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We describe herein the case of a 52-year-old man found to have a solitary pulmonary lymphangioma. Computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated a nodule with homogeneous density and a well-defined border in the lower lobe of the right lung. T2-Weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a nodule with homogeneously high signal intensity. The tumor was removed by partial resection, and pathologic examination confirmed a diagnosis of primary lymphangioma of the lung.  相似文献   

The abnormal prepartum ultrasonic scan in a case of fetal cystic lymphangioma is presented. A large intrauterine cystic mass adjacent to a 23-week-old fetus was identified by ultrasound. After delivery, this was proved to be a cystic lymphangioma extending from the fetal neck and supraclavicular region.  相似文献   

Cystic lymphangioma is an extremely rare mediastinal benign tumor characterized by congenitally enlarged lymphatic vessels. It is often diagnosed incidentally because it is only symptomatic when it grows to be very large. We present two cases of mediastinal cystic lymphangioma and review the literature.  相似文献   

Oxethazaine (OXZ), a potent topical anesthetic, was found to induce red blood cell (RBC) lysis in vitro, depending upon concentrations of OXZ, RBC and Ca2+. In a 2% RBC suspension, 100 microM OXZ caused almost complete hemolysis in the presence of 1.3 mM Ca2+ with only a minimal effect in its absence, while higher concentrations of OXZ (400 microM<) produced hemolysis without Ca2+. The hemolysis induced by OXZ plus Ca2+ was preceded by a rapid increase in 45Ca2+ uptake by RBCs, with both the hemolysis and Ca2+ uptake being inhibited by 1 mM CoCl2, NiCl2, and quinine. Together with the Ca2+ influx, rapid influx of Na+ and efflux of K+ occurred, and an increasing external K+/Na+ concentration ratio inhibited both hemolysis and Ca2+ influx. Morphologically, OXZ plus Ca2+ caused rapid transformation to spheroechinocytes, the formation of blebs and the pinching-off of blebs, whereas OXZ alone produced membrane invagination. SDS-PAGE analysis of the ghosts prepared from the RBCs treated with OXZ plus Ca2+ revealed derangement of cytoskeletal components. OXZ is a rare drug that exhibits a Ca2+ ionophore-like action, increasing the Ca2+ permeability of plasma membranes.  相似文献   

We describe cystic lymphangiomatosis with intestinal bleeding developing multiple lymphangiomas in the small intestine, mesentery, mesocolon, omentum, retroperitoneum, and spleen. Small intestinal fluorography showed multiple polypoid lesions, mainly in the jejunum. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging showed diffuse cystic tumors in the mesentery and spleen. Cystic lymphangiomatosis was proved by histologic findings of the biopsied specimen at laparotomy.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old girl with mediastinal cavernous lymphangioma was successfully treated in 1991. She had a cough and an abnormal shadow in the right mediastinum was shown on her chest X-ray. The tumor, which spread from the right upper mediastinum to the pre-aorta, was demonstrated on CT and MRI. On August 8, 1991, the operation was performed through the right thoracotomy. The tumor was located in the right-upper and middle mediastinum and involved N. phrenics and vagus, but didn't invade and was completely resected. It was 4.2 x 3.4 x 3.2 cm in size and the cut surface of the tumor had an appearance consisting of the soft solid tissue, but containing partial cystic spaces. Histological diagnosis was cavernous lymphangioma. The mediastinal cavernous lymphangioma has been reported in only 6 cases in the Japanese medical literature.  相似文献   

Primary benign intracardiac tumours in the infant period are rare. We report a case of a cardiac osteoma detected at 17 weeks of gestation. Ultrasonographically, it appeared as a calcified mass with a sharp margin and was associated with hypoplastic right ventricle. The gross and histological findings are presented.  相似文献   

The infection rate and risk factors of CTRTI among 664 married women at reporductive age in rural areas in Chengjiang county, Yunnan province were investigated. Specimens of cervical swab were detected for CT antigen using Chlamydia EIA(Syva co., USA). The selection of major risk factors was through Logistic regression and chi 2-test. The results showed that the overall infection rate of CTRTI was 5.0%, with 60.6% of these cases asymptomatic. The major risk factors include: spouse who has symptoms of RTIs; history of others vaginitis; divorce; habit of washing face, feet and vulva with the same wash basin; age of menarche; amenorrhoea during lactation; low education and living in poverty.  相似文献   

Published reports, case studies, and articles regarding ultrasonographic morphology, physiology, and pathophysiology of the fetal middle cerebral artery obtained from a MEDLINE search from 1966 through January 1997 were reviewed. Both transabdominal and transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonographic modalities may be used to assess fetal middle cerebral artery flow hemodynamics. Altered middle cerebral artery flow velocities may be noted in various medical conditions that include various behavioral states, term and preterm labor, maternal medications (anesthesia, tocolytics), fetal compromise (growth restriction and hypoxia), twin-twin transfusion syndrome, invasive diagnostic procedures (amniocentesis and fetal blood sampling), fetal anemia and transfusion, in addition to intracranial fetal lesions (congenital anomalies and hemorrhage). In summary, knowledge of Doppler flow velocity of the fetal middle cerebral artery may assist prenatal diagnosis and management of complicated pregnancies.  相似文献   

