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It is generally considered that the posteromedial part of the cat's lateral suprasylvian cortex is involved in the analysis of image motion. The main afferents of the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex come from a direct retinogeniculate pathway and indirect retinotectal and retino-geniculo-cortical pathways. Removal of the primary visual cortex does not affect the spatial and temporal processing of suprasylvian cortex cells suggesting that these properties are derived from thalamic input. We have investigated the possibility that the striate-recipient zone of the lateral posterior nucleus-pulvinar complex may be responsible for the spatial (and temporal) frequency processing in posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex since these two regions establish strong bidirectional connections and share many visual properties. Experiments were done on anaesthetized normal adult cats. Visual responses in suprasylvian cortex were recorded before, during, and after the deactivation of the lateral part of the lateral posterior nucleus accomplished by the injection of lidocaine or GABA. Results can be summarized as follows. A total of 64 cells was tested. Out of this number, 11 units were affected by the deactivation of the lateral part of lateral posterior nucleus and one cell, by the blockade of pulvinar. For all cells, except one, the effect consisted in a global reduction of the evoked discharge rate suggesting that the thalamo-suprasylvian cortex projections are excitatory in nature. We did not find any significant differences in the optimal spatial frequency, nor in the width of the tuning function, whether the grating was presented at half- or saturation contrast. In addition, there were no significant differences between the low- and high cut-off spatial frequency values computed before and after the deactivation of the lateral posterior nucleus. No specific changes were observed in the contrast sensitivity function of the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex cells. Similar results were observed with respect to the temporal frequency tuning functions. Deactivating the lateral posterior nucleus did not modify the direction selectivity nor the organization of the subregions of the lateral suprasylvian cortex "classical" receptive fields. The absence of strong changes in posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex cell response properties following the functional blockade of the lateral posterior nucleus suggests that the projections from this part of the thalamus are not essential to generate the spatial characteristics of most posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex receptive fields. These properties may be derived from other thalamic inputs (e.g., medial interlaminar nucleus) and/or from the intrinsic computation of the afferent signals within the lateral suprasylvian cortex. On the other hand, it is possible that the lateral posterior nucleus lateral suprasylvian cortex loop may be involved in other functions such as the analysis of complex motion as suggested by the findings from our and other groups.  相似文献   

Phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG (CpG-ODN) activate immune responses. We report that quinacrine, chloroquine, and structurally related compounds completely inhibit the antiapoptotic effect of CpG-ODN on WEHI 231 murine B lymphoma cells and inhibit CpG-ODN-induced secretion of IL-6 by WEHI 231. They also inhibit IL-6 synthesis and thymidine uptake by human unfractionated PBMC induced by CpG-ODN. The compounds did not inhibit LPS-induced responses. Half-maximal inhibition required 10 nM quinacrine or 100 nM chloroquine. Inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to CpG-ODN. Quinine, quinidine, and primaquine were much less powerful. Quinacrine was effective even when added after the CpG-ODN. Near-toxic concentrations of ammonia plus bafilomycin A1 (used to inhibit vesicular acidification) did not reduce the efficacy of the quinacrine, but the effects of both quinacrine and chloroquine were enhanced by inhibition of the multidrug resistance efflux pump by verapamil. Agents that bind to DNA, including propidium iodide, Hoechst dye 33258, and coralyne chloride did not inhibit CpG-ODN effect, nor did 4-bromophenacyl bromide, an inhibitor of phospholipase A2. Examination of the structure-activity relationship of seventy 4-aminoquinoline and 9-aminoacridine analogues reveals that increased activity was conferred by bulky hydrophobic substituents on positions 2 and 6 of the quinoline nucleus. No correlation was found between published antimalarial activity and ability to block CpG-ODN-induced effects. These results are discussed in the light of the ability of quinacrine and chloroquine to induce remission of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

