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We compare two techniques which enable selective, nucleotide-specific covalent modification of human genomic DNA, as assayed by quantitative ligation- mediated PCR. In the first, a purine motif triplex-forming oligonucleotide with a terminally appended chlorambucil was shown to label a target guanine residue adjacent to its binding site in 80% efficiency at 0.5 microM. Efficiency was higher in the presence of the triplex-stabilizing intercalator coralyne. In the second method, an oligonucleotide targeting a site containing all four bases and bearing chlorambucil on an interior base was shown to efficiently react with a specific nucleotide in the target sequence. The targeted sequence in these cases was in the DQbeta1*0302 allele of the MHC II locus.  相似文献   

Extracts of Acetobacter xylinum catalyze the phosphorylation of glycerol and dihydroxyacetone (DHA) by adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) to form, respectively, L-alpha-glycerophosphate and DHA phosphate. The ability to promote phosphorylation of glycerol and DHA was higher in glycerol-grown cells than in glucose- or succinate-grown cells. The activity of glycerol kinase in extracts is compatible with the overall rate of glycerol oxidation in vivo. The glycerol-DHA kinase has been purified 210-fold from extracts, and its molecular weight was determined to be 50,000 by gel filtration. The glycerol kinase to DHA kinase activity ratio remained essentially constant at 1.6 at all stages of purification. The optimal pH for both reactions was 8.4 to 9.2. Reaction rates with the purified enzyme were hyperbolic functions of glycerol, DHA, and ATP. The Km for glycerol is 0.5 mM and that for DHA is 5 mM; both are independent of the ATP concentration. The Km for ATP in both kinase reactions is 0.5 mM and is independent of glycerol and DHA concentrations. Glycerol and DHA are competitive substrates with Ki values equal to their respective Km values as substrates. D-Glyceraldehyde and l-Glyceraldehyde were not phosphorylated and did not inhibit the enzyme. Among the nucleotide triphosphates tested, only ATP was active as the phosphoryl group donor. Fructose diphosphate (FDP) inhibited both kinase activities competitively with respect to ATP (Ki= 0.02 mM) and noncompetitively with respect to glycerol and DHA. Adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) inhibited both enzymic activities competitively with respect to ATP (Ki (ADP) = 0.4 mM; Ki (AMP) =0.25 mM). A. xylinum cells with a high FDP content did not grow on glycerol. Depletion of cellular FDP by starvation enabled rapid growth on glycerol. It is concluded that a single enzyme from A. xylinum is responsible for the phosphorylation of both glycerol and DHA. This as well as the sensitivity of the enzyme to inhibition by FDP and AMP suggest that it has a regulatory role in glycerol metabolism.  相似文献   

beta 1D is a recently identified isoform of the beta 1 integrin subunit selectively expressed in skeletal and cardiac muscles. In the present study we determined the temporal expression of beta 1D and its association with alpha subunits during mouse development. By immunohistochemistry and western blot analysis we demonstrated that beta 1D begins to be expressed in skeletal muscles of 17 days embryo (stage E17). Its level progressively increases reaching maximal values few days after birth and remaining high in adult mice. At earlier stages of development (E11-E17) the beta 1A isoform is expressed in skeletal muscle cells. After E17 beta 1A is downregulated and disappears from muscle fibers few days after birth. In cardiac muscle the regulation of the beta 1D expression is different: beta 1D and beta 1A are coexpressed in the heart of E11 embryo. Subsequently expression of beta 1A declines, while beta 1D increases until it becomes the unique beta 1 isoform in cardiomyocytes few days after birth. Previous studies (Belkin et al J. Cell Biol. 132: 211-226, 1996) demonstrated that beta 1D in adult mouse cardiomyocytes is exclusively associated with alpha 7B. Western blot analysis shows that alpha 7B starts to be expressed in the heart only at stage E17, while beta 1D is expressed already at E11 embryo, indicating that alpha subunits other than alpha 7 should associate with beta 1D in early developmental stages. To investigate this aspect, beta 1 associated alpha subunits were identified by western blotting from cardiomyocytes integrin complexes immunoprecipitated with alpha subunit specific antibodies. We found that, during cardiomyocyte development, beta 1D associates with several alpha subunits namely with alpha 5, alpha 6A and alpha 7B. In conclusion these data show that the expression of the beta 1D muscle specific integrin during development occurs much earlier in heart than in skeletal muscle and it can dimerize with different alpha subunits.  相似文献   

