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应用传热学原理建立了高炉炉墙温度场数学模型,应用数值模拟方法分析了冷却水管直径和间距、冷却水管至冷却壁热面的距离,镶砖导热系数、镶砖厚度和面积,炉衬厚度,渣铁凝固层厚度及对流换热系数对炉墙热负荷的影响.结果认为,降低炉墙热阻是增大炉墙热负荷的重要途径. 相似文献
间歇式炉炉墙传热的数学模拟 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文利用有限差分法和平均温度法计算了间隙式炉炉墙的温度分布,蓄热量及表面散热量。用上述两种方法对一层、二层、三层炉墙进行的计算表明:按平均温度法计算的蓄热量,由于没有考虑到炉墙内温度分布的非线性,比有限差分法计算的蓄热量要低;炉墙层数越多,两种方法计算的结果越接近;多层炉墙的各层有一个最佳厚度比例,使热损失(包括蓄热量和表面散热量)最小。 相似文献
The capability of cooling staves is crucial for a long campaign life of blast furnaces (BF). Transient heat transfer analysis of blast furnace cooling staves made of copper, cast steel, and ductile cast iron are performed. Moreover, the temperature field variations of cooling staves according to different distributions of gas flow temperature are studied. A discussion of cooling staves made of the three different materials is given based on their performance during the transient heat transfer process. The results indicate that copper staves are suited for a long campaign life, as their performance is much better compared to cast steel and ductile cast iron staves especially during unsteady heat transfer. Moreover, the capacity of staves made of cast steel is better than that of ductile cast iron. 相似文献
冷却壁安全工作是保证高炉长寿的基础。通过设计并建造冷却壁热态实验炉,研究了高炉铸铁冷却壁热面无渣皮和有渣皮时的非稳态传热过程,考察了不同炉气温度条件下冷却壁热电偶温度的变化规律。回归得到了炉气在升温阶段、稳定阶段、降温阶段时冷却壁热电偶温度随时间的变化关系式。计算得出了冷却壁热面在有无渣皮条件下的平均热流强度,回归得出了炉气平均对流换热系数随炉温的变化关系。结果表明,冷却壁热面在有渣皮时热电偶温度的变化速率显著低于无渣皮时的变化速率,冷却壁破损的主要原因是冷却壁温度的反复变化和渣皮的频繁脱落而产生的热应力。 相似文献
宝钢集团八钢公司A高炉使用砖壁合一的薄壁内衬结构。针对薄壁炉型的特点,对原料强化管理,对上下部调剂,优化布料模式,合理的分布煤气流,完善对热负荷的管理,针对A高炉冷却系统自身结构特点,合理调整冷却参数,高炉从开炉至今,取得了较为理想的技术参数指标。 相似文献
Monitoring Method for Blast Furnace Wall With Copper Staves 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
A monitoring method that has been designed for the first time for blast furnace wall with copper staves manufactured in China was introduced. Combining the method of “inverse problem” and the concept “non inverse problem”, the monitoring program for blast furnace wall with copper staves has been realized, which can be used to calculate online the accretion thickness and temperature of hot surface of copper staves after obtaining the values of thermocouples of copper staves. The accretion state obtained in the actual investigation has proved that the result of the program is correct. The monitoring program shows that the accretion would easily fluctuate when the accretion layer is extremely thick or thin, thereby the stable and smooth operation of the blast furnace is hindered. By maintaining appropriate accretion thickness, both long campaigns and high productivity of the blast furnace can be achieved; furthermore, it can also optimize the operation of blast furnace and maximize its production. Approximately 30-50 mm in thickness of accretion layer is maintained on the wall of Shougang blast furnace 2, which can meet the requirement for obtaining both long campaign and high productivity. 相似文献