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Fire experiments using a 1:12 scale model tunnel were conducted to evaluate effects of a transverse external wind on the performance of roof openings in a shallow urban road tunnel under fire conditions. A particular focus was placed on clarifying the characteristics of the spread of smoke in the tunnel under the condition of a transverse external wind blowing above the roof openings. Two types of median barriers, pillars and walls, were examined as dividing structures in the model tunnel, and the heat release rate was selected as the experimental parameter. The following conclusions were obtained. Compared to conditions with no external transverse wind, in the model tunnel with the pillar median structure, the smoke spreading distance was shortened when the transverse external wind was in the positive direction, and the distance remained the same when the wind was in the negative direction; in the model tunnel with the wall median structure, the smoke spreading distance was shortened when the wind was in the positive direction. Furthermore, the smoke spreading distance in each case was constant and independent of the heat release rate of the fire under the scope of the experimental conditions used in this study. 相似文献
The characteristics of the spread of smoke were investigated for a fire occurring in a shallow urban road tunnel with roof openings in its ceiling. In this type of tunnel, the smoke produced by a fire is ventilated through the openings in the ceiling given the natural buoyancy of hot smoke. A fire experiment was conducted using a 1/12 scale model tunnel to ascertain whether natural ventilation via the roof openings was sufficient to maintain a safe evacuation environment for tunnel users. The distance from the fire to the tip position of the spreading smoke and the thickness of smoke layers along the ceiling were investigated by changing the heat release rate and using two types of median structure as experimental parameters. The two types of median structure dividing the tunnel into two road tubes were pillars and walls. It was clarified that the smoke spreading distance was constant and independent of the heat release rate of the fire under our experimental conditions. Moreover, it was confirmed that the thickness of the smoke layers in the tunnel thinned out quickly due to the natural ventilation. 相似文献
In order to assess the possibility of exhausting smoke through passive roof openings and the influence of smoke on personnel in the tunnels, full-scale fire experiments in tunnels with roof openings are carried out, which were rarely reported in the previous references. The data of smoke propagation, smoke sedimentation, velocity field and temperature field are measured. On the basis of the smoke longitudinal propagation laws, the prediction model of calculating backlayering distance is built. The Kurioka model and the built mathematical models are validated by those experiments. All the experimental data presented in this paper can be further applied for verification of numerical models, and bench-scale experimental results. Those full-scale experimental results and theoretical analysis can also be used for directing tunnel fire research, which afforded scientific gist for fire protection and construction of road tunnel with roof openings. 相似文献
We examined the exhaust performance of a hybrid ventilation strategy for maintaining a safe evacuation environment for tunnel users in a tunnel fire. The hybrid ventilation strategy combines the longitudinal ventilation strategy with the point ventilation strategy which is a type of transverse ventilation strategy. The model tunnel developed by this study was scaled to 1/5 the size of a full-scale tunnel. The model-scale experiment was performed taking into consideration Froude's law of similarity. Measurement items were the distribution of temperature and concentration of smoke inside the tunnel, longitudinal wind velocity, mass flow of smoke in the point ventilation duct, and the heat release rate of the fire source. The following main conclusions were obtained. The smoke height was constant even when varying the extraction rate of smoke from the ceiling vent. The backlayering length and critical velocity of the smoke flow in the hybrid strategy could be predicted by the methodology developed by using the longitudinal strategy. The hybrid strategy maintained a safe evacuation environment on both sides of the tunnel fire. 相似文献
This paper investigates the buoyancy-driven smoke flow layering length (both upstream and downstream) beneath the ceiling with combination of point extraction and longitudinal ventilation in tunnel fires. A theoretical model is developed based on previous back-laying model with only longitudinal ventilation, with modified actual heat release rate, as well as modified upstream and downstream opposing longitudinal air flow velocities by the induced flow velocity due to point extraction. Experiments are carried out in a reduced scale model tunnel with dimensionless of 72 m×1.5 m×1.3 m. A LPG porous gas burner is used as fire source. The smoke flow layering length both upstream and downstream are identified based on temperature profiles measured along the ceiling, for different experiment conditions. CFD simulations with FDS are also performed for the same scenarios. Results show that with combination of point extraction and longitudinal ventilation, the smoke flow layering length is not symmetric where it is longer downstream than that upstream. The upstream smoke layering length decreases, while the downstream layering length increases with increase in longitudinal ventilation velocity; and they both decrease with increase in point extraction velocity. The predictions by the proposed theoretical model agree well with the measurements and simulation results. 相似文献