Adenosine has become the treatment of choice for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia because of its safety and efficacy. There have been no reports of malignant arrhythmias occurring after adenosine administration. This case report presents the occurrence of a malignant wide complex tachycardia after intravenous adenosine administration in a 10-year-old boy 2 days after a Fontan procedure. Thus the administration of adenosine in a critically ill postoperative patient can have morbidity or potential mortality and must be monitored closely.  相似文献   

Spleen images in a patient with monoclonal gammopathy showed numerous areas of decreased radiocolloid accumulation. Microscopic examination revealed areas of coagulation necrosis with diffuse amyloid infiltration in the spleen. In this patient, amyloidosis is considered to have caused the infarct.  相似文献   

Hepatoblastoma is the most common primary hepatic tumor in young children and its radiological findings have been well described. We report ultrasound and computer tomography findings in a case of hepatoblastoma diffusely involving the entire liver and presenting as inhomogeneity and numerous cystic lesions in the hepatic parenchyma.  相似文献   

The diaphragmatic eventration will be congenital or acquired; the damage to the phrenic nerve its for elongenest, cruch, gun ball or iatrogenic; this last one could be during cardiac surgery, birth trauma, venodissection and colocation of one thorax drill. We presented the case of one premature newborn of 32 weeks with 1374g of weight, with respiratory distress syndrome which evolutioned to bilateral pneumothorax and posteriorly left diaphragmatic eventration secondary to a phrenic nerve damage by the thorax drill which one reach to mediastinum. The diagnosis of these entity will suspect by abnormal elevation of the affected hemidiaphragm and confirmed by fluoroscopy. The treatment its a early diaphragmatic pleat.  相似文献   

In 1996 a randomized sample of 4,020 Swedish adolescents from three birth cohorts were sent a questionnaire consisting of 50 items concerning habitual sun-related behaviours and attitudes, knowledge about melanoma, risk perception and self-image. A total of 2,615 questionnaires were returned. Girls sunbathed and used sunbeds more than boys at all ages. Sunbathing and sunbed use increased with age. Boys who were most satisfied and girls least satisfied with themselves sunbathed most. Those who were least satisfied with themselves used sunbeds most frequently. Girls reported a higher perceived susceptibility to melanoma than did boys. The perception of susceptibility increased with age. Those who were least satisfied with themselves reported feeling most susceptible. The overall main reason for sunbathing was appearance, both for own sunbathing, and to an even higher degree, as a supposed reason for other adolescents' behaviour, and was reported most frequently by girls and the older age groups. The second most 'important' reason for sunbathing was 'feeling warm and comfortable'. Preventive programmes aimed at a change of sun related behaviours among Swedish adolescents have to be tailored to the climate and cultural conditions and must take into account that having a tan, and the warmth of the sun, are highly valued by most adolescents.  相似文献   

Angiosarcomas are rare, accounting for only 1-2% of all soft tissue sarcomas. Primary abdominal angiosarcomas usually arise in the liver or spleen. We report the first color Doppler findings of a rare, low-grade splenic angiosarcoma in a 52-year-old woman.  相似文献   

A case is presented of massive ascites and right sided pleural effusion caused by endometriosis. The final diagnosis was not made for a considerable time. Massive ascites and a right sided pleural effusion caused by endometriosis is rare, with fewer than 10 reports in the literature worldwide. Physicians should be aware of this potentially tentially treatable cause, having excluded other possibilities such as malignancy and tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A 42-year-old man who complained progressive enlargement of an intrascrotal mass visited to our hospital. Preoperative sonography revealed multiple cystic masses adjacent to the left testis. Total surgical excision was performed. The cystic masses were arising from tunica vaginalis testis. Histopathologically, a cystic lymphangioma was diagnosed because of the morphological features and the immunohistochemical stainings of CD34 and Factor VIII related antigen which were observed positive reactions in endothelial cells of the cysts.  相似文献   

Although carcinoid tumors have occurred rarely in benign teratomas of the ovary and the testis, we believe this case is the first reported of carcinoid arising in a benign cystic teratoma of the kidney. The patient was admitted to the Tagawa Hospital with a left abdominal mass and severe epigastric pain. Retrograde and intravenous pyelograms revealed marked dilatation of the left kidney; a renal tumor was diagnosed clinically. At operation, a polycystic tumor weighing 1400g was removed. Histologically, a carcinoid tumor was evident among teratoid tissues, such as columnar epithelium, cartilage, smooth muscle, and mucous secretory glands. The patient did not have a carcinoid syndrome and had an uneventful recovery.  相似文献   

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