The neocortex, hippocampus, and several other brain regions contain populations of excitatory principal cells with recurrent connections and strong interactions with local inhibitory interneurons. To improve our understanding of the interactions among these cell types, we modeled the dynamic behavior of this type of network, including external inputs. A surprising finding was that increasing the direct external inhibitory input to the inhibitory interneurons, without directly affecting any other part of the network, can, in some circumstances, cause the interneurons to increase their firing rates. The main prerequisite for this paradoxical response to external input is that the recurrent connections among the excitatory cells are strong enough to make the excitatory network unstable when feedback inhibition is removed. Because this requirement is met in the neocortex and several regions of the hippocampus, these observations have important implications for understanding the responses of interneurons to a variety of pharmacological and electrical manipulations. The analysis can be extended to a scenario with periodically varying external input, where it predicts a systematic relationship between the phase shift and depth of modulation for each interneuron. This prediction was tested by recording from interneurons in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus in vivo, and the results broadly confirmed the model. These findings have further implications for the function of inhibitory and neuromodulatory circuits, which can be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Using correlated light and electron microscopic preembedding enkephalin immunocytochemistry combined with post-embedding GABA immunogold staining, we found morphological evidence of a direct connection between the enkephalinergic and GABAergic systems in the rat hippocampus. Enkephalin-immunoreactive boutons were found to be presynaptic to GABA-immunoreactive postsynaptic profiles, establishing type 2 symmetrical synapses on GABA-positive cell bodies and dendritic shafts in strata radiatum and lacunosum moleculare of the CA1 region. Thirty-six percent of all studied postsynaptic targets (n = 40) were non-pyramidal, including all somatic (n = 7) and 47% of the dendritic (n = 13) postsynaptic targets. The remaining 64% consisted of pyramidal dendritic shafts and spines. These results support previous physiological experiments suggesting that the opioidergic system takes part in disinhibitory processes in the hippocampal formation.  相似文献   

The current knowledge of the catecholaminergic innervation of the mammalian adrenal cortex is summarized, and macro- and microscopic neuromorphology, including the central nervous system connections of the adrenal cortex, is briefly discussed. Morphological and functional data on the catecholaminergic (i.e., noradrenergic) innervation of the adrenal cortex are reviewed. Experimental data suggest that in addition to the regulation of adrenal blood flow, the noradrenergic innervation has a primary influence on zona glomerulosa cells possibly via beta 1 adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors (DA2 subtype via inhibiting T-type Ca2+ channels) It is concluded that the local, modulatory effect of noradrenergic nerve fibres, terminating in the close vicinity of the zona glomerulosa cells, on the systemic renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and other peptide cascade may be influenced by neuropeptides, particularly neuropeptide Y and vasoactive intestinal peptide.  相似文献   

The neuronal pathways responsible for the fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) elicited in principal cells in the pyriform cortex (PC) by volleys from the olfactory bulb (OB), the lateral olfactory tract (LOT), the anterior commissure (AC), and the deep-lying structures of the PC (DPC) were studied in the rabbit. The central latencies of the fast IPSPs (measured from the onset of the monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) elicited by volleys through the LOT) ranged between 3.0 and 9.3 ms (5.5 +/- 1.3 (SD) ms; n = 54) in the case of OB shocks and between 4.5 and 6.5 ms (5.1 +/- 0.7 (SD) ms; n = 7) in the case of LOT shocks. The onset latencies of the fast IPSPs were between 2.5 and 11.8 ms (5.1 +/- 1.8 (SD) ms; n = 66) in the case of DPC shocks and between 3.5 and 10.1 ms (5.8 +/- 1.5 (SD) ms; n = 61) in the case of AC shocks. The conditioning OB or LOT shocks almost completely eliminated the LOT-evoked fast IPSP when the testing shock was applied at the peak period of the conditioning slow IPSP. The conditioning OB shocks also eliminated the initial part of the OB-evoked fast IPSP, leaving the later part of the fast IPSP almost unchanged. Thus, the onset latency of the OB-evoked fast IPSP was lengthened by 7.1 +/- 2.9 (SD) ms (n = 35) by the conditioning OB shock. The conditioning OB or DPC shocks left the peak amplitude of the DPC-evoked fast IPSP almost unaffected. Similarly, the conditioning OB or AC shocks left the peak amplitude of the AC-evoked fast IPSP almost unaffected. The conditioning OB, DPC, or AC shocks had only a slight influence on the onset latency of the DPC- or AC-evoked fast IPSPs. Rhythmical steps at intervals of 3-5 ms were observed in the rising phase of the OB-evoked fast IPSP. This was interpreted as a result of a repetitive impingement of interneuronal discharges on the impaled cells. Spatial facilitation was observed among the fast IPSPs evoked by volleys from the OB, DPC, and AC when shocks were applied at suitable intervals. A slight facilitation was also seen between the LOT-evoked fast IPSP and the DPC- or AC-evoked fast IPSP. These results were interpreted as a result of the convergence of excitatory synaptic inputs onto the presumed inhibitory interneurons from the four structures of the brain. A temporal facilitation of the fast IPSPs was observed when the OB, DPC, or AC shocks were applied repetitively at short intervals. This suggests a temporal facilitation of the spike discharges of the presumed inhibitory interneurons under similar conditions. From these results, criteria were determined for identifying the inhibitory interneurons.  相似文献   

