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通过测试脂肪酸甲酯磺酸钠(MES)的急性口服毒性、皮肤刺激性、急性经皮毒性及对相关资料的搜索和整理,运用暴露量的计算模型,得到MES的总暴露量,并最终得到MES的暴露限值(MOE)。结果表明,消费者通过洗涤用品接触MES是安全的。  相似文献   

为了促进我国无磷洗衣粉产品质量的不断提高,保证洗涤用品行业在自律的基础上健康发展,保护消费者的合法利益,2005年一季度中国洗涤用品工业协会委托国家轻工业洗涤用品质量监督检测中心,对市场上销售的无磷洗衣粉产品进行了质量跟踪调查.  相似文献   

日本肥皂洗涤剂工业协会于2010年开展了一项有针对性的市场调查,调查报告深入分析了日本家庭洗涤的实际状况(洗衣机、洗涤行为)和消费者对洗涤剂的市场偏好。有关数据和分析结论为与织物护理用品营销有关的企业研究消费者行为及调整市场策略提供了有益的信息。  相似文献   

介绍了中国洗涤用品市场的整体运行情况。通过回顾中国近10年的洗涤市场和分析2008年洗涤用品市场的特点,对清洁洗涤用品市场与化妆品市场发展的异同进行了对比,并对未来的洗涤用品市场的发展趋势做出了预测。  相似文献   

由国药励展展览有限责任公司主办,中国洗涤用品工业协会、中国香料香精化妆品工业协会等共同支持的“2009年中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用品原料展览会(PCHi2009)”于2009年2月24日-26日在广州市锦汉展览中心召开。中国洗涤用品工业协会秘书长王燕女士出席了展会并剪彩、致辞。  相似文献   

对中国洗涤用品产量、产品结构、行业经济效益、产品及相关原料的进出口情况进行了详细地介绍。同时,分析了中国洗涤用品行业应关注的问题。最后指出,坚持可持续及创新发展是中国洗涤用品行业需要不断努力的方向。  相似文献   

2013年3月12~15日,在应邀出席"2013中国国际化妆品个人及家庭护理用品原料展览会(PCHi)"之际,中国洗涤用品工业协会郑舞虹理事长一行3人走访了广东地区的部分洗涤用品相关企业,与各企业领导就行业共性问题及企业经营问题进行了深入广泛的交流。在PCHi展览会现场,郑理事长走访了湖南丽臣、四川花语、广州星业、广州天赐、益海嘉里、巴斯夫、陶氏、赢创等公司  相似文献   

快速发展的中国洗涤剂工业   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对改革开放30年来中国洗涤用品工业所取得的成绩进行了回顾。指出,我国洗涤用品工业正在稳步、快速和健康的发展。对2007年中国洗涤用品行业的运营情况进行了介绍,并对目前中国洗涤用品行业值得关注的热点问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

<正>中国洗涤用品工业协会成立于1983年9月,是经民政部登记注册的具有独立法人资格的国家级社团组织。会员由中国境内从事洗涤用品(个人清洁护理用品、家庭清洁护  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯(记者张燕)2017年4月19日至21日,2017年中国洗涤用品工业协会理事长(扩大)办公会议在海南召开。会议由中国洗协理事长郑舞虹主持。与会的各位代表听取了协会组织机构人事变动情况、审议通过了中国洗协及各分支机构2017年工作计划、2017年度行业标准化工作计划、2017年洗涤用品市场质量跟踪调查方案、协会2017年产品对标活动方案、2017年消费者教育活动方案以及协会官网下一步工作计划等;提交了2016年行业运行报告征求意见稿。汇报了中国洗涤  相似文献   