A method is described that allows the sequence-specific ligation of DNA. The method is based on the ability of RecA protein from Escherichia coli to selectively pair oligonucleotides to their homologous sequences at the ends of fragments of duplex DNA. These three-stranded complexes were protected from the action of DNA polymerase. When treated with DNA polymerase, unprotected duplex fragments were converted to fragments with blunt ends, whereas protected fragments retained their cohesive ends. By using conditions that greatly favored ligation of cohesive ends, a second DNA fragment could be selectively ligated to a previously protected fragment of DNA. When this second DNA was a vector, selected fragments were preferentially cloned. The method had sufficient power to be used for the isolation of single-copy genes directly from yeast or human genomic DNA, and potentially could allow the isolation of much longer fragments with greater fidelity than obtainable by using PCR.  相似文献   

The type I DNA restriction and modification enzymes of prokaryotes are multimeric enzymes that cleave unmethylated, foreign DNA in a complex process involving recognition of the methylation status of a DNA target sequence, extensive translocation of DNA in both directions towards the enzyme bound at the target sequence, ATP hydrolysis, which is believed to drive the translocation possibly via a helicase mechanism, and eventual endonucleolytic cleavage of the DNA. We have examined the DNA binding affinity and exonuclease III footprint of the EcoKI type IA restriction enzyme on oligonucleotide duplexes that either contain or lack the target sequence. The influence of the cofactors, S-adenosyl methionine and ATP, on binding to DNA of different methylation states has been assessed. EcoKI in the absence of ATP, with or without S-adenosyl methionine, binds tightly even to DNA lacking the target site and the exonuclease footprint is large, approximately 45 base-pairs. The protection is weaker on DNA lacking the target site. Partially assembled EcoKI lacking one or both of the subunits essential for DNA cleavage, is unable to bind tightly to DNA lacking the target site but can bind tightly to the recognition site. The addition of ATP to EcoKI, in the presence of AdoMet, allows tight binding only to the target site and the footprint shrinks to 30 base-pairs, almost identical to that of the modification enzyme which makes up the core of EcoKI. The same effect occurs when S-adenosyl homocysteine or sinefungin are substituted for S-adenosyl methionine, and ADP or ATPgammaS are substituted for ATP. It is proposed that the DNA binding surface of EcoKI comprises three regions: a "core" region which recognises the target sequence and which is present on the modification enzyme, and a region on each DNA cleavage subunit. The cleavage subunits make tight contacts to any DNA molecule in the absence of cofactors, but this contact is weakened in the presence of cofactors to allow the protein conformational changes required for DNA translocation when a target site is recognised by the core modification enzyme. This weakening of the interaction between the DNA cleavage subunits and the DNA could allow more access of exonuclease III to the DNA and account for the shorter footprint.  相似文献   

A rat liver nuclear protein, unimolecular quadruplex telomere-binding protein 25, (uqTBP25) is described that binds tightly and specifically single-stranded and unimolecular tetraplex forms of the vertebrate telomeric DNA sequence 5'-d(TTAGGG)n-3'. A near homogeneous uqTBP25 was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, chromatographic separation from other DNA binding proteins, and three steps of column chromatography. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Superdex copyright 200 gel filtration disclosed for uqTBP25 subunit and native Mr values of 25.4 +/- 0.5 and 25.0 kDa, respectively. Sequences of uqTBP25 tryptic peptides were closely homologous, but not identical, to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1, and single-stranded DNA-binding proteins UP1 and HDP-1. Complexes of uqTBP25 with single-stranded or unimolecular quadruplex 5'-d(TTAGGG)4-3', respectively, had dissociation constants, Kd, of 2.2 or 13.4 nM. Relative to d(TTAGGG)4, complexes with 5'-r(UUAGGG)4-3', blunt-ended duplex telomeric DNA, or quadruplex telomeric DNA had >10 to >250-fold higher Kd values. Single base alterations within the d(TTAGGG) repeat increased the Kd of complexes with uqTBP25 by 9-215-fold. Association with uqTBP25 protected d(TTAGGG)4 against nuclease digestion, suggesting a potential role for the protein in telomeric DNA transactions.  相似文献   

