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编辑同志: 你好! 我是一个装饰材料经销商。1999年8月份,为保证经营安全,我从一个体消防器材门市部买了四只灭火器放在店里。2000年11月23日,由于顾客不小心将烟头扔进了香蕉水里,引起了香蕉水迅速燃烧。我拿起一只灭火器,按照说明上写的操作方法,开始灭火,但灭火器并没有喷出泡沫(标签上写的是泡沫灭火器),只是流出一些淡黄色的液体,另外三只也是同样情况。由于灭火器无法灭火导致火灾,造成1.5万余元的经济损失。事后,经消防人员鉴定,这几只灭火器是未经生产许可的不合格产品。所以我认为根据《消费者权益保护法》的…  相似文献   

对于因政府方原因导致项目无法按期开始运营的赔偿问题,首先,基于156号文分析导致PPP项目无法按期运营的政府方原因;其次,根据公私双方交易全过程将研究问题以竣工验收为分界点分解为因政府方原因使项目无法按期竣工导致的无法按期开始运营、项目已按期竣工但因政府方原因无法按期开始运营两种情况;最后,分析每种情况下的赔偿内容构成及计算方式,并以案例加以说明,希望为因政府方原因导致PPP项目无法按期开始运营的赔偿问题提供解决思路。  相似文献   

对监理的履约,违约行为方式以及监理违约责任的适用归责原则进行了较为深入的研究,探讨了现行法律法规存在的问题,并就相关问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

如何确认清洗行业的产品质量检测项目,尚无依据,本文作者根据几年来的管理工作体会,初步提出一种设想,期望引起同行的注意并讨论.  相似文献   

借鉴国外先进经验服务我国既有公共建筑节能改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍国外3座既有公共建筑美国匹兹堡资源保护顾问中心、美国卡耐基·梅龙大学的生态智能办公室、英国建筑研究院的节能办公建筑的节能改造特色,指出我国既有公共建筑节能改造应借鉴的经验。  相似文献   


Landslide susceptibility and vulnerability maps are key components for urban planning and risk management. The main objective of this research was spatial vulnerability mapping in the probable landslide runout zone in Soacha Province, Colombia. This study included three major steps: identification of a landslide susceptible area, identification of its runout zone, and vulnerability assessment using an area damage index method. The landslide-prone area was identified through a susceptibility analysis using a logistic regression model. In total, 182 landslide locations were collected and randomly distributed as training data (70%) and validation data (30%). The final landslide susceptibility map was validated using the area under the curve method. The validation result showed success and prediction rates of 88.71% and 89.96%, respectively. The Flow-R model was applied to identify the runout zone, and a back-propagation analysis approach was applied to estimate two essential input data for the model, i.e., the travel angle and velocity. From seven locations, the back-propagation analysis showed an average travel angle of 14.6° and an average velocity of 11.4 m/s. A total of 3777 buildings were identified within the probable runout zone. A physical vulnerability assessment was done by finding the ratio between area of buildings and area of runout zone in each small unit boundary. The physical vulnerability was classified as low, moderate, extensive, and complete on the basis of building exposure. The final result revealed that most of the village areas are in null or moderate vulnerability zones. In contrast to the village areas, the city areas include zones of extensive and complete vulnerability. This study showed that about 52% of the area of the city of Cazuca is completely vulnerable, i.e., in areas where abandoned quarry sites are present. The map of vulnerable areas may assist planners in overall landslide risk management.


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