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中国的传统图案与纹样是中华文明艺术宝库中浓墨重彩的一笔,唐草纹更是以其曲展圆润的造型,连绵不断的艺术美感,表现出了我国民族文化中特有的灵气,且唐草纹应用广泛,在中国图案的发展史上长久以来占有着重要的地位。现代视觉传达设计中在对唐草纹进行借鉴与使用时,更需要了解其意义,注重其内涵的准确传达,在此基础上对其进行精炼与重构,这样才能深化表达唐草纹所寓意的主题内涵,表现出其特有的风格。  相似文献   

卷草纹样是中国传统纹样的典型代表。魏晋南北朝时期不同民族之间的文化、艺术的交流与融合,为这一时期的卷草纹的发展提供了丰富的营养。以平面构成中点、线、面的装饰构成元素为基点,详细分析了魏晋南北朝时期的卷草纹样的装饰元素的构成素材,组合方式和成形规律。  相似文献   

卷草纹是中国传统装饰纹样之一,它的形成和发展记载了中国装饰艺术旺盛的生命力。本文分析了卷草纹的发展过程、形象构成以及艺术特征,并通过具体案例诠释了它在现代设计各个领域的延展和应用。旨在探索传统装饰纹样在现代设计中的传承与发展的方向。  相似文献   

摘 要:如何在图案生成过程中加入文化元素,使得生成图案能够传承一定的文化内涵 是研究的关键问题。选取植物装饰纹样中的代表性纹样卷草纹作为研究对象,首先提出图 案文化基因概念,并在此基础上将一个卷草纹样中有代表性的曲线分支作为其图案文化基 因;进而提出一种改进的卷草纹样生成算法,从平衡因素进行考虑,利用 Runge-Kutta 方法 进行物理模拟粒子在向量场中运动并将其作为生成规则,将设置的初始基元集利用生成规 则进行卷草纹样的生成,同时设置曲线 ID 及区域 ID 防止不同分支之间相交或出界;最后 将其运用到地毯、建筑、瓷器、剪纸等方面进行再设计,从而能够很好地进行创新应用和 文化传承。  相似文献   

仰韶文化是中国古代文明的起源,也是中国文化传播的形成与发展的重要阶段,在中国古代占有重要的地位。在仰韶文化划分的众多种类型中最具代表性的就是半坡类型和庙底沟类型,而其中鱼纹是它们所共有的。通过对比二者的纹样造型及演变过程发现,庙底沟文化中趋向于图案化、几何化的纹样如花瓣纹、叶片纹等与半坡类型中的鱼形纹样呈现出一脉相承的关系。这些纹饰的出现不仅体现了原始人们对于色彩、图案等的审美追求,也表达了原始人们的精神情感和文化特征。对半坡与庙底沟文化中纹样的艺术形式与文化内涵进行分析,为进一步感受本民族文化,不断寻找能代表本民族文化特征的设计语言为我们所用,为民族设计注入新鲜血液重焕生命力具有深刻意义。  相似文献   

考古发掘证明,螺旋纹在我国传统装饰纹样发展的历史中占有极其重要的位置,极大地丰富了我国工艺美术发展的历史。螺旋纹的诞生标志着原始人类从具象模仿自然动物到抽象表现物质性质的发展。文章在对螺旋纹的形成过程、空间关系以及结构进行研究的基础上,分析了螺旋纹所固有的、极其重要的、具有对补性质的纹样特征。另外,结合现代设计来进一步解释螺旋纹的"对补原理"对现代设计应用所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

须弥座是中国古代建筑基座的标志性形式,所谓"须弥"按《佛经》的说法就是象征世界中心的须弥山——喜马拉雅;通过分析须弥座的结构和纹样特征能指,指出须弥座的结构分为三部分:上下枋、束腰和上下枭,上下枋一般用卷草纹装饰,束腰上有门镶嵌,上下枭用莲花纹装饰;探讨了须弥座的结构和纹样内涵,揭示出须弥座独特的精神内涵,它反映了中华文化的开放性、吸收性以及包容性,也是须弥座能够流传至今的原因之所在。  相似文献   

