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Cobo Molinos A Abriouel H Lucas López R Ben Omar N Valdivia E Gálvez A 《Food microbiology》2008,25(6):762-770
Enterocin AS-48 is a broad-spectrum cyclic antimicrobial peptide produced by Enterococcus faecalis. In the present study, the bacteriocin was tested alone and in combination with other antimicrobials for decontamination of Bacillus inoculated on alfalfa, soybean sprouts and green asparagus. Washing with enterocin AS-48 solutions reduced viable cell counts of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus weihenstephanensis by 1.0–1.5 and by 1.5–2.38 log units right after application of treatment, respectively. In both cases, the bacteriocin was effective in reducing the remaining viable population below detection levels during further storage of the samples at 6 °C, but failed to prevent regrowth in samples stored at 15 or 22 °C. Application of washing treatments containing enterocin AS-48 in combination with several other antimicrobials and sanitizers (cinnamic and hydrocinnamic acids, carvacrol, polyphosphoric acid, peracetic acid, hexadecylpyridinium chloride and sodium hypochlorite) greatly enhanced the bactericidal effects. The combinations of AS-48 and sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid or hexadecylpyridinium chloride provided the best results. After application of the combined treatments on alfalfa sprouts contaminated with B. cereus or with B. weihenstephanensis, viable bacilli were not detected or remained at very low concentrations in the treated samples during a 1-week storage period at 15 °C. Inhibition of B. cereus by in situ produced bacteriocin was tested by cocultivation with the AS-48 producer strain E. faecalis A-48-32 inoculated on soybean sprouts. Strain A-48-32 was able to grow and produce bacteriocin on sprouts both at 15 and 22 °C. At 15 °C, growth of B. cereus was completely inhibited in the cocultures, while a much more limited effect was observed at 22 °C. The results obtained for washing treatments are very encouraging for the application of enterocin AS-48 in the decontamination of sprouts. Application of washing treatments containing AS-48 alone can serve to reduce viable cell counts of bacilli in samples stored under refrigeration, while application of combined treatments should be recommended to avoid proliferation of the surviving bacilli under temperature-abuse conditions. 相似文献
Vissers MM Te Giffel MC Driehuis F De Jong P Lankveld JM 《Journal of dairy science》2007,90(7):3286-3293
In a year-long survey on 24 Dutch farms, Bacillus cereus spore concentrations were measured in farm tank milk (FTM), feces, bedding material, mixed grass and corn silage, and soil from the pasture. The aim of this study was to determine, in practice, factors affecting the concentration of B. cereus spores in FTM throughout the year. In addition, the results of the survey were used in combination with a previously published modeling study to determine requirements for a strategy to control B. cereus spore concentrations in FTM below the MSL of 3 log10 spores/L. The B. cereus spore concentration in FTM was 1.2 ± 0.05 log10 spores/L and in none of samples was the concentration above the MSL. The spore concentration in soil (4.9 ± 0.04 log10 spores/g) was more than 100-fold higher than the concentration in feces (2.2 ± 0.05 log10 spores/g), bedding material (2.8 ± 0.07 log10 spores/g), and mixed silage (2.4 ± 0.07 log10 spores/g). The spore concentration in FTM increased between July and September compared with the rest of the year (0.5 ± 0.02 log10 spores/L difference). In this period, comparable increases of the concentrations in feces (0.4 ± 0.03 log10 spores/g), bedding material (0.5 ± 0.05 log10 spores/g), and mixed silage (0.4 ± 0.05 log10 spores/g) were found. The increased B. cereus spore concentration in FTM was not related to the grazing of cows. Significant correlations were found between the spore concentrations in FTM and feces (r = 0.51) and in feces and mixed silage (r = 0.43) when the cows grazed. The increased concentrations during summer could be explained by an increased growth of B. cereus due to the higher temperatures. We concluded that year-round B. cereus spores were predominantly transmitted from feeds, via feces, to FTM. Farmers should take measures that minimize the transmission of spores via this route by ensuring low initial contamination levels in the feeds (<3 log10 spores/g) and by preventing growth of B. cereus in the farm environment. In addition, because of the extremely high B. cereus spore concentrations in soil, the contamination of teats with soil needs to be prevented. 相似文献
Guadalupe Préstamo Ana Pedrazuela Berenger Guignon Pedro D. Sanz 《European Food Research and Technology》2007,225(5-6):693-698
B. cereus strain (CECF 148) was used as a model system in the study of the behaviour of bacillus under high pressure, at temperatures
over and below 0 °C and with ascorbic acid added to the culture. Three different assays were carried out in the present experiment.
