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A prospective single-blind study was conducted to compare flunitrazepam vs trazodone in the premedication of patients undergoing day-case surgery for termination of pregnancy, with particular regard to the degree of preoperative sedation, intraoperative analgesia and postoperative recovery. 86 patients were randomly allocated to receive orally 45 minutes before the surgical procedure either flunitrazepam 2 mg (group F) or trazodone 50 mg (group T). In both groups anaesthesia was achieved by i.v. fentanyl 2.5 micrograms/kg and ketamina 250 micrograms/kg. Patients in group F showed a deeper degree of preoperative sedation. There were no significant differences in intraoperative analgesia and in the immediate arousal time. In the postoperative period, the incidences of emetic symptoms and dizziness were similar in both groups; the incidence of drowsiness was significantly higher in group F at 120 minutes but not at 180 minutes of observation. Psychomotor performance was assessed preoperatively two days before the surgical procedure and 60, 120 and 180 minutes after surgery, using the Toulouse-Pieron test and the reaction time to a luminous stimulus with the aid of a computerized analogic tachystoscope (Neurometer). Trazodone allowed a more rapid recovery of psychomotor performance and it can represent a valid alternative to the use of benzodiazepines in the premedication of day-case surgical patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the psychological effects, well-being and side effects after various doses of oral midazolam medication. METHODS: After informed consent has been obtained and following the approval by the institutional ethical committee, 80 adult patients in the ASA physical status I and II were randomly assigned to one of five different premedication groups: 3.75, 7.5, 11.25, 15 mg midazolam, and placebo. The medication was given in a double-blind fashion 60 min before induction of general anaesthesia for various surgical procedures. At 3 definite stages (before premedication, 30 and 60 min after premedication), blood pressure, heart rate, transcutaneous oxygen saturation and respiratory rate were measured. Sedation and well-being were graded according to a 5-point scale, and the subjective anxiety level was assessed according a visual analogue scale (range 0-100 mm). Anterograde and retrograde amnesia were measured by recall of auditive and visual stimuli. Finally, patients were asked whether in case of future surgery they would prefer the same or a different medication. RESULTS: Demographic data were similar in all groups. There was no significant difference in respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure or heart rate. Alertness declined only after 60 min in the groups treated with 7.5 mg and more midazolam. During the entire measurement period, anxiolysis was not different from placebo in any of the midazolam groups. In comparison to placebo, all midazolam groups showed a statistically significant and dose dependent anterograde amnesia for visual stimuli. Subjective well-being scores showed no differences between the groups. Only few side effects were seen following doses of 7.5 mg and higher, including ptosis, strabismus, diplopia, speech disorders, disorientation and vertigo. The majority of patients in all groups indicated a wish for the same medication in case of future anaesthesia for surgical interventions. CONCLUSIONS: Midazolam administered orally prior to surgical procedures showed marked interindividual variability. Sedation and amnesia were dose-dependent and were evaluated by the patients as acceptable. Anxiolysis was not significantly different from placebo. A dose of 7.5 mg midazolam showed the best relation between desirable and undesirable effects. Adequate attention given to the patient by the anaesthesiologist prior to surgery seems to be as important and beneficial as oral medication with midazolam.  相似文献   

This is a prospective randomized double-blind trial conducted to determine whether preoperative orally administered clonidine causes or potentiates postoperative vomiting in 140 children (3-12 yr) undergoing strabismus surgery. They were all inpatients and classified randomly into four groups (n = 35 each); placebo (control), diazepam 0.4 mg.kg-1, clonidine 2 micrograms.kg-1, and clonidine 4 micrograms.kg-1. These agents were administered 93-112 min (mean; 100 min) before the anticipated time of induction of anaesthesia. All children received inhalational anaesthesia with halothane and nitrous oxide in oxygen. Muscle relaxation in all patients was obtained with vecuronium and residual neuromuscular blockade was antagonized with neostigmine and atropine before tracheal extubation. Diclofenac suppository was prescribed to prevent postoperative pain. No opioids or postoperative antiemetics were administered. All children remained in hospital for two days postoperatively. The incidence and frequency of vomiting were compared in the groups with Kruskall-Wallis Rank test. Clonidine 4 micrograms.kg-1 caused a lower incidence and frequency of vomiting than did placebo and diazepam (incidence and frequency: 11% and 1.37% and 3, and 34% and 2 in clonidine 4 micrograms.kg-1, placebo, and diazepam, respectively; P < 0.05 for clonidine 4 micrograms.kg-1 vs placebo and diazepam). However, low-dose clonidine was ineffective. These data suggest that preanaesthetic medication with clonidine 4 micrograms.kg-1 may be useful for preventing emesis following strabismus surgery. This property of clonidine indicates that it may be superior to other sedative premedicants such as diazepam and midazolam.  相似文献   

