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常用植物染料色素提取方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物染料是在古代传统染色中应用得最多的染料。理论上讲凡是含有色素的树皮,根茎,花朵,果实等,均可用来染色。但由于不同植物,色素含量差异很大,所以实际能用的植物很少,色素含量高的植物有蓝草,栀子,槐花,栌木,黄蘖,皂斗,苏木,紫草,茶叶,菊花,五倍子,石榴,黄连,……等。绝大多数植物,色素含量很低,实际应用价值不高。  相似文献   

原料配方:花生仁500克,鸡蛋2个,淀粉100克,面粉25克,食盐10克,辣椒粉8克,五香粉,花椒油,姜末,葱末各5克,白砂糖3克。加工制作:(1)将鸡蛋打入碗内,搅打,然后兑入淀粉,面粉,加少许水,搅成蛋糊,再加食盐,辣椒粉,五香粉等其他调料,将花生仁倒入蛋糊内拌内,待用。  相似文献   

人到老年,脑,心,肾功能开始通化,记忆力下降,智力减退,易出现失眠多梦,健忘,心悸,头昏,注意力不集中,眼目干涩等症,若能常食一些益心益智药粥,可改善记忆,增强智能,消除疲劳,发送精神状态,延缓衰老。下文介绍几则养心益智药粥,供老年朋友们选用。  相似文献   

乌梅,含多种维生素,生滓去火,涵养内气;黑桑葚,润肌肤,乌须发,固精气;黑李子,清肝除热,活血生精;覆盆子,强阴壮阳,悦泽肌肤,安和五脏,温和益气,补肝明目;黑豆,活血润肤,改善发质,减少色素沉淀;黑米,补肝益肾,丰肌润发;黑芝麻,含多种多糖、软磷脂、芝麻素、蛋白质等;黑木耳,化痰,补气益志。  相似文献   

李良 《烹调知识》2005,(10):27-27
原料:嫩豆腐400g.虾胶250g,肥膘末80g,色拉溜1000g(耗120g),鸡蛋4个,鸡蛋清2个,精盐8g,味精3g,鸡粉3g,白胡椒粉2g,姜汁酒8g,松仁40g,面包糠150g,番茄酱15g,白糖20g,醋15g,干生粉150g,湿淀粉140g,姜米10g,蒜米10g,洋葱莲1朵,黄瓜半根,胡萝卜少许,菜叶3片。  相似文献   

评酒是通过感觉器官来判断酒质的重要手段,评酒的准确性受诸多因素的影响,包括:情绪因素,情绪稳定,注意力集中,味觉嗅觉细胞较活跃,品评正确性高,感情因素,评酒员应克服感情因素,做到公平,公正;基本素质,要熟悉各种酒及其香味成分,掌握评分标准,提高自身素质;身体健康状况,身体不适,品评准确性将大打折扣,保持身体健康,是评酒的基本条件;品酒顺序,要克服品评的效应影响,反复对比,品评环境,应保持安静,光线柔和,气温宜人,此外,生活环境,消费观念,学术水平等对评酒准确性都有一定影响。  相似文献   

红叶 《中国食品》2005,(1):4-15
上海菜是中国主要菜之一,以当地本帮菜为基础兼有京,鲁,锡,川,广,闽,杭,豫,徽,湘等肴馔,与素菜,清真菜以及西餐等特色风味,按上海内联全国,外通世界的商埠特点,适应五方杂处的口味需求,均予适当变化,形成兼容并蓄,广采博收,淡雅鲜醇,开拓趋势的海派风格。烹饪工艺以滑炒,生煸,红烧,清蒸见长,口味注重共味,讲究清淡而多层次,质感鲜明,款式新颖精致,同时吸收外来文化,不断创新,极富时代气息,形式高雅脱俗,刀工精细,配色和谐,滋味丰富,口感平和,清清爽爽,温文尔雅,其中的柔情蜜意,不温不火正是上海菜一贯的风格,无不体现上海人的精细与精致。  相似文献   