考古发掘证明,螺旋纹在我国传统装饰纹样发展的历史中占有极其重要的位置,极大地丰富了我国工艺美术发展的历史。螺旋纹的诞生标志着原始人类从具象模仿自然动物到抽象表现物质性质的发展。文章在对螺旋纹的形成过程、空间关系以及结构进行研究的基础上,分析了螺旋纹所固有的、极其重要的、具有对补性质的纹样特征。另外,结合现代设计来进一步解释螺旋纹的"对补原理"对现代设计应用所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

黎锦在我国纺织史上享有“活化石”的美誉,蛙纹作为黎锦的主要纹样之一,具有独特的民族特色和文化内涵。文章主要研究当代黎锦蛙纹的提取及应用设计方法,结合具体实践验证相应的设计方法与思路,以实现对我国优秀传统纹样的传承与创新。通过分析黎锦蛙纹的典型特征,以显性因子、隐性因子对黎锦蛙纹进行提取并建立因子库,后以润方言蛙纹为例,利用形状文法生成新的纹样设计,并以润方言地区特产为例验证该方法模型的可行性。  相似文献   

独具文化内涵的新疆民族织物图案是中华民族艺术瑰宝的重要组成部分。 为了生成一类具有民族特色或风格的新疆织物图案,如何自动分割织物图案提取风格特征是 一个关键问题。论文以需求为驱动,提出了纹样基因的概念。首先利用连通区域标记法切割 图案,提取分割区域特征,根据投票原则过滤获得纹样基因;然后设计六边形构型,嵌入纹 样基因;按构型旋转变换生成具有民族风格的织物图案。以提取维吾尔族和哈萨克族两类民 族织物图案纹样基因,利用六边形结构堆砌生成图案进行仿真实验,并对图案的风格相似度 进行评价。结论是基于纹样基因的生成算法,不仅能够丰富图案风格化设计素材,而且为传 承民族图案风格设计提供新途径。  相似文献   

通过分析中国人双语者和日本人母语者视觉认知日语汉字和句子时的ERP的差异,探讨了两组对日语词句认知的特点。研究结果表明,中日两组在认知日语汉字时没有明显的差异,而在认知日语句子时存在着显著性差异,证明了两组认知含有假名的日语句子的神经机制不同。中国人对句子的认知速度慢于日本人,困难程度大于日本人。认知日语歧义句时,出现在中国人右前头叶的激活,反映了中国人对歧义句的句法再分析与右半球也相关。通过实验结果得出,对于中国人来说,日语学习的难点不是日语汉字,而是对包含有假名的句子的认知理解。从脑科学的角度为中国人双语者提高日语学习效果提供科学的学习方法,为人工智能模拟人脑的语言处理提供脑科学依据。  相似文献   

多语种下情感语音基频参数变化的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田岚  姜晓庆  侯正信 《控制与决策》2005,20(11):1311-1313
为研究韵律特征中最能反映语音情感信息的基频参数变化,选取7种典型的情感状态、固定句式,对同一说话人的汉语、英语、日语等多语种语音样本进行基频平均值、基频动态范围、基频抖动等参数的统计分析.统计结果表明,情感语音的基频结构特征随情感状态改变有明显的变化,且不同语种下这种结构的变化有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

