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灯具不仅是室内不可缺少的照明设备,更是美化居室气氛的重要工具。装饰风格的多元化,让灯具设计更彰显个性色彩,以此来满足不同消费者的情感需求。近年来,自然环保理念的流行,让自然形态设计的灯具在市场上颇受欢迎;本文以"自然形态"作为研究方向,分析其在灯具形态设计上的运用,研究出这种源于自然美感灯饰的独特韵味。  相似文献   

自然风格的设计纯粹生动,从自然风格的设计中往往透漏出人的情感。这种情感有的时候是设计师自我的表达,有时是用户需求的反映。本文由自然风格的设计入手,从中探求情感的表达形式和表达特点:从新艺术运动中对自然中植物纹样在艺术设计领域中的应用,到宜家系列化的家居用品的自然风格的精良设计,以生动的实际设计探究自然风格中的情感表达。通过分析看到自然风格的设计中对人情感的关注及注意提升用户的使用体验。  相似文献   

设计艺术的历史和实践向我们表明,自然是设计永恒的表现主题之一,也是设计活动取之不竭的素材资源。设计源于自然而又高于自然,自然界是设计的源泉和动力。本文主要是分析自然、自然形态和室内设计的关系,从中得出自然形态对室内设计的几点启示。  相似文献   

这是个有趣的实验:当有人谈起"计算机"这个词语,第一时间浮现在头脑中的图景会是什么呢?如果换成"网络"这个词语,最先在头脑中"看"到的图景又会是什么呢?无论结果如何,后者的回答种类一定比前者丰富得多.笔者搜集到几十种不同的答案,有的人"看"到一大堆乱缠的网线;有的人"看"到一台交换机;有的人"看"到整个网吧;有的人"看"到拓扑图(这常常是信息技术教师给出的答案).  相似文献   

<正>无论在中华英才网的"职业讲习所",还是"职场讲坛",听到最多的就是怎么样找到一份好工作的问题。似乎有太多的人找工作不顺心,工作不开心,生活也不舒心。具体说来,有的想找工作但苦于没有经验,有的感慨专业对口的工作太少,或者是专业知识博而不精,自我感觉没有竞争力,有的干脆就是根本不知道自己喜欢什么,能干什么。这些问题看起来可怕,仔细分析起来,其实并不困难。  相似文献   

设计心理学在产品设计过程中占有重要地位,对设计心理学的研究能够帮助设计师设计出结构更加合理,造型更加美观,使用更加方便安全,能更好的满足、服务人们生活的产品。每件产品都有特定的局限性,都受物理和现实因素的制约。在某种限制条件下,这些自然或非自然的限制因素才给各种具有自身特色产品的问世提供了"理由"和"条件"。汽车这种产品对自然与非自然限制因素涉及到较多方面,尤其是对于强迫性功能和自然匹配法则,正是这些限制因素才构成了汽车这种产品的和谐和统一。只有充分利用这些功能和法则才能设计出更加合理化人性化的汽车产品。  相似文献   

当下流行的后现代主义是对现代主义的一种批判思潮。它反对现代主义的工具理性,提出科学技术是把"双刃剑";它反对人类中心主义,提出人是世界的一部分,主张重建人与自然、人与人之间的自然和谐关系;它反对权威中心,倡导多元,强调不确定性和差异性。这些都体现出后现代艺术在机械统驭状态下对自然和谐的一种回归。在如此时代背景下,后现代主义的艺术,具体至雕塑艺术,试问其最佳状态如何?"自然"无疑是较佳答案。  相似文献   

设计心理学在产品设计过程中占有重要地位,对设计心理学的研究能够帮助设计师设计出结构更加合理,造型更加美观,使用更加方便安全,能更好的满足、服务人们生活的产品。每件产品都有特定的局限性,都受物理和现实因素的制约。在某种限制条件下,这些自然或非自然的限制因素才给各种具有自身特色产品的问世提供了"理由"和"条件"。汽车这种产品对自然与非自然限制因素涉及到较多方面,尤其是对于强迫性功能和自然匹配法则,正是这些限制因素才构成了汽车这种产品的和谐和统一。只有充分利用这些功能和法则才能设计出更加合理化人性化的汽车产品。  相似文献   

作为教研员,笔者听了不少信息技术课,有的是公开课、评比课,这些课常有"作秀"之嫌,虽然理念新颖、设计巧妙,但大多一线教师无法模仿,缺乏实用性;有的是推门课、随堂课,这些课多是常态课,虽然比较真实,但因多种因素导致课堂效率低下.  相似文献   

论文通过对自然元素的分析,阐述了在产品设计中运用自然元素的设计方法,该方法的流程依次为确定仿生目标、生物形态特征的认知、生物形态特征的简化、生物形态特征的产品设计转化以及设计方案的评价。运用仿生学进行设计,有助于设计师"借景生情,借物咏志",赋予设计作品更多的精神与文化内涵,从而产生丰富多彩的个性化与趣味化的设计产品,为设计师在产品仿生设计中提供更好的参考。  相似文献   

In recent years we introduced a number of enhancements to the space-time techniques we developed for computer modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems. These enhancements, which include more sophisticated fluid-structure coupling and improved mesh generation, are enabling us to address more of the computational challenges involved. Our objective here is to demonstrate the robustness of these techniques in FSI modeling of parachutes involving complex designs. As a numerical example, we have selected a conceptual parachute design with geometric complexities resembling those seen in some of the advanced parachute designs proposed and tested in recent times. We describe our FSI modeling techniques and how we compute the descent and glide performance of this conceptual parachute design.  相似文献   

