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Use of germanium as a storage medium combined with a high-k dielectric tunneling oxide is of interest for non-volatile memory applications. The device structure consists of a thin HfO2 tunneling oxide with a Ge layer either in the form of continuous layer or discrete nanocrystals and relatively thicker SiO2 layer functioning as a control oxide. In this work, we studied interface properties and formation kinetics in SiO2/Ge/HfO2(Ge) multilayer structure during deposition and annealing. This material structure was fabricated by magnetron sputtering and studied by depth profiling with XPS and by Raman spectroscopy. It was observed that Ge atoms penetrate into HfO2 layer during the deposition and segregate out with annealing. This is related to the low solubility of Ge in HfO2 which is observed in other oxides as well. Therefore, Ge out diffusion might be an advantage in forming well controlled floating gate on top of HfO2. In addition we observed the Ge oxidation at the interfaces, where HfSiOx formation is also detected.  相似文献   

Glass-ceramic matrices containing zirconolite (nominally Ca(Zr,Hf)Ti2O7) crystals in their bulk that would incorporate high proportions of minor actinides (Np, Am, Cm) or plutonium could be envisaged for their immobilization. Zirconolite-based glass-ceramics can be prepared by controlled crystallization of zirconolite in glasses belonging to SiO2–Al2O3–CaO–Na2O–TiO2–ZrO2–HfO2 system. In this study, neodymium was used as trivalent actinides surrogate. Increasing Al2O3 concentration in glass composition had a strong effect on the nucleation rate I z of zirconolite crystals in the bulk, on the amount of neodymium incorporated in zirconolite phase and on the crystal growth rate of silicate phases (titanite + anorthite) from glass surface. These results could be explained by the existence of competition—in favor of aluminum—between Al3+ and (Ti4+, Zr4+, Hf4+) ions for their association with charge compensators cations to facilitate their incorporation in the glassy network. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was used to study exothermal effects associated with bulk and surface crystallization. 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectra showed that aluminum enters glasses network predominantly in 4-fold coordination. Neodymium optical absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies showed that the Al2O3 concentration changes performed in this study had not significant effect on Nd3+ ions environment in glasses.  相似文献   

The paper shows the importance of soft X-ray reflection spectroscopy as a non-destructive in-depth characterization tool of the local atomic structure of high-k dielectric planar HfO2/SiO2/Si systems. The data obtained in the region of the O–K absorption edge demonstrate that the variation of the glancing angle enables the depth profilometry of the sample. By using the Kramers–Kronig analysis the reflection spectra are transformed into absorption spectra, from which the local physico-chemical environment of oxygen atoms is deduced, allowing also the knowledge of the local atomic structure and point defects associated with a thin superficial layer.  相似文献   

The influence of SiO2 layer thickness of (Fe52Pt48)88Cu12:SiO2 multilayer nanocomposite films on their structural and magnetic properties were investigated. The films were deposited on (001) textured FePt films, and then annealed at 873 K. The crystalline texture of (Fe52Pt48)88Cu12:SiO2 films changes drastically with respect to the thickness of the SiO2 layers. In the film with 50-Å thick SiO2 layers, the (111) peak was strong although the (001) orientation is dominant, and self-organized spherical FePtCu particles were formed in the SiO2 matrix. However, in the film with 19-Å thick SiO2 layers, flat FePt grains with perfect (001) orientation were obtained. In addition, twins with different crystalline orientations were seen in the above films with different thicknesses of the SiO2 layers. Accordingly, different perpendicular hysteresis loops were obtained.  相似文献   

In this study, optical coatings were investigated as substitutes for the coverglass on flexible thin-film space solar cells. The inherent low emissivity of copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells was increased using optical coatings for thermal balance in space. Evaporated silicon dioxide (SiO2) and an additional aluminum oxide (Al2O3) coating on the CIGS solar cell increased the emissivity from 0.18 to 0.77. Higher emissivity was realized with the Al2O3/SiO2 double-layer coating than with the SiO2 single-layer coating. The straightforward double-layer coating gives the CIGS solar cells appropriate radiative properties for keeping the cell within a permissible temperature range in space.  相似文献   

Composite thin films of HfO2:SiO2 with wide range of relative composition from 100:0 (pure HfO2) to 10:90 have been deposited on fused silica substrates by co-evaporation technique and the optical properties of the films have been studied by measuring the transmission spectra of the samples by spectrophotometer. Different important optical parameters viz., band gap, refractive index and absorption coefficients of the samples have been obtained by fitting the measured optical spectra with theoretically generated spectra and the variation of the optical constants as a function of SiO2 content in the films have been obtained. Two different dispersion models viz., the single effective oscillator model and the Tauc–Lorentz model have been used to generate the theoretical spectra in the above fitting procedure. X-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurement technique has been used to find the densities of the films in order to explain the observed variation in optical properties of the films with increase in SiO2 content.  相似文献   