Understanding driver distraction patterns is an important part of human–machine interaction (HMI), which is beneficial for the development of control strategies in human–machine co-driving systems. However, comparatively few studies have focused on driver distraction patterns. To address this issue, this study proposes a framework to characterize distraction patterns using glance behavior and manual behavior, and classifies distraction patterns into: aggressive, moderate, and conservative patterns based on real road experiments. Subsequently, differences in distraction behavior and effects on lateral vehicle control ability across distraction pattern groups, as well as distraction behavior differences exhibited by drivers in the same distraction pattern group under different conditions, are analyzed. Firstly, the results show that the aggressive distraction patterns have a smaller number of eyes-off-road (NoEOR) incidences but longer mean single eyes-off-road time (MSEORT), maximum single eyes-off-road time (MaxEORT) and a higher percentage of long eyes-off-road (PoLEOR) incidences than the other patterns. There are slight differences in the single eyes-off-road times (EORTs) between the conservative and moderate patterns and in the manual behavior for the aggressive and moderate distraction patterns. Secondly, the same distraction pattern exhibited by drivers for different road and secondary task conditions has differences in terms of the behavioral performance. Finally, there is few differences in the lateral motion of a vehicle with different distraction patterns. Surprisingly, the standard deviation of the steering wheel angle (SDSWA) is the smallest in the aggressive distraction pattern.  相似文献   

Sodium has been found to be a scarce element needed and sought by mammals. To date, most geophagical studies have mainly concentrated on sodium in the soil with limited attention being given to the plant component. Mapping foliar sodium distribution is important to understand wildlife feeding patterns and distribution. In this study, we established whether remote sensing can be used to discriminate different levels of sodium concentration in grass. A GER 3700 spectrometer was used to measure spectral reflectance of grass in the field. Since savannah rangelands are characterized by mixed grass species, we first established the variation of foliar sodium concentration in different grass species and tested for possible effects of species–sodium interaction on spectral reflectance. Our results showed statistically significant differences between the mean reflectance for the low and medium sodium classes. No significant differences were observed between reflectance in the high sodium class and the lower classes. However, there was a significant interaction between sodium classes and species in influencing reflectance. We concluded that, in combination with knowledge of grass species distribution, hyperspectral remote sensing may be useful in classifying foliar sodium concentration in savannah rangelands. This may help to understand the distribution of mammals in some African savannahs where mineral nutrient availability is limiting.  相似文献   

Pattern discovery of fuzzy time series for financial prediction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A fuzzy time series data representation method based on the Japanese candlestick theory is proposed and used in assisting financial prediction. The Japanese candlestick theory is an empirical model of investment decision. The theory assumes that the candlestick patterns reflect the psychology of the market, and the investors can make their investment decision based on the identified candlestick patterns. We model the imprecise and vague candlestick patterns with fuzzy linguistic variables and transfer the financial time series data to fuzzy candlestick patterns for pattern recognition. A fuzzy candlestick pattern can bridge the gap between the investors and the system designer because it is visual, computable, and modifiable. The investors are not only able to understand the prediction process, but also to improve the efficiency of prediction results. The proposed approach is applied to financial time series forecasting problem for demonstration. By the prototype system which has been established, the investment expertise can be stored in the knowledge base, and the fuzzy candlestick pattern can also be identified automatically from a large amount of the financial trading data.  相似文献   

Analyzing concerns of people from Weblog articles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A system for analyzing concerns of people from Weblog articles is proposed. The system called KANSHIN analyzes concerns of people by collecting Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Weblog articles. Users can find concerns of people in each language. Users can also compare differences of concerns between Japanese, Chinese, and Korean language communities. We describe several analysis results: (1) patterns of social concerns, (2) change of focuses on a problem along with the time, (3) differences of concerns on a problem between Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Weblog sites, and (4) relation between words in Weblog articles and real world natural phenomenon.
Tomohiro FukuharaEmail:

唐诗在中国文学史上拥有极其重要的地位,她是记载唐代社会风貌的又一部史书。通过对唐诗中有关唐代寝具、屏蔽和铺陈类家纺的品种、纹样、工艺和用途等诗句的分析,勾画唐代家纺用品的丰富形态,透视唐人的生活习俗、审美理念和思想情感。同时指出:唐代家纺文化是唐代社会物质文化与精神文化的综合产物,她充分反映了唐代充足的物质基础、繁盛的中外文化交流、独具时代特色的审美意识以及兼容并蓄的时代精神;唐代家纺文化具有历史属性,她体现了民族传统家纺文化的历史延续,对于现代家纺文化的发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

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