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The face pattern is described by pairs of template-based histogram and Fisher projection orientation under the framework of AdaBoost learning in this paper. We assume that a set of templates are available first. To avoid making strong assumptions about distributional structure while still retaining good properties for estimation, the classical statistical model, histogram, is used to summarize the response of each template. By introducing a novel “Integral Histogram Image”, we can compute histogram rapidly. Then, we turn to Fisher linear discriminant for each template to project histogram from d-dimensional subspace to one-dimensional subspace. Best features, used to describe face pattern, are selected by AdaBoost learning. The results of experiments demonstrate that the selected features are much more powerful to represent the face pattern than the simple rectangle features used by Viola and Jones and some variants.  相似文献   

Knowledge management in supply chain: An empirical study from France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Supply chain management has assumed a leading operations strategy position in both manufacturing and service industries, and over the past 10 years companies have seriously implemented supply chain management strategies in their organizations. Knowledge management (KM) is a major enabler of supply chain management, and is a critical element in information intensive and multi-cultured enterprise environments. Realizing the importance of knowledge management in supply chain (SC), an attempt has been made in this paper to propose a conceptual framework for KM in SC and to validate the framework with help of an empirical study conducted with French companies. Finally, a summary of findings and conclusions is presented for KM in SC.  相似文献   



Code smells are manifestations of design flaws that can degrade code maintainability. So far, no research has investigated if these indicators are useful for conducting system-level maintainability evaluations.


The research in this paper investigates the potential of code smells to reflect system-level indicators of maintainability.


We evaluated four medium-sized Java systems using code smells and compared the results against previous evaluations on the same systems based on expert judgment and the Chidamber and Kemerer suite of metrics. The systems were maintained over a period of up to 4 weeks. During maintenance, effort (person-hours) and number of defects were measured to validate the different evaluation approaches.


Most code smells are strongly influenced by size; consequently code smells are not good indicators for comparing the maintainability of systems differing greatly in size. Also, from the comparison of the different evaluation approaches, expert judgment was found as the most accurate and flexible since it considered effects due to the system's size and complexity and could adapt to different maintenance scenarios.


Code smell approaches show promise as indicators of the need for maintenance in a way that other purely metric-based approaches lack.  相似文献   

The Fisher scoring method is widely used for likelihood maximization, but its application can be difficult in situations where the expected information matrix is not available in closed form or when parameters have constraints. In this paper, we describe an interpolation family that generalizes the Fisher scoring method and propose a general Monte Carlo approach that makes these generalized methods also applicable in such situations. With this approach, random samples are generated from the iteratively estimated models and used to provide estimates of the expected information. As a result, the likelihood function can be optimized by repeatedly solving weighted linear regression problems. Specific extensions of this general approach to fitting multivariate normal mixtures and to fitting mixed-effects models with a single discrete random effect are also described. Numerical studies show that the proposed algorithms are fast and reliable to use, as compared with the classical expectation-maximization algorithm.  相似文献   

ObjectiveInstead of the linear model (LM), time intervals can be represented by a two-dimensional (2D) model, which is called the triangular model (TM). Although the TM has been introduced for decades and applied in some areas, there still a lack of empirical studies on its usability. To fill this gap, this study aims to evaluate how people perform when using the TM to answer questions on time intervals, in comparison with using the traditional LM.MethodAround 250 novice participants took part in the experiment, which consisted of a video training, a pretest and posttest. The video training introduced the basic knowledge of temporal relations and the two representations. The pretest allowed participants to practice the knowledge they have learned and receive feedbacks of the answers. In the posttest, participants' accuracy and speed when answering the questions were recorded for analysis. The results of using the TM and the LM were compared in pairs. The null hypothesis is that the participants produce equal results with the two models.ResultThe results showed that the participants scored better and spent less time when answering questions with the TM, which rejected the null hypothesis. Moreover, the score and speed when they used the TM did decline in the questions containing a larger number of intervals. In contrast, the score and accuracy when they used the LM declined when questions containing a large number of intervals.Conclusion
  • •The TM is easy to learn. After a 20-min training, novice participants can use it to solve questions and produce satisfactory result.
  • •The TM is easy and efficient for visual queries of time intervals.
  • •The TM is easy to use for handling a large number of intervals.
  • •The TM can be widely applied in analysing time intervals and linear data.
  • •Tools implementing the TM can be learned and used by novice users.

