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为了应对全球移动通信用户增长速度放缓的现实,运营商把希望寄托在了移动数据业务上。业内人士认为,尽管实际情况不尽如人意,但是运营商终于成功地将盈利来源定位在了能够增强其对内容及用户体验控制力的高速网络上。  相似文献   

Al  Senia  舒文琼 《通信世界》2007,(8A):17-19
为了应对全球移动通信用户增长速度放缓的现实,运营商把希望寄托在了移动数据业务上。业内人士认为,尽管实际情况不尽如人意,但是运营商终于成功地将盈利来源定位在了能够增强其对内容及用户体验控制力的高速网络上。[编者按]  相似文献   

MIC:2012年LTE使用户将超过WiMAX与Wifi同根的WiMAX可以说是大规模移动数据业务的先驱,尽管在绝对用户的数量上WiMAX依然高于LTE(长期通信演进技术)用户,而且其增长也是成倍的力度,但是,由于赢利模式的问  相似文献   

张龙 《电信快报》2004,(4):37-40
文章阐述第三代移动通信系统中建设移动数据业务平台(MDSP)的重要性及面临的挑战和需要解决的问题,并提出一种移动数据业务平台架构及解决方案。  相似文献   

用于移动通信的数据业务适配器一种新的西门子适配器让欧洲的移动电话用户在路上能接收传真或调制解调器通信。该数据业务适配器使用一个独立的信道来使移动通信网能够接收电子数据。到目前为止,由于计算机数据不能由设计成接收口头通信的设备来编码,仅谈话通信可以通信...  相似文献   

移动通信数据业务的功率控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用统计线性化的数值分析的方法(把非线性的功率控制方程线性化),研究了在第三代移动通信中,短时数据业务在功率控制下的性能,提出了在移动台根据定位信息动态预定发射功率的方法,来补偿信道衰落,从而更好地消除远近效应,数值分析说明了这种方法的有效性。  相似文献   


聂延波 《电信技术》2002,(11):35-37
移动数据业务是当前移动通信市场上新兴的、充满希望的一个业务领域,它一改百年语音业务的特点,是以全新的方式和内容提供给人们信息交流的新形式。可以说,电话提供的是人与人之间的交流;数据业务提供的是人与社会、人与网络之间的交流;移动性则非常适合目前人们工作紧张、节奏快的特点,因此给通信带来了巨大的便利。移动与数据两者的结合,不但创造出新的商机与经营模式,也为人们提供了比以往更加便利、内容更加丰富多彩的通信服务。经过几年的发展和培育,我国的移动数据通信市场逐步发展起来。2001年,中国移动的短消息业务量…  相似文献   

宋军杰 《通信世界》2008,(12):I0019-I0019
今天的移动通信正在朝任何人在任何地点利用任何方式进行人与人、机器与机器之间的沟通的时代迈进。随着无线通信的不断发展、频谱利用率的不断提高、新技术的不断演进,通信业需要解决3G网络内容如何丰富的问题。  相似文献   

数字移动通信系统数据业务及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张静 《移动通信》2000,24(3):14-17
本文介绍了第三代数字移动通信支持的数据业务,包括蜂窝数字分组数据业务和数字移动通信系统无线数据业务及它们的发展情况。  相似文献   

下一代互联网业务平台构想的提出 我们知道,在以IPv6为基础的下一代互联网上可以开展多种多样、千姿百态的应用与业务。天地互连公司(BII Group)从1999年开始致力于推动IPv6网络与应用在我国的部署。2001年以来,陆续在信息产业部指导下的6TNet下一代IP电信实验网以及运营商的IPv6实验网上开展了一系列IPv6应用与业务实践,包括网络视频监控、  相似文献   