起风的时候,他们的祝福也就陆续来了,书信,贺卡,短信,还有电话,提醒我冬天虽然光临,但温暖始终萦绕不去,“温度三十度,心与眼都是满足和幸福”。我躲在房间里数祝福,圣诞的,平安夜的,元旦的,新年的,语言毫无逻辑,形式千奇百怪,都是那帮人的风格,好玩。  相似文献   

宋俊  陈良君 《纺织器材》1996,23(5):33-35
丁腈胶圈质量浅析宋俊,陈良君(荆纱市纺织器材厂)0引言丁腈胶圈制造工艺流程为:三段塑炼,热塑炼(与PVC并用),密炼混炼,开炼加硫磺,三段回炼,挤出,套内层,绕线,套外层,包布,硫化,毛管处理,磨砺,切割,酸处理,检验,入库。多年来,在制造过程中或多...  相似文献   

白酒春秋——中国蒸馏酒的演变及发展趋向(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国白酒既继承传统工艺,就地取材,因料酿酒,又改革创新,采用通风制曲、机械制曲,剖析白酒微量 香味成分,藉以指导生产。对建国以来我国的白酒生产发展状况做了详尽叙述,同时指出,新世纪带来新机遇,入世在即,白酒企业应抓住机遇,面向国内外市场,开发 适销对路产品,迎接挑战,应重视科学,重视科教,加强职工培训,以科技兴酒,科技兴酒。  相似文献   

Yellow mustard seed was treated by radio frequency (RF) heating for inactivation of myrosine enzyme, which is responsible for its pungency. The treated mustard seed was milled by an Alpine mill to <315 μm particle size and analysed for fatty acid, amino acid and techno-functional properties. The pungency of mustard seed flour was checked according to its sensory property. By use of RF-treated mustard seed, flour pork liver paste and mayonnaise were produced. The liver paste was qualified by its sensory property. The mayonnaise was investigated for sensory property, emulsion stability and consistency. Due to RF treatment the mustard seed became free of pungent flavour without significant changes in fatty acid and amino acid content. The fat binding ability and nitrogen solubility index of RF-treated mustard seed flour decreased a little bit. However, the emulsifying activity did not change, the emulsion stability of treated mustard seed flour was slightly higher than that of raw mustard seed flour. The sensory property of liver paste containing 1.5% (w/w) RF-treated mustard seed flour was the same as the sample without mustard (control). The sensory property, emulsion stability and consistency of mayonnaise containing 25% RF-treated mustard seed flour were better than that of control. By replacing yolk powder in mayonnaise with 50% RF-treated mustard seed flour, the sensory property and consistency of product decreased a little bit as compared to the control, but the emulsion stability did not change significantly.  相似文献   

人工合成芥末油的探索性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以乙醇和丙酮作混合溶剂,硫氰酸钠和烯丙基氯为原料,制备了异硫氰酸烯丙酯,确定了最佳合成条件,并以异硫氰酸烯丙酯为主香料组分,在实验室范围内探讨了人工复配芥末油的可行性。  相似文献   

Nutritional, sensory and textural characteristics of defatted mustard flour fortified biscuits were studied to optimize the mustard flour supplement in the blend for making biscuits. The wheat flour was replaced by defatted mustard flour at 5, 10, 15 and 20% incorporation levels in biscuit preparation. The protein content of mustard flour biscuit increased nearly 2.5 times as a result of mustard flour incorporation, coupled with reduction in fat and an increase in fiber content. Sensory evaluation results revealed that the sample containing 15% defatted mustard flour scored highest in most of the attributes including overall acceptability. Textural characteristics of all dough and biscuit upto 15% supplement of defatted mustard flour were similar while at 20% level, the values were significantly different. The study reveals that incorporation of 15% defatted mustard flour gave desirable results in terms of nutritional, sensory and textural attributes of mustard fortified biscuits.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to analyze the main equilibrium equations used for grains to find the best way to represent the equilibrium conditions between mustard seed and air. The experimental study was based on the static method using saturated salt solutions to regulate the vapor pressure of the air surrounding the seeds. Since the majority of the sorption equilibrium equations are nonlinear, procedures available in the literature were used to validate the statistical properties of the least squares estimators. To discriminate, between five equations that represent the sorption equilibrium isotherms of mustard seeds, an approach based on nonlinear measures was used in this work. Results show that the Halsey modified equation is the best one to describe the experimental data.  相似文献   