Many suspected inhibitory interneurons (SINs) of primary somatosensory cortex (S1) receive a potent monosynaptic thalamic input (thalamocortical SINs, SINstc). It has been proposed that nearly all such SINstc of a S1 barrel column (BC) receive excitatory synaptic input from each member of a subpopulation of neurons within the topographically aligned ventrobasal (VB) thalamic barreloid. Such a divergent and convergent network leads to several testable predictions: sharply synchronous activity should occur between SINstc of a BC, sharp synchrony should not occur between SINstc of neighboring BCs, and sharp synchrony should not occur between SINs or other neurons of the same BC that do not receive potent monosynaptic thalamic input. These predictions were tested by cross-correlating the activity of SINstc of the same and neighboring BCs. Correlations among descending corticofugal neurons of layer 5 (CF-5 neurons, identified by antidromic activation) and other neurons that receive little or no monosynaptic VB input also were examined. SINs were identified by a high-frequency (>600 Hz) burst of three or more spikes elicited by VB stimulation and had action potentials of short duration. SINstc were further differentiated by short synaptic latencies to electrical stimulation of VB thalamus (<1.7 ms) and to peripheral stimulation (<7.5 ms). The above predictions were confirmed fully. 1) Sharp synchrony (+/-1 ms) was seen between all SINstc recorded within the same BC (a mean of 4.26% of the spikes of each SINtc were synchronized sharply with the spikes of the paired SINtc). Sharp synchrony was not dependent on peripheral stimulation, was not oscillatory, and survived general anesthesia. Sharp synchrony was superimposed on a broader synchrony, with a time course of tens of milliseconds. 2) Little or no sharp synchrony was seen when CF-5 neurons were paired with SINstc or other neurons of the same BC. 3) Little or no sharp synchrony was seen when SINstc were paired with other SINstc located in neighboring BCs. Intracellular recordings obtained from three SINs in the fully awake state supported the assertion that SINs are GABAergic interneurons. Each of these cells met our extracellular criteria for identification as a SIN, each had a spike of short duration (0.4-0.5 ms), and each responded to a depolarizing current pulse with a nonadapting train of action potentials. These results support the proposed network linking VB barreloid neurons with SINstc within the topographically aligned BC. We suggest that sharp synchrony among SINstc results in highly synchronous inhibitory postsynpatic potentials (IPSPs)in the target neurons of these cells and that these summated IPSPs may be especially effective when excitatory drive to target cells is weak and asynchronous.  相似文献   

GABAergic inhibition of hippocampal pyramidal cells is mediated by two distinct subtypes of postsynaptic receptors, GABAA and GABAB. Electrical stimulation of inhibitory cells or fibres in the CA1 subfield of the hippocampus yields a biphasic inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) in pyramidal cells, consisting of an early GABAA- and a late GABAB-mediated component. CA1 interneurons are a heterogeneous population of cells, which differ on the basis of their morphology, physiological properties, target selectivity onto principal cells, and network connectivity. Inhibitory synaptic circuitry appears to be specialized, since feedback inhibition may invoke only postsynaptic GABAA receptors, whereas feedforward inhibition may invoke both postsynaptic GABAA and GABAB receptors. In this review, we examine the evidence for and against the notion that distinct interneurons may be responsible for GABAA- and GABAB-mediated inhibition. Overall, the evidence suggests that (i) certain interneurons may generate solely GABAA inhibition, but the available data do not distinguish whether other interneurons mediate (ii) solely GABAB inhibition or (iii) a combination of both GABAA and GABAB.  相似文献   