Inheritance is a fundamental feature of the Object-Oriented (OO) paradigm. It is used to promote extensibility and reuse in OO systems. Understanding how systems evolve, and specifically, trends in the movement and re-location of classes in OO hierarchies can help us understand and predict future maintenance effort. In this paper, we explore how and where new classes were added as well as where existing classes were deleted or moved across inheritance hierarchies from multiple versions of four Java systems. We observed first, that in one of the studied systems the same set of classes was continuously moved across the inheritance hierarchy. Second, in the same system, the most frequent changes were restricted to just one sub-part of the overall system. Third, that a maximum of three levels may be a threshold when using inheritance in a system; beyond this level very little activity was observed, supporting earlier theories that, beyond three levels, complexity becomes overwhelming. We also found evidence of ‘collapsing’ hierarchies to bring classes up to shallower levels. Finally, we found that larger classes and highly coupled classes were more frequently moved than smaller and less coupled classes. Statistical evidence supported the view that larger classes and highly coupled classes were less cohesive than smaller classes and lowly coupled classes and were thus more suitable candidates for being moved (within an hierarchy).  相似文献   

In this paper, the method of kernel Fisher discriminant (KFD) is analyzed and its nature is revealed, i.e., KFD is equivalent to kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) plus Fisher linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Based on this result, a more transparent KFD algorithm is proposed. That is, KPCA is first performed and then LDA is used for a second feature extraction in the KPCA-transformed space. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified using the CENPARMI handwritten numeral database.  相似文献   

The feature selection problem as a task of a transformation of an initial pattern space into a new space, optimal with respect to the discriminatory features is described. Transformation optimizations are realized according to the measures which may be included in the broadly understood group of Fisher measures. In particular, the use of some conception of interclass scatter matrix calculation allows us to obtain different variations of many-class Fisher measures. Finally, a theoretical comparison of some properties of the suggested Fisher transformations with other transformations based on the Karhunen-Loève expansion is presented.  相似文献   

In existing Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) models, the class population mean is always estimated by the class sample average. In small sample size problems, such as face and palm recognition, however, the class sample average does not suffice to provide an accurate estimate of the class population mean based on a few of the given samples, particularly when there are outliers in the training set. To overcome this weakness, the class median vector is used to estimate the class population mean in LDA modeling. The class median vector has two advantages over the class sample average: (1) the class median (image) vector preserves useful details in the sample images, and (2) the class median vector is robust to outliers that exist in the training sample set. In addition, a weighting mechanism is adopted to refine the characterization of the within-class scatter so as to further improve the robustness of the proposed model. The proposed Median Fisher Discriminator (MFD) method was evaluated using the Yale and the AR face image databases and the PolyU (Polytechnic University) palmprint database. The experimental results demonstrated the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Replicating web services over physically distributed servers can offer client applications a number of QoS benefits, including higher availability and reduced response time. However, selecting the “best” service replica to invoke at the client-side is not a trivial task, as this requires taking into account factors such as local and external network conditions, and the servers’ current workload. This paper presents an empirical assessment of five representative client-side service selection policies for accessing replicated web services. The assessment measured the response time obtained with each of the five policies, at two different client configurations, when accessing a world-wide replicated service with four replicas located in three continents. The assessment’s results were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In essence, the results show that, in addition to the QoS levels provided by the external network and the remote servers, characteristics of the local client environment can have a significant impact on the performance of some of the policies investigated. In this regard, the paper presents a set of guidelines to help application developers in identifying a server selection policy that best suits a particular service replication scenario.  相似文献   

Skills required for participating in CMC courses: An empirical study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of new communication technologies and their applications has opened a broad spectrum of options to promote learning, of which a significant one is CMC – Computer-Mediated Communication. Yet, students use this medium to a relatively small extent. Our premise is that the use of these technologies depends on the level of skills and expertise of the individuals using them. The purpose of this study is to determine whether taking a Computer Literacy and Applications course (CLA) before taking CMC courses has an impact on students' participation in CMC courses and on the effective use of various CMC tools. The sample consisted of 153 students enrolled in CMC courses in the Social Sciences in the Spring 2001/2 and Fall 2002/3 semesters. Participants were divided into two groups: 80 students who had taken CLA, and 73 students who had not. A questionnaire to assess the impact of CLA on participation in CMC courses was administered to the two groups. The results of the study indicate that participation in CMC courses is more intensive in the group that had taken CLA. Based on these findings, we recommend mandating a CLA course, like the one developed at the Open University of Israel (OUI), before taking CMC courses.  相似文献   

In this paper an efficient feature extraction method named as locally linear discriminant embedding (LLDE) is proposed for face recognition. It is well known that a point can be linearly reconstructed by its neighbors and the reconstruction weights are under the sum-to-one constraint in the classical locally linear embedding (LLE). So the constrained weights obey an important symmetry: for any particular data point, they are invariant to rotations, rescalings and translations. The latter two are introduced to the proposed method to strengthen the classification ability of the original LLE. The data with different class labels are translated by the corresponding vectors and those belonging to the same class are translated by the same vector. In order to cluster the data with the same label closer, they are also rescaled to some extent. So after translation and rescaling, the discriminability of the data will be improved significantly. The proposed method is compared with some related feature extraction methods such as maximum margin criterion (MMC), as well as other supervised manifold learning-based approaches, for example ensemble unified LLE and linear discriminant analysis (En-ULLELDA), locally linear discriminant analysis (LLDA). Experimental results on Yale and CMU PIE face databases convince us that the proposed method provides a better representation of the class information and obtains much higher recognition accuracies.  相似文献   

