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针对转炉一次除尘风机转子在线使用周期短的问题,2013年初唐山国丰钢铁有限公司第二炼钢厂通过对一次除尘系统中的半干式蒸发冷却塔、风机叶轮冲洗装置等设备进行改造,提高了除尘效率和叶轮冲洗效果,延长了风机转子在线使用周期和设备检修周期,节约了设备维修成本.  相似文献   

唐钢一炼钢厂150t转炉一次风机能力低、振动大,经改进叶轮及进行一系列消除振动等工作,解决了图扰生产1a多的风机问题。  相似文献   

唐钢150t转炉一次除尘风机自投产后,曾一度处于振动大、噪声大和不稳定运行状态,严重制约正常生产。为此,我们通过多种不同运行参数组合试验和测振.正确区分了气动和机械原因的影响成分和程度,并采取措施彻底解决了机械原因造成的异常振动,收效良好。  相似文献   

对转炉除尘风机的运行状态进行分析,采用中压水负压冲刷叶轮的方法使其运行质量得到显著改善,设备投资小,控制管理容易,成效显著。  相似文献   

变频调速技术具有很多优点,节能、转矩控制,已在各领域广泛应用。根据除尘风机的特性及工作过程分析,可以得出它的优越性和应用前景。  相似文献   

本文介绍了应用PLC控制器对转炉除尘风机实现转速自动控制,以达到节电降耗的目的,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

金川镍闪速炉在生产了5 年多以后,首次停炉冷修。本文就此次冷修对贫化炉区炉顶结构改进做一总结。  相似文献   

文章从水源水质变化大、离子交换树脂污染、再生水温低等原因导致离子交换器周期制水量下降进行分析,韶关冶炼厂热电厂采取了改善制水水源、复苏被铁离子和有机物污染的离子交换树脂及提高冬季再生水温等措施,取得了明显的效果。  相似文献   

马钢2500m^3高炉φ1600/φ600冷风放风阀放风装置卡组,影响高炉休复风操作,经过反复分析研究,对活塞环、活塞及轴套等进行改进,成功地修复了这台价值30多万元的判废设备。  相似文献   

This article provides background information and an overview on Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) a multisite intervention trial for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease designed to reduce caregiver burden and depression. REACH is the largest randomized controlled clinical trial to date, involving 1,222 caregiver and care recipient dyads recruited from 6 different sites in the United States. The authors describe the design of the study, summarize the interventions implemented at each site, and provide an overview of the 4 articles in this special section. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

冯林川 《云南冶金》2005,34(4):101-103
通过制造4台我国特大型非标冶炼回转炉的实践,以详实的实例,总结性地介绍了在特大型非标设备的制造中,怎样运用技术确定“停工检测点”、“质量见证点”,完成设备制造的成功经验。  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of calculating the probability of failure of linear dynamic systems subjected to random vibrations is considered. This is a very important and challenging problem in structural reliability. The failure domain in this case can be described as a union of linear failure domains whose boundaries are hyperplanes. Each linear limit state function can be completely described by its own design point, which can be analytically determined, allowing for an exact analytical calculation of the corresponding failure probability. The difficulty in calculating the overall failure probability arises from the overlapping of the different linear failure domains, the degree of which is unknown and needs to be determined. A novel robust reliability methodology, referred to as the domain decomposition method (DDM), is proposed to calculate the probability that the response of a linear system exceeds specified target thresholds. It exploits the special structure of the failure domain, given by the union of a large number of linear failure regions, to obtain an extremely efficient and highly accurate estimate of the failure probability. The number of dynamic analyses to be performed in order to determine the failure probability is as low as the number of independent random excitations driving the system. Furthermore, calculating the reliability of the same structure under different performance objectives does not require any additional dynamic analyses. Two numerical examples are given demonstrating the proposed method, both of which show that the method offers dramatic improvement over standard Monte Carlo simulations, while a comparison with the ISEE algorithm shows that the DDM is at least as efficient as the ISEE.  相似文献   

With respect to the often-present covariance between error terms of correlated variables, D. W. Zimmerman and R. H. Williams's (1977) adjusted correction for attenuation estimates the strength of the pairwise correlation between true scores without assuming independence of error scores. This article focuses on the derivation and analysis of formulas that perform the same function for partial and part correlation coefficients. Values produced by these formulas lie closer to the actual true-score coefficient than do the observed-score coefficients or those obtained by using C. Spearman's (1904) correction for attenuation. The new versions of the formulas thus allow analysts to use hypothetical values for error-score correlations to estimate values for the partial and part correlations between true scores while disregarding the independence-of-errors assumption. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Awards for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest recognize persons who have advanced psychology as a science and/or profession by a single extraordinary achievement or a lifetime of outstanding contributions in the public interest. Two awards are given: one to a psychologist who has made a significant contribution to the public interest in the early stages of his or her career, and the second to a senior psychologist. Award winners from 1978-2005 are listed. This document includes the citations presented to the 2005 APA Awards for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest. A brief biography and a selected bibliography of each award winner is included. If an address was delivered, the award winners' address to the 113th annual APA Convention is also published. The award winners Margaret Beale Spencer and Daniel Dodgen. Beale delivered an address entitled "Crafting Identities and Accessing Opportunities Post-Brown" (see record 2005-14550-019). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents a citation for Juris G. Draguns, who received the 2001 Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology, which is given to an individual who has made sustained and enduring contributions to international cooperation and the advancement of knowledge in psychology. Draguns is recognized for "his tireless pioneering of academic and professional contacts and research in psychology across multiple national boundaries and difficult language barriers." Accompanying the citation are a biography and selected bibliography, as well as Draguns' award address, entitled "Toward a Truly International Psychology: Beyond English Only." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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