目的 探究长柄芥蔬菜采后可食部分品质特性,筛选优异品种.方法 对集中种植于成都平原生态条件下的5个长柄芥品种进行采后叶片和叶柄8项品质指标(单株重、株高、维生素C、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、叶绿素、纤维素、游离氨基酸)的测试分析.结果 除单株重、株高和叶片可溶性糖含量3项指标外,供试品种间有11个测试指标变异系数大于10%...  相似文献   

山葵,辣根,芥末的辛辣成分及功能   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
山葵、辣根、芥末同系十字花科植物,是加工辛辣调味酱的主要原料,该文就其辛辣成分及功能做一综述,并谈谈这一辛辣物质作为抗菌剂的研究进展。  相似文献   

Legislation requires labelling of foods containing allergic ingredients, amongst them celery, mustard and sesame. Here we present robust quantitative and sensitive methods for real-time PCR detection of celery, mustard (Sinapis alba and Brassica sp.) and sesame in food. The development of the DNA-based assays was part of an effort to generate alternative detection methods for allergens for which effective protein-based assays are lacking. The celery and sesame methods were specific for the celery mannitol dehydrogenase gene and the sesame allergen encoding 2S albumin gene, respectively, when tested against a range of plant materials. The mustard method was specific for the allergen encoding sinA gene and its homologues present in different Brassica sp. All primer probe pairs gave high amplification efficiency and sensitivities below approximately ten molecules of purified template DNA. These DNA-based detection methods will constitute supplementary and complementary methods to the traditional protein-based methods. Laboratories may choose different analysis formats depending on the food matrix, the availability of specific tests and the performance characteristics of the tests.  相似文献   

Fifteen Murrah buffaloes were distributed in groups I, II and III. The group I animals were fed with groundnut cake-based concentrate, group II animals with mustard cake-based concentrate and group III with 2% of mustard oil added to the group II feed. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) estimation in milk was done by using GC. The average total CLA contents (mg/g milk fat) in the three groups were 6.84, 12.12 and 19.50 mg/g of fat respectively. Hence it was concluded that addition of 2% mustard oil resulted in a 185% increase in milk fat total CLA content.  相似文献   

橄榄菜是以橄榄果和芥菜为主要原料,配以其它辅料,根据食品加工的原理精心加工研制而成。本文介绍了橄榄菜的制作方法,研究了葡萄糖酸亚铁和硫酸亚铁对橄榄菜质量的影响。证实,当葡萄糖酸亚铁和硫酸亚铁的用量分别为0.15%和0.1%时,可以达到较理想的效果。  相似文献   

Allyl isothiocyanate, the primary pungent substance within mustard, horseradish, and wasabi, causes a burning sensation and a lachrymatory effect during consumption. In this time intensity study, the sensory perception of the chemical stimulus allyl isothiocyanate was evaluated in water-based, oil-based, and mustard recipe-based carrier matrices. The results indicate that perceived pungency intensity and time course of perception were both strongly dependent upon allyl isothiocyanate concentration and the composition of the carrier matrices. Increasing allyl isothiocyanate concentrations led to a significant (p < 0.05) increase in maximum intensity of pungency (Imax) in all tested carrier matrices. The intensity of pungency perception for allyl isothiocyanate decreased depending upon the specific matrix used. Specifically, this decrease occurred in the order oil-based carrier < mustard-based carrier < water-based carrier at similar allyl isothiocyanate concentrations. The values for end time of pungency perception (TEnd) and duration of decreasing phase (DURDec) indicate that increasing allyl isothiocyanate concentrations prolong the duration of pungency perception. Allyl isothiocyanate was perceived longer in water than in oil- and mustard-based carrier matrices.  相似文献   

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