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姜博 《网友世界》2014,(8):40-40
弗洛伊德的"无意识"理论是精神分析说的灵魂与核心,是精神分析说的基石。《等待戈多》是荒诞戏剧经典代表,其戏剧的重复情节、模糊的时空、滑稽的人物形象等,都是"无意识"控制下的一种生存需要,用以淡忘伤痕,缓解痛苦。  相似文献   

随着自然用户界面的发展,如何促进人机交互过程中用户的无意识行为成为备受关注的话题。文章说明了无意识行为在人机交互中的研究意义,阐述了无意识行为的内涵与特点,并探讨了促进人机交互过程中用户无意识行为的设计维度,最后提出了促进用户无意识交互行为的设计方法。通过本文研究,以期在一定程度上丰富无意识设计与自然用户界面的相关理论,并促进相关研究进一步发展。  相似文献   

无意识行为是人类感情最自然的流露,"无意识设计"是一种以人为核心的设计方式,从人们的日常行为习惯出发,观察并记录一些别人没有意识到的细节,并将这些细节放大,将其很好地注入到新的产品中去,赋予产品新的生命,使得产品能更好地与用户交流,满足用户的情感诉求,进而优化人们的生活。  相似文献   

随着人们对日常生活精神层面要求的逐步提高,现代设计面临了更大的挑战,设计师如何更有创造性地进行设计思考将成为一个值得研究的主题。本文从无意识和有意识的概念出发,通过分析现有设计思考模式中有意识和无意识的存在形式,重新塑造设计思考逻辑过程,即将有意识和无意识思考形式进行组合;从而指导设计师的设计思考实践,创造更高的设计价值。  相似文献   

梦幻无意识在艺术创作中起着重要作用,本文旨在剖析二者的内在关系。  相似文献   

艺术家会在作品中力求表现其无意识或潜意识心理的内容。达达主义演变出来的超现实主义者对无意识的心理也颇感兴趣,在此方面做得最突出的是萨尔瓦多·达利,他把超现实主义和无意识紧密地结合起来。就设计而言,设计没有给无意识留下任何空间。当然,这不是说产品设计不可能是设计师无意识状态下的产物,也不可否认消费者和设计的产品的使用者不可能从消费和使用那些产品中获得无意识的快乐。  相似文献   

无意识教育是新时期学校教育的必备体系 ,对它的认识,从模糊到清晰 ,从不重视到重视 ,这一过程的演变就在于无意识教育在实践中不可磨灭和低估的作用 ,本文运用系统理论 ,从现实角度 ,对无意识教育的实质、作用及实施从理论上进行扼要分析  相似文献   

数学竞赛正以它特有的魅力吸引着千千万万的少年朋友.成为现代数学课外教育的一个重要组成部分。数学竞赛之所以受到人们的普遍重视.是由于数学竞赛是青少年科学素质教育的一种不可忽视的方式,是发现人才、选拔人才、培养人才的一种有效途径。在《新课标数学竞赛阶梯训练》中有一道计算题,看上去比较难的题却有多种解法.而每种解法看上去易懂.但要真正弄懂却需花一番功夫.  相似文献   

本文以VFP教学为例,通过对循环语句中给出的一道例题,提出了在程序设计语言教学中如何培养学生编程的兴趣和技巧。在教学过程中应因材施教,引导学生在课堂上积极思考,提高分析和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

本文从阐明了在界面设计中情感因素的重要性,并从情感认知的三个水平层次入手分析论证了界面的情感化设计。  相似文献   

VHDL语言行为描述划分的研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
牛振东  宋瀚涛 《计算机学报》1995,18(11):801-807
硬件描述语言行为级划分的处理对象是行为级的硬件描述,其结果可以用来指导综合中数据通路的设计实现及后续综合。本文研究VHDL语言行为描述划分的内容和系统设计方法,提出了一种类层次可变权的VHDL语言行为划分算法,该算法将单级层次划分算法与多级层次划分算的思想统一到一种算法中;针对行为划分的目标特点本文在划分因素评估中提出了规模因素的思想。  相似文献   