A transparent resistive random access memory used as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) electrode, ITO/HfO2/Al2O3/…/HfO2/Al2O3/ITO capacitor structure is fabricated on glass substrate by atomic layer deposition. The unipolar resistive switching characteristics can be performed by applying the positive- or negative-bias through top electrode, however, the differences of switching and stability in the two different operations can be observed. The diversities of electrical property are attributed to different oxide/ITO interface materials, which influence the current flow of the injected electrons.  相似文献   

Tunneling induced decomposition of Mo(CO)6 from the gas phase was studied on TiO2(110) surface by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). The efficiency of the procedure was followed by measuring the dot volume as a proportional indicator of the amount of the decomposed precursor. It was found that below 1 × 10−5 Pa background pressure of Mo(CO)6, there is no measurable effect and above 1 × 10−4 Pa, the nanodot size is too large compared to the curvature of the tip (20-40 nm). A threshold bias of +3.1(±0.1) V on the sample was measured for the decomposition of Mo(CO)6 in gas ambient. In the absence of the precursor, dot formation was observed only above +3.7(±0.2) V, in good agreement with the results reported in our earlier work about nanolithography on clean TiO2(110) substrate (E. Kriván, A. Berkó: J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. B 15(1) (1997)25). By applying voltages in the range of 3.1-3.5 V, a systematic enlargement of the created nanodots was found in the range of 2-20 s of duration and 0.01-1.0 nA of tunneling current. The I-V curves detected on the top of the nanodots have shown that the created features are of insulator character. This observation indicates that the decomposition of Mo(CO)6 is also accompanied by oxidation of the deposited Mo species.  相似文献   

Ytterbium chlorosilicate, Yb3(SiO4)2Cl, was obtained in the form of single crystals up to 1.5 × 1.5 × 0.5 mm3 as by-product of the synthesis of ytterbium oxychloride. The compound has orthorhombic symmetry (space group Pnma - D2h16). The unit cell parameters are: a = 6.753 A?, b = 17.583 A?, c = 6.137 A?. The substance is characterized by means of morphology and X-ray powder data.  相似文献   

Thin SiO2 layers were deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) using either Bis-dimethylamino-silane (BDMAS: SiH2(N(CH3)2)2) or Tris-dimethylamino-silane (TDMAS: SiH(N(CH3)2)3) precursors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate these precursors for their suitability for ALD of hafnium (Hf)-silicate gate dielectrics. The advantages of these precursors are that the melting points and vapor pressures are moderate. The thickness of SiO2 deposited using ALD process is controlled by the number of growth cycles and the growth rate was different for each precursor, that for BDMAS being 1.5 times that for TDMAS at the same reactor pressure. The carbon impurity in the SiO2 film deposited using BDMAS was about half an order of magnitude less than that using for TDMAS. Furthermore, the carbon impurity was reduced to about the detection limit of secondary ion mass spectrometry after high temperature annealing at 1000 °C during 5 s.  相似文献   

Glass-ceramics containing (Hf,Zr)-zirconolite crystals (nominally CaHf1−x Zr x Ti2O7 with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1) were envisaged to immobilize minor actinides and plutonium. Such materials were prepared in this study by controlled crystallization of glasses belonging to the SiO2–Al2O3–CaO–Na2O–TiO2–HfO2–ZrO2–Nd2O3 system. Neodymium was used as trivalent actinides surrogate. The effect of total or partial substitution of ZrO2 by HfO2 (neutron poison for fission reactions) on glass crystallization in the bulk and near the surface is presented. It appeared that Hf/Zr substitution had not significant effect on nature, structure, and composition of crystals formed both on glass surface (titanite + anorthite) and in the bulk (zirconolite). This result can be explained by the close properties of Zr4+ and Hf4+ ions and by their similar structural role in glass structure. However, strong differences were observed between the nucleation rate IZ of zirconolite crystals in glasses containing only HfO2 and in glasses containing only ZrO2. Hf-zirconolite (CaHfTi2O7) crystals were shown to nucleate only very slowly in comparison with Zr-zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7) crystals. Composition changes - by increasing either HfO2 or Al2O3 concentration or by introducing ZrO2 in parent glass - were performed to increase IZ in hafnium-rich glasses. The proportion of Nd3+ ions incorporated in the zirconolite phase was estimated using ESR.  相似文献   

