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徽州木雕具有鲜明的汉风唐韵,完整的构思设计,大胆的构图布局,巧妙的光影造型,丰富多样的雕刻工艺,不拘一格的雕刻材料。它的形成和发展与当时的政治、经济、宗教、文化等各个方面有着千丝万缕的关系,既是徽商主观意志的充分体现,又集天时、地利、人和等客观条件于一身。今天,徽州木雕仍然带着岁月见证的古意,带着深厚的民间艺术色彩,给观者以美的,陶和启迪。  相似文献   

云南大理白族木雕是白族民居建筑中的重要组成部分。白族工匠巧妙地用木雕技艺进行装饰,使建筑在使用和观赏上达到最大限度的融合。在不断吸收汉族先进的文化过程中,发展了具有鲜明特色的白族木雕工艺。文章通过介绍白族木雕装饰艺术,从题材、形象、色彩、寓意四个方面论述木雕表现的艺术形式及手法。  相似文献   

湘南民居作为中国传统民居的一部分,由于其独特的地理环境呈现出鲜明的地域特色和深厚的传统文化精神。而附着在湘南民居建筑之上的装饰木雕艺术,因深受中国传统文化、地域多元文化及地理环境等因素的影响,以丰富多彩的艺术形式、质朴率真的表现手法、博大精深的传统文化内涵而成为地域性传统优秀文化艺术的代表。  相似文献   

作者在对莆田木雕研究的基础上,结合当前室内软装的发展趋势,为莆田木雕找出一个新的发展突破点——装饰木雕,并从题材、形式、构图、风格等几个方面阐述了莆田木雕装饰木雕的发展趋势。  相似文献   

作者在对莆田木雕研究的基础上,结合当前室内软装的发展趋势,为莆田木雕找出一个新的发展突破点——装饰木雕,并从题材、形式、构图、风格等几个方面阐述了莆田木雕装饰木雕的发展趋势。  相似文献   

现代木雕是近年来出现在各大雕塑展览的木雕艺术形式,本文通过谈本人对现代木雕空间造型的思考,并结合一些例证的分析,说明研究空间造型对现代木雕创作的重要性,让现代木雕更好的发展,更好的为我们所处的生存空间与环境服务,不断满足人们对高品质生活的精神需要与审美需求。  相似文献   

中等职业学校的学生普遍存在学习积极性不够,学习成绩不理想的情况,特别是手工木雕的技能的学习枯燥无味,在短时间里看不到学习成果,为了有效激发学生的学习热情,增强他们的自信心,我开展了一系列的活动,举办了多次规模不同的展览,提高学习的学习兴趣。展示既能给学生创造、思维想象、表演的机会,又能给学生成就感、自豪感。  相似文献   

在当前美育观念强化与非遗保护与利用的背景下,手工艺具有的美学意义使之成为美育的重要载体。文章以木雕工艺为媒介,阐述其与美育的互动,分析木雕做为手工艺美育载体的因素,从视觉化的审美,至动手实践再至心灵的升华,探明手工艺美育的价值与路径。以此为例,进一步探索更多手工艺美育载体,希冀以史为引,以美为导,以设计赋能手工艺美育,促进人民群众对工艺与文化的认同,增强文化自信,自觉弘扬优秀中华民族传统文化,助力优秀思想与传统手工艺在当代传承与开发。  相似文献   

湖南民间建筑木雕,在其自身发展的历史进程中,以优秀的湖湘文化为背景,形成了自己独特的风格。文章从湖南木雕的雕刻、造型、漆饰装饰等的艺术表现形式等方面对湖南民间建筑木雕的装饰特征进行了研究。  相似文献   

木雕是浙闽建筑的标识,巧妙地装点着建筑的梁枋、斗拱、檐柱、门窗等各个角落,体现了浙闽地区传统的价值观念、审美趣味和风俗习惯。其中,浙江木雕以东阳、宁波最具代表性,前者以雕饰精致为特点,后者则以色调华美的朱金木雕见长。福建木雕受多山、多水、临海、内陆等不同地形地貌的条件的影响,木雕风格更加多样,但同样注重雕饰细节,反映各地人文传统。  相似文献   

本文系统阐述了多媒体显示屏的技术特点,以及在浙江气象服务中的应用。多媒体技术是当今信息技术领域发展最快、最活跃的技术,该技术融合了计算机、声音、文本、图像、动画、视频和通信等多种功能于一体,借助日益普及的高速信息网,可实现计算机的全球联网和信息资源共享,因此被广泛应用在信息服务方面如图书、教育、通信、金融等诸多行业,并正潜移默化地改变着我们生活的面貌。  相似文献   

本文就赣南客家民居的类型作了详细的概述,同时针对赣南围屋的特点作了分析,并与闽、粤一带的围屋做了比较,从中可以了解赣南客家民居所反映出赣南客家文化风情、风韵和风采。  相似文献   

We present our work on novel digitizing techniques to create virtual exhibitions in the context of the Gold Museum in Bogotá, Colombia, a world renown space for precious pre-Colombian gold artifacts. In order to solve issues related to high specular reflection in gold artifacts, we developed a multi-spectral approach that solves some of the shortfalls of many commercial scanners. We also integrated commercial haptic devices into a new virtual installation that allows visitors to touch, hear, and see virtual approximations of the real objects. As an evaluation methodology, we compare the results of a scanner with normal light with our approach, and we also present results from user studies on our virtual installation.  相似文献   

