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用户体验设计在各个行业都备受关注,尤其在互联网产品领域。用户体验在此领域的重要性与互联网产品自身的特点息息相关。文章阐述了互联网产品的五个特点:互动性、即时性、低成本性、迭代性、无形性。这些特点在传统行业的产品中不明显或者不具备,所以用户对于互联网产品的体验要求也有别于以往传统产业。用户体验设计因为这些特点在互联网产品领域显得尤为突出和重要。  相似文献   

敏捷用户体验设计越来越受到互联网企业的关注。文章通过整理归纳敏捷设计的方法与思想,将敏捷设计方法结合到智能硬件类产品移动端App的用户体验设计流程之中。基于美国用户体验设计师Corey Stern提出的CUBI用户体验模型,将智能硬件类产品移动端App归纳为用户研究、内容规划、交互设计、视觉设计四个层次,将划分好的层次依次对应与之相匹配的敏捷设计方法,建立全新的敏捷用户体验设计模型,完善智能硬件类产品用户体验设计的理论。将理论研究与具体的设计实践相结合,在扫地机器人移动端App迭代设计实践中运用敏捷用户体验设计模型,使新版"石头"扫地机器人移动端App不论从功能上还是从视觉设计上都较旧版有大幅提升,同时也验证了设计模型的敏捷性,对智能硬件移动端App的快速迭代与高效开发起到促进作用。  相似文献   

随着时代的进步,互联网的发展速度逐渐加快,其中健康与医疗行业的手机终端数量逐渐增加。本文从四个方面说明基于用户体验老年人健康类APP界面设计进行分析,需要将其与年轻人适用的界面进行区分,通过调查与分析APP各项实用功能展开设计,方便老年人更加快捷简易地获得良好用户体验。  相似文献   

林虹 《互联网天地》2014,(2):38-39,43
移动互联网的飞速发展,催生了很多实用的、生动有趣的互联网应用。首先介绍了移动互联网以及即时通信软件的发展,然后讲解了用户体验设计的概念、发展历程及方法,提出了用户体验设计的关键技术。  相似文献   

李克 《互联网周刊》2021,(19):53-55
网络技术的发展为人们的工作和生活带来了更多的便利条件,从产品网络发展的角度上来看,其所获得的发展成效主要决定于产品本身的界面设计,要求界面设计能够满足人们的感官需求,从而更好地推动产品发展.本文首先对于用户体验、互联网产品以及产品界面设计的概念进行阐述,同时对基于用户体验的互联网产品界面设计需要遵循的基本原则进行分析,最后对基于用户体验的互联网产品界面设计进行研究.希望通过本文,能够为基于用户体验的互联网产品界面设计提供一些参考和帮助.  相似文献   

好的互联网产品需要精细化的运营,而精细化运营需要大数据驱动。这也是互联网思维很重要的一方面。互联网思维模型是我们在考察一个企业是否有互联网思维的基础,本期我们将继续介绍另外两个:User experience极致用户体验用户体验,而不是客户体验。正如360公司创始人周鸿祎的观点:客户和用户虽然一字之差,但二者的意义却有很大的差别。客户是传统营销学和传统经济里面的概念。顾客是指除了自己以外的所有人,包括任何  相似文献   

何立 《程序员》2009,(5):68-69
背景作为用户体验团队中的一名用户研究员,笔者在实践中发现,某些设计问题的确是无需用户测试验证便能识别的,但设计师可能会质疑用户研究员在交互、视觉设计方面的专业性。那么,站在用户研究这个角色的立场上,怎样能在用户测试前较有效地把UI存在的问题传达给设计师呢?无疑,  相似文献   

作为设计师和创意人,日常工作最需要的是什么?学习相关理论知识、设计案例分析、专业素材、与资深行业人交流的机会……如今,这些需求可以在《知群设计圈》上实现了。“专业知识总结+优秀案例分享”,适合初级设计师官方宣称,《知群设计圈》是赋能个人和企业的“大学”,可以帮助零基础学生入行,给予传统行业转行进入互联网行业、工作1年~5年“野路子”的产品经理和设计师提升。  相似文献   