We consider the optimal stabilization problem for delivered gas and gaslift operation debit for oil wells. Under certain natural assumptions, the general problem reduces to a linear-quadratic control problem that lets us find program controls and trajectories on which we further construct the optimal controller with respect to all phase coordinates and a (debit) part of them in both continuous and discrete case. For a special case, numerical results are illustrated with graphs that let us use this method in oilfield practice.  相似文献   

现在,产品设计对大家已不是一个陌生的概念,细节设计体现在产品设计的方方面面,从产品设计之初到设计结束,细节设计一直贯穿在产品设计之中。细节往往决定一件设计的成败,注重细节往往能让我们把想做的事完成的更好。  相似文献   

Ordinal optimization techniques help us locating “good” designs efficiently. Previous studies of ordinal optimization define the “good” designs as those coming at the top of the “order” of performance. In this study, we argue that with the help of practical prior knowledge and observations, we can establish quantitative relationship between the good design found and the performance “values” of it. Therefore, the analysis of ordinal optimization can be carried out to identify designs that are good by some criterion of their performance “values.”  相似文献   

本文针对国际化背景下中国的地域性室内设计进行了分析和思考,从现存的社会现象出发,发现现代室内设计中存在的问题,借鉴优秀设计给我们的启示,论证我国发展现代室内设计的未来之路,并提出国际化背景下的中国室内设计发展应遵循的几个原则。  相似文献   

情感往往被看作是一种人与人之间的行为,但是在物质生活日益丰富的今天,依情论点的出现,让我们得知,人与物质是可以产生感情的,并可以把这种情感覆盖在人类的行为活动中,将情感赋予产品,让产品具有"人的情感"  相似文献   

The efficient design of networks has been an important engineering task that involves challenging combinatorial optimization problems. Typically, a network designer has to select among several alternatives which links to establish so that the resulting network satisfies a given set of connectivity requirements and the cost of establishing the network links is as low as possible. The Minimum Spanning Tree problem, which is well-understood, is a nice example.In this paper, we consider the natural scenario in which the connectivity requirements are posed by selfish users who have agreed to share the cost of the network to be established according to a well-defined rule. The design proposed by the network designer should now be consistent not only with the connectivity requirements but also with the selfishness of the users. Essentially, the users are players in a so-called network design game and the network designer has to propose a design that is an equilibrium for this game. As it is usually the case when selfishness comes into play, such equilibria may be suboptimal. In this paper, we consider the following question: can the network designer enforce particular designs as equilibria or guarantee that efficient designs are consistent with users’ selfishness by appropriately subsidizing some of the network links? In an attempt to understand this question, we formulate corresponding optimization problems and present positive and negative results.  相似文献   

We present a promising formal verification methodology based on the inductive approach using the imPROVE-HDL tool. This methodology is dedicated for RTL IPs or IP-based digital/logic hardware designs to prove the correctness of their temporal properties related to the control-dominated architecture model. Each temporal property can be checked through the IP interface where all properties have to be proved or disproved. We developed a new methodology to generate the appropriate environment of the IP interface according to the design context (master, slave, arbiter and decoder) before starting the verification of all properties one by one. When all temporal properties are verified, we generate some test sequences that contain a complex scenario to check the compatibility between all properties. We implemented our methodology to generate the appropriate environment and applied the inductive approach to verify various properties of two real IP designs using the imPROVE-HDL tool developed by TNI-Valiosys. The first design is an RTL IP-based digital hardware dedicated for real time video processing, where the second one performs an AHB to AHB Bridge. On these designs, we successfully proved few properties and discovered a design violation.  相似文献   

图形设计中自然元素的应用越来越被关注,自然形态也以其鲜明的色、形、质等形式美元素以及平衡、对比、统一等形式美法则对视觉形式美感的表达发挥着重要作用。自然形态图形化设计也被广泛研究和推广,从其设计语言的构成、高科技数字技术的介入到设计师对自然形态的深入研究,都让我们对当下的图形设计研究进行思考。  相似文献   

Summary Following the topic introduced in [1, 2] this paper discusses the design of piezoelectric transducers used in applications such as acoustic wave generation and resonators. These applications require goals in the transducer design such as high electromechanical energy conversion for a certain transducer vibration mode and narrowband or broadband response. The development of these devices has been based on the use of simple analytical models, test of prototypes, and analysis by the finite element method. However, in all cases the design is limited to a parametric optimization where only some dimensions of a chosen transducer configuration are optimized. By changing the topology of these devices or their components, we may obtain devices with better performance since the design space of solutions is enlarged. Based on this idea, we have proposed the use of topology optimization for designing these devices. This method consists of finding the distribution of the material and void phases in the design domain that optimizes a defined objective function. The optimized solution is obtained using Sequential Linear Programming (SLP). Considering acoustic wave generation and resonator applications, three kinds of objective functions were defined: maximize the energy conversion for a specific mode or a set of modes; design a transducer with specified frequencies; and design a transducer with narrowband or broadband response. Although only two-dimensional plane strain transducer topologies have been considered in order to illustrate the implementation of the method, it can be extended to three-dimensional topologies. Transducer designs were obtained that conform to the desired design requirements and have better performance characteristics than other common designs.  相似文献   

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