The number of surgical procedures performed as day surgery has significantly increased in recent years. Therefore, a safe and short postoperative recovery period has become increasingly important. The aim of the present study was to investigate perioperative cognitive and physiological function after oral premedication with low-dose midazolam (3.75 mg), especially during the postoperative period. METHODS: Forty-seven men (age > 69 years, weight 50-90 kg) scheduled for elective cataract surgery under retrobulbar anaesthesia (RBA) were included in the study. The patients were randomly assigned to either group 1 (n = 28), receiving 3.75 mg midazolam p.o. (Dormicum), or group 2 (n = 19), receiving a placebo orally 30 min before RBA. We measured the following parameters: sedation (modified Glasgow coma scale); anxiety (visual analogue scale); numerical and verbal memory (digit span and reproduction of previously presented words); concentration (Revisions test of Stender/Marschner). To identify depression of ventilation, pulse oximetry and nasal end-tidal PCO2 were monitored intraoperatively. RESULTS: After premedication with 3.75 mg midazolam, patients were significantly more sedated (P < 0.01) and systolic blood pressures were significantly reduced (P < 0.05); 30 min after midazolam premedication only concentration was significantly (P < 0.05) decreased. The results of the other cognitive functions did not differ. No differences in cognitive and physiological functions between and groups could be found 2 h after the operation (293 +/- min after premedication). Intraoperatively, there were no significant differences in end-tidal PCO2 and oxygenation between the groups. In both groups anxiety and blood pressure were significantly higher pre- than postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Oral administration of low-dose midazolam (0.049 +/- mg/kg) seems to be appropriate for premedication before ambulatory surgical procedures in elderly patients. In the interest of patient safety, standardised oral premedication with 3.75 mg midazolam may not be sufficient for some of the patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oral clonidine may influence plasma glucose and lipid homeostasis by modulating endocrinologic responses to surgical stress. The effect of oral clonidine premedication on plasma glucose and lipid homeostasis associated with exogenous glucose infusion were investigated in children undergoing minor surgery. METHODS: Otherwise healthy children (n, 120; aged 3-13 yr) were assigned randomly to six groups according to the glucose concentration of the intravenous solution (0%, 2%, or 5%, at a rate of 6 ml kg(-1) x h(-1)) and the preoperative medications (4 microg/kg clonidine or placebo given 100 min before anesthesia) they were to receive. The plasma concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acid, ketone bodies, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol were determined. RESULTS: Infusion of 5% glucose caused hyperglycemia (mean glucose concentration >200 mg/dl) in six children receiving placebo and two receiving clonidine. Although the mean plasma glucose concentration increased in three placebo groups, it was unchanged and the plasma concentrations of total ketone bodies and nonesterified fatty acid were increased in children receiving clonidine and glucose-free solution. The plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol levels in children receiving placebo increased in response to surgery. Clonidine attenuated the increase in catecholamines and cortisol. CONCLUSIONS: Oral clonidine premedication attenuated the hyperglycemic response, probably by inhibiting the surgical stress-induced release of catecholamines and cortisol. Infusion of 2% of glucose maintained plasma glucose concentrations within physiologic ranges in children receiving clonidine.  相似文献   

Adduction between acrylamide and cysteine residues is a post-translational modification associated with proteins separated by gel electrophoresis. In the present article, three model peptides containing 2-4 cysteine residues were reduced with dithiothreitol, incubated with acrylamide monomers and examined by on-line liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Each of the solutions examined in this work revealed the presence of four distinct components: the free peptide, two different peptide-acrylamide 1:1 adducts involving two cysteine residues at different positions within the same sequence, and the peptide-acrylamide 1:2 adducts. The use of liquid chromatography allowed the separation of components which differed only by the site of complexation of acrylamide, while the application of tandem mass spectrometry furnished reliable sequencing information permitting the identification of most cysteine residues involved in such complexation.  相似文献   

