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Flow boiling through microchannels is characterized by nucleation of vapor bubbles on the channel walls. In parallel microchannels connected through a common header, formation of vapor bubbles often results in flow mal-distribution that leads to reversed flow in certain channels. One way of eliminating the reversed flow is to incorporate flow restrictions at the channel inlet. In the present study, a nucleating vapor bubble placed near the restricted end of a single microchannel is numerically simulated. Placing restrictions at channel inlet increased the incoming liquid velocity for the same flow rate that prevented explosive bubble growth and reversed flow. It is proposed that channels with increasing cross-sectional area may be used to promote unidirectional growth of the vapor plugs and prevent reversed flow.  相似文献   

A brief review with discussions is conducted for some pertinent works, done and ongoing in the Laboratory of Phase-Change and Interfacial Phenomena at Tsinghua University, on interfacial behavior of vapor bubbles and interfacial transport phenomena during liquid nucleation boiling. From a sequence of experimental investigations, some new phenomena, particularly, the visually observed interfacial transport phenomena or processes including jet-like flows, bubble interaction and spatial scale effect, were described in this article. The interfacial effects and transport phenomena associated with surface tension gradients caused by temperature and concentration variations were theoretically analyzed to reveal the marked influence on bubble interfacial shape and dynamic behavior, the bubble dynamics including nucleation, bubble motion and coalescence. Several theoretical models and methods were proposed to describe the dynamic characteristics and explain the physics of interfacial phenomena/processes. The spe  相似文献   

A simultaneous visualization and measurement investigation has been carried out on flow boiling of water in parallel silicon microchannels of trapezoidal cross-section. Two sets of parallel microchannels, having hydraulic diameters of 158.8 and 82.8 μm, respectively, were used. The visualization study shows that once boiling heat transfer is established, two-phase flow and single-phase liquid flow appear alternatively with time in the microchannels. Large-amplitude/long-period fluctuations with time in wall temperatures, fluid temperatures, fluid pressures, and fluid mass flux, are measured for the first time during flow boiling in the microchannels. The fluctuation periods are found to be dependent on channel size, heat flux, and mass flux. The mechanism of the periodic boiling fluctuations in this experiment as well as their comparisons with other boiling fluctuations phenomena reported previously, are also discussed. The experimental results confirm that large-amplitude/long-period boiling fluctuations can be sustained when the fluctuations of pressure drop and mass flux have phase differences.With the aid of a microscope and high-speed video recording system, bubbly flow, slug flow, churn flow, and other peculiar flow patterns, are observed during two-phase flow periods in the microchannels.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was conducted to visually observe the boiling behavior in a three-dimensional porous structure made of staggered glass beads, especially the dynamic bubble process and pore-scale liquid flow around bubbles associated with the heat and mass transport taking place at the bubble interface. The experiments show that the dynamic bubble behavior was significantly affected by the bead-packed structure, and several unique boiling phenomena caused by special pore geometry were observed and discussed. The bubble shape and primary bubble interface were described using a force balance acting on the bubble. A theoretical study was performed to describe and evaluate the behavior of the replenished liquid and associated interfacial transport effects. It was concluded from the theoretical analysis that the bubble interface is regulated by interfacial heat and mass transport to provide sufficient driving force for the replenishment. This conclusion is in agreement with the experimental observation.  相似文献   

Flow boiling through microchannels is characterized by nucleation and growth of vapor bubbles that fill the entire channel cross-sectional area. As the bubbles nucleate and grow inside the microchannel, a thin film of liquid or a microlayer gets trapped between the bubbles and the channel walls. The heat transfer mechanism present at the channel walls during flow boiling is studied numerically. It is then compared to the heat transfer mechanisms present during nucleate pool boiling and in a moving evaporating meniscus. Increasing contact angle improved wall heat transfer in case of nucleate boiling and moving evaporating meniscus but not in the case of flow boiling inside a microchannel. It is shown that the thermal and the flow fields present inside the microchannel around a bubble are fundamentally different as compared to nucleate pool boiling or in a moving evaporating meniscus. It is explained why thin-film evaporation is the dominant heat transfer mechanism and is responsible for creating an apparent nucleate boiling effect inside a microchannel.  相似文献   