The binding of the iron complex of the antineoplastic glycopeptide bleomycin A2 (Fe-BLM) to calf thymus DNA and the self-complementary oligonucleotides d(CGCGCG) and d(ATATAT) has been studied using optical, EPR, and resonance Raman spectroscopies. An increase in the intensity of the bands at 365 and 384 nm is observed in the optical spectrum of Fe(III)-BLM when the drug binds to either oligonucleotide. However, in the presence of phosphate, this increase is observed only with d(CGCGCG) and not with d(ATATAT). In addition, the gmax feature in the EPR spectrum of low spin Fe(III)-BLM is narrowed in a way suggesting a reduction of possible conformers that the drug can achieve when it is bound to d(CGCGCG) or to calf thymus DNA but not when bound to d(ATATAT). When Fe(III)-BLM is bound to d(CGCGCG), changes in the resonance Raman spectrum of the metal drug complex suggest conformational changes in three of the ligands to iron: the beta-hydroxyhistidyl amide, the pyrimidine, and the axial hydroxide. In addition, the Fe-OH band undergoes narrowing, again consistent, with the reduction of conformers of the drug. No such resonance Raman changes are observed upon binding to d(ATATAT). The changes in the pyrimidine modes upon binding d(CGCGCG) to the drug are consistent with a recently proposed model (Wu, W., Vanderwall, D. E., Turner, C. J., Kozarich, J. W., and Stubbe, J. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 1281-1294) of DNA recognition by activated bleomycin, HOO-Fe(III)-BLM, in which the pyrimidine moiety of the drug is important for the preferential cleavage of 5'-GpPy-3' sequences.  相似文献   

The stabilities of eight triple helical pyrimidine.purine.pyrimidine structures comprised of identical sequence but different RNA (R) or DNA (D) strand combinations were measured by quantitative affinity cleavage titration. The differences in equilibrium binding affinities reveal the importance of strand composition. For the sequences studied here, the stabilities of complexes containing a pyrimidine third strand D or R and purine.pyrimidine double helical DD, DR, RD, and RR decrease in order: D + DD, R + DD, R + DR, D + DR > R + RD, R + RR > D + RR, D + RD (pH 7.0, 25 degrees C, 100 mM NaCl/1 mM spermine). These findings suggest that RNA and DNA oligonucleotides will be useful for targeting (i) double helical DNA and (ii) RNA.DNA hybrids if the purine Watson-Crick strand is DNA. However, RNA, but not DNA, oligonucleotides will be useful for sequence-specific binding of (i) double helical RNA and (ii) RNA.DNA hybrids if the purine Watson-Crick strand is RNA. This has implications for the design of artificial ligands targeted to specific sequences of double helical RNA and RNA.DNA hybrids.  相似文献   

