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本文在分析当前电信行业的发展趋势以及对电信软件人才的需求特征的基础上,指出构建电信软件工程专业课程体系的必要性,借鉴国外软件工程学科建设的已有成果(SWEBOK、SE2004),确立了以软件工程课程为主导课程,辅以电信行业的领域知识的课程体系构建原则,描述了电信软件工程课程体系的主要内容,最后对电信软件工程专业课程体系构建建议进行了深入阐述。  相似文献   

针对我国高等院校软件工程专业课程体系现状,结合目前软件行业发展趋势,分析软件工程应用型人才特点,对软件工程硕士教育、软件工程本科教育及软件技术高等职业教育应用型人才培养模式进行研究,从人才培养目标、课程体系建设、产学研结合平台搭建等角度分析应用型软件技术人才培养,旨在培养出高素质的软件工程专业应用型人才,为软件行业发展储备优秀人才资源。  相似文献   

该文在分析软件工程专业应用型人才培养理念和综合能力素质以及企业对软件人才实际需求的基础上,结合面向服务外包的软件工程特点和软件企业对工程实践能力要求的实际,探讨基于CDIO工程教育模式的课程体系的开发与实践。  相似文献   

“软件工程”双语教学和案例教学的体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"软件工程"是计算机科学与技术专业本科必修课程,对培养军队信息化建设的人才有重要作用。本文介绍我们在"软件工程"课程教学中的做法及体会,包括采用英文原版教材、实行双语教学、通过课程大作业对所学理论和技术进行综合实践、贯穿课程的案例教学等方面。通过这些方法,强化了学生的实践应用能力,提高了软件工程师的综合素质。  相似文献   

地方本科院校向应用技术类型高校转型的关键问题是如何适应转型需要,转变教育观念、找准定位,调整人才培养目标和方案。针对软件工程教育现状,以大庆师范学院计算机科学与信息技术学院软件工程系为例,结合地方企业软件人才需求,确立培养目标,以软件工程实践能力培养为核心,优化课程结构,将工程素质教育融入课程体系,强化实践锻炼,构建了基于能力培养的从理论到应用一体化的课程体系。  相似文献   

地方本科院校向应用技术类型高校转型的关键问题是如何适应转型需要,转变教育观念、找准定位,调整人才培养目标和方案。针对软件工程教育现状,以大庆师范学院计算机科学与信息技术学院软件工程系为例,结合地方企业软件人才需求,确立培养目标,以软件工程实践能力培养为核心,优化课程结构,将工程素质教育融入课程体系,强化实践锻炼,构建了基于能力培养的从理论到应用一体化的课程体系。  相似文献   

借鉴高校软件工程人才培养模式,针对软件企业中2~3年工作经验的在职人员提升困难、中高端软件人才稀缺问题,提出"企业互助式"人才培养模式和实施过程,探讨基于经验共享的软件工程课程体系,通过项目实训完成课程中讲授的经验和软件工程方法论,以此实现授课、实践、点评三位一体的培训方式,为软件企业提供一条高效率、低成本的中高端软件人才成长途径。  相似文献   

职业本科专业教学标准制定遵循以人才培养定位为前提、以岗位需求为起点、以职业能力标准为导向、以课程体系建设为核心引领的行动路径。在制定职业本科软件工程技术专业教学标准的过程中,要分析软件行业现状与趋势以及人才需求变化,提出标准应当立足软件行业高质量发展要求,明确职业本科“高层次技术技能人才”的定位及其职业面向,培养目标,构建数字化课程体系,改造与升级数字化教学条件,以教学团队为抓手建设师资队伍等对策。  相似文献   

软件学院中“软件工程基础”课程教学改革的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了"软件工程基础"课程在软件学院课程体系中的定位,探讨了"软件工程基础"教学的指导思想和课程重点,指出软件工程基本理论和概念的教学内容应体现平台性和框架性,在课程项目实践中要注重项目和过程管理、组织和管理能力、团队精神等的培养。  相似文献   

随着软件工程技术和软件复用技术的发展,软件构件技术已成为软件设计人员必须掌握的思想和开发技术。文章对软件工程专业的学生开设"软件构件技术"课程的必要性和可行性进行分析,强调开设本课程对于完善软件工程专业的课程体系,提高学生就业竞争力的重要性,并对课程的教学内容和学时分配做了详细论述。  相似文献   

The SIKOSA method addresses the consistency of quality assuring methods in software engineering processes. To support an industrial business software production a new consistent and quality-oriented method was developed. Regarding business processes, which have to be supported, functional and non-functional requirements of business software are specified and transferred into automated test cases and test data.  相似文献   

郑跃斌 《计算机工程与应用》2003,39(27):227-229,232
需求说明是对需求分析结果所进行的文档化工作,其工作结果—需求规格说明在系统开发、测试、质量保证、项目管理中起着重要的作用。现有的需求规格说明绝大多数是采用自然语言来编写,由于自然语言在严密性上的缺陷,从而导致需求规格说明普通存在着三个严重的问题:模糊性、不准确性和不一致性。该文提出的基于企业流程的需求形式化说明语言,是以四元组作为描述机制,不仅能描述各活动之间的逻辑关系,而且能表达活动对信息流的操作形式,即将控制流和数据流合为一体。  相似文献   