Recently, four unstable boiling cases with different fluctuating amplitudes were observed in parallel silicon microchannels having a hydraulic diameter of 186 μm. These were: the liquid/two-phase alternating flow (LTAF) at two different heat fluxes, the continuous two-phase flow (CTF) at medium heat flux and medium mass flux, and the liquid/two-phase/vapor alternating flow (LTVAF) at high heat flux and low mass flux. In this paper, data of these unstable boiling cases are analyzed using the following methods: correlation coefficient, attractor reconstruction, correlation dimension and largest Lyapunov exponent. The processes responsible for appearance of chaotic oscillations in microchannels, such as nucleation, stability of bubbly flow, vapour core stability and vapour-phase flow stability, are discussed. It is shown that under certain conditions, the microchannels system works as a thermal oscillator. It was found that heat supplied to the microchannels increases the heating surface temperature while the appearance of the two-phase flow inside the channels decreases the heating surface temperature. The mechanism involving an increase in heating surface temperature is supported by phenomena of blocking the liquid flow in microchannels by the two-phase flow.  相似文献   

The evaporation processes of 2-propanol and water in cyclo olefin polymer (COP) and silicon microchannels of square cross-section are studied with a high-speed camera. The COP channels with a cross-section of 50 μm × 50 μm are rather smooth, whereas the 30 μm × 30 μm silicon channels have comparatively rough surfaces. For the COP channels, two different evaporation modes are identified, both with oscillating liquid–vapor menisci. One of these modes is characterized by an extremely rapid evaporation and a corresponding discontinuous shift of the meniscus. In the silicon channels four different evaporation modes are observed. Oscillatory motion of the liquid fronts also dominates here, and depending on the total mass flow and the wall temperature the oscillations in different channels are synchronized or desynchronized. Besides the flow patterns also the velocity trajectories of the evaporating liquid fronts are analyzed in detail and show a rather good reproducibility over different channels and different cycles. Compared to most other studies reported in this field, bubble nucleation is found to be of secondary importance for the evaporation processes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate flow boiling in 200 μm × 253 μm parallel microchannels with structured reentrant cavities. Flow morphologies, boiling inceptions, heat transfer coefficients, and critical heat fluxes were obtained and studied for mass velocities ranging from G = 83 kg/m2 s to G = 303 kg/m2 s and heat fluxes up to 643 W/cm2. Comparisons of the performance of the enhanced and plain-wall microchannels were performed. The microchannels with reentrant cavities were shown to promote nucleation of bubbles and to support significantly better reproducibility and uniformity of bubble generation. The structured surface was also shown to significantly reduce the boiling inception and to enhance the critical heat flux.  相似文献   

The effects of pressure on flow boiling instabilities in microchannels were experimentally studied. Experiments were conducted using water in 223 μm hydraulic diameter microchannels with mass fluxes ranging from 86 to 520 kg/m2 s and pressures ranging from 50 to 205 kPa. Onset of flow oscillation, critical heat flux (CHF) conditions, local transient temperature measurements along with flow boiling visualization were obtained and studied. System pressure was found to significantly affect flow instabilities. For high pressure, it was observed that boiling instabilities were significantly delayed and CHF was extended to high mass qualities. Local temperature measurements also revealed lower magnitudes and higher frequencies of oscillations at high system pressures.  相似文献   

A simultaneous visualization and measurement experiment was carried out to investigate condensation flow patterns of steam flowing through an array of trapezoidal silicon microchannels, having a hydraulic diameter of 82.8 μm and a length of 30 mm. The degassed and deionized water steam flowing in the microchannels was cooled by flowing water of 8 °C from the bottom. The silicon microchannels were covered with a thin transparent pyrex glass from the top which enabled the visualization of flow patterns. Experiments were performed at different inlet pressures ranging from 4.15 × 105 Pa to 1.25 × 105 Pa (with corresponding mass fluxes decreasing from 47.5 g/cm2 s to 19.3 g/cm2 s) while the outlet pressure was maintained at a value of 105 Pa. Different condensation flow patterns such as fully droplet flow, droplet/annular/injection/slug-bubbly flow, annular/injection/slug-bubbly flow, and fully slug-bubbly flow were observed in the microchannels. At a given inlet pressure and mass flux, the flow pattern depended on both the location and time. Of particular interest is that the vapor injection flow, consisting of a series of bubble growth and detachment activities, appeared and disappeared periodically. During the disappearance period of injection flow, the slug-bubbly flow at downstream changed to the single-phase liquid flow due to the reversed flow of outlet condensate, while the annular flow at upstream changed to the vapor flow due to the effect of incoming vapor. Therefore, two-phase flow and single-phase flow appeared alternatively in the microchannels, causing large fluctuations of wall temperatures as well as other measurements. It was also found that the occurrence of vapor injection flow moved from the outlet toward the inlet as the mass flux was decreased. The vapor injection flow and its induced condensation instabilities in microchannels are reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

