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采用不同浓度的赤霉素和麦芽灵以不同作用顺序处理,考察其对麦芽质量的影响,结果显示,麦芽灵对赤霉素有拮抗作用,且受浓度及处理顺序影响;不同处理中以赤霉素0.10mg/kg麦芽灵50mg/kg和赤霉素0.20mg/kg麦芽灵100mg/kg浓度采用先赤霉素后麦芽灵为处理时可在提高浸出物和α-氨基氮的同时保持色度不增加。  相似文献   

胡丽媛  蒋凯 《啤酒科技》2007,(9):70-72,75
大麦还在田间生长时,其植株的组织上就已存在微生物茵群。因此,所有的大麦颗粒,种子都具有若干数量和种类的微生物群。大麦作为啤酒酿造的主要原料之一,其上的微生物群与大麦质量和酿造中所产生的问题息息相关。本文将研究大麦中微生物群对制麦工艺、麦芽质量、麦汁生产和所得麦汁质量、发酵过程、酵母絮凝和终产品(啤酒)几方面的影响。另外,我们将对与植株组织(包括种子)中微生物群相关的抗菌因素作一简短综述,尤其是这些因素产生的原因,一些典型因素以及它们对酿造可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

钙镁离子在植物营养发芽生理中有重要作用。采用不同钙镁离子浓度和麦芽灵(maiyaling)以不同方式处理,考察其对麦芽质量的影响,结果显示:麦芽灵对钙镁离子有拮抗作用,且受浓度及处理方式影响;其中以钙镁离子150—200mg/kg麦芽灵50mg/kg浓度,采用先钙镁离子后麦芽灵处理时可在提高浸出物和α-氨基氮的同时保持色度不增加。  相似文献   

脂类物质影响啤酒泡沫稳定性并对啤酒老化有重要作用.啤酒中脂类物质的浓度和性质取决于原料的组成和酿造过程.本文研究了大麦品种和制麦过程对麦芽含脂量的影响.采用意大利的四种春大麦和一种冬大麦作为样品,进行微型制麦和分析.本研究旨在确认大麦品种对麦芽含脂量及制麦过程中脂肪酸(FA)含量变化的影响.采用主成分分析(PCA)建立不同样品之间的关系,同样也对大麦的含脂量和制得麦芽品质的相关性进行了评估.数据显示制麦过程中大麦转化为麦芽时总脂含量显著下降;不同大麦品种的脂肪酸含量和脂肪酸图谱均不同.大麦含脂量和制得麦芽质量的相关性确认了脂类的负面影响.  相似文献   

本文研究叙述了制麦过程霉茵的变化、种类、数量及对麦芽PYF值的影响。  相似文献   

近年来,随着小麦啤酒的走俏,小麦芽的生产和应用日渐普及。小麦芽具有高的酶活力,可以增加辅料用量,降低生产成本。去年以来,由于大麦价格上扬,小麦芽是一种很好的原料补充。下面根据本人的试验分析,对小麦芽的生产技术作一介绍,与大家共交流。1 小麦和大麦的植物学特性比较小麦和大麦虽然同属禾本科,却是两个不同属  相似文献   

焙焦温度对麦芽品质及酶活性影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了不同焙焦温度对成品麦芽品质及酶活的影响.结果表明,随着焙焦温度的升高,麦芽的糖化力、α-AN、浸出物含量及水分含量都有所下降,且糖化力下降显著(α=0.041<0.05):色度、糖化时间、麦汁黏度随焙焦温度的升高而增加,淀粉酶活力都呈下降趋势,且β-淀粉酶活力下降极显著(α=0.0004<0.01);蛋白酶活力、β-葡聚糖酶活力、PPO活力都有所下降,且得出PPO的失活温度为82℃.  相似文献   

2010-12-17,中粮科学研究院组织有关专家,在中粮麦芽(大连)有限公司召开了集团研发课题制麦中有害微生物控制及麦芽品质改进技术研发(小试)验收会。  相似文献   

To determine the effect of steeping time on final buckwheat malt quality, buckwheat was steeped for three different times resulting in three different out‐of‐steep moisture contents: 7 h steeping (35%), 13 h steeping (40%) and 80 h steeping (45%). An increased steeping time increased malting losses, total beta‐amylase activity and Kolbach index. On the contrary total nitrogen, friability and viscosity of consequent congress worts were decreased. A maximum alpha‐amylase activity was found in buckwheat malted with an out‐of‐steep moisture content of 45%. Beta‐amylase existed in a soluble and latent form in buckwheat. The latent form was solubilised during malting. In addition extra beta‐amylase was produced. In general the optimum out‐of‐steep moisture content for buckwheat is between 35 to 40%, which is a compromise between attaining the desired malt quality and minimising malting loss.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the impacts of bacterial and fungal communities on grain germination and on the malting properties of good‐quality two‐row barley. In order to suppress the growth of bacterial and/or fungal communities, various antibiotics were added to the first steeping water of barley. This study was also designed to explore the dynamics of the bacterial community in the malting process after antimicrobial treatments by polymerase chain reaction‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR‐DGGE). The diverse microbial community played an active role in the malting ecosystem. Even previously undescribed bacterial species were found in the malting ecosystem. Suppression of the bacterial community mainly consisting of Gram‐negative bacteria was advantageous with respect to grain germination and wort separation. In addition, more extract was obtained after antibacterial treatments. The fungal community significantly contributed to the production of microbial β‐glucanases and xylanases, and was also involved in proteolysis. An improved understanding of the complex microbial community and its role in malting enables a more controlled process management and the production of high quality malt with tailored properties.  相似文献   

