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文章以产品的"满意度"为切入点,介绍用户体验的重要性,以及以用户体验为导向的产品"满意度"设计的内涵所带给用户的价值;旨在通过研究"满意度"的设计评价达到完善用户体验设计的目的,实现给使用者带来更好的生活方式。  相似文献   

李建南 《网友世界》2014,(5):126-126
正1.引言改进产品和服务的设计已经成为提高用户体验的一个重要手段。当前的设计理念已经从产品本身转变到以用户体验为出发点,比如"无障碍"、"通用设计"以及"以人为本"的设计理念[1]。通过用户体验的满意度调研来了解用户的需求,可以让我们在设计中更好的理解用户行为。此类为提高用户体验所做的努力属于典型的在收益被意识到之前投入的成本。  相似文献   

王翔 《程序员》2009,(4):102-104
大量的计算机应用都还是以"机器为中心"进行设计,能否尽快转向以"用户为中心"进行设计,逐渐成为一个产品能否取得市场认可的关键。本文就"用户为中心设计"提供了一系列设计准则。概要作为指导应用设计、系统架构的一个方法和过程,虽然"用户为中心"(UCD:User-Centered Design)的设计方法及相关准则已经确定超过二十年  相似文献   

本文从企业导入工业设计的背景入手,通过分析部分企业对工业设计认识的片面性,引入工业设计在产品生命周期中的作用及实施过程。然后从营销角度入手,解析工业设计在机构市场的运作方式和影响。通过分析"人—产品—环境"模型,提出工业设计要以"以用户为中心"的原则,并结合技术能力对产品与用户之间的关系进行重构。最后总结了军工企业的特殊性以及对设计师的要求,探索工业设计在军工企业的发展之路。  相似文献   

传统的包装设计是把包装作为一个独立层面,从形式美的角度进行功能研究,大部分的包装功能都是设计者的凭空想象。这个时代,消费者强调"用户体验",我们将其引入到包装设计中,让包装体现出互动感、趣味感、参与感和人性化。包装与产品密不可分,牵涉到产品就会联想到用户需求,强调用户体验的交互式包装设计就应运而生了。  相似文献   

体验为王的时代已经开启,好的体验设计成为占领市场、赢得用户的关键。文章为提高产品的用户体验提供了一种有效的途径,指出对用户而言,好的体验设计应该是"节省用户的时间","不让用户思考","对用户体贴入微"。  相似文献   

文章探讨通用设计理念对于企业研发策略的积极作用。从"通"与"用"的视角对通用设计理念进行分析,从企业产品开发需求的角度对通用设计理念进行价值挖掘,围绕"以用户为中心"的设计思想实施通用设计策略。转变传统研发方式,引入用户研究的方法,将通用设计导入企业研发。启发企业依托通用设计思维保持竞争力,专注消费需求、培养用户意识,探求友好的研发方式,通过整合创新提升企业产品及服务的价值,增进企业品牌魅力。  相似文献   

提升产品创新设计中用户体验方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对用户体验的概念及用户层的需求进行归纳总结,了解不同层次用户在产品上的需求及期望,提出四种在产品创新设计中提升用户体验的方式。以实际案例进行理解及阐述,将体验设计与产品创新设计相融合,使产品易用的同时,带给用户一种全新的使用方式及体验,以达到直接让用户参与,突出人与产品间的情感体验。  相似文献   

在前两期中我们对用户界面设计的概念和进行产品/界面使用性评估的方法做了简单介绍。使用性工程学的目的是要建立方便、友好、高效的用户界面。用户是我们工作的中心,了解用户需求是面向用户的设计过程的第一步。通过用户需求分析的结果界定出产品的使用概念、功能模式和技术实现的可行性,从而为细节设计和功能实现打下基础。在建立完善的用户界面之前通常要进行产品/界面原型设计,这是面向用户的循环反复的设计过程中非常重要的一步。 产品原型,顾名思义就是产品的原始模型,它是依据抽象的概念界定和功能模式制作出的产品的最初轮廓。它可以根据设计过程的需要或粗糙或细腻的展示产品外观,或部分或全部的表现产品功能,或简略或详尽的描述产品特征等。产品原型  相似文献   