随着软件在各行各业应用的不断普及与深入,软件质量已逐渐成为行业的核心竞争力,而软件测试作为保障软件质量的主要手段,其专业人才的需求也与日俱增。应用型高校本科教育特点在于应用,知识学习要做到学以致用,学科内容应和社会需求结合紧密。以企业软件测试岗位需求为导向,改革传统的教学形式,搜索典型工作任务;筛选工作任务,整合典型工作;任务转换为工作过程系统化课程单元,及早调整软件测试技术课程的教学模式,通过"学中做""做中学",提升学生的专业实践能力,又锻炼学生的自我学习、归纳和推理能力,有助于后续的职业发展。  相似文献   

Quality requirements are the main drivers for modeling and evaluating software quality at an early stage, and ASPIRE is an engineering method designed to elicit and document the quality requirements of embedded systems. This paper proposes an extension to ASPIRE to identify quality requirements from the business goals of the organization and ensure their traceability. This extension includes a set of added components created from the main concepts of the SOQUAREM methodology, including the BMM (business motivation model), derivation rules, the quality attribute utility tree, the quality attribute scenario template, the quality attribute documentation template, and ISO 9126. The applicability of the extended method is illustrated with a wireless plant control system as an example.  相似文献   

In order to remain useful, it is important for software to evolve according to the changes in its business environment. Business rules, which can be used to represent both user requirements and conditions to which the system should conform, are considered as the most volatile part in today's software applications. Their changes bring high impact on both the business processes and the software itself. In this paper, we present an approach that considers business rules as an integral part of a software system and its evolution. The approach transcends the areas of requirements specification and software design. We develop the Business Rule Model to capture and specify business rules, and the Link Model to relate business rules to the metamodel level of software design elements. The aim is to improve requirements traceability in software design, as well as minimizing the efforts of software changes due to the changes of business rules. The approach is demonstrated using examples from an industrial application.  相似文献   

‘High quality’ might seem an obvious requirement for any piece of software, but do the different stakeholder groups involved in its production and use conceptualize this requirement in the same way? Many existing models refine the broad concept of quality into a number of well-defined and measurable attributes related to the software product itself and the development process which produced it. But despite growing awareness of the importance of achieving cultural alignment between holders of different business and IT groups, little attempt has been made to empirically examine the requirements for software quality held by different groups involved in the development process. We conducted a survey of more than 300 current and recently graduated students of one of the leading Executive MBA programs in the United States, asking them to rate the importance of each of 13 widely-cited attributes related to software quality. The results showed business role-related differences in some specific areas and agreement in many others. The results suggest that a strong shared culture may be able to bridge the gulf created between holders of IT and business stakeholder roles.  相似文献   

需求验证是为了确保需求规格说明具有良好特性(完整性、一致性、无二义性)而对需求规格说明进行的一种审查活动。目前广泛使用的需求验证技术存在着两个问题:难以处理大型、复杂的需求文档;审查过程需要相当长的时间。该文所研究的基于企业流程的需求形式化验证技术,通过对需求文档中企业流程各活动之间的逻辑关系进行验证,从而发现其中的不一致性和二义性。  相似文献   

软件技术专业课程体系的设置与建设是软件人才培养质量的重要基础。从软件行业对软件技术人才能力要求出发,结合实际,阐述了软件技术专业的理论与实践教学体系改革方案,并提出了推进教学改革的关键举措。  相似文献   

McGovern  F. 《IT Professional》2002,4(5):18-23
For many organizations that are neither software product companies nor system integrators, the expense and cultural change required for full process rollout can be prohibitive. Proponents of agile processes/methods (such as extreme programming) suggest that these "lightweight" approaches are extremely effective. I would agree that there are many powerful aspects within these approaches. I suggest, however, that by taking an objective-based business requirements approach to project management, software projects have a high probability of running on time, and remaining in scope and within budget. Addressing requirement challenges, independent of adopting a full process, can offer many of the benefits of full process adoption while avoiding most of the expense and human issues involved with full process rollout. A business-based requirements approach is an easy-to-adopt, risk-free entry point that offers tangible quality improvements. This approach suits any project scope. Whether building a complex system for enterprise resource planning or customer relationship management, or developing small, single-user software programs, defining business requirements improves any system delivery.  相似文献   

针对隐藏于组织业务海量数据中的隐性软件需求获取提出一种方法。该方法的基本思想是:组织业务海量数据中隐含软件需求,它是以隐性知识形式存在于海量数据中的,隐性知识利用的解决方案就是组织及利益相关者对待开发软件系统的要求(软件需求)。首先,构建一个完整的、无冲突的、正确的待开发软件系统目标及其关系模型,并在待开发系统目标指导下,利用数据挖掘技术对数据进行挖掘,从中发现隐性知识;然后,识别知识的有用性和可用性;最后为可用性知识的利用提供解决方案。进而获取隐藏于大量数据中的隐性软件需求.  相似文献   

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