It is reported about the behavior of 300 children, which were examined and treated gynecological after premedication, which was performed with Elroguil, Faustan, Lepinal, Myocuran, Sinophebin liqu. The sedative effect was not good in all cases. A premedication is not generally indicated, but in some of the cases the situation of examination is better.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a range of doses of intravenous (i.v.) dolasetron mesilate, in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). DESIGN: Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, multicenter trial. SETTING: Ten hospitals and/or surgical centers. PATIENTS: 281 women undergoing gynecologic surgery with general anesthesia. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received one of four single, i.v. doses of dolasetron mesilate (12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg) or placebo administered following cessation of anesthesia. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Patients were monitored for 24 hours following study drug administration. The antiemetic efficacy of each dolasetron mesilate dose was evaluated by recording the number and timing of emetic episodes, and the effects on nausea were assessed by use of visual analog scales (VAS). Safety was assessed by adverse event reports, clinical laboratory tests, electrocardiographic (ECG) measurements, and monitoring vital signs. Complete responses (patients with no emetic episodes and no escape antiemetic medication requirements in 24 hours) were achieved by 54% in the 12.5-mg, 67% in the 25-mg, and 59% in both the 50-mg and 100-mg dolasetron mesilate dose groups, and by 43% in the placebo group. Nausea VAS assessments demonstrated that dolasetron-treated patients were significantly (p = 0.048) more likely to report no nausea (VAS score < 5 mm) than those in the placebo group. Adverse events reported generally were mild in intensity, and there were no clinically significant changes in laboratory tests, vital signs, or ECG parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Dolasetron was effective and well tolerated for the prevention of PONV in female patients undergoing gynecologic surgery with general anesthesia.  相似文献   

The inclusion of algae as a source of fiber in the diet is justified by the present need to increase the intake of this nutrient. The aim of this study was to study on rats, the effect of dietary algae fiber on fecal weight and apparent digestibility of energy, protein and fiber. The type of algae studied were cochayuyo (frond) and ulte (basal part) (Durvillea antarctica), luche verde (Ulva lactuca) and luche rojo (Porphyra columbina). All these algae were boiled and dried at 55 degrees under air flow. Male rats, Wistar strain of 25 days of age, were fed during 29 days with diets containing casein plus the inclusion of 10% (weight) of one of these algae dietary fiber. A group having no fiber intake was used as a Control group. Algae content of dietary fiber ranged between 58.2-75.6 g/100 g (dry weight), soluble fiber portion constituted 37.9-52.4%. In relation to the Control group it was found significant reduction in the apparent digestibility of protein and energy, and a significant reduction in fecal weight. Dietary fiber digestibility ranged between 21.1 and 43.1%. This study shows that algae can be an excellent dietary fiber source, very useful to prevent or treat different fiber-deficiency related diseases.  相似文献   

The biliary and urinary excretion and the choleretic effect of ioglycamide were studied in unanesthetized bile fistula dogs using stepwise increasing infusion rates to obtain multiple steady states. The results are compared with data from previously reported experiments in the same animals using iodoxamate and iodipamide. The rate of biliary excretion and the choleretic effect of ioglycamide are similar to those of iodipamide and iodoxamate. Like iodipamide and iodoxamate, the relation between infusion rate or plasma concentration and biliary excretion or concentration of ioglycamide are hyperbolic and can be fitted to saturation kinetics. Quantitatively, the excretion of ioglycamide and iodipamide are virtually identical. However, for any equimolar infusion rate or plasma concentration, more iodoxamate than ioglycamide is excreted in the bile. Despite the greater biliary excretion of iodoxamate, the maximum biliary concentration of ioglycamide, iodipamide, and iodoxamate is the same at low basal bile flow because the choleretic effects of the three compounds are equal. The data suggest that, theoretically, with any equimolar dose ioglycamide will be identical to iodipamide as a contrast material for intravenous cholangiography, but that iodoxamate may be superior to ioglycamide because more iodoxamate is excreted in the bile. This advantage of iodoxamate might become apparent clinically in patients with high basal bile flow or if smaller doses of the contrast material are used. However, at the presently recommended doses of the two compounds, it is unlikely that the use of ioglycamide for intravenous cholangiography will be any different than iodoxamate.  相似文献   

Pelvic ultrasound and human chorionic gonadotropin assays are currently the standard methodology to detect tubal pregnancy. We report a case of infertility investigated by hysterosalpingography in which a clinically unsuspected chronic tubal pregnancy was identified with the predisposing factor of bilateral salpingitis isthmica nodosa. The radiographic findings of this very rare cause of tubal filling defect are shown.  相似文献   

The elucidation of the chemical structure of lpriflavone was carried out by ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometric, infrared spectroscopic, 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic, low and high resolution EI mass spectrometric, thermoanalytical, elemental analytical and X-ray diffraction methods. The results unambigously verify the structure of Ipriflavone.  相似文献   

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