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<正>近日,民政部、国家消防救援局联合印发《养老机构消防安全管理规定》(以下简称《规定》),对进一步加强新形势下养老机构消防安全管理工作作出部署,要求各级民政和消防部门将《规定》作为指导养老服务行业消防安全管理的重要依据,认真组织学习贯彻。强调养老机构应当按照建筑、消防等法律法规和强制性标准开展服务活动,具备相关法律法规规定的消防安全条件。  相似文献   

<正>加强景区消防宣传云南迪庆州地处青藏高原南缘,旅游资源丰富。为切实做好景区消防安全工作,近日,当地消防部门发动全州旅行社工作人员,成立13支消防志愿者服务队共200人,深入景区宣传消防安全知识,提升游客消防安全意识,使游客在欣赏迪庆美丽风景的同时自然地接受消防安全知识教育。图为消防人员为消防志愿者及游客讲解旅游消防知识和灭火技能。(和百灵/摄)  相似文献   

经过深入实地调查并结合工作实际,分析了当前社会养老机构存在的消防安全问题和原因,从落实消防安全责任制、整改消防隐患、配齐消防设施等方面,提出了加强社会养老机构消防管理的建议,以避免火灾事故的发生。  相似文献   

<正>5月27日上午,广东省东莞市政府举行贯彻落实《消防法》报告会暨消防安全知识培训大会,市政府直属各部门分管领导,各镇(街道)党政班子成员、各村(社区)书记或主任以及市一级消防安全重点单位负责人共1200多名接受了消防法律法规和消防安全常识、技能的教育培训。消防常识技能成培训重点  相似文献   

2011年7月,为加强社会消防安全教育培训工作,公安部、教育部、民政部等9部门联合制定了《社会消防安全教育培训规定》,通过开展社会消防安全教育培训,增强公民消防安全素质,有效预防和减少火灾危害。目前,上海市公安消防总队为了能够充分发挥消防专业技术干部自身专业特长,62名消防技术干部将在上海市消防学校授课,大大充实上海消防教育培训的师资力量,更好地推动  相似文献   

<正>为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于应急管理和提高养老服务质量的重要指示精神,进一步增强养老服务机构和入住老年人的消防安全意识,提升养老服务机构消防安全管理水平,保障入住老年人的生命财产安全,日前应急管理部、民政部联合下发通知,部署从2019年8月20日至11月30日,在全国养老服务机构开展消防安全集中宣传教育活动。开展消防安全集中宣传。各地消防救  相似文献   

养老机构消防安全问题一直以来深受我国党和国家的高度重视和社会各界的广泛关注。为科学设计养老机构消防安全风险评估指标体系,便于开展养老机构消防安全风险评估,加强其消防安全风险管控,及时整改消除消防安全风险隐患,防微杜渐,防患于未然,预防和减少火灾事故的发生,保障养老机构入住老年人的生命安全和身体健康,文章提出了养老机构消防安全风险评估指标体系设计的系统性、科学性、客观性、全面性、可靠性、实用性、合法性原则,立足于人机环管等风险源辨识方法深入分析了养老机构消防安全风险因素,介绍了将德尔菲法、头脑风暴、DEMATEL、TOPSIS、MATLAB等理论与方法综合运用于养老机构消防安全评估指标体系设计的方法与路径。  相似文献   

吴曼萍 《中国消防》2010,(24):30-31
开展构筑社会消防安全"防火墙"工程、提高社会单位消防安全"四个能力",是有效防控火灾的迫切需要,是社会消防管理创新的具体体现,充分发挥消防技术服务机构在提供消防安全教育培训、参与消防设施检测维修保养、协助社会单位建立消防安全管理秩序、协助社会单位查找和消除火灾隐患、参与社会单位消防值班、开展消防宣传等方面的积极作用,对于解决社会单位在消防安全"四个能力"建设中遇到的困难、在一定程度上缓解消防警力不足等方面的问题具有非常现实的意义。  相似文献   