本文以体验设计为出发点,从卫浴产品造型与用户体验论述了产品与生活形态的关联关系,指出在现代社会,设计师需要研究产品造型语言含义,创造人与卫浴产品之间一种更愉悦的使用体验。  相似文献   

科学技术的发展使得人们从传统必须依托硬件产品为主的物质社会时代向以数据计算为主的非物质信息社会转变,物联网与区块链等技术的普及,设计更应该基于行业深入用户体验,形成全维度的人机交互体验关系设计,设计应该摆脱传统快餐式设计转向提高质的设计,设计的价值除了能体现产品本身的功能增加其附加值外,更需要在产业和应用环境里实现,而设计形态的演变,其本质上是人类从物质化的单点需求向系统化体验需求的变化,设计的本质是解决问题,而问题的产生则是用户需求的反映,设计行为则是对人们生活方式和需求的表征。  相似文献   

User needs are a fundamental element of design. If the design process does not properly reflect user needs, the design will be severely compromised. Therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate how the user is, and user needs are, understood in the design process. In this article, three accepted linear process models for web site and interactive media design are reviewed in terms of the designer and user participation. The article then proposes a user-evolving collaborative design process which is built on co-creation activities between designer and user. Co-creation activities across the entire design process structurally and ontologically reposition the users, and user needs, centrally, which allows the designers to holistically approach to the user needs through building a partnership with the users. Co-creation creates an equal evolving participatory process between user and designer towards sharing values and knowledge and creating new domains of collective creativity.  相似文献   

智能材料由于其特殊的材料特性,逐渐受到各国研究、设计人员的重视。本文着重阐述了智能材料的发展,智能材料的定义,以及对工业设计和设计师的影响,分析智能材料与工业设计的关系和相互作用,尝试寻找工业设计的新方向,以及工业设计师应对智能材料相关设计的方法与策略。  相似文献   

基于J2EE开发平台的统一用户接口系统模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前计算机不再是惟一访问Internet的设备。为了使企业Web应用系统同时支持多种访问Internet的设备,给出了一个统一用户接口系统模型,该模型在于J2EE开发平台,采用MVC(Model-View-Controller)编程方法,将用户显示界面,流程控制和业务逻辑进行分离,简化了开发过程,方便支持新的Internet用户接口,减少了系统维护工作量,该模型已成功应用于某电力调度局Web信息发布系统中,很好地满足了用户需求。  相似文献   

The development of user interfaces for safety critical systems is driven by requirements specifications. Because user interface specifications are typically embedded within complex systems requirements specifications, they can be intractable to manage. Proprietary requirements specification tools do not support the user interface designer in modelling and specifying the user interface. In this paper, a new way of working with embedded user interface specifications is proposed, exploiting sequence diagrams with a hypertext structure for representing and retrieving use cases. This new tool concept is assessed through an application to the requirements specification for the Airbus A380 air traffic control Datalink system; engineers involved in the development of the Airbus cockpit used a prototype of the tool concept to resolve a set of user interface design anomalies in the requirements specification. The results of the study are positive and indicate the user interface to requirements specification tools which user interface designers themselves need.  相似文献   

Rich Internet applications have removed most of the constraints of Web 1.0 while giving users more responsiveness and advanced browsing and interaction experiences. These new horizons, however, raise many challenges for people with disabilities or using limited hardware and software technologies, whose risk to be excluded from the benefits deriving from advanced web applications. To address this problem, WCAG 2.0 guidelines have been released as the newest World Wide Web Consortium recommendation for accessible web content, and WAI-ARIA is a candidate recommendation which provides reference specifications for accessible rich Internet applications. However, both specifications contain a huge amount of information that often discourages most web designers from dealing with accessibility issues. Moreover, guidelines are suitable and usually adopted to judge a design solution a posteriori, but they do not suggest how to face a design problem constructively. This paper proposes a design pattern language for accessibility. The language can be regarded as a universal design resource for helping web designers create accessible rich Internet applications compliant with the most recent standards. Knowledge representation through design patterns reflects the problem-solving approach usually followed by software and web designers, while pattern organization in a structured language aims to guide web designers throughout the design process. The language has been implemented as an accessible rich Internet application itself, thus allowing designers with disabilities to participate in web design. In order to evaluate the design pattern language, a three-step process was carried out including: (1) a heuristic analysis with a group of human–computer interaction experts, (2) a survey study with a group of web designers, and (3) a validation on the field with two designers who have been requested to apply the language in real design cases.  相似文献   

