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The monitoring of tool wear status is paramount for guaranteeing the workpiece quality and improving the manufacturing efficiency. In some cases, classifier based on small training samples is preferred because of the complex tool wear process and time consuming samples collection process. In this paper, a tool wear monitoring system based on relevance vector machine (RVM) classifier is constructed to realize multi categories classification of tool wear status during milling process. As a Bayesian algorithm alternative to the support vector machine (SVM), RVM has stronger generalization ability under small training samples. Moreover, RVM classifier results in fewer relevance vectors (RVs) compared with SVM classifier. Hence, it can be carried out much faster compared to the SVM. To show the advantages of the RVM classifier, milling experiment of Titanium alloy was carried out and the multi categories classification of tool wear status under different numbers of training samples and test samples are realized by using SVM and RVM classifier respectively. The comparison of SVM with RVM shows that the RVM can get more accurate results under different number of small training samples. Moreover, the speed of classification is faster than SVM. This method casts some new lights on the industrial environment of the tool condition monitoring.  相似文献   

A corner-looping based tool path for pocket milling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In milling around corners, cutting resistance rises momentarily due to an increase of cutter contact length. NC tool path generation in dealing with sharp corners thus requires special consideration. This paper describes an improved NC tool path pattern for pocket milling. The basic pattern of the improved tool path is a conventional contour-parallel tool path. Bow-like tool path segments are appended to the basic tool path at the corner positions. When reaching a corner, the cutter loops around the appended tool path segments so that corner material is removed progressively in several passes. By using the corner-looping based tool path, cutter contact length can be controlled by adjusting the number of appended tool path loops. The procedures of creating the improved tool path for different corner shapes are explained. The proposed tool path generation was implemented as an add-on user function in a CAD/CAM system. Cutting tests were conducted to demonstrate and verify the significance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The generation of collision free NC-programs for multi-axis milling operations is a critical task, which leads to multi-axis milling machines being exploited below their full capacities. Today, CAM systems, generating the tool path, do not take the multi-axis machine movements into account. They generate a multi-axis tool path, described by a sequence of tool postures (tool tip+tool orientation), which is then converted by a NC-postprocessor to a machine specific NC-program. As the postprocessing is normally done in batch mode, the NC-programmer does not know how the machine will move and the chance for having collisions between (moving) machine components is often very high. The execution of a machine test run or the application of a machine simulation system (NC-simulation) is the only solution to inform the NC-programmer about possible machine collisions during operation.This paper describes a multi-axis tool path generation algorithm where the tool orientation is optimised to avoid machine collisions and at the same time to maximise the material removal rate along the tool track. To perform efficient collision avoidance, the tool path generation module (traditional CAM), the postprocessing (axes transformation) and machine simulation has been integrated into one system. Cutting tests have been carried out to define the allowable tool orientation changes for optimisation and collision avoidance without disturbing the surface quality.The developed multi-axis tool path generation algorithm is applicable for the machining of several part surfaces within one operation. This, together with tool path generation functionality to adapt the tool orientation for both, maximal material removal and avoidance of collisions between (moving) machine components, are the innovative aspects of the presented research work.  相似文献   

A novel wavelength modulation-based fiber-optic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor is reported which utilizes both polarization separation and broad band radiation depolarization in polarization-maintaining fibers to enhance sensor stability. Theoretical analysis of the sensing structure with ideally separated polarizations based on the mode of expansion and propagation method is presented. The effect of polarization cross-coupling was also analyzed in the approximation of an equivalent bulk optic structure. A laboratory prototype of the fiber-optic SPR sensor was characterized in terms of sensitivity and resolution. Experimental results indicate that this fiber-optic SPR sensor is able to resolve refractive index changes as low as 4×10−6 under moderate fiber deformations.  相似文献   