Naturally ventilated urban vehicular tunnels with multiple roof openings have increased in China. Unnecessary gas (polluted air or fire smoke) are expected to be exhausted out through openings. Whether its safety standards can be satisfied or not still needs to be verified. In this paper, a safe CO concentration was firstly discussed, and a heat risk level of very high to extreme up to 46 °C was given. Secondly, a real 1410 m tunnel was proposed, and a 1/10 scale model tunnel was reproduced. Ambient winds of 0.95 m/s in prototype and 0.3 m/s in model were considered. Under normal traffic test, a track circuit was constructed with model vehicles moving on it to form traffic wind, and once the air velocity was larger than 0.31 m/s, the airflows were found to be not relevant to the Reynolds number. The traffic winds were weakened by openings. For three of all tested traffic, the actual air velocities were larger than the required ones, so its air qualities were satisfied. In firing test, two sets of burning experiments were conducted with which the heat release rates (HRR) were 8.35 kW and 13.7 kW. Large amounts of smoke were exhausted out of openings, and the high-temperature was not significant. Full-scale numerical simulations were carried out to verify the experimental results respectively using Fluent 6.0 for normal traffic and FDS 4.07 for firing. The simulations were compared well with the experiments. Further FDS simulations show that the openings’ mass flow rates are influenced little by ambient temperature; with the increasing length of the buried section, much smoke accumulate inside leading to a high temperature; having 4–5 openings in one shaft group is oversize in the actual engineering design. 相似文献
Tong Yan Shi MingHeng Gong YanFeng He JiaPeng 《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research》2009,24(6):627-633
Three full-scale burning tests were conducted in a natural ventilation city road tunnel with shafts. Fire sources were placed to be at different locations but its peak release heats were all around 5 MW. Results showed that large amounts of smoke and heat were released through shafts. The maximum smoke temperatures under the ceiling were below than 100 °C, and being lower than 110 °C at the safe height farther 3 m away from fires. The maximum smoke spreading horizontal lengths were less than 240 m both in the upwind and downwind. During the late stages, many smoke particles descended from the ceiling and downdraught occurred at shafts due to low smoke temperatures, but the visibility was not very bad and people needn’t evacuate. All These results are valuable for fire protection and construction of natural ventilation road tunnel with shafts. 相似文献
Olivier Vauquelin 《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research》2008,23(2):171-178
When a fire occurs in a long tunnel, smoke control is crucial for obvious reasons of safety. Ventilation and extraction systems have to be designed with accuracy in order to control the longitudinal motion of the fire-induced smoke and to extract it efficiently in a zone close to the fire source. This paper presents experimental investigations carried out on a small scale tunnel model (scale reduction is 1:20) to study the fire-induced smoke control by longitudinal and transverse ventilation systems. The experimental model is non-thermal and a buoyant release (a mixing of air and helium) is used to represent the fire smoke plume. The main objective of this model is to represent, as well as make possible, the duality between inertial forces (due to ventilation) and buoyant forces. Radiation and heat losses at the walls are not taken into account in this model. At first, the principle of the simulation is widely described. Then, some results are presented for both longitudinal and transverse smoke control by a mechanical ventilation. Finally, perspectives for future investigations are proposed. 相似文献
Wind tunnel investigation on influence of fluctuating wind direction on cross natural ventilation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The performance of wind driven natural ventilation is influenced significantly by the boundary conditions set for the wind. In real conditions the wind direction is fluctuating constantly so it is important to consider this fluctuation in experiments and simulations. This paper investigates the influence of fluctuating wind direction on cross-ventilation using wind tunnel experiments with the aim of improving the evaluation accuracy for natural ventilation. A periodically fluctuating wind direction was designed and reproduced in the experiment. Rapid Response FIDs (Flame Ionization Detector) were used to monitor the concentration of tracer gas. An index named diluting flow rate (DFR) is introduced to evaluate the ventilation performance of this kind of experiment. The results indicate that the DFRs of fluctuating cases are approximately 65–100% of the maximum airflow rate and DFR is influenced by the wind speed, the opening size and the wind direction fluctuation. Informed by the experimental data the mechanism of this combined influence is discussed in this paper. 相似文献
上海铁路南站是上海西南地区的交通枢纽,其钢屋盖采用圆形平面,最大直径为275m,由径向布置的18根Y形主梁和位于中心的顶压环组成,并布置了主索和环索以提高屋盖的抗扭刚度。屋盖体系支承在内、外两圈共54根柱子上,其中外柱设有斜索以提高结构体系的抗侧刚度。大跨度空间结构的特殊风荷载、由温度变化产生的胀缩效应引起的侧向力、结构的整体稳定性以及复杂节点的受力特性成为主要的设计难点。文中介绍了针对上述问题进行的理论分析和试验研究。根据风洞试验的结果并考虑了结构在脉动风荷载作用下的动响应,得到了对应不同响应的等效风荷载;通过在外柱顶设置弹性支座,部分释放了由于温度变化产生的侧向力;通过对整个屋盖体系以及单根主梁分别进行非线性有限元分析,得到了结构的整体稳定系数;通过节点有限元计算,根据应力分布对节点构造进行设计优化,保证了重要节点的安全可靠。 相似文献
对两类典型的大跨度屋盖结构形式(球面屋盖和柱面屋盖)分别进行了超过1 000次的重复采样风洞试验,基于所获得的大量极值风压样本,运用广义极值理论和极大似然估计方法系统分析了极值风压的概率分布特征。研究表明:广义极值分布是描述极值风压概率分布的理想模型,多数区域极值风压符合极值Ⅲ型分布,少数尾流区测点极值风压符合极值Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型分布,且极值Ⅱ型分布区域对应的极值风压离散性更强。利用概率分析方法对传统的极值风压估算方法,即峰值因子法的保证率进行了检验,结果表明:峰值因子法无法给出具有一致保证率的极值风压分布,且低估了极值Ⅱ型分布区的最不利负压,误差率在20%~30%之间;应用概率分析方法可以获得具有确定保证率的极值风压,进而从概率意义上对局部极值风压的取值进行合理评估。 相似文献