移动互联网时代是快速迭代的时代,每款移动应用要保持和得到更多的用户资源,就需要提供最优用户体验. 现在主流的移动应用是Native App,随着HTML5标准的定稿,移动web开发技术的成熟越来越成熟,所以Web App移动应用从其开发成本低、迭代周期快、跨平台性上都带来了新的体验. Web App会取代Native App成为主流的移动应用吗?未来的移动应用会如何发展?这些都是移动应用的研究焦点. 本文从Native App和Web App的特性、运行效率、迭代周期、开发模式、用户体验等方面对比研究了二者在移动应用领域的发展趋势及未来移动应用的整体发展趋势.  相似文献   

郭力子  王风 《测控技术》2013,32(6):65-68
随着技术的发展,原先互不相干的互联网和现场总线,得以相互延伸与整合,大大丰富了工业控制的手段。在原先由软PLC与现场总线技术构建的Web监控系统中,再集成应用RIA技术,使得这种基于RIA架构的Web远程监控,既实现了现场总线网络内网与Internet外网之间的信息交换,又利用RIA和多层结构提高了系统的性能,改善了用户体验,形成了一种有效的工业控制与管理信息化的集成解决方案。  相似文献   

Through a study of Web site design practice, we observed that designers employ multiple representations of Web sites as they progress through the design process and that these representations allow them to focus on different aspects of the design. In particular, we observed that Web site designers focus their design efforts at 3 different levels of granularity-site map, storyboard, and individual page-and that designers sketch at all levels during the early stages of design. Sketching on paper is especially important during the early phases of a project, when designers wish to explore many design possibilities quickly without focusing on low-level details. Existing Web design tools do not support such exploration tasks well, nor do they adequately integrate multiple site representations. Informed by these observations we developed DENIM: an informal Web site design tool that supports early phase information and navigation design of Web sites. It supports sketching input, allows design at different levels of granularity, and unifies the levels through zooming. Designers are able to interact with their sketched designs as if in a Web browser, thus allowing rapid creation and exploration of interactive prototypes. Based on an evaluation with professional designers as well as usage feedback from users who have downloaded DENIM from the Internet, we have made numerous improvements to the system and have received many positive reactions from designers who would like to use a system like DENIM in their work.  相似文献   

In product design, the designer must draw upon many different types of information including both product-user requirements and design developments in related fields. As each designer has his/her own subjective opinion, an appropriate link between the user requirements and design features must be carefully developed to generate the most suitable design recommendation.The objective of this research is to develop a component design approach for the generation and evaluation of feasible design alternatives to help designers make the most effective design decisions. The development of the approach is based on the concept of component design and interaction links between user requirements and design output parameter values so that the design alternatives can be generated. A confidence interval for order statistics is then used to determine if enough unique feasible design alternatives have been generated. The research is presented in conjunction with a ballpoint pen design to demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of this approach.The results should provide designers with a useful method for the development of a design information system that will efficiently generate and evaluate a set of feasible design alternatives in product design process.  相似文献   

曾少宁  汪华斌 《测控技术》2016,35(5):95-100
分析了企业信息系统的Web用户界面开发特性,研究了当前主流前端框架的MVC(模型-视图-控制器)设计模式应用,针对Web前端开发需求及最佳实践方法,提出了一种符合MVC用户界面开发最佳实践的组件化Web用户界面建模方法.设计一套抽象和描述Web用户界面组件的UML(统一建模语言)概要文件,从界面数据模型、界面组件模型到界面交互模型等3个方面完成Web用户界面建模.以一个装修行业定制型ERP(企业资源计划)系统为例,通过用户界面建模实践,验证了本建模方法的可行性、易用性和有效性.  相似文献   

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