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截取欧洲建筑中最具有历史代表及建筑文化特色的歌特式教堂,从它的建筑符号中提取出最有代表的几个元素,分析它们所暗含的建筑语汇。这些具有特色的建筑符号传递了歌特建筑的历史,文化及宗教背景,那么,我们也要对其做出一定的分析,发现这些建筑语汇中值得肯定和吸取的地方,来丰富我们的现代建筑设计文化。  相似文献   

随着建筑可视化技术需求的不断提高,根据不同设计任务,建筑设计人员除需搭建写实风格建筑模型外,还有搭建诸如卡通风格等风格化建筑模型的需求。本文借助UE4引擎强大的实时渲染能力与图像后处理能力,提出通过UE4引擎后处理的方式实现三维建筑模型的卡通风格化渲染。文中对卡通风格渲染的特点以及主要实现方式进行总结,对常用的几种卡通风格渲染算法进行对比研究,并针对现有算法在处理图像边缘检测与分段渲染时存在的问题提出优化方案,引入分布式云渲染的方式提高渲染速度。通过对渲染结果的对比分析,优化后算法有效解决了现有描边算法易产生的边缘断裂问题和分段渲染算法易产生的材质、光照计算错误问题,提高了渲染质量。  相似文献   

文章通过对传统、现代、后现代生存模式及相应的生存体验的考察,探讨了代际生存体验对艺术设计的影响。传统生存体验主要是依恋与压抑,相应的艺术设计特点是天人合一和抗争;现代生存体验主要是英雄感与虚无感,相应的艺术设计特点是宏大叙事和肤浅浮夸;后现代生存体验主要是个体感与存在感,相应的艺术设计特点是自发性与生态性。目前中国三种艺术设计特点并存,但总体趋势是后现代风格。  相似文献   

近些年,随着我国文化事业的蓬勃发展和民族文化认同感的大幅提升,中式风格的建筑在我国大地上如雨后春笋般涌现,这一现象对我国传统建筑文化和技术的传承意义重大。文章首先分析了近代中国对中式建筑的探索和近期出现的中式建筑热潮,其次分析了中式建筑设计"形"和"意"的两种表达方式,最后抛砖引玉地指出中式建筑发展的道路,以期为中式建筑的发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

建筑方案、策划的制定以及建筑施工过程的设计等都是建筑设计中的主要内容,做好建筑设计工作,有助于提高建筑设计方案的科学性与实用性。随着国民平均生活水平的提高,人们对建筑美观性提出了更高的要求。因此,文章将针对建筑与美术设计的关系要点进行分析。  相似文献   

民族化的建筑正处在方兴未艾的阶段,认真地研究脊兽艺术的风格样式和工艺特色、文化观念以及创作手段对于发展具有中国特色和气魄的建筑具有重要意义。本文通过对对天水地区实地考察分析了脊饰艺术的文化特性,以期对现代建筑设计风格的多样化有所启发。  相似文献   

如何继承和发扬中华民族的优秀传统文化,创造出具有中国特色的现代建筑,是摆在我们面前的一个重大问题。分析了合理继承传统文化的必要性和紧迫性,结合万科·第五园的建筑设计特点,归纳总结了"新制宜主义"建筑对中国传统文化传承的作用。  相似文献   

扎哈·哈迪德的建筑形式充满张力,作为建筑本体和周边环境的过渡区域的场所空间也是扎哈·哈迪德设计作品中不可或缺的部分。文章主要对其建筑外围的场所空间进行论述,通过分析扎哈建筑形式的形成背景以及处理风格,阐述其"建筑场所空间"的创作手法,并讨论其风格对国内相关建筑场所空间设计的影响。  相似文献   

软件体系结构求精方法研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
戎玫  张广泉 《计算机科学》2003,30(4):108-110
1.引言软件设计在相当大的程度上可与建筑设计相类比,在古今中外建筑设计中,有诸多如欧洲的“歌特式”、“巴洛克式”、“维多利亚式”,中国的“园林式”、“宫廷式”等不同结构风格的建筑。同样在软件设计上,经过多年的理论探索和工程实践,也逐渐形成了一系列不同结构风格的软件体系结构。如UNIX操作系统中的管道一过滤器(pipe-filters)风格、分布式系统中典型的客户机/服务器(client/server)风格以及通信系统中的分层(layer)系统等等。  相似文献   

掌握AutoCAD是从事建筑设计工作的基本要求,AutoCAD技术在建筑领域中应用的特点是:精确、快速、效率高.AutoCAD技术在建筑设计的一般步骤同手绘大致相同.建筑AutoCAD学习的要点是灵活运用.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental interactive graphics interface, GRAFLOG, in which drawings receive linguistic interpretations. It is possible to emulate linguistic interaction in situations where graphics is thought to be necessary. The paper presents examples of such a kind of dialogue and the architecture of the implementation. The paper explains how representations of drawings can be constructed by treating graphical symbols as "objects", and how a parallel linguistic interpretation for these symbols can be constructed. It highlights the relevance of "deictic expressions" and "spatial prepositions" in building the interface mechanisms between these two kinds of representations. Lastly, it shows how a reasoning component is constructed for making deductions from premises that are found in both the graphical and linguistic domains. Using GRAFLOG, it is possible to represent knowledge through words and pictures. GRAFLOG is implemented, using an object oriented programming style, in PROLOG and GKS.  相似文献   