Preferential cleavage sites have been determined for Fe2+/H2O2-mediated oxidations of DNA. In 50 mM H2O2, preferential cleavages occurred at the nucleoside 5' to each of the dG moieties in the sequence RGGG, a sequence found in a majority of telomere repeats. Within a plasmid containing a (TTAGGG)81 human telomere insert, 7-fold more strand breakage occurred in the restriction fragment with the insert than in a similar-sized control fragment. This result implies that telomeric DNA could protect coding DNA from oxidative damage and might also link oxidative damage and iron load to telomere shortening and aging. In micromolar H2O2, preferential cleavage occurred at the thymidine within the sequence RTGR, a sequence frequently found to be required in promoters for normal responses of many procaryotic and eucaryotic genes to iron or oxygen stress. Computer modeling of the interaction of Fe2+ with RTGR in B-DNA suggests that due to steric hindrance with the thymine methyl, Fe2+ associates in a specific manner with the thymine flipped out from the base stack so as to allow an octahedrally-oriented coordination of the Fe2+ with the three purine N7 residues. Fe2+-dependent changes in NMR spectra of duplex oligonucleotides containing ATGA versus those containing AUGA or A5mCGA were consistent with this model.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Chronic alcoholic pancreatitis occurs in only a limited number of heavy drinkers. Other factors than alcohol are necessary for the occurrence of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. The aim of this study was to examine whether pancreatic duct obstruction resulted in increased alcohol-induced parenchymal cell damage. METHODS: Four groups of adult mongrel dogs were used. In group A, 2. 0 g . kg-1 . day-1 of ethanol was administered via a gastric cannula. In group O, after ligation of the minor pancreatic duct, a polyethylene tube was inserted transduodenally into the major duct. In group AO, the protocols used in groups A and O were combined. Laparotomy was repeated after 3 months in each group. RESULTS: Three of the 9 dogs in group AO had pancreatic calculi in the main pancreatic duct. Moderate interlobular fibrosis, parenchymal cell loss, and inflammatory cell infiltration resembling human chronic alcoholic pancreatitis were observed in group AO. Little change was observed in groups A and O. Exocrine function assessed by secretin test in group AO was significantly reduced. Total protein, hexosamine, and calcium contents of the pancreatic juice in group AO were significantly increased. CONCLUSIONS: Pancreatic duct obstruction is an aggravating factor in chronic alcoholic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

The mouse skin tumor promoter benzoyl peroxide (BzPO), in conjunction with Cu(I), causes promutagenic damage in DNA. Because free radical intermediates are produced by the reaction of BzPO with Cu(I), we sought to determine whether BzPO plus Cu(I) caused DNA base damage typical of that caused by the hydroxyl radical. A broad range of modified DNA bases were measured by GC-MS with selected-ion monitoring after exposure of purified plasmid pCMV beta gal DNA to BzPO +/- Cu(I). Exposure to BzPO/Cu(I) caused up to 20-fold increases in the levels of adenine-derived modified bases, up to 4-fold increases in guanine- and cytosine-derived modified bases, and only a < 2-fold increase in thymine-derived modified bases. The guanine-derived modified base 8-hydroxyguanine was elevated to the highest net amount, approximately 160 molecules/10(5) DNA bases. Exposure to BzPO alone or Cu(I) alone induced only minor (< < 2-fold) DNA base modification. Also, benzoic acid, the major non-radical metabolite of BzPO, or BzPO plus Fe(II) were ineffective at inducing DNA base modification. The hydroxyl radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide inhibited BzPO/Cu(I)-induced base modification by 10-50%. These data suggest that the reaction of BzPO with Cu(I) generates hydroxyl radical or a similarly reactive intermediate which causes DNA base damage. This damage may be responsible for BzPO/Cu(I)-mediated mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of two DNA modification systems, XorI and XorII, in 195 strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae collected from different major rice-growing countries of Asia was assessed. All four possible phenotypes (XorI+ XorII+, XorI+ XorII-, XorI- XorII+ and XorI- XorII-) were detected in the population at a ratio of approximately 1:2:2:2. The XorI+ XorII+ and XorI- XorII+ phenotypes were observed predominantly in strains from southeast Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia), whereas strains with the phenotypes XorI- XorII- and XorI+ XorII- were distributed in south Asia (India and Nepal) and northeast Asia (China, Korea, and Japan), respectively. Based on the prevalence and geographic distribution of the XorI and XorII systems, we suggest that the XorI modification system originated in northeast Asia and was later introduced to southeast Asia, while the XorII system originated in southeast Asia and moved to northeast Asia and south Asia. Genomic DNA from all tested strains of X. oryzae pv. oryzae that were resistant to digestion by endonuclease XorII or its isoschizomer PvuI also hybridized with a 7.0-kb clone that contained the XorII modification system, whereas strains that were digested by XorII or PvuI lacked DNA that hybridized with the clone. Size polymorphisms were observed in fragments that hybridized with the 7.0-kb clone. However, a single hybridization pattern generally was found in XorII+ strains within a country, indicating clonal maintenance of the XorII methyl-transferase gene locus. The locus was monomorphic for X. oryzae pv. oryzae strains from the Philippines and all strains from Indonesia and Korea.  相似文献   

