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以青岛大花作为对照,研究了高α-酸含量酒花品种马可波罗(Marco Polo)和哥伦布(Columbus)的品质和酿造特点,评价高α-酸含量酒花对青岛大花的替代性。结果表明:马可波罗和哥伦布酒花的α-酸含量高,可降低酒花添加量。合葎草酮含量低,苦感柔和。酒花油组分中里那醇和香叶醇含量高,对啤酒的香气贡献大。总多酚及黄腐酚含量较高,但单位α-酸添加的多酚量不足且抗氧化能力略差,可能对啤酒的非生物稳定性、抗氧化性产生影响。从酿造麦汁指标来看,高α-酸含量酒花的使用可达到预期的苦味质,且异构化率高于青岛大花。采用高α-酸含量酒花配合多酚颗粒酒花使用可以改善麦汁的非生物稳定性和抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)结合气相色谱—质谱联用(GC-MS)对添加哈拉道、捷克萨兹、卡斯卡特、西姆科4种酒花酿造的葡萄酒的香气成分进行检测,比较4种酒花葡萄酒的香气成分相似处及不同点。结果表明:添加卡斯卡特、捷克萨兹、西姆科3种酒花的葡萄酒挥发性成分种类增加。主成分分析结果显示,卡斯卡特、哈拉道、西姆科酒样存在着相同的特征香气成分,香气类似。聚类分析将不同的酒花葡萄酒样品聚为两组,一组为哈拉道、卡斯卡特、西姆科,另一组为捷克萨兹,与主成分分析结果一致。两种分析方法能较好区分出加入不同种类的酒花葡萄酒。  相似文献   

啤酒中的里那醇、香叶醇和β-香茅醇等单萜醇类物质是贡献啤酒酒花香气的重要成分,其在发酵过程中的变化对啤酒香气质量产生直接影响。结合感官品评和数理统计手段,发现在4%(v/v)乙醇溶液中,不同浓度的里那醇、香叶醇和β-香茅醇的单一物质香气及其协同作用香气呈现出的特性均不同。当含量不高于50μg/L时,混合不同浓度的3种物质,发现并非3者的浓度越高啤酒获得的香气强度就越大,且当里那醇浓度为12.5μg/L,香叶醇浓度为12.5μg/L,β-香茅醇浓度为25μg/L时,3者的协同作用可促使啤酒获得最突出的酒花香气。此外,里那醇、香叶醇和β-香茅醇在发酵过程中发生了生物化学变化,其中里那醇主要转化为α-萜品醇;香叶醇主要转化为β-香茅醇;β-香茅醇主要转化为乙酸香茅酯。3者总体损失率分别为36.6%、45.1%和38.1%。结合上述两方面研究,在采用发酵罐添加酒花的方式进行酿造时,控制好酒花的添加量,促使啤酒中里那醇、香叶醇和β-香茅醇的最终含量在12.5μg/L,12.5μg/L和25μg/L即可达到合理利用酒花香气资源的目的。  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取气相色谱-质谱(HS-SPME-GC-MS)联用的方法分析测定中国、美国和新西兰Cascade颗粒酒花中香气化合物的组成,分别与Cascade酒花在麦汁煮沸时添加酒花的酒样香气化合物和在啤酒储存期干投酒花的酒样香气化合物进行对比分析,同时分别进行感官品评。结果表明,三个国家Cascade酒花的香气化合物相比较,新西兰Cascade酒花在麦汁煮沸过程中添加,香气化合物减少17种,增加3种,在啤酒储存期干投香气物质减少19种,增加12种;美国Cascade酒花在麦汁煮沸过程中添加,香气化合物减少18种,增加2种,在啤酒储存期干投香气物质减少12种,增加12种;中国Cascade酒花在麦汁煮沸过程中添加,香气化合物减少12种,增加5种,在啤酒储存期干投香气物质减少11种,增加14种。减少的主要是萜烯类物质,增加的主要是醇和酯类物质。感官品评方面,在麦汁煮沸过程中添加Cascade酒花,中国的Cascade酒花具有突出的柑橘、柠檬、苹果或桃子的香味;在啤酒储存期干投Cascade酒花,生成较多的醇类物质,酒花的利用率较高。  相似文献   