Design of information systems, on the one hand, is often dominated by pure technical considerations of performance, correctness or reliability. On the other hand, sociological analysis of the social impact of information technology is not transfered to operationalised design criteria and to practice. The paper discusses this contradiction and tries to overcome the gap between computer science and social sciences in design by analysing the history of design in architecture and fine arts as well as the approaches of contemporary design-oriented disciplines. Based on this analysis and on the broad discussion about human-centredness, foundations of a new Design Science are outlined. Consequences for the education of computer scientists and software designers are discussed.  相似文献   

后现代语境中,设计的意义已经超出了产品的功能设计、外观形式设计等理性范畴,而强调人本主义的体现和文化的整合。设计是为人服务的,"人性化"是设计发展无法摆脱的永恒主题。后现代倡导"以人为本"的艺术设计,尊重人性的差异,提倡个性自由、人性化的关怀,要求设计始终以人的尺度去衡量,使设计真正服务于人,真正体现出对人的尊重和关爱。  相似文献   

设计,就是有意识的劳动。对于设计本质目的的认识,人类社会发展的不同历史阶段有着不同的理解和认识。设计影响了我们的生活方式,同时也改变了我们的生存空间。文章主要从《易经》的哲学思想出发,结合当代社会普遍关注的资源与环境问题、人类生存与发展问题论述后现代时期设计的本质目的——通过人类的设计造物活动以达到天、地、人三才的和谐共生。  相似文献   

一种面向普适计算的适应性软件体系结构风格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁博  王怀民  史殿习 《软件学报》2009,20(Z1):113-122
普适计算软件需要适应用户需求和运行环境的动态变化.这一特点使得软件复杂度空前增加,迫切需要以软件体系结构为代表的架构/设计层面重用手段来支持其高效开发.在以适应性为中心的普适计算空间抽象模型基础上,提出了一种面向普适计算的软件体系结构风格UbiArch,并从概念视图、运行视图和开发视图这3个维度对该软件体系结构风格进行了阐述.UbiArch支持软件实体按需加入应用、主动适应环境的行为模式,实现了软件适应能力的高层次重用,同时与构件等成熟软件技术的紧密结合也保证了其可实践性.支撑该体系结构风格的软件平台原型系统及其上的应用验证了UbiArch的有效性和通用性.  相似文献   

如今,对于许多数字产品而言,造型符号在回归极简,功能符号却在不断增加和丰富,功能的执行不再是传统的可感知方式。数字产品设计符号与使用者之间存在着更为复杂的沟通,将有越来越多的关于交互的问题出现。本论文从数字产品设计符号的表达、互动的转变、互动的要求和互动的发展四个方面对数字产品设计符号互动进行了研究,以帮助数字产品设计符号更好的构建、理解和互动。  相似文献   

In modelling attribute transition systems, classes of their states can be described in a given signature of functional and predicate symbols. A procedure is developed for transforming such formulas by assignment operators and the obtained formulas are proved to correspond to strongest postconditions. A peculiarity of this paper is that functional-type attributes can be used in specifying transition systems, in particular, their array-type attributes.  相似文献   

设计可以说是人类的意识活动,而设计风格的演变也受到了意识结构变化的深刻影响。现代主义设计师们在民主主义观念的影响下,形成了"反对装饰",主张"形式服从功能"的设计特点。现代主义设计又通过美国大众化的商业活动在设计的各领域以及世界各国传播,逐步演变成席卷全球的"国际主义风格"。此后的"波普"设计和"后现代主义设计风格"则更注意到了人类心理的需求。  相似文献   

Led by the goals of energy saving and low emissions, tractors need more efficient operations under complex farmland working environments. The powertrain architecture of the tractor has a significant influence on the performance. Therefore, the research on the innovative design of the tractor powertrain architecture can improve the efficiency, energy saving, and environmental protection effects. Based on the creative design method of Axiomatic Design (AD) and Extenics, this paper conducts an innovative design analysis of the powertrain architecture of distributed hybrid electric tractor (DHET). Firstly, AD is used to perform the hierarchical analysis of the tractor powertrain architecture design. Then according to the design content, the design matrix (DM) is established, and the matrix is transformed to extract the 3 × 3 coupling contradiction matrix. Finally, the application of Extenics solves the contradictions in the innovative design of the tractor powertrain architecture. Simulation and prototype experiments have proved that DHET has the advantages of energy saving and emission reduction. This paper analyzes the innovative design of DHET's powertrain architecture, which can provide a theoretical basis and method support for the product's innovative design.  相似文献   

OFDM is a high-speed signal transmission technology in wireless environment. In wireless channels, the frequency response curve is generally non-flat. MIMO technology can effectively increase system capacity, improve system performance, and improve network coverage and transmission reliability. OFDM technology can effectively resist intersymbol crosstalk caused by multipath propagation by adding a certain length of redundant guard interval in front of transmission symbols. According to the channel estimation and signal detection algorithms in MIMOOFDM systems, this paper will choose a better algorithm to implement MIMOOFDM systems and channel estimation and signal detection algorithms. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the optimal detection algorithm has the best performance, but its complexity is exponentially related to the number of antennas and modulation order. The architecture for dense texture analysis is developed based on Field Programmable Gate Array FPGA device which is a general engine for high-speed image processing. In order to maximize the performance, our architecture is designed for minimizing consumed resources. As explained in subsection our architecture is composed of two main operations, namely the AH based sum and difference of images and the calculus of texture features  相似文献   

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