The first assay was performed to observe how B. cereus reacted to pressure shift freezing (PSF) treatment at different subzero temperatures (−8, −12, −20 and −17 °C) and pressures
(120, 150, 210 and 350 MPa) in their vegetative form. In the second assay, we observed how different concentrations of ascorbic
acid (1, 2, 5 and 20 mM) added to the growing brought decreased B. cereus on its vegetative form. Finally, we tried to inactivate the vegetative and spore form of B. cereus under pressure of 210 MPa at room (20 °C) (HP) and at subzero (−20 °C) (PSF) temperatures, in presence of ascorbic acid (20 mM),
added to the growing culture (TSB). The results confirmed that pressures of 210 and 350 MPa at low temperatures (−20 and −17 °C)
in the PSF treatment were not enough to inactivate bacillus and only about 10% of B. cereus at the assayed conditions (350 MPa at −17 °C) lost its growth capacity. The presence of ascorbic acid reduced the amount
of B. cereus. The initial amount of B. cereus in the vegetative form was 108 to 109 cfu/mL. After HP (210 MPa at 20 °C) and PSF (210 MPa at −20 °C) treatments, the amount of B. cereus decreased by 4 and 2 logarithmic units, respectively. However, in both treatments, the presence of ascorbic acid (20 mM concentration)
reduced the B. cereus growth capacity in about 5 logarithmic units. The presence of ascorbic acid in the spore form decreased the amount of B. cereus only by 2 logarithmic units, but without the antioxidant, the values remained close to control. The present research is a
contribution to elicit the safety standards of food treated by high pressure. 相似文献
Vissers MM Te Giffel MC Driehuis F De Jong P Lankveld JM 《Journal of dairy science》2007,90(1):281-292
The shelf life of pasteurized dairy products depends partly on the concentration of Bacillus cereus spores in raw milk. Based on a translation of contamination pathways into chains of unit-operations, 2 simulation models were developed to quantitatively identify factors that have the greatest effect on the spore concentration in milk. In addition, the models can be used to determine the reduction in concentration that could be achieved via measures at the farm level. One model predicts the concentration when soil is the source of spores, most relevant during grazing of cows. The other model predicts the concentration when feed is the main source of spores, most relevant during housing of cows. It was estimated that when teats are contaminated with soil, 33% of the farm tank milk (FTM) contains more than 3 log10 spores/L of milk. When feed is the main source, this is only 2%. Based on the predicted spore concentrations in FTM, we calculated that the average spore concentration in raw milk stored at the dairy processor during the grazing period is 3.5 log10 spores/L of milk and during the housing period is 2.1 log10 spores/L. It was estimated that during the grazing period a 99% reduction could be achieved if all farms minimize the soil contamination of teats and teat cleaning is optimized. During housing, reduction of the concentration by 60% should be feasible by ensuring spore concentrations in feed below 3 log10 spores/g and a pH of the ration offered to the cows below 5. Implementation of these measures at the farm level ensures that the concentration of B. cereus spores in raw milk never exceeds 3 log10 spores/L. 相似文献
Loretta M. Friedrich Renee Goodrich-Schneider Mickey E. Parish Michelle D. Danyluk 《Food microbiology》2009,26(8):936-941
The prevalence of Alicyclobacillus spp. and other spore-forming spoilage organisms in food handling and processing environments presents a sanitation challenge to manufacturers of products such as juices and beverages. The objectives of this study were to determine the efficacy of chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite in killing Alicyclobacillus spores in situ and to evaluate the efficacy of various chlorine dioxide and hypochlorite sanitizing regimes on Alicyclobacillus spp. spores on stainless steel, wood, and rubber conveyor material. Five or two log CFU/ml spore concentrations were left in aqueous solution or inoculated onto stainless steel, rubber, or wood coupons and challenged with sanitizer for varied time intervals. After treatment, the coupons were placed in sterile sample bags, massaged with neutralizing buffer, and enumerated on Ali agar. Surfaces were also examined before and after treatment by scanning electron microscopy to confirm destruction or removal of the spores. For both five and two log CFU/ml spore concentrations, treatments of 50 and 100 ppm of chlorine dioxide and 1000 and 2000 ppm of hypochlorite, respectively, were the most effective. Of the range of chlorine dioxide concentrations and contact time regimes evaluated for all surfaces, the most effective concentration/time regime applied was 100 ppm for 10 min. Reductions ranged from 0 to 4.5 log CFU/coupon. Chlorine dioxide was least effective when applied to wood. Hypochlorite was not efficient at eliminating Alicyclobacillus spores from any of the food contact surfaces at any time and concentration combinations tested. Chlorine dioxide is an alternative treatment to kill spores of Alicyclobacillus spp. in the processing environment. 相似文献