Population density is usually calculated from the census data, but it is dynamic over time and updating population data is often challenging because it is time-consuming and costly. Another problem is that population data for public use are often too coarse, such as at the county scale in China. Previous research on population estimation mainly focused on megacities due to their importance in socio-economic conditions, but has not paid much attention to the township or village scale because of the sparse population density and less importance in economic conditions. In reality, population density in townships and villages plays an important role in land-use/cover change and environmental conditions. It is an urgent task to timely update population density at the township and cell-size scales. Therefore, this article aims to develop an approach to estimate population density at the township scale and at a cell size of 1 km by 1 km through downscaling the population density from county to township and then to cell size. We estimated population density using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and census data in Zhejiang Province, China. Landsat TM images in 2010 were used to map impervious surface area (ISA) distribution using a hybrid approach, in which a decision tree classifier was used to extract ISA data and cluster analysis was used to further modify the ISA results. A population density estimation model was developed at the county scale, and this model was then transferred to the township scale. The population density was finally redistributed to cell-size scale based on the assumption that population only occupied the sites having ISA. This research indicates that most townships have residuals within ±50 persons/km2 with a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 71.56 persons/km2, and a relative RMSE of 27.6%. The spatial patterns of population density distribution at the 1 km2 cell size are much improved compared to the township and county scales. This research indicates the importance of using the ISA for population density estimation, where ISA can be accurately extracted from remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

Temporal relations between AVHRR NDVI and rainfall data over East Africa at 10-day and monthly time scales have been analysed using distributed lag models. On average, only 10 per cent of the variation in 10-day NDVI values could be explained by concurrent and preceding rainfall. Corresponding values for monthly data was 36 per cent. If it is assumed that rainfall data can be used as an indicator of vegetation development the study indicates that AVHRR NDVI may have limitations for temporal vegetation monitoring in these environments.  相似文献   

The relationship between the modification of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) wind field and coastal upwelling was investigated using high-resolution wind fields from Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type L-band synthetic aperture radar (PALSAR) imagery and sea-surface temperature (SST) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Advanced Very-High-Resolution Radiometer (NOAA/AVHRR) data. The retrieved SAR wind speeds seem to agree well with in situ buoy measurements with only a relatively small error of 0.7 m s?1. The SAR wind fields retrieved from the east coast of Korea in August 2007 revealed a spatial distinction between near and offshore regions. Low wind speeds of less than 3 m s?1 were associated with cold water regions with dominant coastal upwelling. Time series of in situ measurements of both wind speed and water temperature indicated that the upwelling was induced by the wind field. The low wind field from SAR was mainly induced by changes in atmospheric stability due to air–sea temperature differences. In addition, wind speed magnitude showed a positive correlation with the difference between SST and air temperature (R2 = 0.63). The dependence of viscosity of water on radar backscattering at the present upwelling region was negligible since SAR data showed a relatively large backscattering attenuation to an SST ratio of 1.2 dB °C?1. This study also addressed the important role of coastal upwelling on biological bloom under oligotrophic environments during summer.  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了智能化住宅小区中进行电力负载平衡的必要性,并提出了一种基于LonWorks控制网的实现方案。最后讨论了该系统的兼容性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

对该系统的组成、工作原理、硬件设计、软件设计以及技术性能进行了论述。该系统是一个集计算机技术、网络通讯技术、自动控制技术与智能化技术为一体的远程监控系统,它是包括住宅楼宇防盗报警、灾难报警、紧急求助、水、电、气多表远程自动抄收、家用电器控制于一体.通过计算机网络线路构成整个住宅小区的集中管理控制系统。  相似文献   

We present results of snow surface properties using the ENVISAT dual frequency altimeter at S (3.2 GHz) and Ku (13.6 GHz) bands and the AMSR-E microwave radiometer at frequencies ranging between 6 and 36 GHz in the Vostok region, East Antarctica. The altimetric time series observed between 2002 and 2008 show variations at 3 different time scales (daily, seasonal and inter-annual), that correlate directly with variations in the snow surface properties. In this study we focus on the analysis of the rapid daily event, occurring on February 14th 2005, that created a jump of the backscatter coefficient of up to 5.3 dB at the S band and 2.5 dB at the Ku band. The ratio of V/H-polarization brightness temperature slowly decreased in December and January 2005, and suddenly increased on February 14th 2005.The origin of this rapid event is investigated using AWS data from Vostok station, altimetric and radiometric data simultaneously. Both snow surface density and roughness are found to vary during this event. This event is shown to be synchronous with strong wind occuring during a period of anomalous wind direction, and the presence of surface hoar. These particular conditions certainly modified the snow surface roughness and thus impacted the altimetric signal. We finally investigate the impact of this event on the calculation of the regional ice-sheet mass-balance using different corrections of height with echo shape variations. It is shown to be negligible only if the full echo shape correction (Legresy et al., 2006) is used.  相似文献   

传统民居装饰在漫长的历史长河中经历了几千年的积淀和发展,形成了集自然条件、民族文化、宗教信仰、生活习俗和审美意识等多方面的融合。本文通过对现代环境艺术设计的特征和发展趋势的分析,试图发现传统民居装饰和环境艺术设计在亲近自然、体现民族特色和地域性等方面有着共通之处。因此,在这个理论背景下,笔者从传统民居装饰的角度出发,提出在环境艺术中的应用思路。希望通过本文的课题研究使传统民居装饰可以在吸取现代技术工艺及设计方法的基础上,焕发出时代的风貌,摸索其创新和发展的方向。  相似文献   

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