L. Benisek 《火与材料》1984,8(4):183-195
The overall flammability hazard of Zirpro wool protective clothing, carpets and upholstery with regard to national and international standards is summarized. Protective clothing against heat and flames has to be evaluated not only for flame-retardance by a vertical flame test but also for heat transfer from convective (flames), radiant and conductive (molten metal) heat exposure to ensure a realistic assessment of the potential protective offered and required. Textile furnishings (carpets, upholstery, curtains) have to be evaluated for flame-retardance, heat release, smoke emission and toxicity of combustion products to assess the overall flammability hazard. Evaluation and consideration of only on e flammability parameter, e.g. toxicity of combustion products, can lead to misleading conclusions about the flammability hazard of a material.  相似文献   

Harmlessness of Enzymes in Washing Agents Before introducing them into the market, the enzymatic washing agents were subjected to extensive tests. As regards acute toxicity through oral intake as well as skin irritation and skin sensitivity no difference was found between the enzyme-containing products and those which did not contain the enzymes. Accordingly, the use of enzymatic washing agents do not offer any hazard to the health of housewives.  相似文献   

LAS (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate) shows relatively high aquatic toxicity in hard freshwater or seawater. In this paper, we studied the effect of adsorbent on the aquatic toxicity of LAS in hard freshwater and seawater. Daphnia magna and Artemia salina were used for acute aquatic toxicity test in freshwater and seawater, respectively. Kaolin was used as a model adsorbent and toxic surface tension (gamma(tox)) was used as an indicator of toxic condition. Results showed that the values of gamma(tox) of LAS to D. magna and A. salina were about 45-55 mN/m and 35-40 mN/m, respectively. Surface tension of LAS solution decreased and its aquatic toxicity increased with increasing the water hardness or the salinity. By adding adsorbent into the solutions, the surface activity and the aquatic toxicity were decreased greatly, and the effect of water hardness or salinity on surface tension and aquatic toxicity were removed. That is to say, the surface tension curve of soft freshwater corresponds with that of hard freshwater containing adsorbent and the surface tension curve at low salinity corresponds with that obtained for high salinity solutions containing the adsorbent. Therefore, our experimental data leads to the conclusion that the relatively high aquatic toxicity of LAS in concentrated solution of inorganic salts disappears in the presence of adsorbents. This is an important viewpoint in conducting environmental risk assessment of surfactants.  相似文献   

介绍了二种季铵盐类长效织物消毒剂,其主要成分为活性基因和阳离子抗菌基因,可杀灭化脓性细菌、肠道菌和流感等细菌,抑菌率大于99.9%,织物耐洗涤50次以上,长效抗菌2年以上,具有持久抗菌效果和良好的相容性,且不会损害织物。其抗菌能力及抗菌谱、耐洗涤性、吸湿性、透气性和织物处理自度,安全环保性等关键性能指标优于美国的DC-5700。经试验小鼠急性经口毒性LD50〉5000mg/kg,该消毒剂属于实际无毒级,长期使用对皮肤、黏膜无刺激;不含LAS,生物降解率高达93%-97%,不会对人体和环境造成危害,已广泛应用于军用被装织物抗菌整理。  相似文献   

纳米材料安全性的研究进展及其评价体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了纳米材料的特性和纳米材料安全性研究的重要性,重点分析了纳米材料的危害途径,介绍了美国、欧盟、日本和中国的纳米材料安全性研究现状. 结合毒理学对纳米尺寸物质的相关研究,以危害认定、危害途径评定、毒性评估和危险度特征分析建立纳米材料安全性评价框架,并确定了纳米材料安全性评价步骤,包括危害途径、危害特征、危害识别及表征、危险度评价. 展望了纳米材料安全性的未来研究方向,指出纳米材料安全性研究应解决更安全的问题.  相似文献   