本文的研究目的是考察酒花收获时间对使用干酒花lager啤酒风味的影响。选择的收获日期定为24天,从收获早期(date 1)到晚期(date 5)。为了评估啤酒的风味稳定性,选择date 2和date 5酒花酿造的啤酒进行品评。本项研究的第一步是考察干酒花收获日期是否会对千酒花啤酒的风味稳定性产生影响,结果表明晚收获的酒花酿造的啤酒风味稳定性稍好些。然而,随着储存时间和温度的增加,储存45天后的差异减小并趋于稳定;总体啤酒风味变化很大;啤酒的香气分值减小。在低于28℃储存时,晚收获酒花酿造的啤酒香气分值仅稍高于早收获酒花酿造的啤酒,只有低温储存条件下,date 5酒花酿造啤酒的苦味质量才会稍微高些。因此晚收获的酒花有利于啤酒的风味稳定性,但是作用时间是有限的,低温储存啤酒时晚收获酒花对风味稳定性的贡献非常显著。  相似文献   

一、添加自花油的必要性对于淡色啤酒来讲,其香气主要是由酒花而未的香气并伴有由发酵产生的酒精、酯、羰基化合物的香气。良好的啤酒必须有良好的香气。在啤酒的品评规则中,酒花香味则作为淡色啤酒的四个主要贡量指标列入啤酒质量的品评中(占15分),占有很大的比重。没有良好的酒花香气.则这种啤酒给人的印象会大打折扣。在啤;百的生产过程中.生产厂家则采取苦型后花与香型酒花相结合添加的方式来保证在授予啤酒清爽苦味的同时也笑予啤酒一定的活花香气。但如果酒花的添加时间过早,则会导致酒花中的酒花油组分.在麦对煮沸时,大部…  相似文献   

以皮尔森麦芽、特种麦芽和酒花为原料,选用上面艾尔酵母BE-256经二次发酵,酿制高酒精度的修道院强烈艾尔啤酒。 以感 官评分为评价指标,通过单因素试验研究发酵温度、加糖量及酒花干投量对啤酒感官品质的影响,在此基础上以感官评分为响应值, 建立响应面模型优化啤酒酿造的工艺条件。 结果表明,修道院强烈艾尔啤酒的最佳酿造工艺条件为发酵温度20 ℃,加糖量3.04%,酒 花干投量0.42 g/L。 在此优化条件下,啤酒的感官评分为92.8分,外观呈琥珀色,泡沫丰富细腻,香气宜人,酒体醇厚,杀口力强。  相似文献   

对于啤酒酿造来说,添加酒花的历史悠久。目前关于酒花的各项研究备受关注,然而至今研究仍存在很多空白领域。酒花舍有复杂的芳香成分,赋予啤酒特殊的香气,对啤酒风味起了关键作用。文章全面综述了酒花组分及酒花的添加方式对酿造啤酒香气影响的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

酒花香气成分的检测及富含典型酒花香气啤酒的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单萜类物质是贡献啤酒酒花香气的重要成分。本研究在100L中试规模,原麦汁浓度为14°P,苦味质为20BU的条件下,从不同酒花添加工艺、添加量和品种三方面分析了啤酒中8种单萜类酒花香气物质的含量,并进行感官品评,发现在发酵罐中添加l%o香花的效果最好,啤酒风格因酒花品种不同而有异。8种酒花香气物质中里那醇、香叶醇、口.香茅醇和α-萜品醇最为重要,其啤酒中的含量与酒花中里那醇和香叶醇含量密切相关,前三者与前人研究-致,但本研究发现“α-萜品醇”也是重要香气物质之-。但啤酒中的酒花香气物质含量高,酒花香味不-定强,这可能与其构型有关,因此,又研究了三种酒花在啤酒酿造过程中酒花香气物质的同分异构体,包括(R)-(-)-里那醇、(S)-(+)-里那醇、(-)-α-萜品醇、(十)-α-萜品醇、(R]-(+)-卢-香茅醇、(S)-(-)-卢-香茅醇的含量。研究发现酒花品种的差异会引起同分异构体含量及比例的显著差异,加上其阈值的变化。进-步验证了同分异构体对啤酒中酒花香味的影响。  相似文献   