Traditionally, for the flat-end tool, due to the intertwined dependence relationship between its axis and reference point, most 5-axis tool-path generation algorithms take a decoupled two-stage strategy: first, the so-called cutter contact (CC) curves are placed on the part surface; then, for each CC curve, tool orientations are decided that will accommodate local and/or global constraints such as minimum local gouging and global collision avoidance. For the former stage, usually simplistic “offset” methods are adopted to determine the cutter contact curves, such as the iso-parametric or iso-plane method; whereas for the latter, a common practice is to assign fixed tilt and yaw angle to the tool axis regardless the local curvature information and, in the case of considering global interference, the tool orientation is decided solely based on avoiding global collision but ignoring important local machining efficiency issues. This independence between the placement of CC curves and the determination of tool orientations, as well as the rigid way in which the tilt and yaw angle get assigned, incurs many undesired problems, such as the abrupt change of tool orientations, the reduced efficiency in machining, the reduced finishing surface quality, the unnecessary dynamic loading on the machine, etc. In this paper, we present a 5-axis tool-path generation algorithm that aims at alleviating these problems and thus improving the machining efficiency and accuracy. In our algorithm, the CC curves are contour lines on the part surface that satisfy the iso-conic property — the surface normal vectors on each CC curve fall on a right small circle on the Gaussian sphere, and the tool orientations associated to a CC curve are determined by the principle of minimum tilt (also sometimes called lead) angle that seeks fastest cutting rate without local gouging. Together with an elaborate scheme for determining the step-over distance between adjacent CC curves that seeks maximum material removal, the presented algorithm offers some plausible advantages over most existing 5-axis tool-path generation algorithms, particularly in terms of reducing the angular velocity and acceleration of the rotary axes of the machine. The simulation experiments of the proposed algorithm and their comparison with a leading commercial CAM software toolbox are also provided that demonstrate the claimed advantages.  相似文献   

Electronic devices require the printed circuit board(PCB)to support the whole structure,but the assembly of PCBs suffers from welding problem of the electronic components such as surface mounted devices(SMDs)resistors.The automated optical inspection(AOI)machine,widely used in industrial production,can take the image of PCBs and examine the welding issue.However,the AOI machine could commit false negative errors and dedicated technicians have to be employed to pick out those misjudged PCBs.This paper proposes a machine learning based method to improve the accuracy of AOI.In particular,we propose an adjacent pixel RGB value based method to pre-process the image from the AOI machine and build a customized deep learning model to classify the image.We present a practical scheme including two machine learning procedures to mitigate AOI errors.We conduct experiments with the real dataset from a production line for three months,the experimental results show that our method can reduce the rate of misjudgment from 0.3%–0.5%to 0.02%–0.03%,which is meaningful for thousands of PCBs each containing thousands of electronic components in practice.  相似文献   

强度调制型荧光光纤温度传感器具有其它光纤温度传感器所不具有的优点。对原有的传感器的传感部分作了改进 ,使之能用于对运动物体小面积的非接触性温度的测量。  相似文献   

The automatic movement of tools, as well as parts, within a flexible manufacturing system is now technically possible. The prospective benefits of automatic tool movement include reduced tool inventories, lower manpower requirements, and an enhanced capability for unattended operation. This report describes a tool for investigating the performance of automatic tool handling systems associated with flexible manufacturing systems.This work uses simulation to describe the prospective systems. In particular, a combined network and discrete event model, written in the SLAM simulation language, is used. The model is of a modular construction, to facilitate its use for different system configurations in the future. The trade-offs between the advantages provided by automatic tool handling and the increased system costs because of the associated hardware are outlined. An illustration of the search for a satisfactory trade-off is made by varying several factors in an example FMS and assessing their effects on system performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, optimum positioning of the conical cutter for five-axis flank milling of slender surfaces is addressed from the perspective of approximating the tool envelope surface to the data points on the design surface following the minimum zone criterion recommended by ANSI and ISO standards for tolerance evaluation. Based on the observation that a conical surface can be treated as a canal surface, i.e. envelope surface of one-parameter family of spheres, the swept envelope of a conical cutter is represented as a sphere-swept surface. Then, an approach is presented to efficiently compute the signed distance between a point in space and the swept surface without constructing the swept surface itself. The first order differential increment of the signed point-to-surface distance with respect to the differential deformation of the tool axis trajectory surface is derived. By using the distance function, tool path optimizations for semi-finish and finish millings are formulated as two constrained optimization problems in a unified framework, and a sequential approximation algorithm along with a hierarchical algorithmic structure is developed for the optimization. Numerical examples are given to confirm the validity and efficiency of the proposed approach. Comparing with the existing approaches, the present one improves the machining accuracy greatly. The rationale developed applies to general rotary cutters.  相似文献   