Bubble growth behavior and heat transfer characteristics during subcooled flow boiling in segmented finned microchannels have been numerically investigated. Simulations have been performed for a single row of segmented finned microchannel and predicted results are compared with experimental investigations. Onset of nucleation, formation of bubbles, their growth and movements have been investigated for different values of applied heat flux. Mechanism of bubble expansion without clogging resulting in enhanced heat transfer in segmented finned microchannels has been explained. Temperature and pressure fluctuations during subcooled flow boiling condition have been investigated. It is observed that at high heat flux, thin liquid film trapped between the bubble and channel wall is evaporated leading to localized heating effect. Predicted flow patterns are similar to experimental results. However, simulations over predict the bubble growth rate and heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

Convective boiling in transparent single microchannels with similar hydraulic diameters but different shaped cross-sections was visualized, along with simultaneous measurement of the local heat transfer coefficient. Two types of microchannels were tested: a circular Pyrex glass microtube (210 μm inner diameter) and a square Pyrex glass microchannel (214 μm hydraulic diameter). A 100-nm-thick semi-transparent ITO/Ag thin film sputtered on the outer wall of the microchannel was used for direct joule heating of the microchannel.The flow field visualization showed semi-periodic variation in the flow patterns in both the square and circular microchannels. Such variation was because the confined space limited the bubble growth in the radial direction.In the square microchannel, both the number of nucleation bubbles and the local heat transfer coefficient increased with decreasing vapor quality. The corners acted as active nucleation cavities, leading to the higher local heat transfer coefficient. In contrast, lack of cavities in the smooth glass circular microchannel yielded a relatively smaller heat transfer coefficient at lower vapor quality. Finally, the heat transfer coefficient was higher for the square microchannel because corners in the square microchannel acted as effective active nucleation sites.  相似文献   

The experimental investigation on vapor bubble growth is performed for analyzing subcooled boiling in a vertical annular channel with inner heating surface and upward water flow under atmospheric pressure. Bulk liquid mass flux ranges from 79 kg/m2s to 316 kg/m2s, and subcooling is from 40 K to 60 K. The bubble behaviors from inception to collapse are captured by High-speed photography. The performance of bubble growth recorded by the high-speed photography is given in this paper. The bubble behaviors, effect of the bubble slippage on the heat transfer, and various forces acting on the bubble are discussed.  相似文献   

A numerical study has been performed to analyze the wall heat transfer mechanisms during growth of a vapor bubble inside a microchannel. The microchannel is of 200 μm square cross section and a vapor bubble begins to grow at one of the walls, with liquid coming in through the channel inlet. The complete Navier–Stokes equations along with continuity and energy equations are solved using the SIMPLER method. The liquid vapor interface is captured using the level set technique. Experiments have been conducted to validate the numerical model. The bubble growth rate and shapes show good agreement between numerical and experimental results. The numerical results show that the wall heat transfer increases with wall superheat but stays almost unaffected by the liquid flow rate. The liquid vapor surface tension value has little influence on bubble growth and wall heat transfer. However, the bubble with the lowest contact angle resulted in the highest wall heat transfer.  相似文献   

A simultaneous visualization and measurement study have been carried out to investigate flow boiling instabilities of water in microchannels at various heat fluxes and mass fluxes. Two separate flow boiling experiments were conducted in eight parallel silicon microchannels (with flow interaction from neighboring channels at headers) and in a single microchannel (without flow interaction), respectively. These microchannels, at a length of 30 mm, had an identical trapezoidal cross-section with a hydraulic diameter of 186 μm. At a given heat flux and inlet water temperature, it was found that stable and unstable flow boiling regimes existed, depending on the mass flux. A flow boiling map, in terms of heat flux vs mass flux, showing stable flow boiling regime and unstable flow boiling regime is presented for parallel microchannels as well as for a single microchannel, respectively, at an inlet water temperature of 35 °C. In the stable flow boiling regime, isolated bubbles were generated and were pushed away by the incoming subcooled liquid. Two unstable flow boiling regimes, with long-period oscillation (more than 1 s) and short-period oscillation (less than 0.1 s) in temperature and pressure, were identified. The former was due to the expansion of vapor bubble from downstream while the latter was owing to the flow pattern transition from annular to mist flow. A comparison of results of flow boiling in parallel microchannels and in a single microchannel shows that flow interaction effects from neighboring channels at the headers are significant.  相似文献   