Analysis of the DNA and modeling its certain fragments substances radiolysis data allows to attribute the cardinal role to the primary 2-deoxyribosyl radicals in the processes of the breaks (C'3, C'5) and alkali-labile sites (C'1, C'2, C'4) in DNA strands, of the free bases appearance (C'3, C'5). The higher yield of bases destruction in DNA is explained by the transferring of a damage (unpaired electron) from 2-deoxyribosyl to a base within one nucleotide.  相似文献   

The effects of eleven camptothecin derivatives on calf thymus topoisomerase I-mediated cleavage of synthetic DNA duplex have revealed that the A ring of camptothecin is very important for its biochemical activity. Depending on the type, number, and location of substituents, highly active or inactive analogues were obtained. The persistence of CPT-induced topoisomerase I-DNA covalent binary complexes was investigated by using as substrates DNA containing several good topoisomerase I cleavage sites, or else a synthetic DNA duplex of defined structure with a single high-efficiency cleavage site. The ligation kinetics at a given topoisomerase I cleavage site were sometimes quite different in the presence of CPT derivatives whose structures were closely related. Even in the presence of a single CPT analogue, topoisomerase I-DNA covalent binary complexes underwent ligation with different kinetics, presumably reflecting a dependence on DNA sequences flanking the individual topoisomerase I cleavage sites. Individual camptothecin derivatives also exhibited a spectrum of inhibitory potentials in blocking the topoisomerase I-mediated rearrangement of branched, nicked, and gapped DNA duplex substrates; in some cases the potencies of inhibition observed in these assays for individual camptothecin analogues were quite different than those determined for stabilization of the unmodified DNA-topoisomerase I binary complex.  相似文献   

The adenovirus type 2-coded single-stranded DNA binding protein (DBP) was shown to be a phosphoprotein and to exist in at least two forms that differ in mobility by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After a 30-min pulse with [35S]methionine or 32PO4, 35S- or 32P-labeled DBP had a nominal molecular weight of 74,000 whereas after a 30-min label followed by a 20-h chase, 35S- and 32P-labeled DBP had a nominal molecular weight of 77,000. Both large and small forms of 35S- and 32P-labeled DBP bound to single-stranded DNA-cellulose columns and were eluted by 0.4 to 0.6 M NaCl; both forms also were immunoprecipitated by antiserum against adenovirus type 1-simian virus 40-induced tumor cells (this antiserum contains antibodies against DBP) and by monospecific antiserum against 95 to 99% purified DBP. With highly purified 32P-DBP labeled 7 to 10 h postinfection, it was shown that the 32P radioactivity was firmly associated with protein material (i.e., not contaminating nucleic acids or phospholipids) and had properties expected of a phosphoester of an amino acid; paper electrophoresis of acid hydrolysates of this preparation identified phosphoserine but not phosphothreonine. Phosphoserine but not phosphothreonine was also identified in acid hydrolysates of another preparation of 32P-DBP labeled for 30 min, chased for 20 h, and then immunoprecipitated by adenovirus type 1-simian virus 40 antiserum.  相似文献   

Repair DNA synthesis was examined in bone marrow cells exposed to LD 50/30 in vivo. Intensive repair synthesis took place during the irradiation, and the increase in 3HTdR uptake prevailed over the inhibitory effect of radiation and AET upon DNA synthesis. After LD 50/30, the intensity of DNA repair was reduced. Application of AET resulted in an increase in repair DNA synthesis after irradiation, indicated by a significantly higher incorporation of 3HTdR.  相似文献   

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