究,包括:在系统模型设计层级对机轮刹车系统(WBS)的架构进行层次化分析,将自然语言描述的WBS系统功能用形式化语言(AADL的子集SLIM)进行严格的建模描述,消除AIR6110标准中自然语言描述存在的需求语义的二义性,从而建立了WBS系统的形式化模型;考虑系统可能发生的故障并设计多种类的故障模式,基于这些故障模式对建立的形式化功能模型进行失效行为语义的扩展,然后对获得的扩展系统模型进行安全性分析.实例分析论证了基于模型的安全性分析方法在工业系统中的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

Workflow modeling is a challenging activity and designers are likely to introduce errors, especially in complex industrial processes. Effective process verification is essential at design time because the cost of fixing errors during runtime is substantially higher. However, most user-oriented workflow modeling languages lack formal semantics that hinders such verification. In this paper, we propose a generic approach based on the model transformation to verify workflow processes. The model transformation includes two steps: first, it formalizes the desirable semantics of each modeling element; secondly, it translates a workflow process with clear semantics to an equivalent Petri net. Thus, we can verify the original workflow process using existing Petri net theory and analysis tools. As a comprehensive case study, verifying workflow processes in an industrial modeling language (TiPLM) is presented. Experimental evaluations on verifying real-world business processes validate our approach.  相似文献   

品牌服装设计是把品牌文化以服装产品的形式传达给广大消费者的过程。服装产品实际上就是一系列视觉传达的符号,服装的廓型、色彩、面料等要素就是产品信息传递过程中最基本的"语言"材料。品牌通过符号延续积累了顾客认知,服装产品则以更新换代的方式延续了生命。本文从符号学角度剖析了品牌服装产品设计要素的选择与品牌文化传递的效用关系。  相似文献   

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