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提出了一种2.5Gb/s同步光纤网络SDH/SONET中指针处理器芯片实现结构.指针处理器执行指针解释、通路开销性能监测功能,产生新的与系统时钟同步的STM/STS帧.指针解释模块对输入STM/STS通道的H1/H2指针进行解释,支持48通道的指针解释和每个通道的通路开销监测.采用4路总线流水线结构,77.76MHz的系统时钟,即可实时处理2.5Gb/s的SDH/SONET数据.采用TSMC 0.13μm工艺流片,技术指标符合ITU-T标准.  相似文献   

设计了SDH/SONET的低阶支路VT/TU映射芯片,单片实现28通道DS1/VC-11或21通道E1/VC-12到7个VTG/TUG-2的映射及逆映射,或DS1/E1/VC的组合到VTG/TUG-2的混合映射.该芯片带有支路环回和指针处理功能,支持UPSR环形网络拓扑结构.采用TSMC 0.13 μm CMOS工艺流片成功,电路规模约23.7万门.  相似文献   

2.5Gb/s SDH/SONET传送开销处理器芯片实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
设计了一种2.5Gb/s同步光纤网络SDH/SONET中传送开销处理器芯片.采用双向4路总线流水线结构,77.76MHz的系统时钟,即可实时处理2.5Gb/s的SDH/SONET数据.支持STM-16、4路STM-4和STM-1的再生段开销和复用段开销处理以及STS-48、4路STS-12和STS-3的段开销和线路开销处理.采用TSMC 0.13μm工艺流片,电路规模约48万门,技术指标符合ITU-T标准.  相似文献   

IP over SONET     
IP over SONET technology is being deployed today in IP backbone networks to provide efficient, cost-effective, high-speed transport between fast routers. The authors present an overview of the architectural considerations in the deployment of IP over SONET technology. In addition, an overview of the developments in IP over SONET interface design and specification is provided. Finally, the authors conclude with an examination of the future of high-speed Internet transport  相似文献   

《IEEE network》1992,6(1):36-41
The initial deployment of SONET products in the network has raised the issue of how to manage bandwidth allocations and use network management features to support existing and future network services. The requirements for managing the new transport with the features available, using management systems in existence today, are addressed. It is concluded that SONET will require new solutions in managing tomorrow's, networks, and that operations systems must develop a graceful migration plan in managing the existing and new networks  相似文献   

A prototype software system that implements a methodology for the strategic planning of survivable interoffice networks is presented. The software system determines strategic locations and ring types for synchronous optical network ring placement. Two types of survivable network architectures are considered-1:1 diverse protection and SONET self-healing rings. The software considers three types of SONET self-healing rings-unidirectional, 2-fiber bidirectional, and 4-fiber bidirectional. Hubbing is assumed in all architectures. Inputs include nodes, links, connectivity, facility hierarchy, and multiyear point-to-point demands, together with the costs of fiber material and splicing, route mileage (installation), and multiplexors and regenerators of different rates. The outputs are a set of near-optimal rings based on cost, specifying the ring types and rates, fiber span sizes and counts, regenerator locations and speeds, the topology (set of links to be used), and the network cost. In addition, the software outputs the time in the planning period that each ring and fiber span should be installed  相似文献   

邬贺铨 《世界电信》1995,8(2):11-13
SDH和SONET是同步传输体制的两种标准,电信部门在设备引入时应注意这两种标准的异同;提供国际业务的公司还可能遇到这两种标准的系统互通问题,为此本刊特邀光纤传输领域的专家邬贺铨先生撰文,从系统速率,复用结构,净荷类型,通道指针,段开锁字节,能通道开销字节,维护告警判据,时钟性能等方面对SDH与SONET进行了比较,指出出了它们的不同之处,最后说明了SDH与SONET互通需注意的问题。  相似文献   

The synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) arose from a need for a new and single world multiplexing standard which could support switched broadband telecommunication services and for a standard optical interface for use by interexchange carriers. This tutorial paper reviews the features of SDH and outlines its frame structure. Network design and applications are reviewed and the paper concludes with a summary of the advantages of SDH  相似文献   

新一代SDH/SONET技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从SDH/SONET光传输网的现状出发,分别对SDH/SONET ADMs的发展趋势、Data over SDH、RPR over SDH及GMPLS-SDH技术等作了介绍。  相似文献   

A perspective is given from the local exchange carrier (LEC) viewpoint on the advantages of deploying SONET (synchronous optical network), the rate at which SONET will be deployed, some typical early applications and architectures, and the role SONET will play in the evolution of the LEC network of the future. The SONET deployment timeline and capabilities are examined. Aspects of SONET architecture are discussed, namely, the access network, the interoffice transport-network, and SONET operations and control. New network capabilities and services and evolution to broadband are considered  相似文献   

To take full advantage of SONET granularity and DWDM capacity, the two technologies must be combined to enable deployment of the most economic transport networks. The emergence of integrated SONET and DWDM platforms is also part of the effort to build a hybrid network to achieve this objective. It then poses a new challenge to network designers in designing networks mixed with MSPP, ROADM, and integrated platforms. This article provides guidelines on recognizing different types of hybrid networks and how to accomplish the design task by using existing design tools or procedures  相似文献   