对围棋棋盘的便携性进行分析,文章以产品结构改造与人机交互的有效联系为基础,通过使用者在围棋对弈中的各方面用户体验进行分析研究。围棋棋盘和棋子通过产品结构的改造可以有效的融为一体,设计出一款"隐子"棋盘产品。文章通过对现如今围棋产品的调查和研究,发现这个在我国已有几千年的历史的棋艺运动由于自身棋具携带型的问题,大大影响到围棋运动的普及和推广。大部分产品设计师都比较注重的是下棋的一种文化和过程,所以在表现上都是尽可能的追求外观和氛围却忽略了棋盘结构本身所存在的问题。当今优秀的产品设计都开始注重交互性,说明了外观结构和交互是不可分开的,外观不可能替代用户的体验,一个好的设计产品也是两者的结合。通过对围棋棋盘进行机械结构的改造,使不便于携带的棋子和棋盘结合成一个新产品,从而提升该产品的用户体验,体现人性化设计的特点。  相似文献   

Supply chain product visibility may be defined to mean the capacity of the supply chain to have a view of a product’s lifecycle, from its conception, manufacturing, distribution, delivery to the end customer, customer’s experience of the product, and the product’s end-of-life activities and processes. This implies developing and keeping a record of the product’s materials and components, its physical state throughout the supply chain, the product’s forward movement to the user-customer, customer’s experience of the product, and the reverse logistics and reuse or termination of the product. The aim of visibility is to foster planning, control and agility of operations associated with the product and to improve customer experience of the product. “Tracking” is the term often used to describe the determination of the identity and state of a product in the forward direction (from manufacturing to the end user), while “tracing” is used to infer the product’s path and history from downstream to upstream of the supply chain. In recent times there has been an upsurge of academic and commercial interest in product visibility. This interest has translated into numerous architectures, technologies and software for product visibility, both at the atomic (item) and composite (or aggregate) levels. Based on an extensive content analysis of academic and trade literature, including websites and documents of vendors and users of the technologies, this paper captures, analyses, compares and contrasts the design choices, essence, results and current and potential future impacts of some of the recent developments. The study also used survey by questionnaire across industries to assess user requirements of tracking and tracing systems and structures. The paper also charts future research directions for end-to-end visibility of product classes and their instances in supply chains.  相似文献   

针对柔性的客户定制需求,提出充分重用零件实例的产品变型设计方法.通过分析零件实例重用引起的尺寸约束冲突,提出基于尺寸变化概率和零件变型需求的尺寸约束冲突转移与延迟解决方案,并给出了尺寸变化概率和零件变型需求的统计模型;然后针对零件实例重用引起的客户需求损失提出定制特征指标的补偿作用,并以田口质量损失函数为基础构建了改进的客户需求损失综合模型.最后通过一个实例进行了验证,结果表明在产品变型设计过程中,选择对客户需求影响小的零件实例作为重用对象,可以实现在满足客户需求的同时有效地降低定制产品的成本、缩短交货期.  相似文献   

面对激烈的市场行业竞争,产品应当满足用户需求且具有应用创新性的状况,基于对 用户需求和影响两次创新的主要因素的分析,提出了基于质量功能展开理论(QFD)的产品两级创新 设计方法。该设计方法通发掘用户对目标产品的需求,运用QFD 分析顾客需求并结合两创新级用 户因素,建立基于QFD 的产品创新设计模型和实现步骤,从而准确地得到相应的技术解决途径和 方案。并在此方法上通过电动滑板车的设计实例,验证该设计方法和流程的实用性和科学性。  相似文献   

Product aesthetics plays an important role in new product design and development. Product form can deliver product images and affect customer’s impression to a product. However, it is usually difficult to apply conventional approaches to represent the product form precisely and effectively for modeling the relationship between product image and customer perception. The objective of this work is to develop a computational technique for product aesthetics design so that customer perception can be taken into product form design in a more systematic and intelligent manner. To achieve this aim, a novel parametric approach is proposed to introduce design parameters such as line, size, and ratio into product design model and the technique of generalized superellipse fitting is adopted to describe the outline pattern of a product. Since customer perception on a product is highly non-linear and very difficult to be described by any traditional mathematical approaches, an artificial neural network (ANN) model is therefore established to relate the design parameters and the perceptual values for the design of a new product. A case study of mobile phone design, in which twelve numerical parameters are defined for the conceptual model, has been conducted to explain the implementation of the proposed approach. A three-layered perceptron ANN model is developed to predict the perceptual values of stylishness based on a survey using 32 mobile phone samples. The results of the case study illustrate that the proposed approach can successfully generate an optimum design of a mobile phone by applying a genetic algorithm (GA) on the trained ANN model.  相似文献   