López-Pedemonte TJ Roig-Sagués AX Trujillo AJ Capellas M Guamis B 《Journal of dairy science》2003,86(10):3075-3081
The objective of this work was to study high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) inactivation of spores of Bacillus cereus ATCC 9139 inoculated in model cheeses made of raw milk, together with the effects of the addition of nisin or lysozyme. The concentration of spores in model cheeses was approximately 6-log10 cfu/g of cheese. Cheeses were vacuum packed and stored at 8 degrees C. All samples except controls were submitted to a germination cycle of 60 MPa at 30 degrees C for 210 min, to a vegetative cells destruction cycle of 300 or 400 MPa at 30 degrees C for 15 min, or to both treatments. Bacillus cereus counts were measured 24 h and 15 d after HHP treatment. The combination of both cycles improved the efficiency of the whole treatment. When the second pressure-cycle was of 400 MPa, the highest inactivation (2.4 +/- 0.1 log10 cfu/g) was obtained with the presence of nisin (1.56 mg/L of milk), whereas lysozyme (22.4 mg/L of milk) did not increase sensitivity of the spores to HHP. For nisin (0.05 and 1.56 mg/L of milk), no significant differences were found between counts at 24 h and 15 d after treatment. Considering that mesophilic spore counts usually range from 2.6 to 3.0 log10 cfu/ml in raw milk, HHP at mild temperatures with the addition of nisin may be useful for improving safety and preservation of soft curd cheeses made from raw milk. 相似文献
The present research compared the effect of chlorine dioxide (CD) gas, aqueous CD and aqueous sodium hypochlorite (SHC) treatments on the inactivation of a five strain mixture of Listeria monocytogenes – containing biofilms. Four day old biofilms were developed on a stainless steel (SS 304) coupon by using a mixture of five cultures of L. monocytogenes (Scott A, N1-227, 103M, 82 and 311) using a 100% relative humidity (RH) dessicator for incubation at room temperature (22 ± 2 °C). After biofilm development, coupons were rinsed and dried for 2 h and treated with 0.3 mg/l CD gas at 75% RH, 7 mg/l of aqueous CD and 50 mg/l SHC. Initial log10 population of biofilm cells before CD gas, aqueous CD and SHC treatment was 4.80, 5.09 and 4.95 log10 CFU/cm2. The Weibull model was used to fit non-linear survivor curves. Treatments and time points of 0.3 mg/l CD gas and 7 mg/l aq. CD solution were significantly different (p < 0.05). A 10 min treatment of 0.3 mg/l CD gas, 7 mg/l of aq. CD, and 50 mg/l SHC resulted in reductions of 3.21, 3.74 and 3.09 log10 CFU/cm2, respectively. At 10 min, all treatments were not statistically different (p > 0.05). Low levels of CD (0.3 mg/l CD gas and 7 mg/l aq. CD solution) for 10 min resulted in similar log reductions compared to 50 mg/l SHC. 相似文献
Thorsen L Azokpota P Munk Hansen B Rønsbo MH Nielsen KF Hounhouigan DJ Jakobsen M 《Food microbiology》2011,28(8):1441-1447
Afitin, iru and sonru are three spontaneously fermented African locust bean Benin condiments. The fermentation processes are exothermic, with temperatures mostly being above 40 °C. A total of 19 predominant Bacillus cereus isolates from afitin, iru and sonru, were investigated. The enterotoxin genes nhe (A, B, C) were present in all 19 isolates, the hbl (A, C, D) in one (afitin), and the cytK gene in three isolates (afitin). Levels of cytotoxicity to Vero cells and NheA production in BHI-broth was within the range of known diarrheal outbreak strains. Autoclaved cooked African locust beans inoculated with emetic (cereulide producing) B. cereus Ba18H2/RIF supported growth at 25, 30 and 40 °C with highly different maximum cereulide productions of 6 ± 5, 97 ± 3 and 0.04 ± 0.02 μg/g beans, respectively (48 h). For non-autoclaved cooked beans inoculated with 2, 4 and 6 log10B. cereus Ba18H2/RIF spores/g beans, cereulide production was 5 ± 4, 64 ± 8 and 69 ± 34 μg/g beans, respectively at 24 h, while it was 70 ± 43, 92 ± 53 and 99 ± 31 μg/g at 48 h of fermentation at 30 °C. Even though high toxin levels were observed, to date there are no known reports on diarrhea or vomiting due to the consumption or afitin, iru and sonru in Benin, which also according to the present study is likely to be expected from the low levels of cereulide produced at 40 °C. 相似文献
