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Cryptosporidiosis is a serious disease in malnourished children and in people with malignancies or AIDS. Current rodent models for evaluating drug therapy against cryptosporidiosis have many limitations, including the need for a high inoculum, the absence of symptoms resembling those seen in humans, and the need to maintain exogenous immunosuppression. We have developed a gamma interferon knockout (GKO) mouse model with which to evaluate therapies against C. parvum and have used paromomycin for evaluation of this model. The GKO model offers considerable improvements over other systems, since it requires no additional immunosuppression and adult mice can be infected with as few as 10 oocysts (compared with 10(7) for SCID mice). Infected mice develop profound gastrointestinal dysfunction due to extensive infection and severe mucosal damage involving the entire small intestine. Clinical symptoms, which include depression, anorexia, weight loss, and wasting, result in death within 2 to 4 weeks. The time of death depends on the oocyst challenge dose. Paromomycin modulated parasitological and clinical parameters in highly predictable and significant ways, including prevention of death. In addition, examination of the extensively infected gut provided an important insight into the dynamics between a specific drug treatment, its impact on the extent and the site of parasite distribution, and clinical outcome. These uniform symptoms of weight loss, wasting, and death are powerful new parameters which bring this model closer to the actual disease seen in humans and other susceptible mammalian species.  相似文献   

Studies on the pathobiology of chronic (long-term) hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and in vitro drug testing have been hampered by the lack of appropriate systems for culturing susceptible cells chronically infected with HBV. Most of the in vitro studies of HBV replication have been performed with HBV genome-transduced cell lines. In this system, viral production is mainly the result of chromosomal replication. In an in vitro infection system, owing to medium refreshment (which leads to the removal of infectious particles necessary for the perpetuation of infection) and to trypsinization for cell passages, it is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain chronic HBV infection, despite the use of susceptible cells. To circumvent these unfavourable factors for chronic HBV infection in vitro, we cultured microcarrier-attached immortalized human hepatocytes, infected with HBV, in molecularporous (MW 12,000-14,000) membrane (dialysis) bags for a duration of 2 months. HBV covalently-closed-circular (ccc) DNA, HBV precore/core and X mRNAs were detected in the cells cultured in this system following infection until the end of the experiment (day 58), while in classical culture conditions (monolayer), markers of HBV replication were also detected. Production of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV DNA was detected and their levels in culture medium (collected at the end of experiments from the molecularporous membrane bags) were increased 2.86- and 3.28-fold respectively. Using Southern blot analysis, HBV replicative intermediates could also be demonstrated throughout the experiments. However, integrated HBV DNA was not present. In contrast, HBV ccc DNA, HBV precore/core and X mRNAs, and replicative intermediates were not demonstrable in FTO 2B rat hepatoma cells infected in the same manner in parallel experiments. This in vitro infection system, using susceptible, immortalized human hepatocytes, therefore provides a new tool for studying the long-term effect of HBV infection, mainly involving episomal replication in hepatocytes, and for drug testing.  相似文献   

