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随着大型海上风电场的建设逐步由浅水海域向深水海域发展,传统固定式基础结构已不能满足海上风机工作性能要求,研究漂浮式风机已成为各国开发海上风能的热点工作。文章采用风机正向设计软件SWT对海上张力腿浮式风机整体结构进行了模态分析,得到浮式风机整体结构的动态特性。由分析结果可知,浮式基础的振动对上部塔架有连带作用;浮式基础低阶振型主要表现为横荡、纵荡、首摇、纵摇、横摇和垂荡,高阶振型表现为振荡、摇动和部件振动的复合;浮式风机自振频率和主要海浪谱频率以及风机叶片旋转频率不产生共振。 相似文献
针对半潜型浮式基础横撑和塔柱底部的弯矩特性,文章采用了气动-水动力-结构弹性耦合的时域分析方法,以DeepCwind浮式风机系统为研究对象,进行了不同风浪组合下的全耦合分析。该方法将各浮筒看作独立浮体,采用多体水动力理论预报浮式基础的波浪载荷,实现横撑与浮筒连接处弯矩的计算。计算结果表明:风载荷和波浪载荷对塔柱底部的弯矩均有明显的影响,而横撑弯矩主要来源于波浪载荷;相对于塔柱底部,横撑更容易发生破坏;将风和波浪单独引起的弯矩时历直接相加,可以较好地模拟风浪联合作用下横撑和塔柱的弯矩特性。研究结果可以为多浮筒半潜浮式风机的疲劳评估提供参考。 相似文献
以OC4-DeepCwind半潜式浮式风机为研究对象,利用ANSYS AQWA软件,通过时域耦合法模拟不同海况,在受到波浪、风、流载荷联合作用下,风机的动力响应和系泊响应,讨论极端海况对风机的影响。结果表明,与正常海况相比,极端海况下风机锚链张力的波动范围明显增大,相对最大值为正常海况下的4.98倍,影响系泊系统的稳定性;极端海况下风机卧链长度的相对最小值为正常海况下的1.75%,仅为4.21 m,与荷载作用方向一致的风机锚链变化较为剧烈,为风机的主承载锚链;极端海况下风机的纵荡、垂荡运动均有所增加,相对最大值分别为正常海况下的15.95倍、1.82倍,纵摇偏转变化到最大4.95°,其余方向变化较小,风机重心发生10.19 m的偏移,影响风机的稳定性,干扰风机的正常运行。 相似文献
Hybrid modeling combining physical tests and numerical simulations in real time opens new opportunities in floating wind turbine research. Wave basin testing is an important validation step for floating support structure design, but current methods are limited by scaling problems in the aerodynamic loadings. Applying wind turbine loads with an actuation system controlled by a simulation that responds to the basin test offers a way to avoid scaling problems and reduce cost barriers for floating wind turbine design validation in realistic coupled conditions. In this work, a cable‐based hybrid coupling approach is developed and implemented for 1:50‐scale wave basin tests with the DeepCwind semisubmersible floating wind turbine. Tests are run with thrust loads provided by a numerical wind turbine model. Matching tests are run with physical wind loads using an above‐basin wind maker. When the numerical submodel is set to match the aerodynamic performance of the physical scaled wind turbine, the results show good agreement with purely physical wind‐wave tests, validating the hybrid model approach. Further hybrid model tests with simulated true‐to‐scale dynamic thrust loads and wind turbulence show noticeable differences and demonstrate the value of a hybrid model approach for improving the true‐to‐scale realism of floating wind turbine basin tests. 相似文献
为解决风力机组实际运行中风速仪测量风速不准确的问题,采用真机试验与数值模拟相结合的研究方法对其进行研究。通过对试验数据及模拟结果进行分析,得如下结果:风力机转轮转速未达到额定转速时,测风仪测量的风速偏差随来流风速的增加而增大;在转轮达到额定转速,来流风速为8 m/s时,此时风速仪测量风速为8.82 m/s,存在的最大偏差为0.82 m/s;转轮转速保持在额定转速,来流风速继续增大时,测风仪测量风速偏差将随来流的增加逐渐减小,相比于一次修正函数,对测风仪测量风速采用二次函数进行修正,其效果较好,得到的实际功率曲线与理论功率曲线更为符合。 相似文献
Wind energy is the world's fastest‐growing renewable energy source; as a result, the number of people exposed to wind farm noise is increasing. Because of its broadband amplitude‐modulated characteristic, wind turbine noise (WTN) is more annoying than noise produced by other common community/industrial sources. As higher frequencies are attenuated by air absorption and building transmission, the noise from modern large wind farms is mainly below 1000 and 500 Hz for outdoor and indoor conditions, respectively. Many WTN complaints relate to indoor, nighttime conditions when background noise levels are lower. As recently reported, indoor noise has the potential to cause sleeping disorders. Studies on human response to amplitude modulated WTN have been mainly focused on the outdoors, where a large amount of measured data exists. This is not the case for indoors, where it is much harder to gather data. Hence, there is a need to understand the transmission of WTN into dwellings and to develop indoor annoyance metrics. In this article, we investigate the transmission of