为了获得有机硒含量高且品质优良的富硒麦芽,该研究以啤酒大麦为研究对象,比较两种富硒方式对麦芽硒含量的富集作用,分别研究了Na2SeO3溶液浸麦浓度、浸麦温度和浸麦时间对大麦芽长、发芽率和硒含量的影响,以总硒含量和有机硒比率为考察指标,采用响应面设计优化出富硒麦芽的最佳制备工艺,并对比了富硒麦芽和普通麦芽的理化指标。结果表明:对比发芽阶段采用Na2SeO3溶液喷淋,浸麦阶段采用Na2SeO3溶液浸泡显著提高了麦芽的有机硒含量。优化得到的最佳富硒麦芽制备工艺为:Na2SeO3溶液质量浓度为98 mg/L,浸麦温度为18 ℃,浸麦时间为20 h,此条件下麦芽总硒含量为19.81 mg/kg DW,有机硒含量为12.90 mg/kg DW。与普通麦芽相比,富硒麦芽的品质未受影响,总硒和有机硒分别提高了151倍和107倍。说明该制备工艺具有一定的竞争优势,可为今后富硒麦芽开发与利用提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

麦芽品质与啤酒质量研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大麦是啤酒工业的主要原料,大麦的籽粒品质决定了麦芽的品质性状,麦芽品质是决定啤酒质量的主要因素。综述了麦芽主要成分对啤酒质量的影响,有助于啤酒生产者及麦制造者更充分的了解麦芽的特性,从而指导啤酒生产。  相似文献   

过氧化物酶(POD)在植物生长过程中起着重要的调节作用。研究了制麦过程中POD活性对大麦根芽生长和制麦损失的影响。结果表明:制麦添加剂GA3促进根芽的生长、POD活性的升高和制麦损失的增大,而KBrO4反之,而且随着KBrO4浓度的增大,这种抑制也增大;对20种大麦样品的微型制麦试验表明,绿麦芽和干麦芽的POD活性与根芽长度和制麦损失均呈现高度显著的正相关性(P〈0.01)。研究认为,制麦过程中POD活性与绿麦芽根芽的生长和制麦损失有密切关系,POD活性可能对根芽生长和制麦损失有促进作用。  相似文献   

利用根霉提高国产麦芽质量的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用AS3.904,AS3.948,AS3.866,AS3.28934株根霉作为实验茵株,研究利用根霉改善国产麦芽质量的可行性。结果表明,AS3.866具有较好的效果。以AS3.866为种根霉,考察了接种量、接种时间、孢子活化对制麦效果的影响。制得的根霉麦芽中β-葡聚糖含量降低了33%,β-葡聚糖酶和木聚糖酶酶活分别提高了1150%和690%,其他许多参数也有明显的改善。  相似文献   

张笑  付月  李峰  侯英敏  赵长新  董亮 《酿酒科技》2014,(12):38-41,46
利用固相微萃取与气-质联用技术分析鉴定了制麦过程中绿麦芽根芽和叶芽的挥发性嗅感物质组成。结果表明,从根芽和叶芽中分别分析鉴定出41种和43种嗅感风味化合物,包括醛、醇、酮、有机酸、芳香族化合物、呋喃和一些杂环化合物,是组成成品麦芽风味的化合物。根芽和叶芽对构成麦芽的大部分嗅感化合物均有一定程度的影响,且叶芽对成品麦芽的风味影响较大,其对麦芽的特征风味物质异丁醛含量影响较大,对异戊醛含量有一定的影响,对2-甲基丁醛的含量无影响。  相似文献   

研究了焙焦温度对麦芽品质及啤酒风味的影响。结果表明 ,随着焙焦温度的升高 ,麦芽的糖化力、二甲基硫前体 (SMM)的含量 ,发酵后期的二甲基硫 (DMS)、高级醇、酯含量下降 ,乙醛含量略微升高。这些结果能为啤酒生产厂家选择合理的焙焦温度提供指导  相似文献   

The effect of malting conditions on pearl millet malt quality in two varieties, SDMV 89004 and SDMV 91018, was investigated. Grain was steeped and germinated at four temperatures, 20°, 25°, 30° and 35°C, over 5 days. Generally, malt quality parameters (percentage of roots and shoots, diastatic power (DP), α‐ and β‐amylase activity, free α‐amino nitrogen (FAN), and malting loss) were significantly affected (P < 0.001) by germination temperature and time, as well as by variety. Malt FAN and malting loss were not affected by variety. A germination temperature of 25–30°C and germination time of 3–5 days were optimal. These conditions resulted in high DP, α‐ and β‐amylase activity, good FAN and moderate malting loss. These malting conditions and the subsequent malt quality of pearl millet are similar to those reported for sorghum. Pearl millet malt can therefore be used for the production of sorghum type beers.  相似文献   

In this study three strains of lactic acid bacteria were applied during the malting process to evaluate the impact on malt and wort quality. The trials were performed in a micromalting plant simulating an industrial malting programme. The samples were compared to chemically acidified as well as non‐acidified malt. Bacterial cultures were chosen with reference to their enzymatic (proteolytic/amylolytic) activity, or their good acidifying properties. The effects of lactic acid bacteria on wort characteristics were investigated and compared to wort produced from 100% unacidified malt. A chemical food grade lactic acid was also used to acidify the barley for comparison purposes. Characteristics such as pH, extract, colour, viscosity, total soluble nitrogen, free amino nitrogen, apparent fermentability, β‐glucan and lautering performance of the resultant worts were determined. Results showed improved levels of β‐glucanase in the malt although reduced malt friability was observed where LAB was employed. An improved lautering performance, lower wort viscosity and elevated TSN levels were also reported where LAB exhibiting protease activity were applied.  相似文献   

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