目的调查养老机构工作人员对新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的知信行现状,为养老机构的疫情防控工作提供参考。方法采用方便取样法,于2020年2月选取我国不同地区养老机构的260名工作人员,采用自行编制的一般情况调查表及《养老机构人员对新型冠状病毒肺炎知信行现状调查表》进行调查。结果共回收有效问卷260份。养老机构工作人员对COVID-19知识、态度、行为得分分别为(24.72±1.88)、(11.77±2.98)、(23.99±1.83)分;多元线性回归分析结果显示,地区、学历是养老机构工作人员对COVID-19知识的影响因素(P<0.05);学历是养老机构工作人员对COVID-19态度的影响因素(P<0.05);工作年限是养老机构工作人员对COVID-19行为的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论养老机构工作人员对COVID-19的知信行水平整体掌握较好,但行为相对较差,建议在疫情防控培训中,重点关注学历低且工作年限低的养老机构人员,从而提高养老机构的防控效果。  相似文献   

<正>消防志愿者点多面广、来源广泛,来自群众、服务群众。他们不断加强消防知识技能的学习和训练,提升自身的消防能力,力求更好地服务群众。开展消防知识技能大比拼为提高消防志愿者业务素质和服务能力,深入推进《全民消防安全宣传教育纲要》实施工作,山西省晋城市北石店镇消防机构广泛发动社会力量开展消防志愿服务活动,营造全社会“关注消防,参与消防,珍爱生命,共创和谐”的浓厚氛围。5  相似文献   

The high risk of fire dieath and injury among elderly people is well documented. To be effective, fire safety education must reach older adults in the settings in which they reside: nursing homes and other long-term care institutions, board and care homes, and independent living facilities including the person's own home. Training must also be targeted at the people who are responsible for fire safety. In the case of the nursing home or board and care home, the responsible people are the staff and owners. In the case of the majority of older adults who live independently in their homes, it is either the individual or family members. These programs must also be comprehensive.A fire safety education curriculum was developed by a group of experts in a variety of related fields including fire safety, gerontology, health care industry, developmental disabilities, research, and instructional design. Older adults were included in each planning session. Based on that curriculum, workshops and workshop materials were developed for each of the three target populations: staff of health care facilities, staff and owners of board and care homes, and elderly people living independently in their homes. Materials included both print and audiovisuals. A pilot test of each workshop was conducted to test the short-term effects of the programs.Results indicated significant gains in knowledge for all groups and a significant improvement in positive attitudes toward fire safety for most participants. Measures of effects of the programs on intentions to change fire safety practices indicated a potential for change. Results also showed that the measured traits, knowledge of fire safety and attitudes toward fire safety, were relatively stable.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effectiveness of three training procedures (elaborative rehearsal, rehearsal-plus, and behavioral rehearsal) in producing children's acquisition and maintenance of fire safety skills, as well as knowledge of fire safety skills. In addition, reduction of fire-related fears was targeted. Fifty-two randomly assigned second- and third-grade children served as subjects. The children were assessed before, immediately following, and three months after their training. The three training groups demonstrated significantly greater behavioral performance gains than an untrained control group at post-test. However, treatment gains did not persist at follow-up. Regarding knowledge, the elaborative rehearsal group reported significantly more knowledge of skills than rehearsal-plus, behavioral rehearsal, and untrained control groups at post-test. At follow-up, elaborative rehearsal and rehearsal-plus groups reported significantly more knowledge of skills than behavioral rehearsal and untrained control groups. Finally, no differences were found among groups concerning fear at post-test and follow-up.  相似文献   

The sociodemographic inequalities in the ownership of residential fire safety equipment, fire prevention practices and fire protection knowledge was studied using an inductive and data-driven approach based on the responses to a national Swedish survey containing individual-level data on several dimensions of home fire safety practices (n = 7507). Cluster analysis was used to summarise home fire safety data and sociodemographic characteristics of the sample were then regressed on the data ordinal regression analysis. The results showed significant correlations between the level of fire protection and a range of factors (sex, age, family composition, income, housing type and country of birth), suggesting a positive effect of socioeconomic success. Further, the results imply that having experienced a residential fire has a positive impact on future fire protection practices, and that higher levels of fire protection interest increases the probability of having a functional smoke detector.  相似文献   

王宇亮 《今日消防》2022,7(1):133-135
目前,消防安全工作中面临着复杂的形势与艰巨的救援任务,消防救援人员不断克服消防安全工作的难题。在灭火救援中,消防救援人员的反应能力是非常重要的。消防安全工作作为应急管理局重要的工作内容之一,在救援中发挥着重要的作用,可以有效应对消防安全工作以及处理安全突发事件,保障人们的生命财产安全。战训工作可以有效提高消防救援人员的整体作战能力,从而提升灭火救援效能。文章从战训工作中出现的问题着手,探究了加强消防战训工作、提升灭火救援效能的有效措施。  相似文献   