A critical review of the state of the art of research on internal forced convection boiling in microchannels and in microgravity conditions is the main object of the present paper.  相似文献   

Transient flow patterns and bubble slug lengths were investigated with oxygen gas (O2) bubbles produced by catalytic chemical reactions using a high speed camera bonded with a microscope. The microreactor consists of an inlet liquid plenum, nine parallel rectangular microchannels followed by a micronozzle, using the MEMS fabrication technique. The etched surface was deposited by the thin platinum film, which is acted as the catalyst. Experiments were performed with the inlet mass concentration of the hydrogen peroxide from 50% to 90% and the pressure drop across the silicon chip from 2.5 to 20.0 kPa. The silicon chip is directly exposed in the environment thus the heat released via the catalytic chemical reactions is dissipated into the environment and the experiment was performed at the room temperature level. It is found that the two-phase flow with the catalytic chemical reactions display the cyclic behavior. A full cycle consists of a short fresh liquid refilling stage, a liquid decomposition stage followed by the bubble slug flow stage. At the beginning of the bubble slug flow stage, the liquid slug number reaches maximum, while at the end of the bubble slug flow stage the liquid slugs are quickly flushed out of the microchannels. Two or three large bubbles are observed in the inlet liquid plenum, affecting the two-phase distributions in microchannels. The bubble slug lengths, cycle periods as well as the mass flow rates are analyzed with different mass concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and pressure drops. The bubble slug length is helpful for the selection of the future microreactor length ensuring the complete hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Future studies on the temperature effect on the transient two-phase flow with chemical reactions are recommended.  相似文献   

Using microfabrication techniques, a microscale platinum heater was fabricated on a Pyrex glass wafer and located in a shallow, but nearly trapezoidal microchannel with a hydraulic diameter of Dh = 56 microns fabricated on another glass wafer. Using a high-speed digital CCD video camera and microscope, the boiling nucleation temperature and two-phase flow patterns were observed and examined at different mass flow rates. The nucleation temperature was found to be reasonably close to the theoretical values as predicted by a 3D numerical heat transfer simulation with the measured bulk temperature of the microheater. The stability of the developed flow indicated three clearly distinguishable two-phase flow regimes: bubbly, wavy and annular. To avoid problems observed in the past, care was taken to ensure that the results were not influenced by the entrance and/or exit regions of the test section. The observed variations in the two-phase flow patterns were compared with the results of a model developed using a stability analysis of the liquid film.  相似文献   

This research article investigates the effect that hydrodynamic cavitation has on heat transfer. The fluid medium is refrigerant R-123 flowing through 227 μm hydraulic diameter microchannels. The cavitation is instigated by the inlet orifice. Adiabatic tests were conducted to study the two-phase cavitating flow morphologies and hydrodynamic characteristics of the flow. Diabatic experiments were performed resulting in surface temperatures under heat fluxes up to 213 W/cm2 and mass velocities from 622 kg/m2 s to 1368 kg/m2 s. Results were compared to non-cavitating flows at the same mass velocities. It was found that the cavitating flows can significantly enhance the heat transfer. The heat transfer coefficient of the cavitating flows was larger than the non-cavitating flows by as much as 84%. Single-phase and two-phase heat transfer coefficients have been elucidated and employed to deduce the heat transfer mechanism prevailing under boiling conditions with and without the presence of cavitation.  相似文献   

Bubble dynamics in saturated pool boiling of R-123 with and without an applied electric field have been investigated using a novel, flat, transparent heated surface. This method allows viewing and measurement of bubble dynamics from the entire heater surface without interference from the fluid or other bubbles. The data have been used to quantify the effect of an electric field on the latent heat contribution to the total heat flux and to demonstrate the effectiveness of this experimental technique. For a given heat flux, the application of the electric field reduces the surface temperature, thereby suppressing boiling and reducing the latent heat contribution.  相似文献   

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