HfO2 films at various O2/Ar flow ratios were prepared by reactive dc magnetron sputtering. The effects of O2/Ar ratio on the structure and properties of HfO2 films were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and UV-Visible spectroscopy. The results showed that the HfO2 films were amorphous at different O2/Ar ratios, and the atomic ratio of O/Hf in the HfO2 films at high O2/Ar ratio was nearly to 2:1. The peaks of Hf4f and O1s shifted to higher binding energy with increasing the oxygen flow proportion. The HfO2 films at high O2/Ar ratio had high transmissivity at the range of 400-1100 nm.  相似文献   

The luminescent properties of Ca2Gd8(1−x)(SiO4)6O2:xDy3+ (1% ≤ x ≤ 5%) powder crystals with oxyapatite structure were investigated under vacuum ultraviolet excitation. In the excitation spectrum, the peaks at 166 nm and 191 nm of the vacuum ultraviolet region can be assigned to the O2− → Gd3+, and O2− → Dy3+ charge transfer band respectively, which is consistent with the theoretical calculated value using Jφrgensen's empirical formula. While the peaks at 183 nm and 289 nm are attributed to the f-d spin-allowed transitions and the f-d spin-forbidden transitions of Dy3+ in the host lattice with Dorenbos's expression. According to the emission spectra, all the samples exhibited excellent white emission under 172 nm excitation and the best calculated chromaticity coordinate was 0.335, 0.338, which indicates that the Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2:Dy3+ phosphor could be considered as a potential candidate for Hg-free lamps application.  相似文献   

The residual stress of multilayers in piezoelectric microelectromechanical systems structures influences their electromechanical properties and performance. This paper describes the development of residual stress in 1.6 μm Pb(Zr0.52,Ti0.48)O3 (PZT)/0.3 μm ZrO2/0.5 μm SiO2 stacks for microactuator applications. The residual stresses were characterized by wafer curvature or load-deflection measurements. PZT and zirconia films were deposited on 4-in. (100) silicon wafers with 0.5 μm thick thermally grown SiO2 by sol–gel processes. After the final film deposition, the obtained residual stress of PZT, ZrO2, and SiO2 were 100–150, 230–270, and − 147 MPa, respectively. The average stress in the stack was  80 MPa. These residual stresses are explained in terms of the thermal expansion mismatch between the layers and the substrate. Load-deflection measurements were conducted to evaluate localized residual stresses using released circular diaphragms. The load-deflection results were consistent with the average stress value from the wafer curvature measurements. It was found that more reasonable estimates of the stack stresses could be obtained when mid-point vertical deflection data below 6 μm were used, for diaphragms 0.8–1.375 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

The time dependent preferential sputtering in the HfO2 layer on Si(100) has been investigated in-situ with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy during Ar ion sputtering. Hf4f, O1s, and Si2p spectra show that three bonding environments (Hf0+ from the Hf metal, Hf2+ from HfO, and Hf4+ from HfO2) co-exist inside the HfO2 layer during sputtering. The Hf4+ doublet decreases with sputtering time in an exponential-like function. Both Hf0+ and Hf2+ doublets increase with sputtering time in opposite ways. Two concurrent sputtering mechanisms characterizing the formation of HfO and Hf due to preferential sputtering of oxygen within the HfO2 layer can well explain the detailed bond breaking and re-formation process. The Hf metal is the final product and the HfO is an intermediate product during sputtering under vacuum. The HfO cannot be removed and acts as a residual component in the HfO2 layer.  相似文献   

Shock-recovery experiments have been performed on mullite ceramics to clarify the effect of a phase transition on the microstructural change and deformation mechanism under shock loading. The recovered samples have been examined using the X-ray diffraction method and transmission electron microscope observation. In the samples shocked above the phase-transition pressure, an amorphization of mullite occurs. Mullite nano-crystals with grain sizes less than 10 nm are dispersed in the amorphous phase, indicating that the relatively large starting mullite crystals become nano-crystals accompanied with the amorphization. Mullite bumper-shield experiments have also been performed to examine the influence of shock-induced microstructural changes to ultimate fracture under hypervelocity impact. The results suggest that the phase transition of mullite has an effect on protection against high-velocity impact.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the critical stress in ferroelastic Pb3 (PO4)2 reveals a Curie-Weiß law (ß = 12) up to 145°C. Between 160°C and the transition point at 180°C a crossover to a ß = 13 regime was found. For mixed crystals Pb3 (PO4)2 ? Pb3 (VO4)2 a phase diagram is suggested from optical, dielectric and Raman spectroscopical experiments.  相似文献   

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