通信网络的发展已使得信息化的步伐大大加快,表现为:统一网络的趋势日趋明显,信息可以大范围、多形式交换;人们的生活、工作已经与信息的传递、加工、分析越来越密不可分,电子商务正成为一种新的工作、生活方式。正如GSM的标准化吸收了N-ISDN发展成果一样,第三代移动通信系统(简称3G,本文3G特指W-CDMA,2.5G特指GPRS,2G特指GSM)也试图吸收目前通信领域发展的最新成果,并考虑可预见未来技术所能达到的高度,实现一个先进的通信设施。3G网络是指单个运营商管理的电信网络,包括以W-CDMA、TD-CDMA技术实现的UTRAN…  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which statistical mobility information can increase the reliability of the service experienced by users in mobile networks. Interrupted or dropped calls are an aspect of reliability that stems from the mobility of users. An existing user can move to a cell where there are no resources available to support their call. A natural solution is the reservation of resources in multiple cells that the user is likely to move to. This scheme is called selective reservations and it relies on predicting the next move of the user. Recently, there has been some work on estimating the movement probabilities (also known as the mobility profile) of the user. In this paper, we quantify the usefulness of the mobility profile to improve the reliability of the service perceived by the mobile users. We identify two parameters which characterize the profile: Accuracy and Focus. Accuracy expresses the probability that the host will move as we expect it to. Focus describes how well we can identify patterns in the movement of the users. In our simulations, we examine the effect of the quality of the predictions on the performance of the system. We show that Accuracy and Focus have great impact on the performance of selective reservations. We also show how flexibility in hand‐offs can help in decreasing the dropping probability, and how this can be facilitated by letting the users make a second try at moving in case it fails the first time. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Context-aware platform for mobile data management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interaction design is a major issue for mobile information systems in terms of not only the choice of input/output channels and presentation of information, but also the application of context-awareness. To support experimentation with these factors, we have developed platforms to support the rapid prototyping of multi-channel, multi-modal, context-aware applications. The Java-based platform presented here is based on an integration of a cross-media link server and an object-oriented framework for advanced content publishing, along with a Client Controller and Context Engine. We also describe how this platform was used to develop a mobile tourist information system for an international arts festival where interaction was based on a combination of interactive paper and speech output. Moira C. Norrie is a Professor at ETH Zurich where she is head of the Institute for Information Systems and leads the Global Information Systems research group. Her research interests include object-oriented models and systems for data management, web engineering, mobile and personal information systems and interactive paper as a medium for integrating printed and digital information. Beat Signer is a Post-Doctoral researcher in the Global Information Systems research group at ETH Zurich. He received a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich in 2005 for his work investigating fundamental concepts for interactive paper and cross-media information management. His research interests include interactive paper, cross-media information management, object-oriented technologies and software engineering. Michael Grossniklaus is a research assistant in the Global Information Systems research group at ETH Zurich. He received a Diploma (M.Sc.) in Computer Science from ETH Zurich in 2001 and is currently completing his Ph.D. His main research interest is empowering information systems for context-aware data management and delivery in the domain of web engineering and mobile computing. Rudi Belotti was a research assistant in the Global Information Systems research group at ETH Zurich from 2004–2006. He received a Diploma (M.Sc.) in Computer Science from ETH Zurich in 2004. In his research, he developed a general model and engine for the management of context information in mobile information systems. He is currently working for an e-business services company in Ticino, Switzerland. Corsin Decurtins is a research assistant in the Global Information Systems research group at ETH Zurich. He received a Diploma (M.Sc.) in Computer Science from ETH Zurich in 2002. His research focusses on model-based approaches and infrastructure for ubiquitous and mobile information environments. In addition to his Ph.D. Corsin also works part-time as a senior software engineer at the software company Netcetera. Nadir Weibel is a research assistant in the Global Information Systems research group at ETH Zurich. He received a Diploma (M.Sc.) in Computer Science from ETH Zurich in 2003 and is currently working on his Ph.D. His research is in the area of interactive paper, particularly on the authoring and publishing infrastructure for interactive documents as well as issues of human computer interaction and mobile environments.  相似文献   

This paper proposes iMobile, a proxy‐based platform for developing mobile services for various mobile devices and wireless access technologies. iMobile acts as a message gateway that allows mobile devices to relay messages to each other through various protocols on different access networks. It allows mobile devices to access internet services, corporate databases and to control various network devices. iMobile implements three key abstractions: dev‐let, info‐let and app‐let. An info‐let provides abstract view of information space. An app‐let implements service or application logic by processing information from various info‐lets. A dev‐let receives and sends messages through any particular protocols for mobile devices. The let engine supports user and device profiles for personalization and transcoding, and invokes proper app‐lets and info‐lets to answer requests from a dev‐let. The iMobile modular architecture allows developers to write device drivers, information access methods and application logic independently from each other. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周华 《通讯世界》2002,8(7):64-66
以现有警用集群系统为平台即利用集群系统的窄带空中传输通道和系统间的数据交换网提供数据传输服务。现有集群系统模拟话音的传输带宽为300-3000Hz,而系统所有的信道机及移动终端都有话音过滤器,在对集群系统不做任何修改的条件下,直接利用集群系统FFSK(快速移频键控)调制方式调制和传输2400/9600bit/s的数据非常经济方便。在这种模式中,数据通信和话音通信共享话音信道,通信速率控制在一定范围,再加上适当的纠错检错功能,能够保证数据通信稳定可靠。系统组成如图1。前置控制计算机操作系统是win98,运行查询系统的前端软件,支…  相似文献   

闫跃龙 《通讯世界》2003,9(5):54-55
手机实现Walkie Talkie?Push-To-Talk的概念可追溯于1995年,美国摩托罗拉公司在iDEN集群系统上推出Push-To-Talk对讲解决方案。一年后,美国的Nextel通信公司在其iDEN集群网络上开始提供名为Direct Connect的相关业务,该业务的最大特点是用户可以仅按一键即可快速而方便地即时通话。Nextel公司也因其高ARPU值和低用户流失率一直引起同行注目,而业界普遍认为这在很大程度上要归功于其基于Push-To-Talk业务的成功应用,这在企业市场中尤为如此。据爱立信(中国)公司CDMA产品部总监Jonathan Kahn介绍,Nextel的90%以上的新用户都是冲…  相似文献   

随着4G网络的大规模建设,网络质量不断提升,移动视频用户呈井喷之势,固移融合将成为趋势。视频业务,将和4G,宽带一起全业务融合发展,成为移动抢占家庭入口、实施移动和家庭战略的抓手业务。文章针对运营商视频的发展情况,探讨了面向固移融合视频业务平台建设的迫切性。通过对融合视频平台技术方案多层面进行对比,提出面向固移融合视频业务平台推荐方案和功能架构,以期对运营商构建融合视频平台起到指导和促进作用。  相似文献   

本系统平台是集投诉现场回访处理、GPS定位、现场照片、投诉回访录音一体化,全程监控和考核投诉处理进展,并与GIS基站运维管理系统紧密相连,注重细节与深度分析。  相似文献   

大数据管理对传统的基于关系数据库管理系统为核心的数据管理服务平台提出了挑战,研究开发支持结构化和非结构化数据统一管理的数据管理与服务中心成为一项非常迫切并且重要的任务,汇总分析出大数据服务中心四项关键技术,采用可配置泛化表模型等技术,设计了基于Hadoop平台的数据服务中心系统原型BIG-DMS和基于BIG-DMS的数据综合服务平台应用方案,支持结构化和非结构化数据的统一存储、管理和访问服务。  相似文献   

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