A slow inhibitory potential (sIP) elicited upon synaptic activation in spiny, pyramidal-like cells with properties indicative of projection neurons was investigated in slices of the rat and guinea-pig lateral amygdala in vitro. The sIP succeeded the triphasic sequence of excitatory and fast/slow inhibitory postsynaptic potentials mediated via glutamate and GABA(A/B) receptors, respectively, was readily evoked upon repetitive stimulation of the external capsule and appeared to terminate epileptiform burst discharges during pharmacologically reduced GABAergic influence. The sIP reversed close to the Cl- equilibrium potential, but was not affected by altered transmembrane Cl- gradients and not abolished by antagonists to ligand-gated Cl- channels. Intracellular injection of QX 314 and resulting blockade of sodium spikes had no effect, whereas the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA blocked the sIP concomitantly with slow hyperpolarizing afterpotentials following intrinsically generated spike firing, thereby indicating the contribution of Ca2+-dependent mechanisms secondary to synaptic activation. During action of BAPTA and QX 314, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated potential was unmasked, which contributed to the sIP. The Ca2+-dependent mechanisms of the sIP involved a membrane K+ conductance, as was indicated by the dependence on the K+ gradient and the shift of the reversal potential towards the K+ equilibrium potential during blocked NMDA receptors. During the presence of GABA receptor antagonists, reduction of the Ca2+-activated K+ conductance through injection of BAPTA or application of dopamine induced a gradual shift of interictal-like single bursts of spikes towards the generation of re-occurring ictal-like activity. It is concluded that pyramidal-like projection cells in the AL can generate a sIP upon synaptic activation, which reflects the combined activation of an NMDA receptor-mediated cation current and a K+ current that is secondary to the rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration resulting from the preceding depolarizing response. The sIP may play an important role in controlling excitatory activity in the amygdala, particularly in preventing the transformation of interictal-like activity towards recurrent epileptic discharges during periods of decreased GABAergic influence.  相似文献   

GABAergic interneurons sculpt the activity of principal cells and are themselves governed by GABAergic inputs. To determine directly some of the sources and mechanisms of this GABAergic innervation, we have used dual intracellular recordings with biocytin-filled microelectrodes and investigated synaptic interactions between pairs of interneurons in area CA1 of the adult rat hippocampus. Of four synaptically-coupled interneuron-to-interneuron cell pairs, three presynaptic cells were identified as basket cells, preferentially innervating somata and proximal dendrites of pyramidal cells, but one differing from the other two in the laminar distribution of its dendritic and axonal fields. The fourth presynaptic interneuron was located at the border between strata lacunosum moleculare and radiatum, with axon ramifying within stratum radiatum. Action potentials evoked in all four presynaptic interneurons were found to elicit fast hyperpolarizing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (mean amplitude 0.35 +/- 0.10 mV at a membrane potential of -59 +/- 2.8 mV) in other simultaneously recorded interneurons (n=4). In addition, three of the presynaptic interneurons were also shown to produce similar postsynaptic responses in subsequently recorded pyramidal cells (n=4). Electron microscopic evaluation revealed one of the presynaptic basket cells to form 12 synaptic junctions with the perisomatic domain (seven somatic synapses and five synapses onto proximal dendritic shafts) of the postsynaptic interneuron in addition to innervating the same compartments of randomly-selected local pyramidal cells (50% somatic and 50% proximal dendritic synapses, n=12). In addition, light microscopic analysis also indicated autaptic self-innervation in basket (12 of 12) and bistratified cells (six of six). Electron microscopic investigation of one basket cell confirmed six autaptic junctions made by five of its boutons. Together, these data demonstrate that several distinct types of interneuron have divergent output to both principal cells and local interneurons of the same (basket cells) or different type. The fast synaptic effects, probably mediated by GABA in both postsynaptic interneurons and principal cells are similar. These additional sources of GABA identified here in the input to GABAergic cells could contribute to the differential temporal patterning of distinct GABAergic synaptic networks.  相似文献   

Acute experiments were conducted on cats under nembutal anesthesia. A study was made of the dynamics of the changes occurring in the curve of restoration of the test response amplitude in the thalamo-cortical fibers to the pared stimulation of the medial lemniscus with various actions on the somatosensory ared. The curve under study served as an indicator of the corticofugal influences on the inhibitory after process in the transmission nucleus of the thalamus. The influences on one somatosensory area of the cortex blocked the transmission of the afferent signals in 70% of the neurons of the transmission nucleus of the thalamus. A correlation between the number of the neurons participating in the reaction and the character of the initial phase of the inhibitory afterprocess was noted.  相似文献   

