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This paper outlines a discrete-time model for the spread of an infectious disease. A partial recurrence relation, which extends the Fibonacci model, is developed from a three-stage process: an immature stage; an infectious stage and a recovery stage. The approach adopted here is essentially aimed at facilitating computational procedures.  相似文献   

虚拟试验是一种先进的计算机仿真技术,在虚拟环境中利用数字化样机代替物理样机,对产品的性能进行试验分析.构建一个虚拟试验平台,可以开发能够进行车辆的调试、检测及性能评估的虚拟环境,对于高效、低成本地进行产品研发起到相当重要的作用.通过分析重型车辆在设计过程中所涉及到的各种试验的类型及特点,提出一种构建虚拟试验平台功能的模式.该模式基本解决虚拟试验平台构建所面临的功能和结构问题.  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - A digital platform for fast assessment and testing of multiple order architectures of electromechanical Sigma-Delta modulators for MEMS capacitive accelerometers is...  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(10):1131-1150
Neurodevelopmental engineering is a new interdisciplinary research area at the intersection of developmental neuroscience and biomedical engineering, mainly concerned with quantitative analysis and modeling of human behaviour during neural development. Along such a line, our research focuses on early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, typically diagnosed after 2–3 years of age. With the purpose of beating new paths in the emerging field of neurodevelopmental engineering, we propose a novel approach to the assessment of basic patterns of goal-directed actions in developing babies, in the 0–24 months of age range, both under laboratory and naturalistic conditions. In particular, we propose novel mechatronic devices, either wearable or embedded into toys, for ecological, unobtrusive assessment of infant behavior. Guidelines for the design of a particular toy embedding both kinematics and force-sensing capabilities as well as of experimental scenarios where similar instrumented toys can be deployed are provided. Preliminary experiments for the technical validation of an early prototype in ecological conditions are also presented.  相似文献   

The realistic representation of key biogeophysical and biogeochemical functions is the fundamental of process-based ecosystem models. A functional test platform is designed to create direct linkages between site measurements and the process-based ecosystem model within the Community Earth System Models (CESM). The platform consists of three major parts: 1) interactive user interfaces, 2) functional test models and 3) observational datasets. It provides much needed integration interfaces for both field experimentalists and ecosystem modelers to improve the model's representation of ecosystem processes within the CESM framework without large software overhead.  相似文献   

超声波传感器在农业环境的实际应用中,环境的多变会引起超声波传输误差,传感器自身的波束角效应会引起测距误差,运动机械的振动也容易引起测量误差.针对超声波传感器在农业环境中的应用,设计了超声波测距实验平台.根据超声波传感器的工作原理,研究了测量误差产生的原因.重点研究了被测面和传感器波束角大小引起的测量误差,比较了不同条件...  相似文献   

通用嵌入式系统软件测试平台的设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
仿真测试是嵌入式软件系统测试阶段的一种有效测试方法,探讨了通过在PC机上仿真模拟ARM嵌入式系统,对嵌入式系统软件进行仿真测试的通用测试平台的设计。该平台可以在不做大幅度修改的情况下对不同的嵌入式系统软件进行各种测试。重点介绍了仿真模拟器、测试管理器和测试平台专用工具链的设计,提出了一种测试管理器的实现模型,并进行了详细的描述。  相似文献   

用Matlab中的xPC技术作为硬件在回路测试工具,可以构建出廉价的半实物仿真平台。利用Visual C++中的基本类库MFC构建的对话框界面来调用xPC中的API函数,开发出实时控制窗口,同时利用xPC技术和虚拟现实技术的结合,构建出能动态显示模型所代表对象的实时图形窗口。所构建的人机界面不仅增加了操作的方便性和可移植性,而且使得测试平台显得更加真实直观。通过基于xPC技术的风力发电半实物仿真平台人机界面的开发有效验证了上述方法。  相似文献   

由于航天测控系统在软件可靠性、可用性、易维护性等方面要求严格,从软件可靠性测试框架、可靠性模型、故障检测技术、高可用数据库等几方面进行分析,结合避错、排错、容错技术的研究现状,在通用的三层结构模型的基础上,进一步融合设备层,提出分布式四层架构模型。以航天真空热试验测控平台为例,采用自底向上的方法,从设备控制层、高可用数据库层、负载均衡集群层到展现层分别介绍该模型在测控平台中关于提高系统可靠性的设计。  相似文献   

计算机辅助诊断算法平台   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对计算机辅助诊断系统已成为制约医疗器械硬件发展的关键因素,提出一个医学影像辅助诊断算法平台(Computer Aided Diagnosis Algorithm Platform,CADAP),帮助研发人员高效、便捷地开发面向人体多种疾病的计算机辅助诊断系统.平台集成医学影像三维可视化、图像增强、图像分割、ROI(Regionof Interest)检测、特征提取与分类等关键算法,并引入工作流技术,采用组件与多层体系结构建立一个算法流程可以动态管理和复用的算法平台.  相似文献   

Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) operate under uncertain environmental conditions and can have to face unexpected obstacles, weather changes and sensor or hardware/software component failures. In such situations, the UAV must be able to detect and locate the failure and to take adequate recovery actions. In this paper, we focus on the Health Management of the system depending on the context of the mission. The task of this Health Management is to monitor the status of the system components based on observations from sensors and appearance contexts, and it is designed by means of Bayesian Networks arising from the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. We jointly introduce a framework to generate embedded software and hardware implementations for online and real-time observations, which are demonstrated on a Hybrid CPU/FPGA Zynq platform.  相似文献   

The development of a sophisticated robot experimental test-bed is described. A CRS Robotics Corporation A460 robot is de-engineered to add joint torque control and a Windows-based user interface so that advanced model-based robot controls can be tested. With this interface, experiment set-up, execution, data collection and display are selected with a mouse with point and click commands  相似文献   

分析了智能移动终端软件的自动化测试方法,并提出了一个智能移动终端软件测试平台。详细介绍了该平台的体系结构,并阐述了其关键技术——脚本技术的设计与实现,最后给出了一个移动终端测试的实例。  相似文献   

为了克服手工测试的缺点,构建了基于TTCN-3的移动业务测试平台。在参考了TTCN-3通用测试系统模型的基础上,针对移动通信协议设计了专门的编解码器和被测系统适配层,并针对各种操作系统平台设计了通用的平台适配层。提出了被测系统适配层采用并行多实体设计,配合采用Socket连接的TRI接口,实现层二协议的分布式处理。通过一个数据呼叫业务的系统测试实例表明了该平台能有效地完成移动业务通信协议的一致性测试。  相似文献   

描述了基于I2C总线多步进电机平台的设计,介绍了I2C总线通信协议的特点,给出了I2C总线在1片主MSP430G2553和8片从MSP430G2553之间数据传输程序流程图和整个平台的硬件结构框架,完成了基于I2C总线的单主多从通信,最终实现了对多路步进电机的控制。  相似文献   

基于脚本语言的雷达故障诊断通用平台设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建了一种新型的雷达故障诊断通用测试平台,它基于通用仪表及脚本描述语言.利用通用的XML模型描述语言和数据文件描述雷达各模块的静、动态模型及结构框图.利用脚本描述语言编制雷达故障诊断策略,使平台能适应不同雷达故障诊断需求,用BNF给出了主要描述语句的文法.在系统中,描述语言的使用使得系统能很容易地针对不同的雷达故障现象编制诊断策略.说明了平台的架构,解释了脚本语言引擎与其它构件间的关系,并举例说明了脚本语言使用方法.  相似文献   

针对现有SAP型集成供液系统软件测试存在的输入信号模拟精度低且操作不便、输出信号检测通道少、点表参数校验耗时长、线路连接繁琐等问题,设计了一种SAP型集成供液系统软件测试平台。该测试平台通过上位机管理软件控制模块组模拟输入信号并传输至控制器,控制器采集到输入信号后,点表参数发生变化并传输至上位机管理软件,同时控制器根据输入信号执行相应的逻辑判断并输出控制信号,控制信号被模块组采集后传输至上位机管理软件,上位机管理软件根据控制信号是否与输入信号相匹配来自动判断测试结果。该测试平台的应用提升了测试效率和准确性。  相似文献   

针对天气雷达故障测试平台缺乏远程控制手段而导致使用具有局限性的问题,开发了可远程控制此平台的软件;基于天气雷达故障测试平台内置示波器、功率计、频谱仪、信号源4种仪表的参数设置需求和板卡驱动方式,软件采用了标准C/S架构的设计方法,由用户层、驱动管理层、仪表驱动层三部分组成;在驱动管理层中,着重研究了天气雷达指标测量的流程、调用驱动的接口以及测量数据的处理方法;使用该软件远程控制天气雷达故障测试平台进行了天气雷达指标的测量,测量结果表明远程测量值与现场测量值的误差极小;软件具备一定的可靠性,可投入天气雷达故障诊断和定标使用.  相似文献   

This work proposes an intelligent learning diagnosis system that supports a Web-based thematic learning model, which aims to cultivate learners’ ability of knowledge integration by giving the learners the opportunities to select the learning topics that they are interested, and gain knowledge on the specific topics by surfing on the Internet to search related learning courseware and discussing what they have learned with their colleagues. Based on the log files that record the learners’ past online learning behavior, an intelligent diagnosis system is used to give appropriate learning guidance to assist the learners in improving their study behaviors and grade online class participation for the instructor. The achievement of the learners’ final reports can also be predicted by the diagnosis system accurately. Our experimental results reveal that the proposed learning diagnosis system can efficiently help learners to expand their knowledge while surfing in cyberspace Web-based “theme-based learning” model.  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW的减压阀可靠性试验平台设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
依据ISO19973-4:2007设计了一种减压阀可靠性试验平台,并介绍了其气动回路、电气控制回路以及测控软件系统。利用该平台可方便地进行减压阀的可靠性试验,可获得减压阀自开始试验到出现故障为止的全部有效试验数据,并自动绘制压力波形。长期的试验结果证明,该试验平台稳定性好、精度高、具有明显的节能优势。  相似文献   

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