We determined the combined effectiveness of ClO2 (200 and 500 μg/ml, 5 min), air drying [25 °C, 40% relative humidity (RH), 2 h], and mild dry heat (55 °C, 23% RH, up to 48 h) treatments in killing total aerobic bacteria (TAB), Escherichia coli O157:H7, and molds and yeasts (MY) on radish seeds. A 5.1-log reduction in the number of TAB was achieved on radish seeds treated with 200 or 500 μg/ml ClO2 followed by air drying for 2 h and dry heat treatment for 48 h or 24 h, respectively. When radish seeds were treated with 200 and 500 μg/ml ClO2, air dried, and heat treated for 12 h and 6 h, respectively, the initial population of E. coli O157:H7 (5.6 log CFU/g) on seeds was reduced to an undetectable level (<0.8 log CFU/g). However, the pathogen was detected in 5-day-old sprouts. The reduction of MY (1.2-1.0 log CFU/g) on radish seeds under similar experimental conditions was not changed significantly during subsequent heat treatment up to 48 h. Results show that treating radish seeds with 500 μg/ml ClO2, followed by air dried at 25 °C for 2 h and heat treatment at 55 °C for 36 h achieved a >5-log CFU/g reduction of TAB and E. coli O157:H7. These observations will be useful when developing effective strategies and practices to enhance the microbiological safety of radish sprouts. 相似文献
This study investigated the involvement of glutamate-, arginine- and lysine-dependent systems in the Acid Tolerance Response (ATR) of Bacillus cereus ATCC14579 strain. Cells were grown in a chemostat at external pH (pHe) 7.0 and 5.5. Population reduction after acid shock at pH 4.0 was strongly limited in cells grown at pH 5.5 (acid-adapted) compared with cells grown at pH 7.0 (unadapted), indicating that B. cereus cells grown at low pHe were able to induce a marked ATR. Glutamate, arginine and lysine enhanced the resistance of unadapted cells to pH 4.0 acid shock of 1-log or 2-log populations, respectively. Amino acids had no detectable effect on acid resistance in acid-adapted cells. An acid shock at pH 4.0 resulted in a marked drop in internal pH (pHi) in unadapted cells compared with acid-adapted cells. When acid shock was achieved in the presence of glutamate, arginine or lysine, pHi was maintained at higher values (6.31, 6.69 or 6.99, respectively) compared with pHi in the absence of amino acids (4.88). Acid-adapted cells maintained their pHi at around 6.4 whatever the condition. Agmatine (a competitive inhibitor of arginine decarboxylase) had a negative effect on the ability of B. cereus cells to survive and maintain their pHi during acid shock. Our data demonstrate that B. cereus is able to induce an ATR during growth at low pH. This adaptation depends on pHi homeostasis and is enhanced in the presence of glutamate, arginine and lysine. Hence evaluations of the pathogenicity of B. cereus must take into account its ability to adapt to acid stress. 相似文献
Sunsik, a ready-to-eat food in Korea, is comprised of various agricultural and marine products, and has been an important concern in Bacillus cereus food poisoning. The aim of this study was to investigate the toxin profiles, genotypic and phenotypic patterns as well as antibiotic resistance of B. cereus strains isolated from Sunsik. A subtyping method known as automated repetitive sequence-based PCR system (DiversiLab™) was used to assess the intraspecific biodiversity of these isolates. Thirty-five B. cereus strains were isolated from 100 commercial Sunsik samples, all of which harbored at least 1 enterotoxin gene. The detection rates of nheABC, hblCDA, cytK, and entFM enterotoxin gene among all isolates were 97%, 86%, 77%, and 100%, respectively. Most strains also produced corresponding enterotoxins such as HBL (83%) and NHE (94%). One strain (2.9%) carried the emetic toxin genes, including ces and EM1, and was positive for the HEp-2 cell emetic toxin assay. Most strains were positive for various biochemical tests such as salicin hydrolysis (86%), starch fermentation (89%), hemolysis (89%), motility test (100%) and lecithinase hydrolysis (89%). All isolates were susceptible to most antibiotics although they were highly resistant to β-lactam antibiotics. By using the automated rep-PCR system, all isolates were successfully differentiated, indicating the diversity of B. cereus strains present in Sunsik. 相似文献