Many enterprises have been devoting a significant portion of their budget to product development in order to distinguish their products from those of their competitors and to make them better fit the needs and wants of customers. Hence, businesses should develop product designing that could satisfy the customers’ requirements since this will increase the enterprise’s competitiveness and it is an essential criterion to earning higher loyalties and profits. This paper investigates the following research issues in the development of new digital camera products: (1) What exactly are the customers’ “needs” and “wants” for digital camera products? (2) What features is more importance than others? (3) Can product design and planning for product lines/product collection be integrated with the knowledge of customers? (4) How can the rules help us to make a strategy during we design new digital camera? To investigate these research issues, the Apriori and C5.0 algorithms are methodologies of association rules and decision trees for data mining, which is implemented to mine customer’s needs. Knowledge extracted from data mining results is illustrated as knowledge patterns and rules on a product map in order to propose possible suggestions and solutions for product design and marketing.  相似文献   

软件产品是指软件开发商根据市场需要开发的、具有一定适用性和潜在客户的、可销售的软件成品。它区别于应特定客户需求或根据订单开发的软件商品,通常应具有更高的通用性和适应性。但它的通用性和适应性不是轻而易举就能达到的。要实现软件的产品化.就必须在软件产品的设计上下一番功夫。  相似文献   

The customer-oriented design concept evaluation (CDCE) enables companies to select the best design concept from the perspective of customer to win the customer-centered market. However, previous CDCE studies only focus on the customer’s preference value (PV), but neglect the customer’s confidence attitude on this preference, i.e., the preference reliability (PR), and some design specifications, e.g., the design attribute’s importance (DAI). To address such drawbacks, we propose a new CDCE by using improved Z-number-based multi-criteria decision-making (IZ-MCDM) method to better express and utilize customer’s uncertain opinion. In IZ-MCDM, the Z-number is used to express the customer’s opinion (Z-opinion) that includes PV and its affiliated PR information. Z-opinion is translated into an interval Z-number to form a new type of evaluation value and decision matrix. Based on the evaluation value, a new ideal solution selection (ISS) strategy integrating with PV, PR and DAI information is employed in IZ-MCDM. By comparing with the re-defined ideal solution, the alternative that attracts certain high-preferences for its importance attribute values and uncertain low-preferences for its less importance attribute values is more likely to be recommended as the best one. Hence, IZ-MCDM can get more reasonable design concept than classical PV-only CDCE method. Two empirical experiments from existing CDCE examples have been carried out in this study, and the comparison experimental results further validate the significance of IZ-MCDM, which show that 1) besides PV factor, PR and DAI factors could also significantly impact the evaluation result; 2) these two factors should be acted together to select the ideal solution; 3) IZ-MCDM has suitability as it supports different MCDM models with different deviation measurement metrics to evaluate the alternatives.  相似文献   

现有软件过程度量的标准模型一般只提出如何进行软件过程管理以及应该达到什么样的标准,但没有对客户怎样做,使用哪些方法可以达到这些标准进行具体的阐述。而六西格玛改进提供了一套持续改进现有过程的流程、方法和工具;六西格玛设计是控制产品设计质量突破“五西格玛墙”的有力工具,它更接近于企业的底层经营流程。因而,针对软件企业的自身特点,结合六西格玛,解决软件质量的控制问题,生产出高质量的产品,获得竞争优势,具有十分重要的意义。为此进行了相关文献的综述研究。  相似文献   

基于顾客需求特征的眼镜产品配置设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于顾客的脸形特征,面向产品的个性化设计需求,提出了采用参数化建立眼镜结构单元库和变型设计。利用顾客头部的正侧面照片合成人脸的三维模型并提取脸形特征参数,根据脸形特征参数构建顾客需求矩阵,基于顾客需求特征与眼镜产品结构单元之间的映射关系,提出了需求特征匹配算法。最后,给出了网络环境下由顾客、经销商和设计人员协同参与的眼镜配置设计系统的框架结构。  相似文献   

Consumer preferences and information on product choice behavior can be of significant value in the development processes of innovative products. In this paper, product customization evaluation and selection model is introduced to support imprecision inherent of qualitative inputs from customers and designers in the decision making process. Focusing on customer utility generation, an optimum design selection approach based on fuzzy set decision-making is proposed, where design attributes priority is identified from customer preferences using an analytical hierarchy process. A multi-attribute analysis diagram is developed to visualize the preference of each attribute from the expert’s group decision. Conjoint analysis is used in the product customization to focus on customer utility generation in terms of multiple criteria. The use of the decision-making method is illustrated with a case example that highlights the utility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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