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Wireless sensor network (WSN) has been widely used due to its vast range of applications. The energy problem is one of the important problems influencing the complete application. Sensor nodes use very small batteries as a power source and replacing them is not an easy task. With this restriction, the sensor nodes must conserve their energy and extend the network lifetime as long as possible. Also, these limits motivate much of the research to suggest solutions in all layers of the protocol stack to save energy. So, energy management efficiency becomes a key requirement in WSN design. The efficiency of these networks is highly dependent on routing protocols directly affecting the network lifetime. Clustering is one of the most popular techniques preferred in routing operations. In this work we propose a novel energy-efficient protocol for WSN based on a bat algorithm called ECO-BAT (Energy Consumption Optimization with BAT algorithm for WSN) to prolong the network lifetime. We use an objective function that generates an optimal number of sensor clusters with cluster heads (CH) to minimize energy consumption. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) and Energy Efficient cluster formation in wireless sensor networks based on the Multi-Objective Bat algorithm (EEMOB) protocols. The results obtained are interesting in terms of energy-saving and prolongation of the network lifetime.  相似文献   

在对国内生产的空调用螺杆式压缩机高温工况能效比进行统计分析的基础上,提出空调用螺杆式压缩机能效等级建议值。  相似文献   

对中国与东盟主要国家的家用电冰箱的定义、测试标准、最低能源性能标准和能效标识进行对比分析。这些国家制定的电冰箱能效标准和标识的测试基础基本相同,能效标识可分为中国采用的欧盟样式和东盟主要国家采用的澳大利亚样式两大类。从技术、经济、文化等角度分析发现,中国和东盟国家家用电冰箱能效标准和标识已具备一致化的可行性。  相似文献   

以某可再生能源建筑应用示范项目为例,介绍土壤源热泵系统能效测评的基本内容与方法,并对该项目土壤源热泵系统冬季运行工况进行能效检测。检测结果表明,该系统冬季COPSH达到3.1,节能率达到22.3%。  相似文献   

A series of techniques based on bibliometric clustering and mapping for scientometrics analysis was implemented in a software toolkit called CATAR for free use. Application of the toolkit to the field of library and information science (LIS) based on journal clustering for subfield identification and analysis to suggest a proper set of LIS journals for research evaluation is described. Two sets of data from Web of Science in the Information Science & Library Science (IS&LS) subject category of Journal Citation Reports were analyzed: one ranges from year 2000 to 2004, the other from 2005 to 2009. The clustering results in graphic dendrograms and multi-dimensional scaling maps from both datasets consistently show that some IS&LS journals clustered in the management information systems subfield are distant from the other journals in terms of their intellectual base. Additionally, the cluster characteristics analyzed based on a diversity index reveals the regional characteristics for some identified subfields. Since journal classification has become a high-stake issue that affects the evaluation of scholars and universities in some East Asian countries, both cases (isolation in intellectual base and regionalism in national interest) should be taken into consideration when developing research evaluation in LIS based on journal classification and ranking for the evaluation to be fairly implemented without biasing future LIS research.  相似文献   

结合电机能效发展现状,分析了欧盟、中国、美国电机能效技术标准的使用范围和等级分类,其中对电机能效测试的三种常规测试,包括温升试验、空载试验、负载试验进行了详细说明。本文将有助于进一步提高我国电机能效水平。  相似文献   

提高冷库能效是欧盟的一个研究项目,该项目利用互联网开发了能效在线评估工具/平台。本文介绍该在线评估软件的内容、设计思路与基本操作步骤以及该软件在欧洲3个冷库试用的初步结果,并对其在国内冷库的应用进行初步分析。结果表明,冷库能效在线评估是一种十分有效的节能工具。指出我国应借鉴其方法,开发适合我国冷库的能效在线评估工具。  相似文献   

This article presents a novel algorithm for image segmentation via the use of the multiresolution wavelet analysis and the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. The development of a multiresolution wavelet feature extraction scheme is based on the Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) assumption in mammographic image modeling. Mammographic images are hierarchically decomposed into different resolutions. In general, larger breast lesions are characterized by coarser resolutions, whereas higher resolutions show finer and more detailed anatomical structures. These hierarchical variations in the anatomical features displayed by multiresolution decomposition are further quantified through the application of the Gaussian Markov random field. Because of its uniqueness in locality, adaptive features based on the nonstationary assumption of GMRF are defined for each pixel of the mammogram. Fibroadenomas are then segmented via the fuzzy C-means algorithm using these localized features. Subsequently, the segmentation results are further enhanced via the introduction of a maximum a posteriori (MAP) segmentation estimation scheme based on the Bayesian learning paradigm. Gibbs priors or Gibbs random fields have also been incorporated into the learning scheme of the present research with very effective outcomes. In this article, the EM algorithm for MAP estimation is formulated. The EM algorithm provides an iterative and computationally simple algorithm based on the incomplete data concept. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 8, 491–504, 1997  相似文献   

The path-independent Jk*-integral, in conjunction with the finite element method (FEM), is presented for mode I and mixed-mode crack problems in orthotropic functionally graded materials (FGMs) considering plane elasticity. A general procedure is presented where the crack is arbitrarily oriented, i.e. it does not need to be aligned with the principal orthotropy directions. Smooth spatial variations of the independent engineering material properties are incorporated into the element stiffness matrix using a “generalized isoparametric formulation”, which is natural to the FEM. Both exponential and linear variations of the material properties are considered. Stress intensity factors and energy release rates for pure mode I and mixed-mode boundary value problems are numerically evaluated by means of the equivalent domain integral especially tailored for orthotropic FGMs. Numerical results are discussed and validated against available theoretical and numerical solutions.  相似文献   