Bacillus cereus isolated from a soil sample, inductively produced alpha-L-fucosidase in culture medium containing porcine gastric mucin (PGM). The production of the enzyme was also weakly induced by L-fucose and D-arabinose, but not by other sugars including glucose. The enzyme was purified 61-fold with an overall recovery of 1.8% from the culture fluid supplemented with PGM by ammonium sulfate precipitation, acetone fractionation, and subsequent column chromatography. The purified enzyme was found homogeneous by SDS-PAGE and its molecular mass was estimated to be approximately 196,000 kDa. Its optimum pH was 7.0 and it was stable in the pH range of 5.0 to 9.0. The enzyme hydrolyzed the alpha-(1-->2)-L-fucosidic linkage in oligosaccharides such as Fucalpha1-2Galbeta1-4Glc (2'-fucosyllactose), Fucalpha1-2Galbeta1-3GlcNAcbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Glc (lacto-N-fucopentaose I), and the glycoprotein PGM. The enzyme was inactive on p-nitrophenyl alpha-L-fucoside, the alpha-(1-->3)-L-fucosidic linkages in Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Glc (lacto-N-fucopentaose III) and orosomucoid, the alpha-(1-->4)-L-fucosidic linkage in Galbeta1-3(Fucalpha1-4)GlcNAcbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Glc (lacto-N-fucopentaose II), and the alpha-(1-->6)-L-fucosidic linkage in thyroglobulin. 相似文献
Nada Smigic Andreja Rajkovic Eszter Antal Helga Medic Barbara Lipnicka Mieke Uyttendaele Frank Devlieghere 《Food microbiology》2009,26(6):629-637
The utilization of sub-lethal decontamination treatments gains more and more interest due to the increased consumers' demand for fresh, minimally processed and convenient food products. These products rely on cold chain and hurdle (combination) technology to provide microbiological safety and quality during their shelf life. To investigate the ability of surviving cells to resuscitate and grow in a food simulating environment, sub-lethal decontamination treatments were coupled with subsequent storage under sub-optimal growth conditions. For this purpose chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and neutralized electrolyzed oxidizing water (NEW)-treated cultures of Escherichia coli O157:H7 were inoculated in TSB-YE of pH 5.8 and aw 0.99, and stored at 10 °C, 12.5 °C and 15 °C, under four different atmospheres (0%, 30% and 60% CO2 balanced with N2, and air). Due to the severity of injury, lactic acid-treated cells were inoculated in TSB-YE pH 7.0. Data obtained reveal that the fraction of sub-lethally injured E. coli O157:H7 undergoes an additional inhibitory effect during the storage period under of sub-optimal conditions. Observed extension in the lag growth phase was a direct consequence prior sub-lethal injury. The effects of liquid ClO2 and NEW were less pronounced in comparison to lactic acid. The current study signifies the potential utilization of appropriate combination of different extrinsic and intrinsic factors in the elimination or growth inhibition of food-borne pathogens. 相似文献
The prevalence of Bacillus cereus, in a total of 381 samples of dried milk products (milk with rice, milk substitute, milk powder, milk-cereal-rice, pudding milk, flan, and mousse) used by the Chilean School Feeding Program, was investigated. The potential of 94 selected isolates of B. cereus to produce diarrhoeal enterotoxin (by the BCET-RPLA test) in BHI culture, as well as the ability of enterotoxigenic-strains to grow at psychrotrophic temperatures were also verified. B. cereus was found in 175 of 381 of the samples analysed (45.9%), reaching levels from 3.0 to 10(4) spores g(-1). As expected, the higher prevalence and counts were observed in those products that contained whole rice, cereals and pulses extruded, and food additives. Of the 94 isolates of B. cereus tested for diarrhoeal enterotoxin production, 28 (29.8%) were positive, and none of these was able to grow at < or = 7 degrees C. The prevalence of B. cereus in dried milk products analysed was fairly high, although it was present in low number. However, as they were composed to a large extent of enterotoxigenic mesophilic strains, the potential risk for the safety of reconstituted products held at improper temperature should not be neglected. 相似文献
Mellegård H From C Christensen BE Granum PE 《International journal of food microbiology》2011,149(3):218-225