使用青岛大花CO2浸膏替代青岛大花颗粒进行啤酒酿造,对比其与正常青岛啤酒酒花添加工艺对啤酒口味、稳定性的影响。  相似文献   

啤酒花有两种基本类型:苦型和香型酒花.它赋予啤酒特有的苦味和香味,同时也影响啤酒的泡沫形成;酒花中含有酒花树脂、酒花油和多酚物质.本文主要就香型酒花在啤酒酿造过程中的风味变化以及对啤酒香味质量的影响进行了讨论.  相似文献   

酒酒花添加可赋予啤酒特有的风味,使酒体丰满协调。萜类物质对酒花风味的贡献发挥着重要作用。其中,萜烯醇类物质(如里那醇、香叶醇、β-香茅醇、α-萜品醇、橙花醇等)是影响酒花香气的关键性成分,其在发酵过程中含量的微小变化对啤酒的品质及感官评价影响很大。啤酒中的萜烯醇类物质不仅与酒花品种有关,还与发酵过程中的生物转化有关,甚至在储存时期也有变化。了解酒花中的萜烯醇类香气化合物在啤酒酿造过程中的含量及变化规律与控制和稳定啤酒的风味质量密切相关。该文就酒花中萜烯醇类物质的国内外研究现状做一综述。  相似文献   

The hop cones of the female plant of the common hop species Humulus lupulus L. are grown almost exclusively for the brewing industry. Only the cones of the female plants are able to secrete the fine yellow resinous powder (i.e. lupulin glands). It is in these lupulin glands that the main brewing principles of hops, the resins and essential oils, are synthesized and accumulated. Hops are of interest to the brewer since they impart the typical bitter taste and aroma to beer and are responsible for the perceived hop character. In addition to the comfortable bitterness and the refreshing hoppy aroma delivered by hops, the hop acids also contribute to the overall microbial stability of beer. Another benefit of the hop resins is that they help enhance and stabilize beer foam and promote foam lacing. In an attempt to understand these contributions, the very complex nature of the chemical composition of hops is reviewed. First, a general overview of the hop chemistry and nomenclature is presented. Then, the different hop resins found in the lupulin glands of the hop cones are discussed in detail. The major hop bitter acids (α‐ and β‐acids) and the latest findings on the absolute configuration of the cis and trans iso‐α‐acids are discussed. Special attention is given to the hard resins; the known δ‐resin is reviewed and the ε‐resin is introduced. Recent data on the bittering potential and the antimicrobial properties of both hard resin fractions are disclosed. Attention is also given to the numerous essential oil constituents as well as their contributions to beer aroma. In addition to the aroma contribution of the well‐known essential oil compounds, a number of recently identified sulfur compounds and their impact on beer aroma are reviewed. The hop polyphenols and their potential health benefits are also addressed. Subsequently, the importance of hops in brewing is examined and the contributions of hops to beer quality are explained. Finally, the beer and hop market of the last century, as well as the new trends in brewing, are discussed in detail. Hop research is an ever growing field of central importance to the brewing industry, even in areas that are not traditionally associated with hops and brewing. This article attempts to give a general overview of the different areas of hop research while assessing the latest advances in hop science and their impact on brewing. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

随着啤酒工业的发展,印度浅色爱尔啤酒(IPA)越来越受消费者的欢迎。酒花赋予啤酒丰富的风味,IPA啤酒的突出特点是酒花香味丰富。该文对IPA中酒花香味物质及其对IPA啤酒香味的影响和其在发酵过程中的变化的最新研究做了全面综述,同时探讨了酒花干投和湿投对IPA口味的影响,并介绍了目前酒花香味物质的分析方法,为今后酒花香气研究者提供参考,以推动啤酒行业发展。  相似文献   