WTN into residential‐type structures. Using an outdoor WTN recording and structures with different properties/configurations, we made a series of computer simulations for indoor noise predictions and assessed the results employing several widely used metrics for WTN, for example, spectral content, modulation depth and overall levels. In general, the indoor noise levels are higher, and the average modulation depth is similar to those of outdoor recordings. In addition, there is a significant change in the spectral shape. These results could potentially explain indoor WTN annoyance. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
平台的稳定是保障海上漂浮式风力机能够安全运行的基础。为了保障海上平台的稳定及漂浮式风力机的安全运行,基于Semi-submersible平台的NREL(国家可再生能源实验室)5 MW漂浮式风力机模型,采用辐射/衍射理论并结合有限元方法,调用水动力学软件AQWA(水动力学分析软件),考虑风、浪、流载荷的联合作用,对平台的动态响应进行数值模拟分析,得到了F-K力(波浪力)和绕射力对平台6个自由度运动的影响以及各波浪力随波浪频率的变化趋势。结果表明:平台在低频波浪时容易出现较大响应;随着海洋环境恶劣程度的增加,平台的动态响应增大;垂荡方向的时域和频域响应程度均小于纵荡方向。 相似文献
近年来,我国风力发电装机容量不断增长,大规模风电并网对电网的影响日益受到重视。低电压穿越能力是风电机组并网特性的重要考核指标之一,该文详细分析了目前风电机组低电压穿越能力测试所依据的标准,就标准中对风电场及风电机组低电压穿越性能的具体要求进行了分项阐述,在此基础上总结了已开展的现场低电压穿越测试中风机发生的种种故障及其原因,证明了同样机型的风电机组测试性能存在差异,而且现场试验证实了风机零部件故障也成为影响风机低电压穿越性能重要因素。 相似文献
Understanding the impact of wave-induced dynamic effects on the aerodynamic performance of Offshore Floating Wind Turbines (OFWTs) is crucial towards developing cost-effective floating wind turbines to harness wind energy in deep water sites. The complexity of the wake of an OFWT has not yet been fully understood. Measurements and numerical simulations are essential. An experiment to investigate the aerodynamics of a model OFWT was undertaken at the University of Malta. Established experimental techniques used to analyse fixed HAWTs were applied and modified for the floating turbine condition. The effects of wave induced motions on the rotor aerodynamic variables were analysed in detail. An open source free-wake vortex code was also used to examine whether certain phenomena observed in the experiments could be reproduced numerically by the lifting line method. Results from hot wire measurements and free-wake vortex simulations have shown that for OFWTs surge-induced torque fluctuations are evident. At high λ a discrepancy in the mean CP between the fixed and floating conditions was found from measurements and numerical simulations. 相似文献
Most numerical and experimental studies of the performance of vertical‐axis wind turbines have been conducted with the rotors in steady, and thus somewhat artificial, wind conditions—with the result that turbine aerodynamics, under varying wind conditions, are still poorly understood. The vorticity transport model has been used to investigate the aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics, both in steady and unsteady wind conditions, of three different vertical‐axis wind turbines: one with a straight‐bladed configuration, another with a curved‐bladed configuration and another with a helically twisted configuration. The turbines with non‐twisted blades are shown to be somewhat less efficient than the turbine with helically twisted blades when the rotors are operated at constant rotational speed in unsteady wind conditions. In steady wind conditions, the power coefficients that are produced by both the straight‐bladed and curved‐bladed turbines vary considerably within one rotor revolution because of the continuously varying angle of attack on the blades and, thus, the inherent unsteadiness in the blade aerodynamic loading. These variations are much larger, and thus far more significant, than those that are induced by the unsteadiness in the wind conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献