Bacillus cereus is an endospore-forming bacterium able to cause food-associated illness. Different treatment processes are used in the food industry to reduce the number of spores and thereby the potential of foodborne disease. Chitosan is a polysaccharide with well-documented antibacterial activity towards vegetative cells. The activity against bacterial spores, spore germination and subsequent outgrowth and growth (the latter two events hereafter denoted (out)growth), however, is poorly documented. By using six different chitosans with defined macromolecular properties, we evaluated the effect of chitosan on Bacillus cereus spore germination and (out)growth using optical density assays and a dipicolinic acid release assay. (Out)growth was inhibited by chitosan, but germination was not. The action of chitosan was found to be concentration-dependent and also closely related to weight average molecular weight (Mw) and fraction of acetylation (FA) of the biopolymer. Chitosans of low acetylation (FA = 0.01 or 0.16) inhibited (out)growth more effectively than higher acetylated chitosans (FA = 0.48). For the FA = 0.16 chitosans with medium (56.8 kDa) and higher Mw (98.3 kDa), a better (out)growth inhibition was observed compared to low Mw (10.6 kDa) chitosan. The same trend was not evident with chitosans of 0.48 acetylation, where the difference in activity between the low (19.6 kDa) and high Mw (163.0 kDa) chitosans was only minor. In a spore test concentration corresponding to 102-103 CFU/ml (spore numbers relevant to food), less chitosan was needed to suppress (out)growth compared to higher spore numbers (equivalent to 108 CFU/ml), as expected. No major differences in chitosan susceptibility between three different strains of B. cereus were detected. Our results contribute to a better understanding of chitosan activity towards bacterial spore germination and (out)growth. 相似文献
Modeling heat resistance of Bacillus weihenstephanensis and Bacillus licheniformis spores as function of sporulation temperature and pH 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Baril E Coroller L Couvert O Leguérinel I Postollec F Boulais C Carlin F Mafart P 《Food microbiology》2012,30(1):29-36
Although sporulation environmental factors are known to impact on Bacillus spore heat resistance, they are not integrated into predictive models used to calculate the efficiency of heating processes. This work reports the influence of temperature and pH encountered during sporulation on heat resistance of Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4 and Bacillus licheniformis AD978 spores. A decrease in heat resistance (δ) was observed for spores produced either at low temperature, at high temperature or at acidic pH. Sporulation temperature and pH maximizing the spore heat resistance were identified. Heat sensitivity (z) was not modified whatever the sporulation environmental factors were. A resistance secondary model inspired by the Rosso model was proposed. Sporulation temperatures and pHs minimizing or maximizing the spore heat resistance (T(min(R)), T(opt(R)), T(max(R)), pH(min(R)) and pH(opt(R))) were estimated. The goodness of the model fit was assessed for both studied strains and literature data. The estimation of the sporulation temperature and pH maximizing the spore heat resistance is of great interest to produce spores assessing the spore inactivation in the heating processes applied by the food industry. 相似文献
Bacillus cereus is an ever-present problem. It is widely distributed in several environments such as soil and plants and is commonly isolated from food and additives. In this study we analyzed 97 foodborne B. cereus sensu stricto strains isolated in Brazil in the 1980's, 1990's and 2000's in order to investigate the genetic diversity (assessed by Rep-PCR), antimicrobial resistance and toxigenic profiles (presence of hblA, hblC and hblD; nheA, nheB and nheC as well as cytK, ces and entFM genes) of such strains. The majority of the strains (79, 81.4%) were β-hemolytic. The NHE complex was found in 82 strains (84.5%) and HBL complex was found in 61 (62.9%) strains. All strains were negative to ces. The cytK-2 gene was found in 44 (45.4%) strains. The predominant toxigenic pattern was type I (32, 33%) which included strains positive for all toxin genes but ces. Computer assisted cluster analysis of Rep-PCR profiles showed a high genetic diversity. Seven major clusters comprising two or more strains were found and cluster 1 was predominant (ten strains, nine of them showing 100% similarity). This cluster included strains isolated in the 1980's and the 1990's. Cluster analysis of Rep-PCR profiles based on decade of isolation, source, hemolytic pattern, toxigenic and antibiotic resistance patterns revealed a similar clustering pattern as found in the analysis including all strains. The inability to observe a