HIV induces a multi-organ infection with a dual tropism for both lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages. The lung is a target both for HIV infection and HIV-related opportunistic infections. The SCID mouse has provided the opportunity to develop a small animal model for HIV infection. However, HIV-1 infection of the human fetal thymus and liver (SCID Liv/Thy) implanted in these mice occurred only after direct intraimplant injection of HIV-1 and the resultant HIV-1 infection was restricted to the human thymus. Here we report that human foetal lung can develop in SCID Liv/Thy mice resulting in the development of normal human alveolar and bronchiolar lung compartments which can be productively infected with cell-free HIV-1 virus, leading to a systemic and bifocal infection. This SCID-Hu model should be useful for studying AIDS physiopathology, human viruses with lung tropism and for helping to define gene therapy protocols in lung human cells in vivo.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Photochemical decontamination of platelet concentrates (PCs) has been demonstrated by the use of 8-methoxypsoralen and ultraviolet A light. Systems for studying the inactivation of blood-borne viruses facilitate the evaluation of photochemical decontamination protocols. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Duck hepatitis B virus (HBV), a model for human HBV, was adapted for the study of hepadnavirus inactivation. A highly specific in vitro infectivity assay used primary duck hepatocyte cultures and was followed by the detection of replicated duck HBV sequences. RESULTS: Duck HBV-infected primary duck hepatocyte cultures produced authentic infectious virus. High-titer (> 10(9) virus genome equivalents/mL) duck HBV-infected sera were completely inactivated in serum or PCs by the use of 100 micrograms per mL of 8-methoxypsoralen and 70 J per cm2 of ultraviolet A light. Intracellular duck HBV (> 4.2 log10) in PCs was also inactivated. Culture results were confirmed by a sensitive duckling infectivity assay that indicated that 6.3 log10 of infectious duck HBV had been inactivated by photochemical decontamination. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity of the culture assay was comparable to that of the duckling assay using polymerase chain reaction gene amplification to detect duck HBV. Duck HBV inactivation in PCs was dependent on the dose of ultraviolet A light and independent of 8-methoxypsoralen concentrations of 100 to 300 micrograms per mL: 100 micrograms per mL 8-methoxypsoralen inactivated 4 to 5 log10 of virus in conjunction with 20 to 40 J per cm2 of ultraviolet A light. The polymerase chain reaction-enhanced duck HBV culture system has utility in optimizing photochemical decontamination protocols.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections maintain a significant risk for the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and cause a considerable morbidity in the population. Among patients with chronic HBV infection and histologically confirmed hepatitis the annual incidence of liver cirrhosis is 2%. The risk for hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic HBsAg carriers is elevated about 40-230 fold. 20-30% of patients with chronic HCV infection will develop cirrhosis over 20-30 years. Hepatocellular carcinoma evolves yearly in about 3% of patients with chronic HCV infection and cirrhosis, whereas HCV-carriers without cirrhosis usually do not develop hepatocellular carcinoma. The high incidence of serious sequelae warrants a regular surveillance of chronic virus carriers.  相似文献   

Serial changes in hepatitis A virus (HAV) and B virus (HBV) markers were determined from 1970 to 1996 in healthy Japanese residents of a rural area of Okinawa, Japan. All 190 serum samples taken in 1970, 791 in 1980, 708 in 1988, and 523 in 1996 from residents 0 to more than 60 years of age were tested for antibody to HAV (anti-HAV), antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc), and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The age-adjusted prevalences of anti-HAV and anti-HBc decreased significantly from 83.9% and 74.9%, respectively, in 1970 to 39.7% and 36.6%, respectively, in 1996. In residents < or = 29 years of age, the prevalences of anti-HAV and anti-HBc decreased significantly from 65.3% and 83.8%, respectively, in 1970 to 0.7% and 8.2%, respectively, in 1996. The age-adjusted HBsAg prevalence decreased significantly from 8.2% in 1980 to 4.1% in 1988. These results indicate that exposure to HAV and HBV infections among Okinawa residents less than 29 years of age is decreasing, probably because of improvements in socioeconomic conditions since 1970. Infection with HBV may be eliminated there in the near future.  相似文献   