制冷空调能效标准和节能政策措施的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国制冷空调能效标准的进展,结合近期实施的主要节能促进措施及取得的成效,分析制冷空调领域的节能潜力,提出开展节能工作的展望。  相似文献   

本文论述了制定空气净化器能效限定值及能效等级国家标准的背景和意义,介绍了标准研制的总体思路和原则,空气净化器能效限定值的确定,能效等级的划分,以及试验方法等.通过国标的研制与实施,将淘汰高耗能空气净化产品的生产,有效提升空气净化器产品的能效水平.  相似文献   

能效标识制度作为能效标准的实施和延伸,以其投入少、见效快、对消费者影响大、节能与环保效果显著的优点,成为世界各国普遍采取的一项节能管理措施。制冷空调产品属于典型的使用量大、应用面广、节能潜力和技术提升空间大的用能产品,对其实行能效标识管理意义重大,效果显著。本文重点介绍我国5类制冷空调产品能效标识制度实施情况,并简要介绍国外部分国家能效标识实施情况,旨在借鉴成功经验,推动我国能效标识制度取得更大进展。  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国重点行业除尘器设备能效强制性国家标准研制的必要性和作用.通过调研和分析,对重点行业电除尘器、袋式除尘器和电袋复合除尘器的能效等级、能效限定值、比电耗计算和测试方法等内容进行了研究.  相似文献   

从热力学角度对能量品质和热力系统的佣进行分析,提出分析不同采暖系统效率的方法。通过对不同采暖系统进行能量[火用]分析和对比,认为水源热泵加地板辐射盘管采暖形式的总体能源利用最经济合理,而在没有30-35℃的低温热水余热情况下,高温水源热泵暖气片采暖系统经济性较差。对采暖系统的能量士用分析从本质上对比各种采暖系统用能的优劣,为合理选择采暖系统提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为准确分析蠕墨铸铁发动机缸体噪声辐射特性,基于LMS Test.Lab软件,使用力锤冲击激励法分别对灰铸铁和蠕墨铸铁铸成的发动机缸体进行振动噪声测试,基于理论推导出的力能量和声能量计算公式,使用激励力加权系数法进行加权分析。分析结果表明,被测的蠕墨铸铁发动机缸体力-声能量转换效率比灰铸铁发动机缸体力-声能量转换效率低35.43%,降噪性能优于灰铸铁发动机缸体。此研究表明力-声能量转换效率分析方法可以很好地分析不同材料发动机缸体的噪声辐射性能,为改善发动机缸体的噪声辐射性能提供理论基础。  相似文献   

通过对5种典型工商业用制冷空调产品能效测试值变化情况进行统计,结合这5种产品的产销量,政策对能效的影响,能效标准、测试方法的新进展,探讨产品能效的提升对节能的贡献。  相似文献   

Two algorithms for the stress update (i.e., time integration of the constitutive equation) in large-strain solid mechanics are compared from an analytical point of view. The order of the truncation error associated to the numerical integration is deduced for each algorithm a priori, using standard numerical analysis. This accuracy analysis has been performed by means of a convected frame formalism, which also allows a unified derivation of both algorithms in spite of their inherent differences. Then the two algorithms are adapted from convected frames to a fixed Cartesian frame and implemented in a small-strain finite element code. The implementation is validated by means of a set of simple deformation paths (simple shear, extension, extension and compression, extension and rotation) and two benchmark tests in non-linear mechanics (the necking of a circular bar and a shell under ring loads). In these numerical tests, the observed order of convergence is in very good agreement with the theoretical order of convergence, thus corroborating the accuracy analysis. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对于分布式能源系统中冷热电三联产项目,面临冷热电需求之间不平衡的矛盾。本文在传统的以电定热(冷)和以热(冷)定电两种运行方式的基础上,提出通过优化控制逻辑、智能化预估算控制、优化运行方式和添加辅助设备等方式,对分布式能源系统中冷热电三联产进行了优化,并实际运用在某产业园分布式能源项目中,通过对优化前、后联产系统的总热效率进行的计算对比,验证了该方法的合理性,对同类型项目有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study presents an isogeometric framework for incorporating representative volume element–based multiscale models into computational homogenization. First‐order finite deformation homogenization theory is derived within the framework of the method of multiscale virtual power, and Lagrange multipliers are used to illustrate the effects of considering different kinematical constraints. Using a Lagrange multiplier approach in the numerical implementation of the discrete system naturally leads to a consolidated treatment of the commonly employed representative volume element boundary conditions. Implementation of finite deformation computational strain‐driven, stress‐driven, and mixed homogenization is detailed in the context of isogeometric analysis (IGA), and performance is compared to standard finite element analysis. As finite deformations are considered, a numerical multiscale stability analysis procedure is also detailed for use with IGA. Unique implementation aspects that arise when computational homogenization is performed using IGA are discussed, and the developed framework is applied to a complex curved microstructure representing an architectured material.  相似文献   

介绍电热式干衣机和热泵式干衣机的工作流程及原理,分析电热式干衣机和热泵式干衣机的理论能效值,并设计一套热泵式干衣机试验系统。对电热式干衣机和热泵式干衣机进行试验研究,并根据试验数据对除湿量、单位除湿能耗和热泵能效比进行对比分析,结果表明热泵式干衣机在节能方面有很大优势。  相似文献   

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