The detergency performance of α-sulfo fatty-methyl ester sulfonate (α-MES) under different water hardness conditions was compared against the dominant workhorse in Home Care products, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS). Results demonstrate that α-MES has a higher soil removal index and its detergency performance is not drastically affected by water hardness, compared to that of LAS. The addition of α-MES to LAS also shows an improved cleaning performance and better water hardness resistance, due to the structural characteristics of α-MES, which allow the molecules to be relatively insensitive toward polyvalent ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+. The washing performance of α-MES, α-MES/LAS, and LAS with different builders at various dosages was studied, and the results indicated that the dosage of builders in the detergent product could be reduced up to 33% with the application of α-MES, while the detergency is not sacrificed.  相似文献   

The foamability (dishwashing and washing machine) and detergency of LAS in heavy-duty detergents is directly compared with polypropylenė ABS (PPABS) at various mol wt, conen, water hardnesses and temp. In every case a peak in performance is obtained in the C11 to C17 side chain range. The peak is shifted to lower mol wt as water hardness is increased, especially at low detergent conen. LAS opt performance is generally equal to PPABS, except in dishwashing foam in soft water. The LAS peaks, however, are shifted to ca. one carbon lower mol wt than the PPABS. Therefore, best over-all performance is obtained for LAS whose average mol wt corresponds to a 12.5 carbon side chain, whereas PPABS is best with an average 13.5 carbon side chain. Dishwashing foamability is markedly different for the different isomers contained in LAS. When the phenyl group it attached to the middle of the alkyl chain, surprisingly high results are obtained. This dishwashing difference is great enough to be noticeable when the isomer distribution changes in whole products made using different alkylation catalysts. Detergency and washing machine foam are not affected enough to see differences between whole alkylates. LAS solubility is greater than PPABS and is influenced by isomer distribution. Present address: W. Reg. Res. Lab., USDA, Albany, Calif.  相似文献   

Detergent range linear alkylbenzene (LAB) currently is manufactured by two different processes, using either aluminum chloride or hydrogen fluoride as the alkylation catalyst. The alkylates from the two processes are not exactly the same. Furthermore, the properties of the linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) surfactants made by sulfonation of the LABs also differ. Because LAS is used in most types of detergent products, it is important to known how the properties of each type of LAS differ. This paper compares the formulating characteristics (such as viscosity, solubility and foaming) of high and low 2-phenyl LAS in some typical household cleaning product formulations. It is concluded that the two types of LAS should not be used interchangeably without first checking carefully all the physical properties required in a product. Presented at the AOCS meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii in May 1986.  相似文献   

The use of fine bubbles is a promising approach to remove surfactant efficiently during the rinsing process of clothing, to fulfill a requirement. Therefore, the influence of fine bubbles on the removal performance of surfactant from cloth during the rinse process of pulsator washing machine (top loading type) was investigated. The test apparatus was assembled by connecting a microbubble generation tank and a small washing machine with tubes and circulating fine bubble water to a small washing machine. Swatches of cloth with a specified amount of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) adsorbed from aqueous solution, were rinsed with tap water, and the LAS concentration in the rinse water was examined with an HPLC system equipped with a high-precision fluorescence detector. The average bubble diameter of the fine bubble water used was 0.13–1.4 μm. In the rinsing experiment, no difference was found in the final LAS removal efficiency between water with and without bubbles; but the former increased the LAS removal rate during the initial stage of rinsing. This tendency was particularly noticeable when the stirring power of the washing machine was weak. Therefore, it was concluded that the fine bubble effect on the removal of the surfactant is mainly a kinetic effect rather than an equilibrium effect.  相似文献   

利用直接两相滴定方法对洗衣剂洗涤衣物各个过程的溶液进行阴离子表面活性剂含量的测定,确定了漂洗终点时,溶液中阴离子表面活性剂含量的范围在2 mg/kg以下。同时,考察了直接两相滴定方法测定相当于实际洗涤、漂洗各溶液阴离子表面活性剂含量的十二烷基苯磺酸(LAS)溶液的重复性和精密度,得出它们相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为:0.62%(500 mg/kg),4.10%(15 mg/kg),4.88%(5 mg/kg)和11.28%(2 mg/kg)。  相似文献   

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