为了克服传统人工铆钉检测工效低、精度不易控制等弊端,提出了一种基于机器视觉的多铆钉非接触式自动检测算法。采用改进的OTSU算法对采集到的铆钉图像进行分割,有效地减少了污点区域的误划分。为解决铆钉方位的随机性对检测过程造成的影响,采用最小外接矩形法定位铆钉轮廓主轴,克服了复杂工业环境中的不确定因素。通过计算铆钉轮廓各点在两侧支撑区间内曲率的方法识别轮廓特征点,有效减少了噪声在曲率计算中的权重,并提高了识别精度。实验表明:该系统检测精度高,且误检率低,能满足铆钉生产在线检测的要求。  相似文献   

The problem of minimizing the total number of tool switches for a numerically controlled flexible machine is considered. A set of parts is to be processed with the machine. Each part needs a set of tools which should reside in the magazine of the machine at the moment of processing. Because of the limited capacity of the magazine, tools must be switched and the objective is to minimize the amount of this work. We propose an algorithm which tries to avoid sticking to a local minimum by repeated searches from different initial starting points which are created by repeated construction of super parts from parts with similar tools. The proposed algorithm and a number of efficient heuristics presented in the literature are empirically tested by both random test problems and real production data. The new algorithm performs well when considering the tradeoff between solution quality and running time.  相似文献   

数控机床加工系统远程在线监测方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以数控机床为对象,设计了一个基于网络技术和虚拟仪器技术的数控机床加工系统远程监测系统,并将当前流行的视频监控技术应用到该在线监测系统中来,重点研究了刀具状态的监测方法。  相似文献   

光线应用数据传输是对传统数据传输方式的颠覆,可以对当前的高清视频传输起到重要的现实作用.本文根据FPGA存在的特点设计管线传输系统,重点解决传统背景下远距离视频传输中遇到的问题,在分析系统基本原理基础上,重点设计发送端以及接收端,最后通过简单的条纹实验验证系统设计效果.  相似文献   

针对机床高速旋转主轴的安装偏心及各种外界干扰对热误差精确测量的影响,本文选用了精度较高的电容式位移传感器及NI数据采集卡,基于LabVIEW平台开发了一套机床温度和位移数据实时检测系统。该检测系统可实现在主轴高速旋转下位移数据的高速率采样,并采用软件数字滤波方法对位移数据处理。最后将该检测系统进行实验测量,实验结果表明该检测系统具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

An optical guiding system is modeled and the signal processing and its operation are studied. Our model is based on the principle that two moving objects are considered, in which one is the moving robot, and the other one is the sought object. The reported system is capable of detecting and measuring the relative motion of the target, and, in response generating electrical signal capable of directing and guiding the vehicle on the shop floor. In this way, the respected robot or vehicle using such a device can maintain its aim on the related target scene at all times. The proposed system offers a higher degree of accuracy and reliability since it considers the state-of-art electronic and optical components for signal processing. A software package (ORCAD 9) is used to simulate signal processing of such an optical tracking system and the results are reported.  相似文献   