Thin-layer chromatographic (TLC)-UV densitometric and gas-chromatographic-mass spectrometric detection (GC-MSD) methods were developed for simultaneous quantification of morphine and codeine in poppy capsules (Papaver somniferum). Morphine and codeine were isolated by extraction with chloroform: isopropanol (3:1, v/v) at pH = 8.5 and by solid-phase extraction on Snap-Cap cartridges at pH = 8.5. The TLC-UV densitometric quantification was performed by external standard method on silica gel plates using ethyl acetate: toluene: methanol: ammonia (68:17:10:5, v/v) as developing solvent and UV detection at 275 nm. For the GC-MSD analysis, the drugs were derivatized with acetic anhydride: pyridine (1:1, v/v) and separated on a 30 m HP5 capillary column. The quantification was performed using nalorphine as internal standard.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B infection is a major global health problem with a high morbidity and mortality. With safe and effective vaccines available, it is now possible to prevent it. Many countries have started national hepatitis B control programmes but no attempt has been made to do this in our country. An analysis of the available data on the epidemiology of hepatitis B infection in India reveals that perinatal maternofoetal transmission accounts for only a minority of hepatitis B virus carriers in India. Therefore, a policy of screening pregnant mothers for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen and selective immunization of babies born to those who are surface antigen positive will have very little effect on the hepatitis B carrier rate in our population. Universal immunization of all newborns will have a much greater impact, it will be logistically simpler and more cost-effective--the cost of preventing one hepatitis B carrier being nearly one-fourth of that with selective immunization. We recommend that hepatitis B vaccine should be included in our country's expanded programme of immunization.  相似文献   

The immunotherapeutic effect of DNA-mediated immunization against chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been evaluated in transgenic mice expressing the sequences that code for the envelope proteins of HBV in the liver. In this model of HBV chronic carriers, a single i.m. injection of plasmid DNA encoding HBV envelope proteins is sufficient to generate specific immune responses leading to the clearance of the transgene expression product and the control of HBV mRNA. The relative contributions of the T cell subpopulations induced by DNA immunization were examined using adoptive transfer experiments. It was shown that either CD8+ or CD4+ T lymphocytes from immunocompetent DNA-immunized animals were sufficient to control viral gene expression in the livers of the recipient transgenic mice. This effect was mediated by a cytokine-dependent mechanism common to both T cell subpopulations; this mechanism did not require cell lysis, but did involve the production of IFN-gamma by the activated T cells.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies of human origin may have great therapeutic value in the treatment of cancer, autoimmune disorders and viral or bacterial infections. Several methods for generating human monoclonal antibodies exist; some are based on the transplantation of a functioning human immune system into severe combined immunodeficient (scid) mice or into Trimera mice, which are mice that have been lethally irradiated and radioprotected by transplantation of bone-marrow cells from scid mice. Trimera mice could be also used to develop animal models for human diseases by transplanting infected human tissue fragments and for creating models for cell therapy.  相似文献   

Four patients with chronic hepatitis B infection and chronic active hepatitis were treated with human leukocyte interferon. Three of them had consistently elevated levels of circulating Dane-particle markers, including Dane-particle-associated DNA polymerase activity, hepatitis B core antigen and Dane-particle-associated DNA. Parenteral interferon administration at a dosage between 6.0 X 10(3) and 17 X 10(4) U per kilogram per day was associated with a rapid and reproducible fall in all Dane-particle markers in the three patients. The suppressive effect was transient when the interferon was given for 10 days or less but appeared to be more permanent when administration was prolonged for a month or more. In addition, long-term interferon therapy was associated with a marked fall in hepatitis B surface antigen in two of three patients and a disappearance of e antigen in two of two patients. Interferon may be useful in limiting carrier infectivity or eradicating chronic infection.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule H-2Dd with an immunodominant peptide, designated P18-I10 (RGPGRAFVTI), from human immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotein 120 was determined at 3.2 A resolution. A novel orientation of the alpha3 domain of Dd relative to the alpha1/alpha2 domains results in significantly fewer contacts between alpha3 and beta2-microglobulin compared with other MHC class I proteins. Four out of ten peptide residues (P2 Gly, P3 Pro, P5 Arg and P10 Ile) are nearly completely buried in the Dd binding groove. This is consistent with previous findings that Dd exploits a four-residue binding motif comprising a glycine at P2, a proline at P3, a positively charged residue at P5, and a C-terminal hydrophobic residue at P9 or P10. The side-chain of P5 Arg is directed toward the floor of the predominantly hydrophobic binding groove where it forms two salt bridges and one hydrogen bond with Dd residue Asp77. The selection of glycine at P2 appears to be due to a narrowing of the B pocket, relative to that of other class I molecules, caused by Arg66 whose side-chain folds down into the binding cleft. Residue P3 Pro of P18-I10 occupies part of pocket D, which in Dd is partially split by a prominent hydrophobic ridge in the floor of the binding groove formed by Trp97 and Trp114. Residues P6 through P9 form a solvent-exposed bulge, with P7 Phe protruding the most from the binding groove and thereby probably constituting a major site of interaction with T cell receptors. A comparison of H-2Dd/P18-I10 with other MHC class I/peptide complexes of known structure provides insights into the possible basis for the specificity of the natural killer cell receptor Ly-49A for several related class I molecules.  相似文献   