沈晓 《通讯世界》2001,(1):36-37
业务提供商和运营商们正在寻求一种方案,帮助他们从现有的静态TDM复用时代过渡到动态IP业务网时代。 人们对接入网的要求正经历着戏剧性的变化。导致这种变化的主要因素有两个:第一、终端用户要求更多的廉价带宽、更多的控制能力与灵活性;第二、许多骨干网提供商正在建设具有难以置信的容量的长途网络。这种潮流加速了传输带宽价格的降低,其结果是对终端用户的带宽需求又起到了推波助澜的作用,为了满足这些新的需求,运营商和业务提供商对系统生产商提出了3个“简单”的要求: *帮助运营商和业务提供商大规模地扩展自己的网络以…  相似文献   

The evolution of user interface design from first-stage element management systems to potential third-stage service management systems is reviewed. Requirements for user interface design are discussed. It is argued that network and service management systems for synchronous optical networks (SONETs) will benefit from the object-oriented programming approaches now being popularized in graphical windowed interfaces  相似文献   

本文从国际传送网建设的必要性、SDH/SONET的区别及其转换方案等进行论述,并以实际应用案例加以说明。  相似文献   

用户对更大带宽的需求加速了网络主干容量的增长速度,但其对网络边缘系统的影响更为深远。为保持竞争力,开发网络边缘产品的通信系统制造商需要快速地进行系统开发,以支持不断增长的接入服务,包括新的服务,如DSL和电缆MOD-EM,以及现有的56kbps拨号业务和商业用户采用的传统T/E载波业务。 在这些传输介质之上,需要支持一系列不同的协议,包括帧中继、  相似文献   

Agilent技术公司的HDMP-3001芯片是一种可将以太网帧映射成完全的SONET/SDH帧的集成器件。它允许局域网与租用的OC-3c线相联,同时也允许每个局域网的以太开关直接连接以减少开支,并使透明局域服务省去广域网的存取路由器。文中介绍了HDMP-3001的主要特征和配置说明,最的给出了其应用举例。  相似文献   

文中介绍了一种2.5Gbps同步数字传输/光纤网络(SDH/SONET)芯片组。发送器由MAX3890(合路器、时钟发生器)和MAX3867(激光驱动器)组成,总随机抖动仅为3.4psRMS,MAX3890可提供2.5Gbps时钟给MAX3867的输入锁定,用于数据信号的再定时,使MAX3867成为仅有的系统性抖动源,典型的系统性抖动≤50psRMS。接收器由MAX3866(TIA)、MAX3875(时种及数据恢复)和MAX3885(分路器)组成,总随机抖动仅4.6psRMS系统性抖动约为20psRMS。该芯片组对于ITU/Bellcore关于2.5Gbps SDH/SONET抖动规范有显著的设计裕量。  相似文献   

Control algorithms of SONET integrated self-healing networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As the deployment of high-speed fiber transmission systems has been accelerated, they are widely recognized as a firm infrastructure of the information society. In SONET, the self-healing networks have been highlighted as one of the most advanced mechanisms used to realize SONET survivable networks. Several schemes have been proposed and studied due to the rapid progress in the development of highly intelligent network elements (NEs). A DCS based distributed self-healing network is discussed from the viewpoint of its control algorithms. The self-healing algorithm, called TRANS, is explained in detail. It possesses such desirable features as providing fast and flexible restoration with line and path level restoration applied to an individual STS-1 channel, the capability of handling multiple and even node failures, and so on. Both software simulation and hardware experiment verify that TRANS works properly in a real distributed environment, the result of which is shown in the paper. In addition, the combined use of TRANS and ring restoration control is proposed taking into account a practical SONET application  相似文献   

在最初部署语音通信时,SONET/SDH就已在当今服务供应商网络的部署中发挥了重要作用,它将语音、视频及数据在强大可靠的单个传输机制上进行了完美组合。然而,当今部署的众多设备架构均无法充分进行扩展来满足未来不断增长的数据需求。此外,随着网络节点数量不断呈指数增长,配置并管理这些网络正变得日趋复杂。在当今注重低成本的服务供应商环境中,电信运营商正在寻求削减资金及运营支出的方法。他们需要对其现有SONET/SDH基础设施进行无缝扩展,以便不断提高容量,同时还能轻松提供并维持各种业务。  相似文献   

Service applications for SONET DCS distributed restoration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper determines the scope of network applications and services that could be offered using a SONET DCS-based self-recovering mesh architecture with distributed control. The study includes an outage impact analysis on network services and a determination of how network restoration time objectives will affect the applicability for the distributed controlled DCS network architecture. It is concluded that using SONET DCS distributed control architectures to provide more complete survivability of a network would support numerous applications. Future services will demand a fault-tolerant network with complete survivability; this may only be reached through integration of SONET DCS distributed control architectures with other survivable architectures such as cell relay networks (e.g., supporting SMDS) and self-healing rings  相似文献   

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