predominant band pattern when Rep-PCR cluster analysis was based on decade of isolation suggests that this diversity has been maintained over time. All strains were susceptible to gentamicin. We detected resistance to tetracycline (11 strains showing intermediate resistance and nine completely resistant strains), clindamycin (ten intermediate strains) and vancomycin (one strain). Clindamycin resistance showed statistical association with strains isolated in 2000's. The predominant resistance pattern was type A (72, 72.2%) which included strains susceptible to all drugs tested. Our results suggest that the majority of the strains present in several types of food in Brazil pose a potential risk to cause food poisoning due to the high prevalence of toxin genes found in these strains. However, additional studies involving cytotoxicity tests and affiliation of these strains to phylogenetic groups based on molecular data would be useful to better evaluate this potential and could provide a more accurate indication of the risk. 相似文献
Rosiele Lappe Amanda S. Motta Voltaire Sant'Anna Adriano Brandelli 《International journal of food microbiology》2009,135(3):312-316
The ability of the bacteriocin cerein 8A to inhibit Salmonella Enteritidis in combination with EDTA and sodium lactate was investigated. Salmonella Enteritidis was incubated with combinations of cerein 8A (3200 AU/mL) and EDTA (20, 50, 100 mmol/L) or sodium lactate (200 mmol/L). All treatments caused a significant reduction in the OD600 values of Salmonella Enteritidis cultures. The addition of cerein 8A plus EDTA resulted in higher inhibition in comparison with the bacteriocin alone; the greater the concentration of EDTA, the greater the inhibitory effect. The combination of cerein 8A plus 100 mmol/L EDTA results in a more efficient treatment to reduce the number of viable cells of Salmonella Enteritidis. The combination of cerein 8A plus sodium lactate also showed significant inhibition of the indicator organism. Transmission electron microscopy showed damaged cell walls and loss of protoplasmic material in treated cells. The cells of Salmonella Enteritidis treated with cerein 8A plus EDTA appeared more injured. The bacteriocin cerein 8A may be useful to inhibit Gram-negative bacteria, with enhanced effect in combination with chelating agents. Control of Salmonella Enteritidis, a Gram-negative bacterium constantly linked to food outbreaks, addresses an important aspect of food safety. 相似文献
Incidence, diversity and toxin gene characteristics of Bacillus cereus group strains isolated from food products marketed in Belgium 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Samapundo S Heyndrickx M Xhaferi R Devlieghere F 《International journal of food microbiology》2011,150(1):34-41
The major objectives of this study were to determine the incidence, diversity and characteristics of Bacillus cereus group spp. isolated from food products marketed in Belgium. The food products investigated in this study included cooked pasta, lasagna, béchamel sauce, bolognaise sauce, fresh minced beef, fresh-cut vegetables and raw basmati rice. B. cereus group spp. were detected in 56.3% (324 of 575) of the samples giving rise to 380 strains. The highest incidence (100%) occurred in the raw basmati rice. Although only 10 (2.6%) of the 380 isolates were determined to be psychrotolerant (able to grow at ≤ 7 °C), 25 (6.2%), 189 (49.7%) and 334 (87.9%) isolates were able to grow at mild temperature abuse conditions of 8 °C, 9 °C and 10 °C, respectively. The large diversity of the isolates obtained (overall and between isolates obtained from the same product type) was highlighted by the results of the (GTG)5 PCR fingerprinting of 80 selected isolates. Sixty-one of these 80 isolates belonged to 15 distinct clusters (≥ 85% Pearson correlation) whereas the remaining 19 were each clustered separately. Further diversity was also found in the distribution of toxin genes as 16 different profiles were observed in the 80 selected isolates. Whilst none of 80 selected strains harboured the ces gene required for the production of the emetic toxin cereulide, 42 strains (52.5%) carried all seven genes required for the production of the diarrhoeal enterotoxins: haemolytic BL, non-haemolytic enterotoxin and cytotoxin K. The results of this study highlight not only the omnipresence but also the highly diverse ecology of B. cereus spp. within and across several food product types available on the retail market in Belgium. They should also provide the impetus for more studies to enable detailed risk assessment studies to be performed. 相似文献