We have examined the morphology and longitudinal axon projections of a population of spinal commissural interneurons in young Xenopus tadpoles. We aimed to define how the distribution of axons of the whole population constrains the longitudinal distribution of the inhibition they mediate. Forty-three neurons at different positions were filled intracellularly with biocytin and processed with avidin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase. Soma size did not vary longitudinally and only one ipsilateral axon was found. Contralateral axons ascended, descended, or usually branched to do both. Total axon length and the extent of dendritic arborisation decreased caudally. The distributions of ascending and descending axon lengths were different; there were more long ascending (mean 737 +/- standard deviation 365 microm) than long descending (447 +/- 431 microm) axons. We used the axon length distribution data with existing data on the distribution of commissural interneuron somata to calculate the overall longitudinal density of these inhibitory axons. Axon numbers showed a clear rostrocaudal gradient. Axon length distributions were then incorporated into a simple spatiotemporal model of the forms of inhibition during swimming and struggling motor patterns. The model predicts that the peak of inhibition on each cycle will decrease from head to tail in both motor patterns, a feature already confirmed physiologically for swimming. It also supports a previous proposal that ascending inhibition during struggling shortens cycle period by shortening rostral motor bursts, whereas descending inhibition could delay subsequent burst onset.  相似文献   

Anaesthetized C57 BL/6 mice of different ages (young: 5 months; middle-aged: 15 months; and old: 21 months) were used to determine whether aging alters the efficiency of synaptic inhibition and long-term potentiation (LTP) in the lateral septum (LS). Electrical stimulation of the fimbria induced field potentials in the ipsilateral LS comprising two initial negative components (N2 and N3) followed by a positive wave of low amplitude. Paired-pulse experiments showed a facilitation of the N2 component and a concomitant depression of the N3 components. Facilitation of the N2 component was stronger in both middle-aged and old mice as compared to young mice, whereas an inverse pattern of changes was observed for inhibition of the N3 component. High-frequency stimulation of the fimbria produced a persistent increase in the N3 amplitude. This LTP was of significantly higher amplitude in both young and middle-aged mice as compared to old mice. These results suggest that aging impairs both inhibitory processes and synaptic plasticity in the mouse LS, but that inhibitory processes appear to be affected earlier.  相似文献   

The dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus transmits visual signals from the retina to the cortex. Within the lateral geniculate nucleus, the ascending visual signals are modified by the actions of a number of afferent pathways. One such projection originates in the pretectum and appears to be active in association with oculomotor activity. Much remains unknown about the pretectal-geniculate projection. Our purpose was to examine for the first time individual axon arbors from the pretectum that project to the lateral geniculate nucleus, describing their topography and nuclear and laminar targets. We made injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin into the cat pretectum, targeting the nucleus of the optic tract. Serial 40 microns coronal sections were processed by using immunohistochemistry to reveal labeled axons that were then serially reconstructed using light microscopy. Pretectal-geniculate axons appeared morphologically heterogeneous in terms of swelling size, branching patterns, and laminar target. Most axons innervated the geniculate A laminae. A separate, smaller population innervated the C laminae. All axons exhibited substantially greater spread medial-laterally than rostral-caudally in the lateral geniculate nucleus, displaying a topographical organization for visual field elevation, but not azimuth. Many pretectal axons that projected to the LGN also innervated adjacent structures, including the medial interlaminar nucleus, the perigeniculate nucleus, and/or the pulvinar. These results indicate that the projection from the pretectum to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus is heterogeneous, is semitopographical, and may coordinate neural activity in the lateral geniculate nucleus and in neighboring visual thalamic structures in association with oculomotor events.  相似文献   

We have used the anterograde tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) to study the intrinsic projections of the lateral nucleus of the Macaca fascicularis monkey amygdaloid complex. A reanalysis of the monkey lateral nucleus indicated that there are at least four distinct cytoarchitectonic divisions: dorsal, dorsal intermediate, ventral intermediate, and ventral. The major projections within the lateral nucleus originate in the dorsal, dorsal intermediate, and ventral intermediate divisions and terminate in the ventral division. The ventral division also projects to itself but does not project significantly to the other divisions of the lateral nucleus. Thus, the ventral division appears to be a site of convergence for information entering all other portions of the lateral nucleus. There are substantial regional and topographic differences in the projections from each of the lateral nucleus divisions to other amygdaloid nuclei. The dorsal division projects to all divisions of the basal and accessory basal nuclei, to the periamygdaloid cortex, the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, the dorsal division of the amygdalohippocampal area, and the lateral capsular nuclei. The dorsal intermediate division projects to the intermediate and parvicellular divisions of the basal nucleus, to the parvicellular division of the accessory basal nucleus, and to the periamygdaloid cortex. The ventral intermediate division projects to the magnocellular division of the accessory basal nucleus and to the parvicellular division of the basal nucleus. The major projections from the ventral division are directed to the parvicellular division of the basal nucleus, the parvicellular division of the accessory basal nucleus, the medial nucleus, and the periamygdaloid cortex. Projections from all portions of the lateral nucleus to the central nucleus are generally very light. It appears, therefore, that each division of the lateral nucleus originates topographically organized projections to the other amygdaloid areas that terminate in distinct portions of the target regions. The topographic organization of intrinsic amygdaloid projections raises the possibility that serial and parallel sensory processing may take place within the amygdaloid complex.  相似文献   