本文检测了不同啤酒麦芽及酒花品种中酚酸的含量,分析了酿造原料对麦汁抗氧化能力的影响。结果发现,加麦、澳麦、国产西北三种麦芽中,澳麦提供的抗氧化能力较小,同时提供的老化物质也最少,对提高啤酒的风味稳定性有利。以单位α-酸计,香花比苦花提供更多的酚酸和抗氧化能力。酒花老化过程损失相当多的酚酸,酿造过程中应尽量使用新鲜的酒花。  相似文献   

Although hop technology has been a substantial part of brewing science for the last 130 years, we are still far from claiming to know everything about hops. As hops are considered primarily as a flavour ingredient for beer, with the added benefit of having anti‐microbial effects, hop research is focused on hops as a bittering agent, as an aroma contributor and as a preservative. Newer fields in hop research are directed toward the relevance of hops in flavour stability, brewing process utilisation, the technological benefits of hops in brewing as well as hops as a source of various substances with many health benefits. However the more we find out about the so‐called “spirit of beer” the more questions emerge that demand answers. While hop research was only an ancillary research field for decades, during the last ten years more universities and breweries have determined that hops must play a meaningful role in their research efforts. This article gives an overview of the up‐to‐date knowledge on hop aroma, hop derived bitterness, and the role of hops in flavour stability as well as light stability. Hop research is a wide field, therefore in this review only selected topics are reviewed. Other research areas such as hops utilisation, the antifoam potential of hops, or the advances in knowledge pertaining to the physiological valuable substances of hops go beyond the scope of this article.  相似文献   

SUMMARY— The volatile material from a pilot plant brewed beer (hopped) has been analyzed by the direct combination of capillary gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. None of the major volatile terpenoid hydrocarbons of hops (myrcene, caryophyllene, humulene) could be detected in the beer volatiles. The only volatile constituents in the beer which could be assigned to hops with some certainty were ethyl dec-4-enoate and ethyl deca-4,9-dienoate, which exist in the hop oil as the methyl esters.
A capillary gas chromatography analysis of a beer which was brewed without hops but with methyl dec-4-enoate (0.02 g/L) showed that this ester was converted to the ethyl ester by the fermentation.
A study was also carried out using model systems to parallel the "kettle boiling" step of brewing. This involved boiling hops with water for a set period and filtering the water extract from the hops. It was found that the pattern of volatile hop constituents in the filtrate (hopped water) was quite different from hop oil and consisted principally of free organic acids, humulene epoxide, humulenol, and other hop oil oxygenated components. With fine filteration through Celite, very little myrcene, humulene, or caryophyllene were transferred into the water, even though they form the major part of hop volatiles. If, however, only coarse filtration was used, a greater amount of these hydrocarbons were found in the filtrate.
It is concluded that the amount of volatile hop oil constituents reaching the final beer probably depends upon the exact conditions of the brewing process used. No evidence could be found in the present work to support the view that the tiny amounts that do survive in beer prepared by the typical American process could contribute more than a very minor amount to the characteristic beer aroma.  相似文献   

以玫瑰香葡萄为原料,探讨在葡萄酒酿造中加入西楚酒花后的香气特点。采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对添加不同浓度的西楚酒花玫瑰香葡萄酒中挥发性物质进行定性鉴定和定量分析,运用主成分分析法(PCA)分析不同浓度的西楚酒花玫瑰香葡萄酒的关键香气物质,并结合香气阈值确定各挥发性成分的相对气味活度值(ROAV)。结果表明:共检测到31种香气成分,包括13种酯类、11种醇类、1种酸类、6种其他类,其中醇类和酯类物质含量较高,对葡萄酒整体香气具有重要贡献作用;通过主成分分析得出,5个酒样在前3个主成分呈分散分布,说明添加西楚酒花的玫瑰香葡萄酒与普通酒样的香气成分种类之间差异明显;在酒样中,随着西楚酒花浓度的增加,同时玫瑰香葡萄酒的特征风味物质香茅醇的含量也在增加。综合得出,西楚酒花葡萄酒中能保留部分酒花香味物质,酒花香气物质与葡萄酒本身香气物质并不是简单叠加。  相似文献   

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