Design patterns have become a widely acknowledged software engineering practice and therefore have been incorporated in the curricula of most computer science departments. This paper presents an observational study on students’ ability to understand and apply design patterns. Within the context of a postgraduate software engineering course, students had to deliver two versions of a software system; one without and one with design patterns. The former served as a poorly designed system suffering from architectural problems, while the latter served as an improved system where design problems had been solved by appropriate patterns. The experiment allowed the quantitative evaluation of students’ preference to patterns. Moreover, it was possible to assess students’ ability in relating design problems with patterns and interpreting the impact of patterns on software metrics. The overall goal was to empirically identify ways in which a course on design patterns could be improved.  相似文献   

An empirical study of sentiment analysis for chinese documents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Up to now, there are very few researches conducted on sentiment classification for Chinese documents. In order to remedy this deficiency, this paper presents an empirical study of sentiment categorization on Chinese documents. Four feature selection methods (MI, IG, CHI and DF) and five learning methods (centroid classifier, K-nearest neighbor, winnow classifier, Naïve Bayes and SVM) are investigated on a Chinese sentiment corpus with a size of 1021 documents. The experimental results indicate that IG performs the best for sentimental terms selection and SVM exhibits the best performance for sentiment classification. Furthermore, we found that sentiment classifiers are severely dependent on domains or topics.  相似文献   

A.W. Court   《Knowledge》1998,11(7-8):391-398
With increased market pressures now imposed on companies there is a greater requirement for information and knowledge to be considered as fundamental resources; the need to rapidly provide high quality products of high performance and reliability is forcing companies to change the way in which they manage them. The goal of this paper is to identify the pertinent research issues that will need to be considered in order for knowledge (and information) to be successfully integrated into future product development. This will be achieved by presenting the key findings from empirical and simulation studies of information and knowledge access in engineering design, within a number of different design activities. In particular, this will show the extent to which engineers rely on their personal knowledge.  相似文献   

Reproducing and learning from failures in deployed software is costly and difficult. Those activities can be facilitated, however, if the circumstances leading to a failure can be recognized and properly captured. To anticipate failures we propose to monitor system field behavior for simple trace instances that deviate from a baseline behavior experienced in-house. In this work, we empirically investigate the effectiveness of various simple anomaly detection schemes to identify the conditions that precede failures in deployed software. The results of our experiment provide a preliminary assessment of these schemes, and expose the tradeoffs between different anomaly detection algorithms applied to several types of observable attributes under varying levels of in-house testing.
Anneliese AndrewsEmail:

One of the major obstacles in reverse engineering legacy object-oriented systems is the identification of aggregation relationships. An aggregation relationship, also called whole–part relationship, is a form of association relationship where an object is considered as a part of another object. This characteristic is mostly of semantic nature; therefore, it is difficult to distinguish aggregation from association relationships by implementation mechanism. Most reverse engineering methods for aggregation relationships are based on the lifetime dependence of an object on another object since many implementations of aggregation relationships result in such dependence. However, research literature shows that lifetime dependence is not really a primary property of the aggregation relationships. A reverse engineering approach is proposed on the basis of a primary characteristic for aggregation relationship—propagation of operations. To compare the propagation-based method with the lifetime-based method, we apply both methods to ten class libraries, collect their output, and perform statistical analysis to determine the effectiveness of the two methods. The analysis results show that the propagation-based method performs significantly better than the lifetime-based method and by combining both methods simultaneously the complete aggregation relationships can be uncovered for the class libraries in our experiment.
Dowming YehEmail:

The use of simulations in general and of system dynamics simulation based interactive learning environments (SDILEs) in particular is well recognized as an effective way of improving users’ decision making and learning in complex, dynamic tasks. However, the effectiveness of SDILEs in classrooms has rarely been evaluated. This article describes the construction, integration, and evaluation of an interactive learning environment in two educational settings. Subsequently, it explores how undergraduate business students perceive SDILEs and SDILEs-based course approach. This research draws on data obtained from two courses in undergraduate business program, over a period of three years. Results of this study suggest that students enrolled in the SDILE-based courses do indeed perceive important learning benefits and educational value. Further more, introduction of SDILE-bases courses at higher level are more beneficial than at the lower level introductory courses. However, there is need of more resources to be developed and deployed to harness fully the benefits of experiential learning provided through SDILE-integrated course approach.  相似文献   

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