It has been suggested (Kini, R. R., and Evans, H. J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 14402-14407) that the anticoagulant activity of members of the 14-kDa phospholipase A2 (PLA2) family depends on the presence of basic residues within a variable surface region (residues 54-77) distinct from both the conserved catalytic machinery and surface sites mediating the antibacterial action of these enzymes (see Weiss, J., Inada, M., Elsbach, P., and Crowl, R. M. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 26331-26337). To further define the determinants of the anticoagulant activity of PLA2, we have analyzed the inhibitory effects of purified native and recombinant PLA2 on cell-free prothrombinase. Both native and recombinant wild-type pig pancreas (net charge -1) and human "secretory" PLA2 (net charge +15) produced similar dose-dependent inhibition of prothrombinase activity that was significantly less potent than a toxic PLA2 purified from snake venom. Site-specific mutations that either increased or decreased PLA2 activity toward bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein-treated Escherichia coli by up to 50-fold had no effect on antiprothrombinase activity. In contrast, substitution of Arg for Asp-59/Gly for Ser-60 in the pig PLA2 increased antiprothrombinase activity by 5-10-fold without affecting catalytic activity toward a range of phospholipid substrates or antibacterial activity. Comparison of antiprothrombinase activity of catalytically active and inactive forms of the PLA2 and under a range of phospholipid conditions revealed that the potent antiprothrombinase activity of native toxic venom PLA2 and of the D59R.S60G mutant pancreatic PLA2 reflect combined catalytic and noncatalytic actions, the latter apparently dependent on basic residues at discrete surface sites in the enzyme.  相似文献   

We recently reported the existence of a new class of aspiny interneurons characterized by their immunoreactivity for the calcium-binding protein calretinin (CR) in human striatum. This group is composed of numerous medium-sized (10-20 microm) neurons with poorly branched dendrites and a smaller number of large-sized (24-42 microm) neurons with highly ramified dendrites. We further demonstrated the selective sparing of the medium-sized, but not all the large-sized, CR+ striatal neurons in Huntington's disease. In the present study, we applied a double-antigen localization method to postmortem striatal tissue obtained from normal individuals to further characterize the chemical phenotype of these two subsets of CR+ neurons. Our results reveal that in the medium-sized neurons, CR is not colocalized with any of the following current markers of striatal neurons: calbindin, parvalbumin, beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d), or choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). Furthermore, quantitative estimates show that the medium-sized CR+ neurons are by far the most abundant type of interneurons in the human striatum. In contrast, CR is colocalized with ChAT in about 80% of the large-sized CR+ neurons. Thus, the medium-sized CR+ neurons appear to form a distinct class of striatal interneurons, whereas most of the large-sized CR+ neurons belong to the population of giant cholinergic neurons. This study has provided the first exhaustive characterization of the chemical phenotype of the CR + neurons in the human striatum.  相似文献   

Expanding on research showing that radio-frequency-induced lesions of the habenular complex disrupt the hormonal onset of maternal behavior in rats, the authors explored the importance of neurons in the lateral (Lhb) subdivision of the habenular complex for the onset of maternal behavior. On Day 12 of pregnancy, bilateral cytotoxic lesions were produced in the Lhb with kainic acid or, as a control, just dorsal in the medial hippocampus. A 3rd group had radio-frequency-induced Lhb and medial (Mhb) lesions. On Day 16 of pregnancy, Ss were hysterectomized–ovariectomized, given estradiol, and tested 48 hrs later for 10 days. Neuroanatomical tracing with fluoro-gold was then used to directly quantify the extent and location of Lhb neuron loss and to verify that Mhb neurons were intact. Cytotoxic lesions of the entire Lhb prevented the onset of all components of maternal behavior compared with controls. Results show that neurons in the Lhb, not the Mhb, are important for onset of maternal behavior in rats. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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