The quadrature modeling technique is nowadays widely used for the nonlinear simulation of RF/microwave communication circuits and systems at the behavioral (system) level. It allows one to simulate the circuit/system performance under real‐world conditions and signals (using several thousand sample frequencies) and to predict such parameters as adjacent channel power ratio, spectral regrowth, and error vector magnitude in a computationally efficient way. But it is a narrowband technique and, consequently, cannot predict harmonics of the carrier frequency and even‐order nonlinear products, to account for the circuit/system frequency response and the bias decoupling network effect. Here, we propose a new behavioral‐level simulation technique (instantaneous quadrature technique) that overcomes these drawbacks, and demonstrate its validity through measurements and harmonic balance simulation. The transformation of envelope transfer characteristics into instantaneous ones is also discussed in detail. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 10: 221–237, 2000.  相似文献   

The quadrature modeling structure is widely accepted as an efficient tool for the nonlinear simulation of RF/microwave bandpass stages (power amplifiers, etc.) for wireless applications. The common belief is that this structure can be applied to model only bandpass memoryless nonlinearities (which, however, may exhibit amplitude‐to‐phase conversion). In two recent articles 1 , 2 ; the authors have extended the application of the quadrature modeling structure to modeling broadband nonlinearities, which makes possible to predict harmonics and even‐order nonlinearities, to take into account the frequency response, etc. This article completes the overview of the instantaneous quadrature technique. The authors discuss its application to modeling AM, FM and PM detectors, which are strongly nonlinear elements with large memory (both the strong nonlinearity and large memory effects are essential for the detector proper operation), thus removing the limitation of nonlinearity to be memoryless or quasimemoryless. The identification of nonlinear interference/distortion sources is of great relevance for a practical EMC/EMI design. In the second part of this article, we discuss the dichotomous identification method, which is much more computationally efficient than a simple single‐signal method, especially for a large number of input signals. Individual spectral components of a complex‐spectrum signal can also be considered as input signals and, hence, it is possible to identify the spectral components responsible for a particular nonlinear interference/distortion (say, for a particular intermodulation product). © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 12: 206–216, 2002.  相似文献   

MB86901 SPARC RISC芯片全机行为功能级模拟策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种基于指令系统的MB86901 SPARC RISC芯片的行为功能级测试方法。和[2]中的方法相比,由于DCL语言自身的特点,本文给出的方法有着简洁且故障覆益率高的特色。文章扼要地介绍了MB86901的指令系统,然后按照先测试寄存器,再逐条测试单个指令,最后测试指令间关系的逻辑顺序逐步对MB86901进行测试。对于寄存器的测试,我们采用了“雨点法”,使得寄存器故障覆盖率接近100%,在最常用的算术/逻辑/移位指令的测试中,我们使用了一个随机数发生器,使故障覆盖率大为提高。而且它的使用非常灵活。最后,我们测试了指令间可能出现的关系。  相似文献   

本文通过对木马及木马检测技术的研究,提出了基于行为分析的木马检测技术。主要对木马的行为特征进行抽象描述,首先根据一定的规则建立一个行为特征数据库,并结合启发式分析器来进一步分析判断被检测的程序是否是木马,同时做相应的处理。实验表明,与传统的木马检测技术相比,该算法准确率高,实时性强,占用系统资源少。  相似文献   

This research investigates the relationship between the degree of agile methodology use and four types of control mechanisms that are widely used in the management of a software project and its personnel: outcome control, behavioral control, clan control, and self-control. We conducted two studies: a survey of software professionals and a follow-up interview in six organizations. We found the following: 1) software professionals reported high outcome and clan controls regardless of their levels of agile methodology use; 2) the high agile group reported some use of behavioral and self-controls while the low agile group did not; 3) even though behavioral control was minimum in the low agile group, all professionals we interviewed strongly agreed that using established materials and following existing procedures should be standardized practices in software development. Implications of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

When designing a service-based business process employing loosely coupled services, one is not only interested in guaranteeing a certain flow of work, but also in how the work will be performed. This involves the consideration of non-functional properties which go from execution time and costs, to trust and security. Ideally, a designer would like to have guarantees over the behavior of the services involved in the process. These guarantees are the object of Service Level Agreements.We propose a methodology to design service-based business processes together with Service Level Agreements that guarantee a certain quality of execution, with particular emphasis on security. Starting from an early requirements analysis modeled in the Secure Tropos formalism, we provide a set of user-guided transformations and reasoning tools the final output of which is a set of processes in the form of Secure BPELs together with a set of Service Level Agreements to be signed by participating services. To show the potential impact of the approach, we illustrate the functioning of the methodology on a collaborative procurement scenario derived from the application domain of a research project.  相似文献   

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