A key part of the regulatory review of new therapeutic agents depends on a clear demonstration of their efficacy. There can be difficulties when the evaluations of efficacy depend only on in vitro studies, such as minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), and clinical field trials. The MIC data often correlate poorly with in vivo results, and field trials can suffer from the unpredictability of disease outbreaks and from differences in the severity of outbreaks at different sites. This paper discusses the use of experimentally induced diseases as a means of bridging the gap between the in vitro data and the results of field trials.  相似文献   

A genomic clone encoding the mouse B1 receptor was isolated by homology to the human B1 receptor cDNA. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mouse B1 receptor is 72% identical to the human B1 receptor and 73% identical to the rabbit B1 receptor. Ligand binding studies of the mouse B1 receptor expressed in COS cells indicate that it has the pharmacological properties associated with the B1 receptor subtype. However the pharmacology of the mouse receptor is unique in that it possesses a 2-3-fold selectivity for the 'classical' B1 agonist des-Arg9BK over the agonist des-Arg10 kallidin. In contrast, the human and rabbit B1 receptors exhibit an approx. 2000- and 150-fold selectivity, respectively, for des-Arg10kallidin over des-Arg9BK. Thus relative to the human and rabbit B1 receptors the mouse B1 receptor has the opposite selectivity for kinin agonists. The DNA sequence of the region encoding bradykinin was determined for two different mouse kininogen cDNA clones, both encode the sequence Arg-BK. Antipeptide antibodies directed against a C-terminal peptide of the human B1 receptor were produced. Initial characterization of this antibody indicates that it detects specific bands by Western blot analyses that are present in membranes prepared from COS cells transfected with the human B1 receptor cDNA but not from mock transfected COS cells.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue, the logical target component in weight reduction regimens, was measured in five obese subjects during weight reduction, and in four normal weight controls. The two compartment model of Ljunggren, consisting of adipose tissue (AT) and adipose tissue-free mass (AFM), was further developed by finding experimental values for total water, extracellular water (ECW), lipid, and cell solids in 16 biopsied subjects. The AFM was estimated from body potassium content (40K counting) by use of an age/sex specific constant for the K content in the fat free body. Five obese subjects maintained for 46 days on regimens averaging 800 kcal/day had initial AT from 48% to 60% of body weight compared with AT 27% to 46% in four normal controls. Weight reductions averaged 17.4 kg (12% of initial weight), with approximately equal reductions in adipose tissue, adipose-free mass, and water. Initial fluid compartment ratios in the obese were unusually high (ECW:ICW in AFM was 0.74 +/- 0.23 [S.D.] compared with 0.42 +/- 0.05 in normals); these values returned toward normal (to 0.59 +/- 0.06) with weight reduction. The fact that it was possible to disclose a hitherto unappreciated abnormality of hydration in the adipose-free mass of obese subjects and its change toward normal with weight reduction, suggests that the adipose:adipose-free model may have a special utility when body composition measurements are used to monitor the effects of weight reduction regimens on various body constituents.  相似文献   

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