Fifty-six fourth-grade children participated in this study to assess three training procedures for relative effectiveness in acquiring fire emergency skills and attaining knowledge. The first training approach was behavioral, the second used animated graphics, and the third used still graphics. Each of the training groups was compared to a control group that received no treatment. Performance on dependent measures was assessed before and immediately after training. It was hypothesized that the behavioral and animated-graphics conditions would produce the greatest level of skill and knowledge acquisition. Results demonstrated a significantly higher level of fire emergency skill acquisition and knowledge attainment for both the behavioral and animated-graphics groups relative to the still-graphics group and the control group, which had no training. The value of using computer-mediated strategies for fire-safety skills training was demonstrated.  相似文献   

2008年公安部下发了《关于进一步推行消防行业特有工种职业技能鉴定工作的通知》,就消防从业人员开展职业技能鉴定、推行职业资格证书制度做出了具体要求。消防职业技能培训是进一步推动消防职业资格制度持续、快速、健康和协调发展的重要环节。培训社会认可的社会消防安全服务人员需要高素质的教师队伍、科学有效的培训教学方法。围绕如何提高社会消防职业技能培训质量,提出了加强教师队伍建设,创新培训教学模式,构建教学评价体系的思路。  相似文献   

针对油气储存等危险化学品行业隐患排查及应急处置训练难题,提出了基于 VR 技术的油库隐患排查及应急演练培训系统。该系统利用 VR 开发引擎,运用 3D Max、Unity 3D、Visual Studio 等开发工具完成对油库环境及其作业场景的三维建模与可视化,并利用高保真可编程渲染管线技术达到高度逼真的画面效果,实现了具有真实感的油库三维环境漫游、知识学习、隐患排查训练以及典型火灾事故应急处置演练等各个应用场景的动态仿真。应用结果表明,该系统可有效提高油库隐患排查及应急演练培训水平。  相似文献   

以新媒体为切入点开展问卷调查,结合线上-线下科普试点,总结了消防科普新媒体运营策略,分析了中小学家庭消防安全现状,探索了辐射交互型消防科普模式。问卷调查结果显示,通过图文及视频形式科普与生活相关的消防知识最受用户喜爱,与专业机构合作能够有效提升科普成效。层次分析结果表明,中小学家庭消防安全现状仍有待提高,对于消防安全的高期望与未付诸行动的现状形成主要矛盾,学校被家长寄予消防教育的厚望。本研究将校园科普活动与新媒体相结合,实践证明该模式能够有效提高新媒体平台的关注度和点击量,实现全家学习的辐射型科普效果,推动建设“人人想科普、敢科普、会科普”的消防科普环境。  相似文献   

抗击新冠病毒最有效的方法之一是居家隔离。但是我国住宅火灾一直居高不下,如果住宅火灾消防安全不到位,将会对“抗疫”这场特殊战斗构成非常不利的因素。文章分析了住宅建筑火灾特点,对住宅建筑应对居家隔离消防安全方面存在的问题进行调研,探讨了现行消防规范对住宅建筑的适用性问题,从避难间、感烟报警器、电气火灾监控器、装修材料等方面提出加强和改进的措施,对加强消防安全网格化管理和消防宣传教育培训、提高住宅小区火灾防控能力等提出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of contemporary sociological issues in fire safety. The most obviously social aspects of fire safety—those that relate to the socioeconomic distribution of fire casualties and damage—are discussed first. The means that society uses to mitigate fire risks through regulation are treated next; focusing on the shift towards fire engineered solutions and the particular challenges this poses for the social distribution and communication of fire safety knowledge and expertise. Finally, the social construction of fire safety knowledge is discussed, raising questions about whether the confidence in the application of this knowledge by the full range of participants in the fire safety design and approvals process is always justified, given the specific assumptions involved in both the production of the knowledge and its extension to applications significantly removed from the original knowledge production; and the requisite competence that is therefore needed to apply this knowledge. The overarching objective is to argue that the fire safety professions ought to be more reflexive and informed about the nature of the knowledge and expertise that they develop and apply, and to suggest that fire safety scientists and engineers ought to actively collaborate with social scientists in research designed to study the way people interact with fire safety technology.  相似文献   

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