A miniaturized optical fiber probe for measuring esophageal pressure, that makes use of biconically-tapered fibers, has been built and characterized. The functioning of this probe is based on the decrease in transmitted power in the fiber, when it is bent in its biconical part under the action of pressure. We made and tested several probes, using different fibers (monomode and few-modes) and different tapering values. Our best result was achieved with a probe which utilizes a biconical monomode fiber that has a waist diameter of 36 μm. The resolution obtained was 2 mm Hg in the range between 5 and 55 mm Hg.  相似文献   

Conceptual development of an enhanced tripod mechanism for machine tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a spatial three degrees of freedom parallel mechanism enhanced by a passive leg is proposed. The proposed parallel mechanism can be used in several applications, e.g. motion simulator, micromanipulator and machine tools. First, the geometric model of the three degrees of freedom parallel mechanism is addressed, in which a fourth kinematic link—a passive link connecting the base center to the platform center—is introduced. This last link is used to constrain the motion of the platform to only three degrees of freedom, i.e. the degree of freedom of the mechanism depends on the passive leg. The passive leg also enhances the global stiffness of the structure and distributes the torque from machining. Second, the kinematic analysis with the consideration of link flexibility is conducted. A kinetostatic model of the three degrees of freedom parallel mechanism with a passive link is then established and analyzed using lumped-parameter model. With the proposed method, a significant effect of the link flexibility on the mechanism's precision has been demonstrated. The influence of the change of structure parameters, including material properties, on the system behavior is discussed. Compliance mapping is also illustrated. The kinetostatic model proposed in the paper can be extended for optimal design and control of parallel kinematic machines. Finally, design optimization is conducted using genetic algorithms and some design guideline is given.  相似文献   

This work presents the development of a meso-scale machine tool with a nanometer resolution. The newly developed meso-scale machine tool consists of a pagoda structure for Z-axis, four HR8 ultrasonic motors, three linear encoders with a resolution of 2 nm, a coaxial counter-balance system, a XY coplanar positioning stage, a rotary stage, a Galil 4-axis motion control card, an industrial PC and a CCD camera system. The optimal geometrical dimensions of the pagoda structure have been determined by ANSYS software. The designed meso-scale machine tool is equipped with an X–Y coplanar positioning stage with nanometer resolution. The coplanar stage developed by National Taiwan University was integrated with two linear encoders, so that a two-axis closed-loop control was possible. A circular positioning test with the radius of 1 mm using the developed stage was tested, and the overall circular positioning error was about 83 nm based on the test results. The micro V-grooves and the micro pyramid cutting tests of the polished oxygen free copper using a single crystal diamond tool on the developed meso-scale machine tool have been performed. The cutting tests under various combination of the depth of cut and cutting speed have been carried out. It revealed that the cutting speed had no great influence on the cutting force. The measured cutting forces for the depth of cut of 5, 10, 15 μm were 1.2, 1.6 and 2.4 N, respectively. The results showed the meso-scale machining tool can be used in micro pyramid structures manufacturing.  相似文献   

Five-axis CNC flank machining has been commonly used in the industry for shaping complex geometries. Geometrical errors typically occur in five-axis flank finishing of non-developable surfaces using a cylindrical cutter. Most existing tool path planning methods adjust discrete cutter locations to reduce these errors. An excessive change in the cutter center or axis between consecutive cutter locations may deteriorate the machined surface quality. This study developed a tool path generation method for minimizing geometrical errors on finished surfaces while preserving high-order continuity in the cutter motion. A tool path is described using the moving trajectory of the cutter center and changes in two rotational angles in compact curve representations. An optimization scheme is proposed to search for optimal curve control points and the resulting tool path. A curve subdivision mechanism progressively increases the control points during the search process. Simulation results confirm that the proposed method not only enhances the computational efficiency of tool path generation but also improves the machined surface finish. This study provides a computational approach for precision tool path planning in five-axis CNC flank finishing of ruled surfaces.  相似文献   

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